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Created December 12, 2016 05:25
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nuget パッケージ2万件分(名前検討用)
PM> Get-Package -ListAvailable -PageSize 10000
Id Versions Description
-- -------- -----------
Newtonsoft.Json {9.0.1} Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
EntityFramework {6.1.3} Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
NUnit {3.5.0} NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .NET languages with a strong TDD focus.
jQuery {3.1.1} jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....
bootstrap {3.3.7} Bootstrap framework in CSS. Includes fonts and JavaScript
AutoMapper {5.2.0} A convention-based object-object mapper
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc {5.2.3} This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET MVC.
log4net {2.0.5} The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets.
angularjs {1.6.0} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!
NUnit.Runners {3.5.0} Deprecated NUnit 3 console runner - use NUnit.Console or NUnit.ConsoleRunner.
NLog {4.3.11} NLog - Advanced .NET and Silverlight Logging
Moq {4.5.29} Moq is the most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi {5.2.3} This package contains everything you need to host ASP.NET Web API on IIS.
Redis-64 {3.0.503} A porting of Redis on Windows 64-bit. ...
asprise-ocr-api {15.3.1} The most downloaded OCR component on NuGet, Asprise OCR SDK offers a royalty free API library for extracting te...
jQuery.UI.Combined {1.12.1} The full jQuery UI library as a single combined file. Includes the base theme.
Microsoft.Net.Http {2.2.29} This package provides a programming interface for modern HTTP/REST based applications.
AngularJS.Core {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
jQuery.Validation {1.16.0} This jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation trivial, while offering lots of option for customiza...
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization {1.1.3} ASP.NET Optimization introduces a way to bundle and optimize CSS and JavaScript files.
Selenium.WebDriver {3.0.1} .NET bindings for the Selenium WebDriver API
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client {5.2.3} This package adds support for formatting and content negotiation to System.Net.Http.
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb {3.0.1} OWIN server that enables OWIN-based applications to run on IIS using the ASP.NET request pipeline.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages {3.2.3} This package contains core runtime assemblies shared between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Pages.
HtmlAgilityPack {} This is an agile HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and supports plain XPATH or XSLT (you actually don't ...
WebGrease {1.6.0} Web Grease is a suite of tools for optimizing javascript, css files and images.
AjaxControlToolkit {16.1.1} Build AJAX applications in Web Forms using more than 40 controls in AjaxControlToolkit.
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Entity... {2.2.1} ASP.NET Identity providers that use Entity Framework.
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR {2.2.1} Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET....
Antlr {} ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizer...
NuGet.Core {2.12.0} NuGet.Core is the core framework assembly for NuGet that the rest of NuGet builds upon.
iTextSharp {5.5.10} iTextSharp is a port of the iText open source java library for PDF generation written entirely in C# for the .N...
MySql.Data {6.9.9} ADO.Net driver for MySQL
System.Data.SQLite {1.0.103} The official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider. This package include...
Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Ajax {3.2.3} jQuery plugin that unobtrusively sets up jQuery Ajax.
Selenium.Support {3.0.1} Support classes for the .NET bindings of the Selenium WebDriver API
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core {5.2.3} This package contains the core runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web API.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost {5.2.3} This package contains everything you need to host ASP.NET Web API on IIS.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors {5.2.3} This package contains the components to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in ASP.NET Web API.
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess {12.1.24160719} The official Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver for Oracle Database.
RestSharp {105.2.3} Simple REST and HTTP API Client
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin {2.2.1} Owin implementation for ASP.NET Identity.
NLog.Config {4.3.11} Configuration file for NLog.
Microsoft.Owin {3.0.1} Provides a set of helper types and abstractions for simplifying the creation of OWIN components.
Unity {4.0.1} The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for...
Modernizr {2.8.3} Modernizr is a small and simple JavaScript library that helps you take advantage of emerging web technologies (...
Dapper {1.50.2} A high performance Micro-ORM
Microsoft.AspNet.Razor {3.2.3} This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages.
Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Val... {3.2.3} jQuery plugin that unobtrusively sets up jQuery.Validation.
MySql.Data.Entity {6.9.9} Entity Framework 6.0 supported
Twitter.Bootstrap {} Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc....
Microsoft.Owin.Security {3.0.1} Common types which are shared by the various authentication middleware components.
WindowsAzure.Storage {7.2.1} A client library for working with Microsoft Azure storage services including blobs, files, tables, and queues.
knockoutjs {3.4.0} A JavaScript MVVM library to help you create rich, dynamic user interfaces with clean maintainable code
PagedList.Mvc {4.5.0} Asp.Net MVC HtmlHelper method for generating paging control for use with PagedList library.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to support any standard OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Npgsql {3.1.9} Npgsql
EPPlus {4.1.0} A library to manage Excel spreadsheets, using OOXML.
Microsoft.Bcl {1.1.10} Adds support for types added in later versions of .NET when targeting previous versions.
FAKE {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
Ninject {3.2.2} IoC container for .NET
Angular.UI.Bootstrap {2.3.1} Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap. Small footprint (5kB gzipped!), no 3rd party JS dependenci...
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to use cookie based authentication, similar to ASP.NET's forms authentic...
WindowsAzure.ServiceBus {3.4.3} Client library for Microsoft Azure Service Bus Queues, Topics, EventHub and Relay backend operations.
Microsoft.Net.Compilers {1.3.2} .Net Compilers package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the specific version ...
AngularJS.Route {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
Microsoft.Bcl.Build {1.0.21} Provides build infrastructure components for Microsoft packages.
NUnitTestAdapter {2.0.0} A package including the NUnit TestAdapter for Visual Studio 2012/13/15. With this package you don't need to in...
NPOI {2.2.1} This project is the .NET version of POI from Apache Foundation. NPOI can read and write xls (Excel 97-2003), xl...
CsvHelper {2.16.3} A library for reading and writing CSV files. Extremely fast, flexible, and easy to use. Supports reading and wr...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin {5.2.3} This package allows you to host ASP.NET Web API within an OWIN server and provides access to additional OWIN fe...
Microsoft.CSharp {4.3.0} Provides support for compilation and code generation, including dynamic, using the C# language....
Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver {2.26.0} Selenium Google Chrome Driver (Win32) (does not make your source repository to fat.)
protobuf-net {2.1.0} Provides simple access to fast and efficient "Protocol Buffers" serialization from .NET applications
NUnit.Console {3.5.0} Console runner for the NUnit 3 unit-testing framework with selected extensions.
Microsoft.Owin.Cors {3.0.1} This package contains the components to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in OWIN middleware.
Microsoft.Data.OData {5.8.1} Classes to serialize, deserialize and validate OData JSON payloads.
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights {2.2.0} Application Insights Core API. This package provides core functionality for transmission of all Application Ins...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web {2.2.0} Application Insights for .NET web applications.
DocumentFormat.OpenXml {2.5.0} Unofficial packaging of Microsoft's OpenXML SDK 2.5
DotNetZip {1.10.1} A library for dealing with zip, bzip and zlib from .Net
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core {2.2.1} Core interfaces for ASP.NET Identity.
Autofac {4.2.1} Core assembly for the Autofac Inversion of Control container.
WebActivatorEx {2.2.0} A package that allows other packages to execute some startup code in web apps. This package should be used over...
MongoDB.Driver {2.4.0} Official .NET driver for MongoDB.
OpenCover {4.6.519} An open source code coverage tool (branch and sequence point) for all .NET Frameworks 2 and above. Also capable...
Extended.Wpf.Toolkit {2.9.0} Extended WPF Toolkit is the number one collection of WPF controls for creating next-gen Windows apps. Community...
MahApps.Metro {1.3.0} The goal of MahApps.Metro is to allow devs to quickly and easily cobble together a "Metro" or "Modern UI" for t...
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.... {3.13.8} This package contains the binaries of the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL). ADAL provides easy to...
Respond {1.4.2} A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact {6.1.3} Allows SQL Server Compact 4.0 to be used with Entity Framework.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData {5.7.0} This package contains everything you need to create OData endpoints using ASP.NET Web API.
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityF... {12.1.2400} The ODP.NET, Managed Driver Entity Framework package for EF 6 applications.
Quartz {2.4.1} Quartz.NET Scheduling Framework for .NET Platform
System.Net.Http {4.3.0} Provides a programming interface for modern HTTP applications, including HTTP client components that allow appl...
FontAwesome {4.7.0} Font Awesome for Twitter Bootstrap -
Moment.js {2.17.1} A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates.
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client {2.2.1} .NET client for ASP.NET SignalR.
Twilio {4.7.2} Twilio REST API helper library
Microsoft.Data.Edm {5.8.1} Classes to represent, construct, parse, serialize and validate entity data models. Targets .NET 4.0, Silverligh...
NHibernate {} NHibernate is a mature, open source object-relational mapper for the .NET framework. It is actively developed, ...
elmah {1.2.2} ELMAH with initial configuration for getting started quickly. ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an ...
PostSharp {4.3.24} The #1 pattern-aware extension to C# and VB. Allows developers to eradicate boilerplate by offloading repeating...
Sendgrid {8.0.5} C# client library and examples for using SendGrid API's to send mail and access Web API v3 endpoints.
StackExchange.Redis {1.1.608} Redis client library
ClosedXML {0.85.0} ClosedXML makes it easier for developers to create Excel 2007/2010/2013 files. It provides a nice object orient...
SharpZipLib {0.86.0} #ziplib (SharpZipLib, formerly NZipLib) is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .N...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage {5.2.3} The ASP.NET Web API Help Page automatically generates help page content for the web APIs on your site.
System.Spatial {5.8.1} Contains classes and methods that facilitate geography and geometry spatial operations. Targets .NET 4.0, Silve...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configura... {3.2.3} Microsoft Azure Configuration Manager provides a unified API to load configuration settings regardless of where...
Cake {0.17.0} Cake (C# Make) is a build automation system with a C# DSL to do things like compiling code, copy files/folders,...
Owin {1.0.0} OWIN IAppBuilder startup interface
OctoPack {3.4.6} Build Octopus Deploy-compatible NuGet packages from your projects.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google {3.0.1} Contains middlewares to support Google's OpenId and OAuth 2.0 authentication workflows.
ExcelDataReader {} Lightweight and fast library written in C# for reading Microsoft Excel files ('97-2007).
Serilog {2.3.0} Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
Swashbuckle {5.5.3} Combines ApiExplorer and Swagger/swagger-ui to provide a rich discovery, documentation and playground experienc...
SpecFlow {2.1.0} SpecFlow aims at bridging the communication gap between domain experts and developers by binding business reada...
jquery.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.1.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jquery. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 2c65d...
Topshelf {4.0.3} Topshelf Service Library
System.Data.SQLite.Core {1.0.103} The official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider.
MvvmLight {5.3.0} The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to get started in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern...
CefSharp.WinForms {53.0.0} The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component (WinForms control).
FluentAssertions {4.18.0} Fluent methods for asserting the result of TDD/BDD specs for .NET 4.0/4.5 (Desktop and Windows Store), CoreCLR,...
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt {5.1.0} Includes types that provide support for creating, serializing and validating JWT tokens.
Google.Apis {1.19.0} The Google APIs Client Library is a runtime client for working with Google services....
Common.Logging {3.3.1} Common.Logging library introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation...
Bootstrap.Datepicker {1.6.4} Add datepicker picker to field or to any other element.
Ninject.Web.Common {3.2.3} Bootstrapper for web projects
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.FixedDispla... {5.0.0} The previous version of this package contained a workaround for a bug affecting mobile view caching in ASP.NET ...
System.Data.SQLite.EF6 {1.0.103} Support for Entity Framework 6 using System.Data.SQLite.
System.Linq.Dynamic {1.0.7} This is the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality.
Xamarin.Forms {} Build native UIs for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone from a single, shared C# codebase
Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure {1.0.0} This package contains the Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure assembly that lets you dynamically register HTTP modules...
Bootstrap.v3.Datetimepicker {4.17.43} A date/time picker component designed to work with Bootstrap 3 and Momentjs....
AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery {3.1.1} This package contains the AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery assembly that will automatically register jQuery 3.1.1 w...
RazorEngine {3.9.3} Simple templating using Razor syntax.
xunit.runner.console {2.1.0} Console runner for the framework. Capable of running v1.9.2 and v2.0+ tests.
UmbracoCms {7.5.6} Installs Umbraco Cms in your Visual Studio ASP.NET project
DotNetOpenAuth.Core {} Shared library implementing the messaging pipeline used by auxiliary DotNetOpenAuth libraries.
Ninject.MVC5 {3.2.1} Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC5
xunit {2.1.0} is a developer testing framework, built to support Test Driven Development, with a design goal of ext...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OwinSelf... {5.2.3} This package allows you to host ASP.NET Web API within your own process using the OWIN HttpListener server.
NuGet.Server {2.11.2} Web Application used to host a simple NuGet feed
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to support Facebook's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet {} Allow your web visitors to log into your web site using accounts they already have with popular services.
xunit.runners {2.0.0} NOTE: This empty package exists to assist users upgrading from v1.x to v2.x.
PdfSharp {1.32.3057} A .NET library for processing PDF....
Microsoft.Bcl.Async {1.0.168} Enables usage of the 'async' and 'await' keywords from projects targeting .NET Framework 4 (with KB2468871), Si...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers {3.2.3} This package contains web helpers to easily add functionality to your site such as Captcha validation, Twitter ...
Castle.Core {3.3.3} Castle Project Core, including DynamicProxy, Logging Abstractions and DictionaryAdapter
MathNet.Numerics {3.13.1} Math.NET Numerics, providing methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and ever...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel {15.0.4795.1000} This the assembly necessary to do Office 2013 Excel interop
angularjs.TypeScript.DefinitelyT... {6.5.6} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angularjs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e4...
OpenCV {2.4.10} OpenCV is a library of programming functions for realtime computer vision.
MvvmLightLibs {5.3.0} The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to get started in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern...
CommonServiceLocator {1.3.0} The Common Service Locator library contains a shared interface for service location which application and frame...
AngularJS.Animate {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
Unity.Mvc {4.0.1} This package is a Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET MVC
Autofac.Mvc5 {4.0.0} Provides an IDependencyResolver implementation and other integration points for System.Web.Mvc.
jquery.datatables {1.10.12} DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundat...
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core {2.2.1} Core server components for ASP.NET SignalR.
EnterpriseLibrary.Data {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block simplifies the development of tasks that implement common ...
Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices {2.2.0} Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Data {3.2.3} This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages.
Bootstrap.v3.Datetimepicker.CSS {4.17.43} A date/time picker component designed to work with Bootstrap 3 and Momentjs....
ServiceStack.Redis {4.5.4} C# Redis Client for the worlds fastest distributed NoSQL datastore. ...
mongocsharpdriver {2.4.0} This package contains the legacy driver. The new driver's package name is MongoDB.Driver.
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.JS {2.2.1} JavaScript client for ASP.NET SignalR.
Selenium.WebDriver.IEDriver {} Selenium Internet Explorer Driver (Win32) (this package does not make your source repository to fat.)
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to support Twitter's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
LinqKit {1.1.8} LinqKit.EntityFramework is a free set of extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework power users. Include(....
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Microsof... {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to support the Microsoft Account authentication workflow.
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.Core {2.0.0} ASP.NET Universal Providers extend SQL support in ASP.NET 4 to all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to...
SSH.NET {2016.0.0} A Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET, optimized for parallelism.
Microsoft.AspNet.Cors {5.2.3} This package contains the core components to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in ASP.NET.
ReportGenerator {2.5.1} ReportGenerator converts XML reports generated by OpenCover, PartCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, or Cob...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.OAuth {3.2.3} This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages.
Facebook {7.0.6} The Facebook SDK for .NET helps developers build web, desktop, phone and Windows Store applications that integr...
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.SystemWeb {2.2.1} Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET....
NEST {2.5.0} Strongly typed interface to Elasticsearch. Fluent and classic object initializer mappings of requests and respo...
SpecFlow.NUnit {2.1.0} Combined package to setup SpecFlow with NUnit v2.6+ easily. For running tests with NUnit runners, use SpecFlow....
NUnit3TestAdapter {3.6.0} NUnit 3 adapter for running tests in Visual Studio. Works with NUnit 3.x, use the NUnit 2 adapter for 2.x tests.
NuGet.CommandLine {3.4.3} NuGet Command Line Tool
MySQL.Data.Entities {6.8.3} Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL. Entity Framework 6.0 support package (Mysql.Data.Ent...
Microsoft.AspNet.OData {6.0.0} This package contains everything you need to create OData v4.0 endpoints using ASP.NET Web API.
Grid.Mvc {3.0.0} Package provides functionality to build GridView based on your model items collection. Grid.Mvc support sorting...
OctopusTools {4.2.4} Create, deploy and promote releases using Octopus Deploy.
RabbitMQ.Client {4.1.1} The RabbitMQ .NET client is the official client library for C#. Supports .NET Core and .NET 4.5.1+.
Telegram.Bot {10.4.0} Telegram Bot API Class Library
AngularJS.Resource {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost {5.2.3} This is a legacy package for hosting ASP.NET Web API within your own process (outside of IIS).
FluentValidation {6.2.1} A validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface to construct strongly-typed validation rules.
Microsoft.Owin.Hosting {3.0.1} Provides default infrastructure types for hosting and running OWIN-based applications.
HangFire {1.6.7} An easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Ser...
structuremap {4.4.2} The Original IoC Container for .Net
sqlite-net {1.0.8} A .NET client library to access SQLite embedded database files in a LINQ manner.
Ninject.MVC3 {3.2.1} Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC3
FluentNHibernate {2.0.3} Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based mappings for NHibernate.
MySql.Web {6.9.9} ADO.Net driver for MySQL
xunit.runner.visualstudio {2.1.0} Visual Studio 2012+ Test Explorer runner for the framework. Capable of running v1.9.2 and v...
LinqToExcel {1.10.1} Easily retrieve data from spreadsheets and csv files by using LINQ
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.... {1.0.0} CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Unity.WebAPI {5.2.3} Unity.WebAPI allows the simple Integration of the Unity IoC container with ASP.NET Web API.
Npm.js {2.13.1} a package manager for node....
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingParty {} Add OpenID 1.1/2.0 Relying Party authentication functionality to a web application programmatically.
NuGet.VisualStudio {3.3.0} APIs for invoking NuGet services in Visual Studio.
itextsharp.xmlworker {5.5.10} This tool parses (X)HTML snippets and the associated CSS and converts them to PDF.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.WebData {3.2.3} This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages.
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Core {} Common functionality required to implement an OpenID Provider or Relying Party.
Octopus.Client {4.2.4} Octopus Deploy is a user-friendly automated deployment tool for .NET developers....
MahApps.Metro.Resources {0.6.1} "loose" file XAML Resource for Metro UI's....
GitVersion.CommandLine {3.6.5} Derives SemVer information from a repository following GitFlow or GitHubFlow.
SimpleInjector {3.3.2} Simple Injector is an easy-to-use Dependency Injection (DI) library for .NET 4+ that supports Silverlight 4+, W...
WebDriverChromeDriver {2.10.0} WebDriver for Google Chrome
AWSSDK {} This is the previous version 2 generation of the AWS SDK for .NET. The new version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET us...
ServiceStack.Text {4.5.4} .NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers
PagedList {1.17.0} PagedList makes it easier for .Net developers to write paging code. It allows you to take any IEnumerable(T) an...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Tracing {5.2.3} Enables ASP.NET Web API tracing using System.Diagnostics.
React.Web.Mvc4 {3.0.0} ReactJS and Babel tools for ASP.NET MVC 4 and 5
EntityFramework.Extended {} Entity Framework extensions library.
WinSCP {5.9.3} The WinSCP .NET assembly is a .NET wrapper around WinSCP’s scripting interface.
Elmah.MVC {2.1.2} Painless integration of ELMAH functionality into ASP.NET MVC Application. Just drop the package inside your ASP...
Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener {3.0.1} OWIN server built on the .NET Framework's HttpListener class. Currently the default server used for self-hosting.
Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime {2.3.4} Provides HttpClient infrastructure for clients generated by AutoRest.
AWSSDK.S3 {} Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, highly-scalab...
Angular.UI.UI-Router {0.3.1} AngularUI Router is a routing framework for AngularJS, which allows you to organize the parts of your interface...
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers {2.0.0} ASP.NET Universal Providers extend SQL support in ASP.NET 4 to all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to...
EnterpriseLibrary.Logging {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Logging Application Block simplifies logging to various destinations (file, database, ev...
font-awesome {4.7.0} Font Awesome - The iconic font designed for Bootstrap
Twitter.Bootstrap.Less {3.3.6} Code and documentation copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc. Code released under the MIT license. Docs released und...
SpecRun.SpecFlow {1.5.2} SpecRun - a smarter integration test runner for SpecFlow. Check the details on the website.
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Owin {1.2.2} OWIN componenets for ASP.NET SignalR.
Oracle.DataAccess.x86 {2.112.1} This NuGet package contains Oracle.DataAccess.dll (x86) needed to compile a project that uses Oracle's ODP.NET ...
Rotativa {1.6.4} Extremely easy way to print Pdf in Aspnet Mvc
Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies {} Core assemblies required to develop managed code applications that can access the Microsoft Dynamics 365 web se...
Microsoft.Data.Services.Client {5.8.1} LINQ-enabled client API for issuing OData queries and consuming OData payloads. Supports OData v3. Targets .NET...
Selenium.WebDriverBackedSelenium {3.0.1} Implementation of the Selenium Remote Control (RC) API, using WebDriver technology
CrystalDecisions.Shared {1.0.0} CrystalDecisions.Shared
Whatsapp.NET {1.2.2} WhatsApp Api for .NET
ServiceStack {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Consumer {} Add the role of an OAuth 1.0(a) consumer to a .NET (web) application.
jquery-globalize {1.1.2} A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data.
System.Runtime {4.3.0} Provides the fundamental primitives, classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference dat...
System.Reflection {4.3.0} Provides types that retrieve information about assemblies, modules, members, parameters, and other entities in ...
System.IO {4.3.0} Provides base input and output (I/O) types, including System.IO.Stream, System.IO.StreamReader and System.IO.St...
System.Threading.Tasks {4.3.0} Provides types that simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code....
System.Text.Encoding {4.3.0} Provides base abstract encoding classes for converting blocks of characters to and from blocks of bytes....
System.Threading {4.3.0} Provides the fundamental synchronization primitives, including System.Threading.Monitor and System.Threading.Mu...
System.Runtime.Extensions {4.3.0} Provides commonly-used classes for performing mathematical functions, conversions, string comparisons and query...
System.Diagnostics.Debug {4.3.0} Provides classes and attributes that allows basic interaction with a debugger....
System.Globalization {4.3.0} Provides classes that define culture-related information, including language, country/region, calendars in use,...
System.Collections {4.3.0} Provides classes that define generic collections, which allow developers to create strongly typed collections t...
System.Runtime.InteropServices {4.3.0} Provides types that support COM interop and platform invoke services....
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions {4.3.0} Provides support for specific encodings, including ASCII, UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32....
System.Diagnostics.Tracing {4.3.0} Provides class that enable you to create high performance tracing events to be captured by event tracing for Wi...
System.Text.RegularExpressions {4.3.0} Provides the System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class, an implementation of a regular expression engine....
System.Linq.Expressions {4.3.0} Provides classes, interfaces and enumerations that enable language-level code expressions to be represented as ...
System.Resources.ResourceManager {4.3.0} Provides classes and attributes that allow developers to create, store, and manage various culture-specific res...
System.Linq {4.3.0} Provides classes and interfaces that supports queries that use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)....
System.Net.Primitives {4.3.0} Provides common types for network-based libraries, including System.Net.IPAddress, System.Net.IPEndPoint, and S...
System.Collections.Concurrent {4.3.0} Provides several thread-safe collection classes that should be used in place of the corresponding types in the ...
System.ObjectModel {4.3.0} Provides types and interfaces that allow the creation of observable types that provide notifications to clients...
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives {4.3.0} Provides common enumerations and exceptions for path-based I/O libraries....
System.IO.FileSystem {4.3.0} Provides types that allow reading and writing to files and types that provide basic file and directory support....
System.Reflection.Extensions {4.3.0} Provides custom attribute extension methods for System.Reflection types....
System.Reflection.Primitives {4.3.0} Provides common enumerations for reflection-based libraries....
System.Diagnostics.Tools {4.3.0} Provides attributes, such as GeneratedCodeAttribute and SuppresMessageAttribute, that are emitted or consumed b...
System.Runtime.Handles {4.3.0} Provides base classes, including System.Runtime.InteropServices.CriticalHandle and System.Runtime.InteropServic...
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions {4.3.0} Provides extensions methods for System.Type that are designed to be source-compatible with older framework refl...
System.Xml.ReaderWriter {4.3.0} Provides provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way to read and write Extensible Markup Language (XML) data....
System.Collections.Immutable {1.3.0} This package provides collections that are thread safe and guaranteed to never change their contents, also know...
System.Reflection.Metadata {1.4.1} This packages provides a low-level .NET (ECMA-335) metadata reader. It's geared for performance and is the idea...
System.Dynamic.Runtime {4.3.0} Provides classes and interfaces that support the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)....
System.ComponentModel {4.3.0} Provides interfaces for the editing and change tracking of objects used as data sources....
System.Security.Principal {4.3.0} Provides the base interfaces for principal and identity objects that represents the security context under whic...
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives {4.3.0} Provides common types for Win32-based libraries....
System.Security.Claims {4.3.0} Provides classes that implement claims-based identity in the .NET Framework, including classes that represent c...
System.Xml.XDocument {4.3.0} Provides the classes for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) to Extensible Markup Language (XML). LINQ to XML is a...
System.Threading.Timer {4.3.0} Provides the System.Threading.Timer class, which is a mechanism for executing a method at specified intervals....
System.Collections.NonGeneric {4.3.0} Provides classes that define older non-generic collections of objects, such as lists, queues, hash tables and d...
System.Diagnostics.Contracts {4.3.0} Provides static classes for representing program contracts such as preconditions, postconditions, and invariant...
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight {4.3.0} Provides the System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod class, which represents a dynamic method that can be compiled...
System.Globalization.Calendars {4.3.0} Provides classes for performing date calculations using specific calendars, including the Gregorian, Julian, Hi...
System.Threading.Overlapped {4.3.0} Provides common types for interacting with asynchronous (or overlapped) input and output (I/O)....
System.Reflection.Emit {4.3.0} Provides classes that allow a compiler or tool to emit metadata and optionally generate a PE file on disk. The ...
System.Runtime.Numerics {4.3.0} Provides the numeric types System.Numerics.BigInteger and System.Numerics.Complex, which complement the numeric...
System.Globalization.Extensions {4.3.0} Provides classes for performing Unicode string normalization, culture-specific string comparisons and support t...
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration {4.3.0} Provides classes that allow a compiler or tool to emit Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL). The primary clie...
System.IO.Compression {4.3.0} Provides classes that support the compression and decompression of streams....
System.Private.Uri {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides ...
System.AppContext {4.3.0} Provides the System.AppContext class, which allows access to the BaseDirectory property and other application s...
System.Security.Cryptography.Pri... {4.3.0} Provides common types for the cryptographic libraries....
Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotN... {1.0.2} Replacement CodeDOM providers that use the new .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") compiler as a service APIs.
System.Numerics.Vectors {4.3.0} Provides hardware-accelerated numeric types, suitable for high-performance processing and graphics applications...
System.Security.Cryptography.X50... {4.3.0} Provides types for reading, exporting and verifying Authenticode X.509 v3 certificates. These certificates are ...
System.Console {4.3.0} Provides the System.Console class, which represents the standard input, output and error streams for console ap...
System.Security.Cryptography.Enc... {4.3.0} Provides types for representing Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded data....
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for C#, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll....
System.Threading.Thread {4.3.0} Provides the System.Threading.Thread class, which allows developers to create and control a thread, set its pri...
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common {1.3.2} A shared package used by the Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn").
Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers {1.1.0} HTTP header parser implementations.
System.Security.Cryptography.Alg... {4.3.0} Provides base types for cryptographic algorithms, including hashing, encryption, and signing operations....
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel {4.3.0} Provides the System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel class, which adds support for running loops and iterators in paral...
System.Threading.ThreadPool {4.3.0} Provides the System.Threading.ThreadPool class, which contains a pool of threads that can be used to execute ta...
System.ComponentModel.Annotations {4.3.0} Provides attributes that are used to define metadata for objects used as data sources....
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace {4.3.0} Provides the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class, which allows interaction with local and remote processes....
NuGet.Build {2.12.0} MSBuild targets for nuget package restore and package build.
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms {1.1.0} Provides runtime information required to resolve target framework, platform, and runtime specific implementatio...
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets {1.1.0} Provides supporting infrastructure for portable projects: support identifiers that define framework and runtime...
System.Net.Sockets {4.3.0} Provides classes such as Socket, TcpClient and UdpClient, which enable developers to send and receive data over...
System.Collections.Specialized {4.3.0} Provides older specialized non-generic collections; for example, a linked list dictionary, a bit vector, and co...
System.Linq.Queryable {4.3.0} Provides classes for querying data structures that implement IQueryable<T>....
elmah.corelibrary {1.2.2} Core library for ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) without any configuration.
System.Net.WebSockets {4.3.0} Provides the System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket abstract class and related types to allow developers to implement ...
xunit.core {2.1.0} Includes the libraries for writing unit tests with
xunit.abstractions {2.0.1} Common abstractions used to exchange information between and version-independent runners (xunit.abstr...
Microsoft.Win32.Registry {4.3.0} Provides support for accessing and modifying the Windows Registry....
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource {4.3.0} Provides Classes that allow you to decouple code logging rich (unserializable) diagnostics/telemetry (e.g. fram...
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyI... {1.1.0} Abstractions for dependency injection....
xunit.assert {2.1.0} Includes the assertion library from (xunit.assert.dll)....
xunit.extensibility.core {2.1.0} Includes xunit.core.dll for extensibility purposes....
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile {4.3.0} Provides classes that support the compression and decompression of streams using file system paths....
System.Net.Requests {4.3.0} Provides older classes (such as HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse) for sending HTTP requests and receiving HTT...
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Core {} Functionality common to implement either an OAuth 1.0 consumer or service provider.
Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives {1.1.0} Primitives shared by framework extensions. Commonly used types include:...
System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher {4.3.0} Provides the System.IO.FileSystemWather class, which listens to the file system change notifications and raises...
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abs... {1.1.0} Logging abstractions for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging....
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers {1.1.0} Analyzers for .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")
Microsoft.Extensions.Configurati... {1.1.0} Abstractions of key-value pair based configuration....
System.Xml.XmlDocument {4.3.0} Provides an older in-memory Extensible Markup Language (XML) programming interface that enables you to modify X...
System.Linq.Parallel {4.3.0} Provides classes that supports parallel queries that use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)....
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyI... {1.1.0} Default implementation of dependency injection for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
System.Text.Encoding.CodePages {4.3.0} Provides support for code-page based encodings, including Windows-1252, Shift-JIS, and GB2312....
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging {1.1.0} Logging infrastructure default implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbs... {1.1.0} Abstractions that unify behavior and API across .NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration {1.1.0} Implementation of key-value pair based configuration for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. Includes the memor...
Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCLR {1.1.0} The .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector...
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow {4.7.0} TPL Dataflow promotes actor/agent-oriented designs through primitives for in-process message passing, dataflow,...
System.Security.Cryptography.Ope... {4.3.0} Provides cryptographic algorithm implementations and key management for non-Windows systems with OpenSSL....
System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream {4.3.0} Provides classes for access to unmanaged blocks of memory from managed code....
Microsoft.VisualBasic {10.1.0} Provides types that support the Visual Basic runtime...
System.Reflection.DispatchProxy {4.3.0} Provides a class to dynamically create proxy types that implement a specified interface and derive from a speci...
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection {4.3.0} Contains types that represent HTTP request and response headers. This library is used with classes such as Syst...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Ag... {2.0.6} This NuGet enables Interception of method calls.
xunit.extensibility.execution {2.1.0} Includes xunit.execution.*.dll for extensibility purposes....
System.Security.Cryptography.Cng {4.3.0} Provides cryptographic algorithm implementations and key management with Windows Cryptographic Next Generation ...
System.Runtime.InteropServices.R... {4.3.0} Provides APIs to query about runtime and OS information....
System.Security.Principal.Windows {4.3.0} Provides classes for retrieving the current Windows user and for interacting with Windows users and groups....
Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Core {2.0.4} Microsoft Azure Key Vault Core Class Library
Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders {1.1.0} Contains registration and configuration APIs to add the core framework encoders to a dependency injection conta...
System.Diagnostics.Process {4.3.0} Provides the System.Diagnostics.Process class, which allows interaction with local and remote processes....
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp {4.3.0} Provides cryptographic algorithm implementations and key management with Windows Cryptographic API (CryptoAPI)....
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.De... {2.2.0} Application Insights Dependency Collector for .NET applications provides platform specific automatic collection...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Pe... {2.2.0} Application Insights Performance Counters Collector allows you to send data collected by Performance Counters t...
System.Runtime.Serialization.Pri... {4.3.0} Provides common types, including System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute, for libraries that support...
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for Visual Basic, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.dll....
Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemG... {1.1.0} File system globbing to find files matching a specified pattern.
Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime {1.0.1} The .NET Core runtime. \r\n TFS ID: 1577511, GitHub SHA:
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions {4.3.0} Provides additional types that simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code....
System.Buffers {4.3.0} Provides resource pooling of any type for performance-critical applications that allocate and deallocate object...
Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.Native {1.0.1} Support libraries for the .NET Core runtime used by .NETNative. \r\n TFS ID: 1577511, GitHub SHA: https://githu...
System.Text.Encodings.Web {4.3.0} Provides types for encoding and escaping strings for use in JavaScript, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), and u...
runtime.native.System {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
System.Xml.XPath {4.3.0} Provides the classes that define a cursor model for navigating and editing Extensible Markup Language (XML) inf...
System.Runtime.Loader {4.3.0} Provides the System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext class, which provides members for loading assemblies....
NETStandard.Library {1.6.1} A set of standard .NET APIs that are prescribed to be used and supported together. This includes all of the API...
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProvide... {1.1.0} Abstractions of files and directories....
Microsoft.Extensions.Options {1.1.0} Provides a strongly typed way of specifying and accessing settings using dependency injection.
System.Net.NameResolution {4.3.0} Provides the System.Net.Dns class, which enables developers to perform simple domain name resolution....
runtime.native.System.IO.Compres... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstra... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core HTTP object model for HTTP requests and responses and also common extension methods for registerin...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Wi... {2.2.0} Application Insights Windows Server nuget package provides additional automatic collection of application insig...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core HTTP feature interface definitions.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abs... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core hosting and startup abstractions for web applications.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Ser... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core hosting server abstractions for web applications.
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProvide... {1.1.0} File provider for physical files for Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extens... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core common extension methods for HTTP abstractions, HTTP headers, HTTP request/response, and session s...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core Kestrel cross-platform web server.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core utilities, such as for working with forms, multipart messages, and query strings.
runtime.native.System.Security.C... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.native.System.Net.Http {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core default HTTP feature implementations.
Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool {1.1.0} A simple object pool implementation.
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.LocalDb {2.0.0} ASP.NET Universal Providers extend SQL support in ASP.NET 4 to all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to...
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter {4.3.0} Provides the System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter class, which represents a unified way of converting types of v...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Wi... {2.2.0} This nuget provides a telemetry channel to Application Insights Windows Server SDK that will preserve telemetry...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core hosting infrastructure and startup logic for web applications.
Microsoft.NETCore.App {1.1.0} A set of .NET API's that are included in the default .NET Core application model. ...
Microsoft.NETCore.Windows.ApiSets {1.0.1} Windows API set dlls for use in operating systems that do not include them. ...
Microsoft.Extensions.Configurati... {1.1.0} Command line configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
System.Net.Security {4.3.0} Provides types, such as System.Net.Security.SslStream, that uses SSL/TLS protocols to provide secure network co...
MiniProfiler {} Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET MVC sites
Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core static files middleware. Includes middleware for serving static files, directory browsing, and def...
System.ComponentModel.Primitives {4.3.0} Provides interfaces that are used to implement the run-time and design-time behavior of components....
Iesi.Collections {} Additional implementations of System.Collections.Generic.ISet<T>.
System.Resources.Reader {4.3.0} Provides classes which read resources from streams in the system-default format....
System.Xml.XPath.XDocument {4.3.0} Provides extension methods that add System.Xml.XPath support to the System.Xml.XDocument package....
BouncyCastle {1.8.1} Bouncy Castle is a collection of APIs used in cryptography.
runtime.native.System.Net.Security {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NSubstitute {1.10.0} NSubstitute is a friendly substitute for .NET mocking frameworks. It has a simple, succinct syntax to help deve...
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo {4.3.0} Provides the System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo class, which allows access to Win32 version resource informatio...
System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles {4.3.0} Provides classes for using a memory-mapped file, which maps the contents of a file to an application's logical ...
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy {1.1.0} Provides a CoreCLR hosting policy implementation -- configuration settings, assembly paths and assembly servici...
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostReso... {1.1.0} Provides an implementation of framework resolution strategy used by Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHost ...
Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHost {1.1.0} Provides an executable implementation of the Microsoft DotNet Framework and SDK launcher module ...
System.Data.Common {4.3.0} Provides the base abstract classes, including System.Data.DbConnection and System.Data.DbCommand, for all data ...
EnterpriseLibrary.Common {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Common assembly contains elements that are shared among multiple application blocks.
Libuv {1.9.1} Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O.
System.Xml.XmlSerializer {4.3.0} Provides classes for serializing objects to the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and deserializing XML data to ...
System.Private.Networking {4.0.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides ...
System.ComponentModel.EventBased... {4.3.0} Provides support classes and delegates for the event-based asynchronous pattern. Developers should prefer the c...
Swashbuckle.Core {5.5.3} Combines ApiExplorer and Swagger/swagger-ui to provide a rich discovery, documentation and playground experienc...
Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 {24.2.1} v4 Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource {4.3.0} Provides classes that help you trace the execution of your code. Developers should prefer the classes in the ET...
System.Net.NetworkInformation {4.3.0} Provides access to network traffic data, network address information, and notification of address changes for t...
Castle.Windsor {3.3.0} Castle Windsor is best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET and Silverlight.
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol... {} This package provides an assembly containing classes which extend the .NET Framework 4.5 with base constructs f...
Unity.Interception {4.0.1} Unity interception enables you to effectively capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the ...
Common.Logging.Core {3.3.1} Common.Logging.Core contains the portable (PCL) implementation of the Common.Logging low-level abstractions com...
Lucene.Net {3.0.3} Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users.
NLog.Schema {4.3.11} Enables Intellisense(TM) when editing NLog.config.
xunit.runner.utility {2.1.0} Includes the version-independent runner for to run both v1.9.2 and v2.0+ tests (xunit.runner.utility....
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to protect and validate JSON Web Tokens.
dotless {1.5.2} This is a project to port the hugely useful Less libary to the .NET world. It give variables, nested rules and ...
elmah.sqlserver {1.2.0} ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Microsoft SQL Server (2000 or later) database as the ...
SlowCheetah {2.5.15} You can use this NuGet package to install the SlowCheetah MSBuild targets/tasks into your solution. ...
Ninject.Web.Common.WebHost {3.2.3} Adds Web hosting support to web common.
AutoFixture {3.50.2} AutoFixture makes it easier for developers to do Test-Driven Development by automating non-relevant Test Fixtur...
AjaxMin {5.14.5506.26202} JavaScript and CSS minification Library for use in .NET applications that want to provide minification or parsi...
ServiceStack.Common {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
microsoft-web-helpers {2.1.20710.2} This package contains web helpers to easily add functionality to your site such as Captcha validation, Twitter ...
Glimpse {1.8.6} ASP.NET 4.5 web debugging and diagnostics tool.
Microsoft.Extensions.Configurati... {1.1.0} Environment variables configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
MimeKit {1.10.0} An Open Source library for creating and parsing MIME, S/MIME and PGP messages on desktop and mobile platforms.
Autofac.WebApi2 {4.0.1} Provides an IControllerFactory implementation and other integration points for the ASP.NET Web API.
T4MVC {3.17.5} T4MVC is a T4 template that generates strongly typed helpers for ASP.NET MVC.
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Ev... {1.1.28} EventSource Redist is the redistribution part of the EventSource managed library package.
MailKit {1.10.1} An Open Source .NET mail-client library for Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile platforms such as iOS and Android.
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory {1.1.0} In-memory cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.IMemoryCache.
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abs... {1.1.0} Caching abstractions for in-memory cache and distributed cache....
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml {4.3.0} Provides classes for serializing objects to the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and deserializing XML data to ...
System.Private.DataContractSeria... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides ...
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCo... {24.2.1} v7 AppCompat Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Microsoft.Spatial {7.0.0} Contains classes and methods that facilitate geography and geometry spatial operations. Supports OData v4 only.
Microsoft.Extensions.Configurati... {1.1.0} JSON configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish {1.0.12} This NuGet package is used to help support deployment of Azure WebJobs from within Microsoft Visual Studio.
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyM... {1.1.0} Abstractions for reading `.deps` files.
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json {4.3.0} Provides classes for serializing objects to the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and deserializing JSON data t...
Microsoft.Extensions.Configurati... {1.1.0} Extension methods for configuring file-based configuration providers for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFault... {6.0.1304} The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") makes your Windows Azure application... {1.4.5} A unified user interface system across all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and ...
Microsoft.NETCore.Portable.Compa... {1.0.1} Enables compatiblity with portable libraries targeting previous .NET releases like .NET Framework 4.0 and Silve...
System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime {4.3.0} Provides extensions methods that improve interoperation between managed code and the Windows Runtime....
System.ServiceModel.Http {4.3.0} Provides classes that allow applications to consume HTTP and WebSocket web services. Use the System.ServiceMode...
RhinoMocks {3.6.1} Rhino Mocks is using Castle Dynamic Proxy ( to handle prox...
Remotion.Linq {2.1.1} re-linq Frontend: A foundation for parsing LINQ expression trees and generating queries in SQL or other languag...
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs {1.1.2} Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host is a library for writing WebJobs in Microsoft Azure. The host is a container where...
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Core {1.1.2} Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs is a library for writing WebJobs in Microsoft Azure. This package contains the runtime ...
Microsoft.Extensions.Configurati... {1.1.0} Functionality to bind an object to data in configuration providers for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Glimpse.AspNet {1.9.2} ASP.NET 4.5 web debugging and diagnostics tool.
SendGrid.SmtpApi {1.3.1} Easily build SendGrid SMTP API headers to use with any SMTP library.
Microsoft.Extensions.Localizatio... {1.1.0} Abstractions of application localization services....
Microsoft.Extensions.Localization {1.1.0} Application localization services and default implementation based on ResourceManager to load localized assembl...
Google.Apis.Core {1.19.0} The Google APIs Core Library contains the Google APIs HTTP layer, JSON support, Data-store, logging and so on....
RouteMagic {1.3.0} RouteMagic is a library of useful Routing helpers. See
xunit.runner.reporters {2.1.0} Includes runner reporters for TeamCity, AppVeyor, Verbose and Quiet output for test runners....
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Con... {1.1.0} Console logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Microsoft.Extensions.Globalizati... {1.1.0} Provides cached instances of CultureInfo using a generated list of known culture names for use in scenarios whe...
MarkdownSharp {1.13.0} Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow.
Microsoft.OData.Edm {7.0.0} Classes to represent, construct, parse, serialize and validate entity data models. Supports OData v4 only.
recaptcha {1.0.5} reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers and old time radio shows.
StackExchange.Redis.StrongName {1.1.608} Redis client library
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp {4.3.0} Provides types for consuming and communicating with WCF services over the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)....
Microsoft.OData.Core {7.0.0} Classes to serialize, deserialize and validate OData JSON payloads. Supports OData v4 only.
System.ServiceModel.Security {4.3.0} Provides common security types for consuming and communicating with services....
Google.Apis.Auth {1.19.0} The Google APIs Client Library is a runtime client for working with Google services....
Microsoft.Composition {1.0.30} Provides a lightweight and throughput-optimized composition container for MEF.
Microsoft.NETCore {5.0.0} Provides a set of packages that can be used when building portable libraries on .NETCore based platforms.
Microsoft.NETCore.Jit {1.1.0} The .NET JIT compiler. ...
CommandLineParser {1.9.71} The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command lin...
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdCo... {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to use OpenIdConnect for authentication.
System.ServiceModel.Primitives {4.3.0} Provides common Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) types for consuming and communicating with services....
Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native {1.4.0} Microsoft DiaSymReader
xunit.extensions {2.0.0} NOTE: This empty package exists to assist users upgrading from v1.x to v2.x.
Elasticsearch.Net {2.5.0} Exposes all the elasticsearch API endpoints but leaves you in control of building the request and response bodi...
toastr {2.1.1} Toastr is a JavaScript library for non-blocking notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simp...
Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindo... {5.2.2} Provides a set of packages that can be used when building Universal Windows applications on .NETCore. ...
Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstrac... {1.0.0} Abstractions for making code that uses file system and environment testable.
NuGet.Versioning {3.4.3} NuGet's implementation of Semantic Versioning.
Microsoft.DiaSymReader {1.0.8} Microsoft DiaSymReader interop interfaces and utilities
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets.Univer... {5.0.0} Ensures a minimum set of package versions when building Universal Windows Platform applications and portable li...
AntiXSS {4.3.0} AntiXSS is an encoding library for .NET.
System.ServiceModel.Duplex {4.3.0} Provides classes for consuming and communicating with duplex services....
System.Runtime.InteropServices.W... {4.3.0} Provides classes that support interoperation between managed code and the Windows Runtime, and that enable the ...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Caching {2.9.5} A package that adds client libraries and configuration for Windows Azure Cache.
System.Private.ServiceModel {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides ...
runtime.unix.System.Diagnostics.... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
StyleCop.MSBuild {4.7.55} NOTE: if you are using or earlier, uninstall, then reinstall this version. DO NOT perform an update....
MongoDB.Bson {2.4.0} MongoDB's Official Bson Library.
Microsoft.Web.Xdt {2.1.1} Microsoft Xml Document Transformation (XDT) enables transformig XML files. This is the same technology used to ...
NuGet.Packaging {3.4.3} NuGet's implementation for reading nupkg package and nuspec package specification files.
System.Numerics.Vectors.WindowsR... {4.3.0} Provides extension methods for converting between System.Numerics.Vector2 and Windows.Foundation.Point and Size...
Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics {3.0.1} Provides middleware components to assist in developing OWIN-based applications.
runtime.unix.System.Console {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.IdentityModel {6.1.7600.16394} Windows Identity Foundation enables .NET developers to externalize identity logic from their application, impro...
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug {1.1.0} Debug output logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. This logger logs messages to a de...
Nancy {1.4.3} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
NuGet.Frameworks {3.4.3} The understanding of target frameworks for NuGet.Packaging
System.IO.IsolatedStorage {4.3.0} Provides classes that allow the creation and use of isolated stores....
System.Net.Http.Rtc {4.3.0} Provides the System.Net.Http.RtcRequestFactory class, which creates HTTP requests for use with the Real-Time-Co...
EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFault... {6.0.1304.1} The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") makes your Windows Azure application...
Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow {4.5.24} Task Parallel Library (TPL) Dataflow provides actor based building blocks for concurrent applications.
MongoDB.Driver.Core {2.4.0} Core Component of the Official MongoDB .NET Driver.
System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime.UI... {4.3.0} Provides managed equivalents of Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) UI types from Windows Runtime....
runtime.unix.System.Private.Uri {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NuGet.Packaging.Core {3.4.3} The core data structures for NuGet.Packaging
System.Reflection.Context {4.3.0} Provides classes that enable customized reflection contexts....
NuGet.Packaging.Core.Types {3.4.3} NuGet.Packaging.Core.Types
RavenDB.Client {3.5.1} This package includes the client API of RavenDB.
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.Media... {24.2.1} v7 MediaRouter Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Microsoft.Azure.Common {2.1.0} Provides infrastructure for common error handling, tracing, configuration, and HTTP/REST-based pipeline manipul...
Xamarin.Android.Support.Design {24.2.1} Design Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
runtime.unix.System.Net.Primitives {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
json2 {1.0.2} JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange format....
Hyak.Common {1.1.0} Provides infrastructure for common error handling, tracing, configuration, and HTTP/REST-based pipeline manipul...
MiniProfiler.MVC3 {2.0.2} ASP.NET MVC3 specific package for the Lightweight mini-profiler. We attempt to automatically hook up as much as...
ServiceStack.Interfaces {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
Elmah.Contrib.Mvc {2.1.0} Elmah.Contrib.Mvc was designed to add ease-of-use to Elmah inside ASP.NET MVC projects
Microsoft.SqlServer.Compact {4.0.8876.1} SQL Server Compact. An embedded SQL database.
FakeItEasy {2.3.1} It's faking amazing! The easy mocking framework for .NET that works great in C# and VB.NET alike. No need to kn...
NuGet.RuntimeModel {3.4.3} NuGet.RuntimeModel
NuGet.Common {3.4.3} NuGet.Common
NodaTime {1.3.2} Noda Time is an alternative date and time API for .NET. It helps you to think about your data more clearly, and...
DataAnnotationsExtensions {} Validation attributes that can be used in any .NET 4.0 project to supplement the existing Data Annotations attr...
System.Data.SQLite.Linq {1.0.103} Support for LINQ using System.Data.SQLite.
jquery.cookie {1.4.1} A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies....
Fody {1.29.4} Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies.
DynamicData.EFCodeFirstProvider {0.5.1} Supports using Dynamic Data with EF Code First models
MvcHaack.Ajax {1.1.0} A libary for easily calling ASP.NET MVC Action methods from JavaScript
ZeroClipboard {1.3.2} The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash mo...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC core components. Contains common action result types, attribute routing, application model con...
WebBackgrounder {0.2.0} WebBackgrounder is a proof-of-concept of a web-farm friendly background task manager meant to just work with a ...
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView {24.2.1} v7 CardView Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Knockout.Mapping {2.4.0} The mapping plugin gives you a straightforward way to map plain JavaScript objects into a view model with the a...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatt... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC formatters for JSON input and output and for JSON PATCH input using Json.NET.
PoliteCaptcha {} PoliteCaptcha is a spam prevention library for use with ASP.NET MVC that attempts polite spam prevention before...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Abs... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core abstractions for routing requests to application logic and for generating links....
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstrac... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC abstractions and interfaces for action invocation and dispatching, authorization, action filte...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnn... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC metadata and validation system using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.
WebBackgrounder.EntityFramework {0.1.0} WebBackgrounder.EntityFramework is an implementation of the IJobCoordinator for WebBackgrounder that uses a Dat...
System.IO.Compression.clrcompres... {4.0.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides ...
AngleSharp {0.9.9} AngleSharp is the ultimate angle brackets parser library. It parses HTML5, CSS3, and XML to construct a DOM bas...
HangFire.Core {1.6.7} Core components for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
System.IO.Compression.clrcompres... {4.0.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides ...
TransientFaultHandling.Core {5.1.1209.1} The Transient Fault Handling Core provides the retry mechanisms to make your application more resilient to tran...
AWSSDK.Core {3.3.6} The Amazon Web Services SDK for .NET - Core Runtime
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFea... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC view rendering features. Contains common types used in most MVC applications as well as view r...
IdentityModel {2.1.1} OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 client library
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery {1.1.0} An antiforgery system for ASP.NET Core designed to generate and validate tokens to prevent Cross-Site Request F...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExpl... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC API explorer functionality for discovering metadata such as the list of controllers and action...
runtime.win7.System.Private.Uri {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Azure.Common.Dependencies {1.0.0} Provides popular portable components for a common HTTP pipeline and JSON parsing. This package is included as a...
Ninject.Web.WebApi {3.2.4} Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC WebAPI 2
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC is a web framework that gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites and...
NServiceBus {6.0.4} The most popular open-source service bus for .NET
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC Razor view engine for CSHTML files.
System.Data.SqlClient {4.3.0} Provides the data provider for SQL Server. These classes provide access to versions of SQL Server and encapsula...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC default tag helpers. Contains tag helpers for anchor tags, HTML input elements, caching, scrip...
QueryInterceptor {0.2.0} Exposes a generic extension method to IQueryable<T> that allows interception of expression trees with expressio...
YUICompressor.NET {2.7.0} Minify and/or Combine JavaScript and/or Cascading Style Sheets.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware for routing requests to application logic and for generating links....
Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB {1.11.0} .NET Client library for Azure DocumentDB
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Cors {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) features.
underscore.js {1.8.3} JavaScripts functional programming helper library.
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.Recyc... {24.2.1} v7 RecyclerView Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localiz... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC features that enable globalization and localization of applications....
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Host {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC design time hosting infrastructure for the Razor view engine.
Microsoft.Owin.SelfHost {3.0.1} Includes components needed to host an OWIN-based application in a custom process.
Xamarin.UITest {2.0.3} UI Automation Framework for testing Android and iOS apps.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core diagnostics middleware abstractions and feature interface definitions.
ODataNullPropagationVisitor {0.5.4237.2641} Fix for odata's aggressive null propagation logic
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core logic to protect and unprotect data, similar to DPAPI.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptograph... {1.1.0} Infrastructure for ASP.NET Core cryptographic packages. Applications and libraries should not reference this pa...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtect... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core data protection abstractions....
ImageResizer {4.0.5} Lightweight HttpModule, REST API, & managed API for *safe* server-side image processing.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstra... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core HTML abstractions used for building HTML content....
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Pe... {1.2.3} This channel provides a peristant channel to Application Insights that will preserve telemetry in offline scena...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core authorization classes....
ImageProcessor {2.4.5} A library for manipulating image files written in C#.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor {1.1.0} Razor is a markup syntax for adding server-side logic to web pages. This package contains the Razor parser and ...
Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDi... {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to use Microsoft's technology for authentication.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Admini... {2.0.30506} This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages. ASP.NET Web Pages and the new Razor syntax ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core support for JSON PATCH.
Microsoft.Web.Administration {7.0.0} The Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace contains classes that a developer can use to administer IIS Manager....
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Runtime {1.1.0} Runtime components for rendering Razor pages and implementing tag helpers....
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Vali... {4.5.1} This package provides an assembly containing classes which extend the .NET Framework 4.5 with the necessary log...
HangFire.SqlServer {1.6.7} SQL Server 2008+ (including Express), SQL Server LocalDB and SQL Azure storage support for Hangfire (background...
Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCL... {1.0.0} The .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors {1.1.0} CORS middleware and policy for ASP.NET Core to enable cross-origin resource sharing....
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} A Web Forms control for Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCL... {1.0.0} The .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector...
Microsoft.NETCore.Windows.ApiSet... {1.0.0} Windows API set dlls for use in operating systems that do not include them.
Microsoft.NETCore.Windows.ApiSet... {1.0.0} Windows API set dlls for use in operating systems that do not include them.
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProvide... {1.1.0} Composite file and directory providers for Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware for automatically applying culture information to HTTP requests. Culture information ca...
runtime.any.System.Text.Encoding... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.... {2.1.1} Microsoft Azure ActiveDirectory Graph API Client library provides easy to use functionality to access your dire...
FSharp.Core {} FSharp.Core for F# 4.0
runtime.any.System.Reflection.Ex... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Resources.Res... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Runtime.Inter... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Runtime.Handles {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Text.Encoding {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Runtime {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
RequireJS {2.3.2} A JavaScript module loader.
runtime.any.System.Reflection {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNet.FriendlyUrls.Core {1.0.2} A library that enables automatic resolution of extensionless URLs to ASP.NET file-based handlers, e.g. ASPX pages.
runtime.any.System.Globalization {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilers {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")
runtime.any.System.Threading.Tasks {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Reflection.Pr... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Collections {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.IO {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Diagnostics.T... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
routedebugger {2.1.5} Route Debugger is a little utility I wrote to help debug issues with route configurations. See http://haacked.c...
JetBrains.Annotations {10.2.1} Annotations to increase accuracy of ReSharper code inspections
Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLine... {1.1.0} Command-line parsing API. Commonly used types:...
runtime.any.System.Threading.Timer {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
FluentMigrator {1.6.2} FluentMigrator is a database migration framework for .NET written in C#.
AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery.UI.C... {1.12.1} This package contains the AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery.UI.Combined assembly that will automatically register jQu...
runtime.any.System.Globalization... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.any.System.Diagnostics.T... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
QUnit-MVC {1.6.2} QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use, JavaScript test suite. It is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code. ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISI... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core components for working with the IIS AspNetCoreModule.
ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer {4.5.4} Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for Sql Server....
Zlib.Portable {1.11.0} A Portable Class Library port of the popular Zlib library from Works on .NET 4, ...
jQuery.Templates {0.1.0} jQuery templates contain markup with binding expressions. Templates are applied to data objects or arrays, and ...
Microsoft.SqlServer.Types {11.0.2} Allows you to use SQL Server spatial types on a machine without SQL Server installed. Useful when deploying to ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core basic middleware for supporting HTTP method overrides. Includes:...
BundleTransformer.Core {1.9.138} Bundle Transformer - a modular extension for System.Web.Optimization (also known as the Microsoft ASP.NET Web O...
Polly {4.3.0} Polly is a .NET 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5 / PCL library (Profile 259) that allows developers to express transient excepti...
T4MVCExtensions {3.17.5} Runtime helpers used by code generated by T4MVC
WPtoolkit {4.2013.8.16} Windows Phone toolkit provides a collection of controls, extension methods and page animations to help create b...
CsQuery {1.3.4} A complete CSS selector engine and jQuery port for .NET 4 and C#.
Shouldly {2.8.2} Shouldly - Assertion framework for .NET. The way asserting *Should* be
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Brows... {14.1.0} A middleware that supports creating a communication channel between the development environment and one or more...
UmbracoCms.Core {7.5.6} Contains the core assemblies needed to run Umbraco Cms
morelinq {1.4.0} This project enhances LINQ to Objects with extra methods, in a manner which keeps to the spirit of LINQ.
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore {1.1.0} Entity Framework Core is a lightweight and extensible version of the popular Entity Framework data access techn...
Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCL... {1.0.0} The .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Wi... {1.1.1} Application Insights for .Net Windows applications. This package supports Windows Phone 8.0 and 8.1 application...
Glimpse.Mvc5 {1.5.3} ASP.NET MVC 5.0 web debugging and diagnostics tool.
System.IO.Compression.clrcompres... {4.0.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. Provides ...
Chutzpah {4.3.2} Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript test runner which enables you to run JavaScript unit tests from the comma...
T4Scaffolding {1.0.8} A fast and customizable way to build parts of your .NET application via templates
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Re... {1.1.0} Shared Entity Framework Core components for relational database providers.
EnyimMemcached {2.16.0} Memcached client library for .NET based languages.
ImageProcessor.Web {4.6.6} An extension to ImageProcessor that allows on-the-fly processing of image files in an ASP.NET website
RavenDB.Database {3.5.1} This package allows you to extend RavenDB database.
RazorGenerator.Mvc {2.4.8} MVC View engine that supports precompiled Razor views
System.Security.SecureString {4.3.0} Provides the System.Security.SecureString class, which represents text that should be kept confidential. The te...
Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.D... {24.2.1} Vector Drawable Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated... {24.2.1} Animated Vector Drawable Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Microsoft.AspNet.ScriptManager.W... {5.0.0} This package contains the Microsoft.ScriptManager.WebForms assembly that will automatically register the Micros...
runtime.win7-x64.runtime.native.... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
T4Scaffolding.Core {1.0.0} A fast and customizable way to build parts of your .NET application via templates
Microsoft.Owin.FileSystems {3.0.1} This package contains file system abstractions and implementations.
Microsoft.AspNet.ScriptManager.M... {5.0.0} This package contains the Microsoft.ScriptManager.MSAjax assembly that will automatically register the Microsof...
Autofac.Owin {4.0.0} Provides dependency injection support for OWIN 3.0 middleware.
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspace... {1.3.2} A shared package used by the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") including support for analyzing projects and sol...
jQuery.Color {2.1.2} A jQuery plugin that adds the ability to do color animations to jQuery....
Inflector {1.0.0} A string inflector (plurals, singulars, ordinals, etc.) for .NET.
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging {1.1.0} Includes Event Source based logging support.
Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles {3.0.1} This package contains OWIN middleware that handle requests for file system resources including files and direct...
NLog.Extended {} NLog - Advanced .NET and Silverlight logging
Microsoft.Web.RedisSessionStateP... {2.2.2} Custom session state provider for redis cache.
jQuery.Migrate {3.0.0} Migrate older jQuery code to jQuery 1.9+...
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Wo... {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for analyzing C# projects and solutions....
NuGet.Configuration {3.4.3} NuGet's client configuration settings implementation. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NuGet.Protocol.Core.v3 {3.4.3} NuGet Protocol for 3.1.0 servers
Zlib.Portable.Signed {1.11.0} A Portable Class Library port of the popular Zlib library from Works on .NET 4, ...
ClientDependency {1.9.2} A library for handling CSS and JavaScript dependencies
NuGet.Protocol.Core.Types {3.4.3} NuGet's protocol-level base types used for connecting to API v2 and API v3 repositories.
Microsoft.Owin.Testing {3.0.1} Provides helper classes for unit testing OWIN components. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NUnit.ConsoleRunner {3.5.0} Console runner for the NUnit 3 unit-testing framework, without any extensions. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNet.FriendlyUrls {1.0.2} Adds a mobile master page and a view switcher user control to enable switching between mobile and desktop views...
MSBuildTasks {} The MSBuild Community Tasks project is a collection of open source tasks for MSBuild.
Unity.AspNet.WebApi {4.0.1} This package is a Unity bootstrapper for ASP.NET Web API
JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core {2.1.2} JavaScript Engine Switcher determines unified interface for access to the basic features of popular JavaScript ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware for exception handling, exception display pages, and diagnostics information. Includes ...
ServiceStack.Client {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault {2.0.6} Class library for using Azure Key Vault
System.IO.Pipes {4.3.0} Provides a means for interprocess communication through anonymous and/or named pipes....
jQuery.Easing {} A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options.
Machine.Specifications {0.11.0} Machine.Specifications Context/Specification framework {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Nito.AsyncEx {3.0.1} A helper library for the Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP).
AutoFixture.AutoMoq {3.50.2} Turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container based on Moq. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive {2.0.20710} Legacy package, jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive is now included in the 'Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Validation' ...
Humanizer {2.1.0} Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, nu...
CompareNETObjects {3.5.0} What you have been waiting for. Perform a deep compare of any two .NET objects using reflection. Shows the diff...
StyleCop.Analyzers {1.0.0} An implementation of StyleCop's rules using Roslyn analyzers and code fixes
NuGet.Repositories {3.4.3} NuGet.Repositories
ninject.extensions.conventions {3.2.0} Extension for convention based binding for Ninject
SimpleInjector.Extensions.Execut... {3.3.2} Execution context scoping for the Simple Injector Inversion of Control library.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Core {1.4.0} Helper library for claims based identity & access control in .NET.
EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block helps developers create a consistent strategy for p... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Thinktecture.IdentityModel {3.6.1} Helper library for identity & access control in .NET 4.0/WIF and .NET 4.5 (includes MVC4 and Web API support).
Validation {2.3.7} Provides convenient methods and code snippets for validating input and running state.
NuGet.ProjectModel {3.4.3} NuGet.ProjectModel
SimpleInjector.Integration.Web {3.3.2} ASP.NET integration for Simple Injector. General integration package for web applications such as Web Forms, MV...
NuGet.LibraryModel {3.4.3} NuGet.LibraryModel
Mono.Cecil {} Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format.
NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core {3.4.3} NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core
Google.Protobuf {3.1.0} C# runtime library for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.
Knockout.Validation {2.0.3} A Validation Library plugin for KnockoutJS
MsieJavaScriptEngine {2.0.2} This library is a .NET wrapper for working with the JavaScript engines of Internet Explorer and Edge (JsRT vers...
AngularJS.Sanitize {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
DataAnnotationsExtensions.MVC3 {} Validation attributes that extend Data Annotations and provide integrated server and client side validation (us...
AttributeRouting.Core {3.5.6} Core functionality for all AttributeRouting packages.
RavenDB.Embedded {3.5.1} This package let you include RavenDB embedded in-process with your application.
System.Web.Providers {1.2.0} Legacy package, System.Web.Providers is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.Providers' package.
Microsoft.Extensions.Options.Con... {1.1.0} Provides additional configuration specific functionality related to Options.
Select2.js {4.0.3} Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scr...
Microsoft.Data.Services {5.8.1} Fully-featured server API for responding to OData queries and consuming/producing OData payloads. Supports ODat...
jquery.captureDocumentWrite {1.0.0} Allows getting the content written by script files which use the document.write() method.
Caliburn.Micro {3.0.2} A small, yet powerful framework designed for Xaml platforms, Caliburn.Micro implements a variety of UI patterns...
Glimpse.Ado {1.7.3} Glimpse tabs for ADO.
AttributeRouting.Core.Web {3.5.6} Core functionality for AttributeRouting ASP.NET MVC and Web API packages.
Microsoft.Extensions.Configurati... {1.1.0} User secrets configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
EnterpriseLibrary.SemanticLogging {2.0.1406.1} The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations (sinks) to persist application events pub...
jQuery.KeyTips {1.0.6} The KeyTips plugin for jQuery (formerly the Access Key Highlighter plugin) provides various options for highlig...
NewRelic.Agent.Api {6.3.123} The New Relic .NET Agent API supports custom error and metric reporting, and custom transaction parameters. Thi...
SimpleInjector.Integration.Web.Mvc {3.3.2} ASP.NET MVC integration for Simple Injector.
PhantomJS {2.1.1} PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web...
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Base {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Base 9.6.1 - do not install directly
xmlrpcnet {} XML-RPC.NET - an XML-RPC client library for .Net
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Tr... {2.2.0} Application Insights TraceListener is supported for .NET FX 4.0 and later.
Node.js {5.3.0} Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Microsoft.Net.Compilers.netcore {1.3.2} CoreCLR-compatible versions of the C# and VB compilers....
Prism {5.0.0} This package is no longer supported. Please use the new Prism 6 packages which are all dependent on the Prism....
EasyNetQ {} EasyNetQ is a simple, opinionated .NET API for RabbitMQ
Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent {0.20.3} Xamarin Test Cloud Agent
AspNet.ScriptManager.bootstrap {3.3.7} This package contains the AspNet.ScriptManager.bootstrap assembly that will automatically register bootstrap 3...
IdentityServer3 {2.5.4} OpenID Connect Provider and OAuth2 Authorization Server Framework.
JWT {1.3.4} JWT (JSON Web Token) Implementation for .NET (Public Domain)
jQuery.Ajax.Unobtrusive {2.0.20710} Legacy package, jQuery.Ajax.Unobtrusive is now included in the 'Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Ajax' package.
runtime.native.System.Data.SqlCl... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
SimpleInjector.Integration.WebApi {3.3.2} ASP.NET Web API integration for Simple Injector.
System.Interactive.Async {3.1.1} Interactive Extensions (Ix) Async Library used to express queries over asynchronous enumerable sequences.
NBuilder {4.0.0} Rapidly create test data using a fluent, extensible interface.
NewRelicWindowsAzure {6.3.123} Includes the latest New Relic x64 installer, so that you can easily include New Relic in your Azure deployment.
JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Msie {2.1.2} JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Msie contains adapter `MsieJsEngine` (wrapper for the MSIE JavaScript Engine for .Net).
FluentValidation.MVC5 {6.2.1} ASP.NET MVC 5 integration for FluentValidation
EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAzure.T... {5.1.1212} The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") makes your Windows Azure application...
Castle.LoggingFacility {3.3.0} Castle Windsor logging facility lets you easily inject loggers into your components. It offers integration with...
jQuery.BlockUI {2.70.0} The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser....
knockout.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.1.6} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for knockout. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: f5a...
runtime.unix.System.Runtime.Exte... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
WindowsAzure.MobileServices {1.3.2} Windows Azure Mobile Services SDK.
Strathweb.CacheOutput.WebApi2 {0.10.0} A library bringing output caching (similar to MVC's "OutputCache"), to Web API actions. Strathweb.CacheOutput w...
EntityFramework.MappingAPI {} EntityFramework mapping API gives you ability to know the database info behind the context. {6.12.0} is a sync/async .NET 4.5+ client, and a portable class library for
runtime.win7-x64.runtime.native.... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Unity.Mvc5 {1.2.3} Unity.Mvc5 allows the simple integration of the Unity IoC container with ASP.NET MVC 5.
MassTransit {3.5.2} MassTransit, a mesage-based distributed application framework
runtime.win7-x86.runtime.native.... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Net.Http.Server {1.1.0} .NET HTTP server that uses the Windows HTTP Server API.
cef.redist.x86 {3.2785.1482} CEF - the Chromium Embedded Framework....
Examine {0.1.70} Examine is a wrapper for getting a Lucene index up and running for any type of data and comes with an API to se...
runtime.win7-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
MvcMailer {4.5.0} MvcMailer sends emails using the MVC views as Email Body with no effort. Here's a quick list of features: a) Us...
lodash {4.17.0} A utility library delivering consistency, modularity, performance, & extras.
Xamarin.Insights {1.12.3} Insights for your Apps
Mvc2Futures {2.0.50217} ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures includes unsupported prototype features for ASP.NET MVC 2, from the MVC team.
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sq... {1.1.0} Microsoft SQL Server database provider for Entity Framework Core.
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens {5.1.0} Includes types that provide support for cryptographic operations.
EcmaScript.Net {1.0.1} Modified version of the EcmaScript library.
Microsoft.AspNet.Membership.Open... {2.0.1} A series of helpers to enable using DotNetOpenAuth in an ASP.NET application that utilizes the Membership syste...
linqtotwitter {4.1.0} LINQ to Twitter is a 3rd party LINQ Provider (Twitter Library) for the Twitter API.
Paket {3.31.1} A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and git repositories.
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.Core {} Common functionality required to implement an OAuth 2.0 client, authorization server or resource server.
SQLite.Net-PCL {3.1.1} A .NET client library to access SQLite embedded database files in a LINQ manner.
Microsoft.OData.Client {6.15.0} LINQ-enabled client API for issuing OData queries and consuming OData JSON payloads. Supports OData v4 only.
Mvc4Futures {4.0.20710} ASP.NET MVC Futures includes unsupported prototype features for ASP.NET MVC, from the MVC team.
Autofac.WebApi2.Owin {4.0.0} Allows an Autofac lifetime scope to extend from the OWIN pipeline through to ASP.NET Web API. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
BundleTransformer.Less {1.9.138} BundleTransformer.Less contains translator-adapter `LessTranslator` (supports LESS version 2.7.1). This adapter...
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Basement {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Basement 9.6.1 - do not install directly
NMemory {1.1.2} NMemory is a lightweight non-persistent in-memory relational database.
runtime.unix.System.IO.FileSystem {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
structuremap.web {} ASP.Net specific functionality for use with the StructureMap IoC container
System.Net.Http.Formatting.Exten... {5.2.3} Extesion Assembly System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll
MvcScaffolding {1.0.9} A fast and customizable way to add controllers, views, and other items to your ASP.NET MVC application
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ClientAuth... {} Functionality common to both OAuth 2.0 Clients and Authorization Servers.
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.zh-Hans {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 程序包的简体中文资源
Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.zh-Hans {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Razor 程序包的简体中文资源
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core common types used by the various authentication middleware components.
DotNetOpenAuth {} OpenID, OAuth, & InfoCard library for web and desktop applications.
Sake {0.2.2} CSharp-integrated build system
NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2Driver {3.5.0} NUnit Engine extension allowing execution of tests using NUnit 2.x.
ValueInjecter {} ValueInjecter is a mapper. It can be used for mapping Dto to Entity and back also for mapping IDataReader to ob...
AttributeRouting {3.5.6} AttributeRouting for ASP.NET MVC lets you specify routes using attributes on your MVC controllers and actions.
PushSharp {4.0.10} A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to many platforms (APNS, GCM, WNS, ADM)
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Re... {1.1.0} Shared design-time Entity Framework Core components for relational database providers.
NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2ResultWriter {3.5.0} NUnit Engine extension for writing test result files in NUnit V2 format.
Xamarin.Forms.Maps {} Maps models and renderers for Xamarin.Forms
NuGet.Bootstrapper {2.6.0} NuGet Command Line Bootstrapper
NUnit.Extension.NUnitProjectLoader {3.5.0} NUnit Engine extension for loading NUnit projects.
runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Mandrill {2.4.173} Mandrill .Net is a quick and easy wrapper for getting started with the Mandrill API.
runtime.unix.Microsoft.Win32.Pri... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NUnit.Extension.VSProjectLoader {3.5.0} NUnit Engine extension for loading Visual Studio formatted projects.
Microsoft.Bcl.Compression {3.9.85} This package contains APIs for compressing and de-compressing streams using the ZIP and GZIP formats.
SqlServerCompact {4.0.8854.1} Legacy package, SqlServerCompact is now included in the 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Compact' package.
NServiceBus.Interfaces {} This package has been deprecated. An update will remove the current use of this package from the project and re...
TinyMCE {4.5.1} TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source unde...
Splat {2.0.0} A library to make things cross-platform that should be
runtime.unix.System.Net.Sockets {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Common {} Common functionality that is required to implement OAuth 1 or 2.
IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValid... {2.13.0} Access token validation middleware for JWT and reference tokens issued by IdentityServer3.
Unity.Mvc4 {1.6.0} Unity.Mvc4 is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with ASP.NET MVC 4. A...
FileHelpers {3.1.5} Open Source library for automatic formatted file read/write operations
MvcSiteMapProvider.Web {4.6.22} MvcSiteMapProvider is a tool that provides flexible menus, breadcrumb trails, and SEO features for the ASP.NET ...
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.Client {} Add an OAuth 2.0 Client role to an ASP.NET web application, allowing it to make authorized calls to its visitor...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.zh-Hans {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages 程序包的简体中文资源
DotNetOpenAuth.Core.UI {} Shared library implementing the messaging pipeline used by auxiliary DotNetOpenAuth libraries.
System.Net.WebSockets.Client {4.3.0} Provides the System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket class, which implements the client role of the WebSockets pr...
Selenium.RC {3.0.1} .NET bindings for the Selenium RC API
FSharp.Data {2.3.2} Library of F# type providers and data access tools
System.Web.Http.Common {4.0.20126.16343} This package contains common libraries used by both ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API.
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingPar... {} Add OpenID 1.1/2.0 Relying Party authentication functionality to a web application using ASP.NET controls.
AspNetWebApi {4.0.20710} Legacy package, AspNetWebApi is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi' package.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Client {4.0.1} Client library of Thinktecture.IdentityModel. Includes OAuth2 and OpenID Connect client and helpers for parsing...
PropertyChanged.Fody {1.52.1} Fody add-in for injecting INotifyPropertyChanged code into properties.
cef.redist.x64 {3.2785.1482} CEF - the Chromium Embedded Framework....
EntityFramework.zh-Hans {6.1.3} 实体框架文件包简体中文资源
Autofac.Mvc4 {3.1.0} Provides an IControllerFactory implementation and other integration points for System.Web.Mvc.
libphonenumber-csharp {7.7.4} C# port of Google's common Java, C++ and Javascript library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating int...
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Core.UI {} Common functionality required to implement an OpenID Provider or Relying Party that includes ASP.NET controls.
ncrontab {3.2.0} NCrontab is crontab for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and above. It provides parsing and formatting of crontab e...
Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs {1.0.7} Client library for Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs back end operations.
Autofac.WebApi {3.1.0} Provides an IControllerFactory implementation and other integration points for the ASP.NET Web API.
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Ev... {1.1.28} EventRegister is a tool that enables validation and registration of EventSources.
Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope {3.2.0} Extension for Ninject which allows bindings to define named scopes
Nancy.Hosting.Self {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
NServiceBus.Host {7.0.0} The hosting template for the nservicebus, The most popular open-source service bus for .net
Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure {3.3.4} Client infrastructure for Azure client libraries.
FX.Configuration {0.4.1} A lightweight, simple, flexible, extensible library to read configurations using strongly typed classes....
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Provider {} Add OpenID 1.1/2.0 Provider authentication functionality to a web application programmatically.
logentries.core {2.8.0} logentries.core is a library for Logentries to be used by other libraries that extend logging software, such as...
Q {1.4.1} A library for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript.
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.ServiceProv... {} Add an OAuth 1.0(a) service provider role to a .NET (web) application.
Xam.Plugin.Connectivity {2.2.12} Get network connectivity information such as network type, speeds, and if connection is available.
MicrosoftWebMvc {2.0.0} ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures includes unsupported prototype features for ASP.NET MVC 2, from the MVC team.
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Provider.UI {} Add OpenID 1.1/2.0 Provider authentication functionality to a web application using ASP.NET controls.
Mindscape.Raygun4Net {5.4.0} Raygun provider for .NET Framework + Windows Store apps, WinRT, Windows Phone and Xamarin
Effort.EF6 {1.3.0} Effort is a powerful tool that enables a convenient way to create unit tests for Entity Framework based applica...
Elmah.Contrib.WebApi {} ASP.NET Web API exception filter for logging errors to ELMAH. Ported from Fabian Vilers' Elmah.Contrib.Mvc.
runtime.win7-x86.runtime.native.... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Glimpse.EF6 {1.6.5} Glimpse tabs for Entity Framework 6. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Castle.Core-log4net {3.3.3} Castle logging services integration with log4net 1.2.10
jqueryui.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.5.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jqueryui. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 597...
MaxMind.Db {2.1.3} .NET reader for the MaxMind DB file format
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets.NETFra... {4.6.0} Ensures a minimum set of package versions when building .NET Framework applications and portable libraries.
PCLStorage {1.0.2} PCL Storage provides a consistent, portable set of local file IO APIs across .NET platforms.
runtime.win8-arm.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.0.4} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
moment.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.8.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for moment. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: a11d0...
Google.GData.Client {2.2.0} Google Data API Client Library {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus {1.1.2} Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus is a library for writing Microsoft Azure WebJobs using Service Bus. This pac...
Flurl {2.2.1} A fluent, portable URL builder. To make HTTP calls off the fluent chain, check out Flurl.Http.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Maps {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Maps 9.6.1
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authenticat... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to use cookie based authentication.
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenIdOAuth {} Request or respond with OAuth 1.0 tokens during an OpenID login.
System.Xml.XPath.XmlDocument {4.3.0} Provides extension methods that add System.Xml.XPath support to the System.Xml.XmlDocument package....
MaxMind.GeoIP2 {2.7.2} MaxMind GeoIP2 Database Reader and Web Service Client
normalize.css {3.0.2} Normalize.css is a customisable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line ...
Glimpse.Mvc4 {1.5.3} ASP.NET MVC 4.0 web debugging and diagnostics tool.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading {14.1.131} Async synchronization primitives, async collections, TPL and dataflow extensions.
MvcSiteMapProvider {4.6.22} This package is obsolete. Please install one of the MvcSiteMapProvider.MVCx packages instead (where x is your M...
modernhttpclient {2.4.2} Write your app using System.Net.Http, but drop this library in and it will go drastically faster.
DotNetOpenAuth.InfoCard.UI {} Add InfoCard login capability to ASP.NET web applications via ASP.NET web controls.
DotNetOpenAuth.InfoCard {} Add InfoCard login capability to ASP.NET web applications.
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.... {4.3.0} Provides the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe class, which provides generic, low-level functionality for ...
fasterflect {2.1.3} .NET reflection made fast and easy.
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Tr... {1.0.41} TraceEvent is a .NET Framework library for capturing and analyzing ETW events.
Ninject.Extensions.Factory {3.2.1} Ninject extension that allows to automatically create factories.
DotNetOpenAuth.OpenIdInfoCard.UI {} Allow your web site's visitors to log in using InfoCards.
Costura.Fody {1.3.3} Fody add-in for embedding references as resources.
System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTra... {4.3.0} Provides trace listeners for directing tracing output to a text writer, such as System.IO.StreamWriter, or a st... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Mvc3Futures {3.0.20105} ASP.NET MVC Futures includes unsupported prototype features for ASP.NET MVC 3, from the MVC team.
Spin.js {} Spin.js javascript library taken from
runtime.win7-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Nowin {0.25.0} Owin Web server in pure .Net
Octokit {0.23.0} An async-based GitHub API client library for .NET
Microsoft.Owin.Security.WsFedera... {3.0.1} Middleware that enables an application to use WsFederation for authentication.
EnterpriseLibrary.Validation {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Validation Application Block provides useful features that allow developers to implement...
SharpDX {3.1.1} Core assembly for all SharpDX assemblies.
Autofac.Wcf {4.0.0} Provides dependency injection into WCF services.
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.Authorizat... {} Add an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server role to an ASP.NET web application, allowing it to authorize calls to its...
ClientDependency-Mvc {1.8.0} ClientDependency for MVC {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
bootstrap.TypeScript.DefinitelyT... {0.9.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for bootstrap. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 06...
CouchbaseNetClient {2.3.10} The Couchbase authored new and improved client for .NET based languages!
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Ev... {1.1.28} EventSource is a managed library for generating ETW events.
Prism.Mvvm {1.1.1} Prism.Mvvm libraries.
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.ResourceSe... {} Authorize incoming HTTP requests based on an OAuth 2 access token obtained from an OAuth 2 Authorization Server.
FSharp.Compiler.Service {8.0.0} F# compiler services for creating IDE tools, language extensions and for F# embedding.
ilmerge {2.14.1208} ILMerge is a static linker for .NET assemblies.
PCLCrypto {2.0.147} PCL Crypto provides a consistent, portable set of crypto APIs across .NET platforms.
Serilog.Sinks.File {3.1.1} Write Serilog events to a text file in plain or JSON format.
EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandl... {6.0.1304} This exception handler lets you log formatted exception information in locations specified in the configuration...
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBas... {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for analyzing Visual Basic projects and solutions....
Bootstrap.Less {3.3.7} Bootstrap framework in Less. Includes fonts and JavaScript
NHibernateProfiler {3.0.3103} This package let you profile your NHibernate application easily!
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.De... {1.1.0} Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
JasmineTest {2.2.0} Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing your JavaScript code. It does not depend on any ...
Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
Should {1.1.20} The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension methods for test assertions for AAA and BDD style test... {} Fast & Accurate Device Detection. Deployed by millions.
Microsoft.Data.SQLite {1.1.0} SQLite implementation of the System.Data.Common provider model....
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Event... {2.2.8} EventProcessorHost library for Windows Azure Service Bus Event Hubs.
Ninject.Web.WebApi.WebHost {3.2.4} Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC WebAPI 2 WebHost
Twitter.Bootstrap.MVC {2.1.6} This package is meant to complement those using the Twitter.Bootstrap library in their MVC 5 application. Upon ...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Validation {14.1.111} Common input validation and state verification utility methods.
Ninject.Extensions.Wcf {3.2.2} Ninject extension to add ioc for WCF services.
PayPalCoreSDK {1.7.1} The PayPal Core SDK calls the PayPal Platform API Web Service for the given payload and PayPal API profile sett...
EntityFramework.BulkInsert-ef6 {} Bulk insert extension for EntityFramework 6
Google.GData.Extensions {2.2.0} Google Data API Extensions Library
DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.Client.UI {} Add an OAuth 2.0 Client role to a .NET desktop application, allowing it to make authorized calls to its visitor...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core.zh-... {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core 程序包的简体中文资源
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Common {1.4.1} Provides infrastructure for common error handling, tracing, configuration, and HTTP/REST-based pipeline manipul...
ServerAppFabric.Client {1.1.2106.32} This package contains Server AppFabric Client assemblies.
Aspose.Words {16.12.0} Aspose.Words for .NET is a class library for .NET that enables you to perform a wide range of document processi...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client.z... {5.2.3} 适用于 Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 程序包的简体中文资源
FsCheck {2.6.2} FsCheck is a tool for testing .NET programs automatically using randomly generated test cases.
Magnum {2.1.3} Magnum is a library for the larger than average developer
FluentMigrator.Tools {1.6.2} FluentMigrator is a database migration framework for .NET written in C#.
JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.V8 {2.1.2} JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.V8 contains adapter `V8JsEngine` (wrapper for the Microsoft ClearScript.V8 version 5.4...
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Extensions.DiagnosticA... {1.1.0} Microsoft extension adapter feature to extend DiagnosticListener. Contains extension methods that extend System...
System.Web.Optimization.Less {1.3.4} dotless adapter for system.web.optimization
Microsoft.Azure.Search {3.0.1} Class library for using Azure Search.
Xam.Plugins.Settings {2.5.1} Cross platform settings for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Forms, and Windows
MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5.Core {4.6.22} MvcSiteMapProvider is a tool that provides flexible menus, breadcrumb trails, and SEO features for the ASP.NET ...
ServiceStack.OrmLite {4.5.4} Common library for the Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO, OrmLite....
html5shiv {} This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer
Abp {1.1.3} ASP.NET Boilerplate is a general-purpose, web focused application framework.
Castle.Windsor-log4net {3.3.0} Castle Windsor integration package for logging facility via log4net.
Ninject.Extensions.ContextPreser... {3.2.0} Ninject extension that preserves the context over factories (the parent of the new request is the factory request)
dbup {3.3.5} DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases by running change scripts.
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols {2.1.0} Provides types that are common across openidconnect and wsfed protocols.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost.... {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost 程序包的简体中文资源
AttributeRouting.Core.Http {3.5.6} Core functionality for AttributeRouting Web API packages.
runtime.win8-arm.runtime.native.... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Twilio.TwiML {3.5.0} Twilio TwiML generator. If using ASP.NET MVC, install Twilio.Mvc instead.
MassTransit.RabbitMQ {3.5.2} MassTransit RabbitMQ Transport
ZXing.Net {} ZXing.Net is a port of ZXing, an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library originally im...
Nancy.Owin {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
Durandal {2.2.0} Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make Single P...
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol... {2.1.0} Includes types that provide support for OpenIdConnect protocol.
Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile {3.2.0} The rolling file sink for Serilog - Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.SelfHost {2.2.1} This package includes the required dependencies for self-hosting SignalR in a process outside of IIS using OWIN...
AttributeRouting.WebApi {3.5.6} AttributeRouting for ASP.NET Web API lets you specify routes using attributes on your API controllers and actions.
KendoUIWeb {2014.1.318} Kendo UI is a set of HTML5 widgets built on jQuery.
MvcContrib.Mvc3-ci {3.0.100} MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework, MVC Contrib ...
MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC5 {4.6.22} MvcSiteMapProvider is a tool that provides flexible menus, breadcrumb trails, and SEO features for the ASP.NET ...
Prism.PubSubEvents {1.1.2} This package is no longer supported. Please use the Prism.Core package instead....
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Common.De... {1.1.1} Provides popular portable components for a common HTTP pipeline and JSON parsing. This package is included as a...
SquishIt {} SquishIt lets you easily compress and combine JavaScript and CSS.
NewRelic.Azure.WebSites {6.3.123} This package will add all of the resources needed to profile your Windows Azure Web Site. For more information ...
ImageResizer.WebConfig {4.0.5} Installs ImageResizer module by (carefully) modifying Web.Config. ...
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
OxyPlot.Core {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This is the portable core library that is referenced by the platform-sp...
StructureMap.MVC4 {} An MVC4 IDependencyResolver wrapper for Structuremap 2.x
Sammy.js {0.7.5} Sammy.js is a tiny JavaScript framework built on top of jQuery inspired by Ruby's Sinatra.
Ninject.MockingKernel {3.2.2} Automock implementation using Ninject to create the objects under test.
Autofac.Configuration {4.0.1} Enables Autofac dependencies to be set up using configuration sources.
d3 {4.4.0} Powerful visualization components for JavaScript
BCrypt-Official {0.1.109} A .Net port of jBCrypt implemented in C#. It uses a variant of the Blowfish encryption algorithm’s keying sched...
angular-file-upload {12.2.13} Light-weight HTML5 and cross-browser AngularJS directives for file upload, progress, abort, drag and drop
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.VSSDK.BuildTools {14.3.25420} Contains targets and tools to enable the building of managed VSIX projects without VSSDK MSI installed. Only fo...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.... {1.0.1} Provides version of the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop* assemblies which are compatible with the .NET ...
C5 {2.4.5947.17249} The C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI is a comprehensive collection library supporting lists, sets, ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptograph... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core utilities for key derivation.
runtime.aot.System.Reflection.Ex... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership...
xunit.runner.msbuild {2.1.0} MSBuild runner for the framework. Capable of running v1.9.2 and v2.0+ tests.
FluentValidation.WebAPI {6.2.1} ASP.NET Web API integration for FluentValidation
MSBuild.Microsoft.VisualStudio.W... {} MSBuild targets for Web and WebApplications that come with Visual Studio. Useful for build servers that do not ...
foolproof {0.9.4518} MVC Foolproof Validation aims to extend the Data Annotation validation provided in ASP.NET MVC. Includes such a...
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.nat... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Breeze.Client {1.6.0} Breeze Client - Javascript. This package works with both Breeze.WebApi 2 servers as well as legacy Breeze.WebA...
RazorGenerator.MsBuild {2.4.7} MsBuild tasks for RazorGenerator
Caliburn.Micro.Core {3.0.2} A small, yet powerful framework designed for Xaml platforms, Caliburn.Micro implements a variety of UI patterns...
Angular.UI.Utils {0.2.3} Swiss-Army-Knife of AngularJS tools (with no external dependencies!)
FluentMigrator.Runner {1.6.2} FluentMigrator is a database migration framework for .NET written in C#.
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.nat... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Nancy.Viewengines.Razor {1.4.3} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
MvcContrib {2.0.95} MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework, MVC Contrib ...
Microsoft.Azure.AppService.ApiAp... {0.9.64} Microsoft.Azure.AppService.ApiApps.Service
OpenPop.NET {} .NET library written in C# with a full implementation of a POP3 client. Easy to use but yet powerful. Includes ...
System.IO.Abstractions {} Just like System.Web.Abstractions, but for System.IO. Yay for testable IO access! Be sure to check out the Syst...
Serilog.Sinks.Seq {3.1.1} Serilog sink that writes to the Seq log server over HTTP/S.
MicroBuild.Core {0.2.0} MicroBuild bootstrapper package which wires up build targets that load and execute other MicroBuild plugins dur...
FSharp.Formatting {2.14.4} A package of libraries for building great F# documentation, samples and blogs
SQLitePCL.raw_basic {0.8.6} A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
Xamarin.Android.Support.v13 {24.2.1} v13 Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Topshelf.Log4Net {4.0.3} Topshelf Log4Net Integration.
reactiveui-core {7.0.0} Use the Reactive Extensions for .NET to create elegant, testable User Interfaces that run on any mobile or desk...
BuildWebCompiler {1.11.326} Compiles LESS, Sass, JSX and CoffeeScript files
BookSleeve {1.3.41} Efficient, fully asynchronous Redis client
NoGit {0.1.0} Local git replacement for npm and bower, powered by js-git and node.js.
Breeze.Server.ContextProvider {1.6.0} Breeze Server - ContextProvider - Most commonly used in conjunction with Breeze.WebApi2 - You may want to use o...
runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
WPFToolkit {3.5.50211.1} This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you...
Aspose.Cells {16.11.0} Aspose.Cells for .Net is a class library for Excel document processing
runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll {} packaging version
runtime.aot.System.Threading.Tasks {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.aot.System.Threading.Timer {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Durandal.Transitions {2.2.0} This is a collection of transitions designed to work with Durandal's composition system.
Simple.Data.Core {0.19.0} A Simple, Dynamic data access library.
runtime.aot.System.Runtime.Inter... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
BundlerMinifier.Core {2.2.306} Bundles and minifies CSS, JS and HTML files
runtime.aot.System.Text.Encoding {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.aot.System.Text.Encoding... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.aot.System.Collections {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.aot.System.Runtime.Handles {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NAudio {1.7.3} NAudio, an audio library for .NET
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
iTextSharp-LGPL {4.1.6} LGPL/MPL version of iTextSharp - a library for PDF generation written entirely in C# for the .NET platform.
runtime.aot.System.Diagnostics.T... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
TweetSharp {2.3.1} TweetSharp v2 is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. It uses T4 templates to make adding new endpoint...
runtime.aot.System.Runtime {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.native.System.Security.C... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework {2.0.0} A package including the NUnit test frameworks and the Visual Studio 2012/13 test adapter. With this package yo...
runtime.aot.System.Resources.Res... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.aot.System.Diagnostics.T... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
MiniProfiler.Mvc4 {3.0.11} MiniProfiler extensions and helpers for ASP.NET MVC 4+
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities
runtime.aot.System.Globalization {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
LibGit2Sharp {0.22.0} LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .N...
runtime.aot.System.Reflection.Pr... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Serilog.Sinks.PeriodicBatching {2.1.0} The periodic batching sink for Serilog
runtime.aot.System.IO {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client {3.0.3} Azure Mobile Apps SDK
runtime.aot.System.Globalization... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.aot.System.Reflection {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Lo... {2.2.0} Application Insights Log4Net Appender is supported for .NET FX 4.0 and later.
RequireJS.Text {2.0.7} A RequireJS/AMD loader plugin for loading text resources....
Microsoft.ServiceFabric {5.3.311} This package contains the reference assemblies required to build a Service Fabric service.
MvvmCross {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
MvcCheckBoxList {1.4.5} An extension for MVC HtmlHelper class to create POSTable checkbox list on a view, based on the data passed from...
MsgPack.Cli {0.8.0} MessagePack is fast, compact, and interoperable binary serialization format....
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {6.2.0} Provides Microsoft Azure Scheduler management operations including the ability to create, update and delete sch...
EnterpriseLibrary.SemanticLoggin... {2.0.1406.1} The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass...
sqlite-net-pcl {1.2.1} The official portable version of sqlite-net: the easy way to access sqlite from .NET apps.
Nancy.Testing {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
YamlDotNet {4.0.0} This package contains the YAML parser and serializer.
MediatR {2.1.0} Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
Hammock {1.3.1} REST, easy.
Ninject.Extensions.Logging {3.2.3} Logging extension for Ninject
AutoFixture.Xunit {3.50.2} Extension to AutoFixture that integrates it with
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.ServiceBus {2.2.1} Service Bus messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
MiniProfiler.EF {2.1.0} MiniProfiler integration for Entity Framework. This package is Obsolete. Please use the MiniProfiler.EF5 or Min...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging
VSSDK.IDE {7.0.4} Visual Studio 2003+
WebApiContrib.Formatting.Jsonp {3.0.2} Provides a JSONP MediaTypeFormatter implementation for ASP.NET Web API
Prism.UnityExtensions {5.0.1} This package is no longer supported. Please use the new Prism.Unity package....
Prism.Core {6.2.0} Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well structured...
Unity.Mvc3 {1.2.0} Unity.Mvc3 is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with ASP.NET MVC 3. T...
NDesk.Options {0.2.1} NDesk.Options is a callback-based program option parser for C#.
PDFsharp-MigraDoc-GDI {1.32.4334} Creating Documents on the Fly....
Google.ProtocolBuffers {} A managed code generator and library for Google's data interchange format.
runtime.native.System.Security.C... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Abp.Web {1.1.3} System.Web integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
NUglify {1.5.3} NUglify provides minify and compression methods for CSS, JavaScript and HTML files for .NET (fork of AjaxMin + ...
semver {2.0.4} A semver implementation in .Net based on the v2.0.0 of the spec found at
jQuery.Form {3.51.0} A simple way to AJAX-ify any form on your page; with file upload and progress support.
Common.Logging.Log4Net {2.0.2} DEPRECATED -- DO NOT USE (view "Project Information" url for more info)
Abp.Web.Api {1.1.3} ASP.NET Web API integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
WebSocket4Net {0.14.1} WebSocket4Net is a .NET websocket client implemtation. It originates from SuperWebSocket WebSocket Client. For ...
Simple.Data.Ado {0.19.0} ADO Adapter for the Simple.Data data access library.
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Redis {2.2.1} Redis messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
Flurl.Http {1.1.1} A fluent, portable, testable HTTP client library that extends Flurl's URL builder chain.
Aspose.Pdf {16.12.0} Aspose.Pdf for .NET is an amazing component which provides the feature to create and manipulate PDF documents.
Breeze.Server.WebApi2 {1.6.0} Breeze Server - for Web API 2.2. This package is usually used in conjunction with one of the Breeze.ContextProv...
Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services {2.3.311} This package contains the common Service Framework APIs for building and connecting to reliable services on Mic...
Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Data {2.3.311} This package contains the runtime assemblies required by Service Fabric's ReliableCollections APIs.
Cassette {2.4.2} Important: This is just the core library for Cassette. You probably want to install the Cassette.Aspnet package...
OxyPlot.Wpf {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets WPF applications.
EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFault... {6.0.1304} The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") makes your Windows Azure application...
CefSharp.Common {53.0.0} The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component ('Core' and common 'Element' components, needed by both WPF and W...
EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Database {6.0.1304} This logging provider lets developer use the Data Access Application Block to store log entries.
Abp.Web.Mvc {} ASP.NET MVC integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {13.0.0} Provides virtual machine and hosted service management capabilities to developers. Launch, restart, scale, and ...
windowsazure.mediaservices {} This package contains Windows Azure Media Service library for .NET.
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn").
ServiceStack.Text.Signed {4.5.4} .NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers
ImageResizer.Mvc {4.0.5} Deprecated. No longer required with ImageResizer 4+.
System.Management.Automation {6.1.7601.17515} Unofficial and unsupported
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.En... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core Identity provider that uses Entity Framework Core.
lz4net {} LZ4 - ultra fast compression algorithm - for all .NET platforms
Google.Apis.Drive.v2 {} Google Drive v2 API client library
SendGrid.CSharp.HTTP.Client {3.0.0} Quickly and easily access any REST or REST-like API.
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
sqlite {3.13.0} SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQ...
MailChimp.NET {1.1.88} .NET MailChimp API wrapper
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.... {14.102.0} Microsoft Visual Studio Services Client...
LinqToCsv {1.5.0} Serialise/Deserialize your classes to/from CSV and tab delimited files. Very flexible. Supports international d...
EntityFramework.DynamicFilters {2.5.0} Provides global & scoped filters for Entity Framework with dynamic filter parameters that are evaluated at quer...
Serilog.Extensions.Logging {1.3.1} Serilog provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Unofficial.Microsoft.WindowsAzur... {2.9.0} Unofficial Build of ServiceRuntime 2.9
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} 适用于 Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization 程序包的简体中文资源
Jurassic {2.2.1} Jurassic is an implementation of the ECMAScript (JavaScript) language and runtime.
NServiceBus.Testing {6.0.1} The testing for the NServiceBus
System.Web.Providers.Core {1.1.0} Legacy package, System.Web.Providers.Core is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.Core' package.
MvcContrib.Mvc3.TestHelper-ci {3.0.100} MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework, MVC Contrib ...
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.nativ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core web server for writing and running tests.
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.nat... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Ninject.Web.Common.OwinHost {3.2.3} Adds owin hosting support to web common.
psake {4.6.0} psake is a build automation tool written in PowerShell
SQLitePCL {} Portable Class Library for SQLite
LightInject {4.1.5} An ultra lightweight Inversion of Control container for the .Net framework. See LightInject.Source for the sour...
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions {1.0.1} Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions adds additional triggers, binders and extensions to the WebJobs SDK.
Humanizer.Core {2.1.0} Humanizer core package that contains the library and the neutral language (English) resources
Catel.Core {4.5.4} Catel.Core library which provides the core building blocks required when developing professional applications. ...
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.nat... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.nativ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
AmplifyJS {1.1.2} AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API.
Spring.Core {2.0.1} Core functionality for Spring.Net IoC container
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Portable.BouncyCastle {} Support for .NET 4, WP 8 SL, WP 8.1, Windows 8, MonoTouch, MonoAndroid, Xamarin.iOS, Core CLR...
CraigsUtilityLibrary-DataTypes {4.0.304} This is the DataTypes namespace from Craig's Utility Library
Abp.EntityFramework {1.1.3} EntityFramework integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
StructureMap.MVC5 {} An MVC5 IDependencyResolver wrapper for Structuremap 3.x
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NUnit.Extension.TeamCityEventLis... {1.0.2} NUnit Team City Event Listener extension for TeamCity.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {6.0.1} Provides storage management operations for Microsoft Azure, including the ability to create, delete, and config...
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Abp.Web.Resources {1.1.3} This package contains resources (xml, js and css files) needed for ASP.NET Boilerplate web projects.
SQLitePCL.raw {0.9.3} A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
Google.Protobuf.Tools {3.1.0} Tools for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format.
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler {4.3.0} Provides a message handler for HttpClient based on the WinHTTP interface of Windows. While similar to HttpClien...
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Cassette.Views {2.4.2} View helpers for Cassette.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management {4.1.1} Provides Microsoft Azure infrastructure and data center management operations, including the ability to create ...
SQLite.Net.Core-PCL {3.1.1} A .NET client library to access SQLite embedded database files in a LINQ manner.
Twilio.Mvc {3.2.2} Twilio helpers for ASP.NET MVC
jasmine.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.3.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jasmine. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 6f61...
AForge {2.2.5} Core library of the AForge.NET framework
SourceLink.Fake {1.1.0} source linking .NET pdb files with FAKE - F# Make
StyleCop {4.7.55} Core StyleCop libraries to create custom rules
DelegateDecompiler {0.20.0} A tool which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation
Breeze.Server.ContextProvider.EF6 {1.6.0} Breeze Server - ContextProvider for Entity Framework 6. This package is usually used in conjunction with the B...
Glimpse.Mvc3 {1.5.3} ASP.NET MVC 3.0 web debugging and diagnostics tool.
Nustache {} Logic-less templates for .NET
ImpromptuInterface {6.2.2} A Lightweight Duck Casting Framework for dynamic C# 4.0 (.net4 & silverlight4 & silveright5 ). Includes helper ...
Owin.Security.Providers {2.12.0} Additional OAuth providers for Katana (OWIN)....
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware for Entity Framework Core error pages. Use this middleware to detect and diagnose error...
Prism.Composition {5.0.0} This package is no longer supported. Please use the Prism.Wpf package instead....
ApprovalTests {3.0.13} A picture's worth a 1000 tests....
Ninject.Web.WebApi.OwinHost {3.2.4} Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC WebAPI 2 OWIN host
Xam.Plugins.Forms.ImageCircle {} Use a Circle Image in your Xamarin.Forms projects! Ensure you call ImageCircleRenderer.Init() on each platform!
DotLiquid {2.0.55} DotLiquid is a templating system ported to the .NET framework from Ruby’s Liquid Markup.
Bond.Runtime.CSharp {5.1.0} Bond is an open source, cross-platform, cross-language framework for working with schematized data.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices {27.0.0} DEPRECATED: Use individual Xamarin Google Play Services packages instead!
TelerikMvcExtensions {2013.2.611} Imprtant: version 2013.2.611 is the last release of Telerik MVC Extensions.
EntityFrameworkProfiler {3.0.3103} This package let you profile your EntityFramework application easily!
Microsoft.VisualStudio.CoreUtility {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.CoreUtility
Common.Logging.Log4Net1213 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 1.2.13 logging framework.
Lucene.Net.Contrib {3.0.3} Lucene.Net Contrib adds a set of advanced functionalites to
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Owin.... {1.1.0} OWIN middleware for providing a resource/action based authorization manager.
Newtonsoft.Json.Schema {2.0.7} Json.NET Schema is a complete and easy-to-use JSON Schema framework for .NET
boost {1.62.0} boost
jasmine-js {} Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. The package contains only jasmi...
Ninject.MockingKernel.Moq {3.2.2} Automock implementation for Moq using Ninject to create the objects under test.
DotNetZip.Reduced {} DotNetZip is an easy-to-use, FAST, FREE class library and toolset for manipulating zip files or folders.
NServiceBus.NHibernate {7.0.1} NHibernate integration for NServiceBus
ImageResizer.MvcWebConfig {4.0.5} Installs ImageResizer by (carefully) modifying Web.Config. Duplicate of ImageResizer.WebConfig for ImageResizer...
ClientDependency-Mvc5 {1.8.0} ClientDependency for MVC 5
Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.C... {14.102.0} Microsoft Team Foundation Server Client...
Bond.CSharp {5.1.0} Bond is an open source, cross-platform, cross-language framework for working with schematized data.
Sigil {4.7.0} A fail-fast validation helper for .NET CIL generation.
Prism.Interactivity {5.0.0} This package is no longer supported. Please use the Prism.Wpf package instead....
EnterpriseLibrary.SemanticLoggin... {2.0.1406.1} The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass...
NewRelic.Azure.WebSites.x64 {6.3.123} This package will add all of the resources needed to profile your Windows Azure Web Site running as a reserved ...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Data {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Data
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.nat... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.nativ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.As... {1.0.2} Application Insights for ASP.NET Core web applications.
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
DotNetOpenAuth.Ultimate {} OpenID, OAuth, & InfoCard library for web and desktop applications.
Acr.UserDialogs {6.3.2} Allows for messagebox style dialogs to be called from your shared/PCL/MVVM code
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI
WatiN {2.1.0} Write automated tests for your web applications using the WatiN framework and execute them through Internet Exp...
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
TinyMCE.JQuery {4.5.1} This package has been deprecated use
Autofac.Web {4.0.0} Provides dependency management and property injection for ASP.NET WebForms Pages.
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
ExifLib.PCL {1.0.1} Portable EXIF library for Windows 8, Windows Phone, Silverlight, Android, and iOS.
FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient {5.6.0} Firebird ADO.NET Data provider
Mindscape.Raygun4Net.Core {5.3.1} Core library for MVC and WebApi Raygun providers
NLog.Web {4.2.1} Extend NLog with targets and layout renderers for websites and web applications....
Ninject.Web {3.2.1} ASP.NET application bootstrapper for Ninject
PreMailer.Net {1.5.5} PreMailer.Net is a C# utility for moving CSS to inline style attributes, to gain maximum E-mail client compatib...
logentries.log4net {2.8.0} logentries.log4net is a plugin library for Log4Net to enable logging to Logentries from a .NET platform. Logent...
WebDriver.ChromeDriver.win32 {2.25.0} ChromeDriver from
underscore.TypeScript.Definitely... {1.6.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for underscore. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: d...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Logic
MiniProfiler.EF6 {3.0.11} MiniProfiler integration for Entity Framework 6
DapperExtensions {1.5.0} A small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your ...
AuthorizeNet {1.9.1} Authorize.Net SDK for .Net
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
ReflectionMagic {2.1.0} Framework to drastically simplify your private reflection code using C# dynamic {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Braintree {3.3.0} The Braintree .NET Client Library will allow you to take payments securely for...
CassandraCSharpDriver {} A modern, feature-rich and highly tunable C# client library for Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise
Jil {2.14.5} A fast JSON serializer and deserializer.
DDay.iCal {2.0.0} Obsolete. Use
FluentValidation.MVC4 {5.1.0} ASP.NET MVC 4 integration for FluentValidation
Nancy.Serialization.JsonNet {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
Coypu {2.10.0} Intuitive, robust browser automation for .Net
Abp.AutoMapper {1.1.3} AutoMapper integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
System.Data.SQLite.x64 {1.0.103} This is a legacy package; if possible, please use either the "System.Data.SQLite" or "System.Data.SQLite.Core" ...
LibLog {4.2.6} A source code package designed primarily for library and framework authors who want dependency free logging sup...
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
RavenDB.Server {3.5.1} This package contains the Raven.Server.exe database binaries.
EnterpriseLibrary.Caching {5.0.505} The Enterprise Library Caching Application Block lets developers incorporate a local in-memory or persistent ca...
Ninject.Extensions.Interception {3.2.0} Interception extension for Ninject
Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop {7.10.6070} Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop
Mono.Reflection {1.1.0} Complement for System.Reflection, including an IL disassembler.
WebMatrix.WebData {2.0.30506} Legacy package, WebMatrix.WebData is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.WebData' package.
NUnitLite {3.5.0} NUnitlite is a lightweight runner for tests that use the NUnit testing framework.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Int... {7.10.6071} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop {4.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
SharpDX.DXGI {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - DXGI 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 managed API.
latticework.cs {1.0.16} latticework.cs
ServiceStack.Common.Signed {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
Microsoft.CrmSdk.Deployment {} Assembly required to develop managed code applications that can access the Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment we...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.... {14.102.0} Microsoft Visual Studio Services Client (Interactive)...
CommonServiceLocation {1.0.0} This package contains the assembly Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Backload {} Backload is a professional, full featured server side file handler for ASP.NET (MVC, Web API, ASP.NET WebForms)...
ImageResizer.Plugins.DiskCache {4.0.5} Adds disk caching to the ImageResizer core. Fast, multithreaded, and self-managing. ...
Microsoft.Report.Viewer {11.0.0} ReportViewer is a freely redistributable control that enables embedding reports in applications developed using...
AngularJS.Cookies {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.nativ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
React.Core {3.0.0} ReactJS and Babel tools for .NET
jQuery.MaskedInput {1.4.1} A jQuery plugin which applies a mask to input boxes to provide both a UI hint for users as well as some rudimen...
Simple.Data.SqlServer {0.19.0} SQL Server ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library.
runtime.win7-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.debian.8-x64.Microsoft.N... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.debian.8-x64.Microsoft.N... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.debian.8-x64.Microsoft.N... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
signalr.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.4.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for signalr. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b332...
SQLite.Net.Async-PCL {3.1.1} A .NET client library to access SQLite embedded database files in a LINQ manner....
Autofac.Mvc5.Owin {4.0.0} Allows an Autofac lifetime scope to extend from the OWIN pipeline through to ASP.NET MVC.
S2Geometry {1.0.3} The Google S2 Geometry Library is a spherical geometry library, very useful for manipulating regions on the sph...
WebApiContrib.IoC.Ninject {0.9.3} The WebApiContrib.IoC.Ninject library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.
WebApiTestClient {1.1.1} A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page.
Neo4jClient {} A .NET client for neo4j: an open source, transactional graph database. It's pretty awesome.
AspNetRazor.Core {2.0.20710} Legacy package, AspNetRazor.Core is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.Razor' package.
AWSSDK.SQS {} Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fast, reliable, scalable, fully managed message queuing service. SQS mak...
Handlebars.js {3.0.0} Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration.
ApprovalUtilities {3.0.13} Common helper classes developed with ApprovalTests
MvvmCross.Platform {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {5.2.0} Provides Microsoft Azure SQL Database management operations for Microsoft Azure.
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.nativ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Hprose {1.5.6} Hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine....
Serilog.Sinks.Literate {2.0.0} An alternative colored console sink for Serilog that pretty-prints properties.
twitter.bootstrap.mvc4 {1.1.100} This has the bootstrap layout and supporting files to quickly add Twitter ...
StatsdClient {1.4.51} Statsd client for C#, providing a full set of counter/timer/gauge/set functionality in an easy to use static. H...
TaskParallelLibrary {1.0.2856} A complete and official Microsoft backport of the Task Parallel Library (TPL) for .NET 3.5.
Common.Logging.NLog20 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 2.0 logging framework.
Hprose.Client {1.5.6} Hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine....
EnterpriseLibrary.SemanticLoggin... {2.0.1406.1} The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass...
navigationroutes.mvc4 {1.0.30130} Routes for creating Menus and Navigation.
EntityFramework.Cache {1.0.0} Second Level Cache for Entity Framework 6.1 and newer.
Common.Logging.Log4Net1211 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 1.2.11 logging framework.
Plugin.CurrentActivity {1.0.1} Easily gain access to the active Activity.
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.SqlServer {2.2.1} SQL Server messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm. {4.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManag... {7.10.6070} Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop
System.Net.FtpClient {1.0.5824.34026} FTP Client Implementation
Glass.Mapper.Sc {} An ORM for Sitecore. Map item data from Sitecore straight onto objects. Allows you to map fields,...
Microsoft.Web.Services3 {3.0.0} WSE 3.0 simplifies the development and deployment of secure Web services. It enables developers and administrat...
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
ZCloud {1.0.0} ZCloud framework core
CryptSharpOfficial {2.1.0} CryptSharp provides a number of password crypt algorithms - BCrypt, LDAP, MD5 (and Apache's htpasswd variant), ... {4.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Google.Apis.YouTube.v3 {} Google Youtube v3 API client library
AForge.Math {2.2.5} AForge.Math library from the AForge.NET framework
PayPalMerchantSDK {2.16.204} The PayPal Merchant SDK lets you do API operations within the PayPal Merchant API WSDL viz., Express Checkout, ...
TypeLite {1.8.1} Generates TypeScript interfaces from .NET classes. Please note in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 TypeLITE works on...
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
AspNetWebPages.Core {2.0.20710} Legacy package, AspNetWebPages.Core is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages' package.
Twitter.Typeahead {0.11.1} Inspired by's autocomplete search functionality, typeahead.js is a flexible JavaScript library that...
Plugin.Permissions {1.2.1} Check and Request Permissions from shared code.
MvcDonutCaching {1.3.0} MvcDonutCaching provides extensible donut output caching for ASP.NET MVC 3 and above. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Less.js {1.5.1} LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.
jquery.validation.TypeScript.Def... {0.4.6} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jquery.validation. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git co...
RecaptchaNet {2.1.0} Quickly add reCAPTCHA (the most popular captcha service used by millions of sites) in an ASP.NET Web Forms or A...
System.Reactive.Core {3.1.1} Reactive Extensions (Rx) Core Library containing base classes and scheduler infrastructure.
FastMember {1.1.0} In .NET reflection is slow... well, kinda slow. If you need access to the members of an arbitrary type, with th...
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sq... {1.1.0} SQLite database provider for Entity Framework Core.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI.Wpf {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI.Wpf
Backbone.js {1.1.3} Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by providing models key-value binding and custom e...
reactiveui {7.0.0} A MVVM framework that integrates with the Reactive Extensions for .NET to create elegant, testable User Interfa...
ServiceStack.Client.Signed {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
Machine.Specifications.Should {0.11.0} Machine.Specifications Should library
Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy2 {3.0.7} Autofac extension for enabling AOP in conjunction with Castle.
FSharpVSPowerTools.Core {2.4.0} A collection of additional commands for F# in Visual Studio
runtime.win7-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
RestSharpSigned {105.2.3} Simple REST and HTTP API Client
linq.js {} Linq to Objects for JavaScript.
runtime.win7-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.win7-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Jint {2.10.2} Javascript interpreter for .NET which provides full ECMA 5.1 compliance.
NReco.PdfGenerator {1.1.12} HTML-to-PDF converter component for C# (.NET) based on WkHtmlToPdf utility. Generates pretty-looking PDF docume...
jQuery.InputMask {3.3.3} jquery.inputmask is a jquery plugin which create an input mask.
DotNet.Highcharts {4.0.0} DotNet.Highcharts offers Highcharts integration with ASP.NET applications. The package also include javascript ...
QuickGraph {3.6.61119.7} Generic graph data structures and algorithms for .NET
DynamicQuery {1.0.0} The Dynamic Expression API extends the core LINQ API and provides: Dynamic parsing of strings to produce expres...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {4.0.0} Provides management capabilities for Microsoft Azure Web Sites. Deploy, configure, debug, and scale your websi...
FileHelpers-Stable {3.1.2} DEPRECATED: use FileHelpers instead...
System.Runtime.Analyzers {1.1.0} System.Runtime Analyzers
System.Reactive.Linq {3.1.1} Reactive Extensions (Rx) Query Library used to express complex event processing queries over observable sequences.
IKVM {8.1.5717} IKVM.NET is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Uwp.Man... {2.0.0} Easily add interactivity to your apps using XAML Behaviors. Now with UWP support! Behaviors encapsulate reusabl...
Exceptionless {4.0.1922} Exceptionless client for portable applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sen...
Castle.WcfIntegrationFacility {3.3.0} WCF Facility integrates Windsor with WCF and provides some additional functionality.
DevDefined.OAuth {0.2.0} An OAuth Consumer and Provider implemented for .Net
MvvmCross.Core {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
runtime.rhel.7-x64.Microsoft.NET... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
SpecRun.Runner {1.5.2} SpecRun runner - supports SpecRun.SpecFlow and SpecRun.NUnit packages.
Microsoft.Net.Http.zh-Hans {2.0.20710} Microsoft.Net.Http 程序包的 简体中文 资源
runtime.debian.8-x64.Microsoft.N... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
SQLite.Native {3.12.3} SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQ...
GeoAPI {1.7.4} GeoAPI.NET project provides a common framework based on OGC/ISO standards to improve interoperability among .NE...
Bower {1.3.11} A package manager for the web.
Autofac.Mef {4.0.0} Enables MEF catalogs to be loaded by the Autofac container.
runtime.rhel.7-x64.Microsoft.NET... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Cinteros.XrmToolBox.PluginTraceV... {1.2016.11.19} Investigate the Plug-in Trace Log with easy filtering and display possibilities
runtime.rhel.7-x64.Microsoft.NET... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Markdown {2.2.0} Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow.
PetaPoco {5.1.228} PetaPoco is a tiny, single file .NET data access layer inspired by Massive that works with both non-dynamic POC...
ServiceStack.Api.Swagger {4.5.4} ServiceStack integration with Swagger
MetroNode {0.2.9} NodeJS Support for Windows 10 Javascript-based Apps
RavenDB.Tests.Helpers {3.5.1} This package includes a utility class that helps test features of RavenDB.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Gcm {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - GCM 9.6.1
React.Web {3.0.0} ReactJS and Babel tools for ASP.NET 4
HtmlTags {4.2.0} Easy generation of html with a jquery inspired object model
Cassette.Aspnet {2.4.2} ASP.NET support for Cassette. Cassette automatically builds JavaScript, CSS and HTML template modules based on ...
AutoFixture.Xunit2 {3.50.2} Extension to AutoFixture that integrates it with v2.
Google.Apis.Analytics.v3 {} Google Analytics v3 API client library
ImageResizer.Plugins.PrettyGifs {4.0.5} Replaces .NET's default GIF and 8-bit PNG encoding with high-quality Octree Quantization and multi-pass ditheri...
Google.Apis.Calendar.v3 {} Google Calendar v3 API client library
IronPython {2.7.7} IronPython is an open-source implementation of the Python programming language which is tightly integrated with...
FAKE.Core {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
MvvmCross.Binding {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
MSBuild.Extension.Pack {1.8.0} The MSBuild Extension Pack provides a collection of over 480 MSBuild Tasks, MSBuild Loggers and MSBuild TaskFac...
bootbox {4.3.0} Bootbox.js—alert, confirm and flexible dialogs for Twitter's Bootstrap framework
NServiceBus.Autofac {6.0.1} Adapter for the Autofac IoC Container
Akka {1.1.2} Akka.NET is a port of the popular Java/Scala framework Akka to .NET
AvalonEdit {5.0.3} AvalonEdit is the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop
Hangfire.Dashboard.Authorization {2.1.0} Some authorization filters for Hangfire's Dashboard.
AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2 {} Amazon DynamoDB is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service for all applications that need consistent, single...
CraigsUtilityLibrary-IO {4.0.304} This is the IO namespace from Craig's Utility Library
JSPool {2.0.0} JSPool facilitates easy integration of JavaScript scripting into a .NET application in a scalable and performan...
System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo {4.3.0} Provides the System.IO.DriveInfo class, which enables developers to query local drive information....
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQ... {3.0.3} Azure Mobile Apps offline store for SQLite
NetMQ {} A 100% native C# port of the lightweight high performance messaging library ZeroMQ
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Extensions {2.0.4} Class library for Azure Key Vault Extensions
runtime.any.System.Private.DataC... {4.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. \r\n Inter...
Mono.Security {3.2.3} Mono.Security containing utilities like Authenticode.
toastr.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.3.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for toastr. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: eae5d...
Microsoft.Extensions.FileProvide... {1.1.0} File provider for files in embedded resources for Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.
Umbraco.ModelsBuilder {3.0.5} Umbraco ModelsBuilder.
knockout.mapping.TypeScript.Defi... {0.2.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for knockout.mapping. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git com...
Autofac.Mvc3 {} Provides an IControllerFactory implementation and other integration points for System.Web.Mvc.
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
TaskScheduler {2.5.21} Provides a single assembly wrapper for the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of Task Scheduler found in all Microsoft operat...
EvoPDF {6.16.0} Convert HTML to PDF in your .NET application using the EVO HTML to PDF Converter.
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Catel.MVVM {4.5.4} Catel.MVVM library which contains the MVVM framework available in Catel. This MVVM framework solves actual real...
Mono.Options {4.4.0} A Getopt::Long-inspired option parsing library for C#.
AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute {3.50.2} Turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container based on NSubstitute.
logentries.nlog {2.6.0} logentries.nlog is a plugin library for NLog to enable logging to Logentries from a .NET platform. Logentries i...
NuGetPowerTools {0.29.0} Powershell goodies that make working with nuget even easier!
Xam.Plugins.Messaging {3.2.1} Xamarin and Windows plugin to make phone call, send sms or send an e-mail.
ZXing.Net.Mobile {2.1.47} ZXing Barcode Scanning for your Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows Phone (Silverlight) and Windows Universal...
Stateless {3.0.1} Create state machines and lightweight state machine-based workflows directly in .NET code
Topshelf.NLog {4.0.3} Topshelf NLog Integration.
Spark {1.8.1} Spark View Engine Core.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {8.1.0} Provides network management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
chosen {1.2.0} Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently a...
Microsoft.SharePointOnline.CSOM {16.1.5903.1200} This package contains SharePoint and Project Online Client Object Model libraries.
Prism.Wpf {6.2.0} Prism libraries related to user interface composition, regions, and modularity for WPF.
Machine.Fakes {2.7.0} A framework for faking dependencies on top of Machine.Specifications.
Prism.Unity {6.2.0} Unity extensions for Prism.
VarintBitConverter {1.0.0} System.VarintBitConverter is static utility class very similar to BitConverter. It converts numeric .NET types ...
Paket.Core {3.31.1} A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and git repositories.
RavenDB.Client.MvcIntegration {3.5.1} A visual profiler for RavenDB that you can use in your ASP.NET MVC application.
runtime.debian.8-x64.Microsoft.N... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
MarkdownDeep.Full {1.5.0} MarkdownDeep is a high performance .NET Markdown engine along with a 100% compatible JavaScript implementation ...
UrlRewritingNet {2.0.7} The component was designed and developed in 2006 for running with ASP.NET 2.0, but it works with newer versions...
FluentScheduler {5.1.0} Automated job scheduler with fluent interface.
PayPal {1.8.0} The PayPal .NET SDK calls the PayPal REST API for the given payload.
DotSpatial.Projections {1.9.0} For working with Projections and coordinate systems. A port of the popular proj4 C++ library to C#.
DocX {} DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Word 2007 files, in an easy and intuitive manor.
AForge.Imaging {2.2.5} AForge.Imaging library from the AForge.NET framework
XLabs.IoC {2.0.5782} XLabs is a open source project that aims to provide a powerfull and cross platform set of controls tailored to ...
XLabs.Core {2.0.5782} XLabs is a open source project that aims to provide a powerfull and cross platform set of controls tailored to ...
PInvoke.Windows.Core {0.3.152} P/Invoke types for common Windows APIs.
XLabs.Platform {2.0.5782} XLabs is a open source project that aims to provide a powerfull and cross platform set of controls tailored to ...
EasyHttp {1.6.86} An HTTP Client for .NET
Cake.Core {0.17.0} Cake (C# Make) is a build automation system with a C# DSL to do things like compiling code, copy files/folders,...
ABCpdf {} A powerful and flexible PDF component for .NET.
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets.DNXCore {4.9.0} Ensures a minimum set of package versions when building DNXCore applications and portable libraries.
Prism.MEFExtensions {5.0.0} This package is no longer supported. Please use the new Prism.Mef package....
NetTopologySuite {1.14.0} NTS Topology Suite is a direct-port of all the functionalities offered by JTS Topology Suite
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
FsUnit {2.3.2} The goals of FsUnit are to make unit-testing feel more functional while leverage existing testing frameworks.
Unipluss.Sign.Client {1.0.2470} Client library to communication with REST API....
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.... {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense
MarkdownDeep.NET {1.5.0} This package contains MarkdownDeep.NET only - it does not include the JavaScript client edition {5.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc
AutoRest {0.17.3} AutoRest code generation of REST API client libraries.
HockeySDK.Xamarin {4.1.0} HockeyApp SDK for Xamarin Applications. Use HockeyApp to collect crash reports.
JustMock {2016.2.426.1} The most powerful free mocking library available for .NET developers.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.AppIn... {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - AppIndexing 9.6.1
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Reflection {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
Fancybox {2.1.5} FancyBox licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license. Free non-profit websites. For c...
ServiceStack.Server {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInj... {4.0.0} Autofac implementation of the .NET Framework dependency injection abstraction.
Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.E... {14.102.0} Microsoft Team Foundation Server Extended Client...
VSSDK.Shell.Interop {7.0.4} Visual Studio (Shell Interop) for Visual Studio 2003+
Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common {10.0.40219.1} The Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package includes controls for viewing reports designed usi...
Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstrac... {1.1.0} Abstractions for making code that uses file system and environment testable.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor
PInvoke.Kernel32 {0.3.152} P/Invoke methods for the Windows Kernel32.dll.
Win2D.uwp {1.20.0} An easy-to-use Windows Runtime API for immediate mode 2D graphics rendering....
runtime.aot.System.Private.DataC... {4.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. \r\n Inter...
GoogleMapsApi {0.60.0} Google Maps Web Services API wrapper for .NET
EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFault... {6.0.1304} The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") makes your Windows Azure application...
System.Reactive.Interfaces {3.1.1} Reactive Extensions (Rx) Interfaces Library containing essential interfaces.
JsonFx {2.0.1209.2802} JsonFx serialization framework {3.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.Razor
ServiceStack.Signed {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
UAParser {2.1.0} A .net wrapper for the ua-parser library
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.nat... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
XLabs.Forms {2.0.5782} XLabs.Forms is a open source project that aims to provide a powerfull and cross platform set of controls tailor...
cldrjs {0.4.7} Simple CLDR API
WriteableBitmapEx {1.5.0} The WriteableBitmapEx library is a collection of extension methods for the WriteableBitmap. The WriteableBitmap...
MvcPaging {2.1.7} A Paging library for ASP.NET MVC.
Mindscape.Raygun4Net.Mvc {5.3.1} Raygun provider for ASP.NET MVC projects
ManagedEsent {1.9.4} ManagedEsent provides managed access to ESENT, the embeddable database engine native to Windows. ManagedEsent u...
Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild {2.1.4} The TypeScript MSBuild task, and matching compiler version.
BundleTransformer.MicrosoftAjax {1.9.92} BundleTransformer.MicrosoftAjax contains 2 minifier-adapters: `MicrosoftAjaxCssMinifier` (for minification of C...
XLabs.Serialization {2.0.5782} XLabs is a open source project that aims to provide a powerfull and cross platform set of controls tailored to ...
requirejs.TypeScript.DefinitelyT... {0.4.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for requirejs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 0b...
Breeze.WebApi {1.4.16} Breeze Client and Server (obsolete) - Javascript client with Legacy ASP.NET Web API and Entity Framework 5 server
Autofac.Extras.CommonServiceLocator {4.0.0} Autofac extension for using the Microsoft Enterprise Library Common Service Locator with Autofac.
ServiceStack.Redis.Signed {4.5.4} C# Redis Client for the worlds fastest distributed NoSQL datastore....
IronRuby {1.1.3} the Ruby programming language for the .NET Framework
PInvoke.BCrypt {0.3.152} P/Invoke methods for the Windows BCrypt.dll.
System.Security.AccessControl {4.3.0} Provides base classes that enable managing access and audit control lists on securable objects....
SharpDX.Direct2D1 {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - Direct2D, DirectWrite and WIC managed API.
jQuery.UI.Core {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Core. The core of jQuery UI, required for all interactions and widgets.
QrCode.Net {0.4.0} .Net QrCode Encoder
PInvoke.NCrypt {0.3.152} P/Invoke methods for the Windows NCrypt.dll.
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Futures {5.0.0} ASP.NET MVC Futures includes unsupported prototype features for ASP.NET MVC, from the MVC team.
FeatureToggle.Core {3.5.1} Simple, reliable feature toggles in .NET. This is a PCL core for the main FeatureToggle package.
NWebsec.Core {1.6.0} This library provides core functionality for the NWebsec security libraries.
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {4.1.0} Provides Microsoft Azure Media Services management functionality. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
CommonMark.NET {0.14.0} Fastest .NET library for converting Markdown documents to HTML. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
StackifyLib {1.25.3} Library for accessing the Stackify API
Abp.Zero {1.1.0} ASP.NET Boilerplate - Module Zero.
Catel.Extensions.Controls {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.Controls library which contains user controls, such as the StackGrid.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authenticat... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to receive an OpenID Connect bearer token.
ServiceStack.Razor {4.5.4} Provides ServiceStack's HTML Story including integrated support for MVC Razor's ViewEngine
NServiceBus.CastleWindsor {6.0.0} The CastleWindsor Container for the nservicebus
lodash.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.4.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for lodash. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: c9061...
CefSharp.Wpf {53.0.0} The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component (WPF control).
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.NL... {2.2.0} Application Insights NLog Target is supported for .NET 4.0 and later.
LumenWorks.Framework.IO {3.8.0} A reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to CSV data.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Events {3.2.33} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
Autofac.SignalR {3.0.2} Provides a dependency resolver implementation for ASP.NET SignalR.
angular-ui-bootstrap.TypeScript.... {0.9.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angular-ui-bootstrap. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git...
Handlebars.Net {1.8.0} Blistering-fast Handlebars.js templates in your .NET application.
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
JetBrains.DotMemoryUnit {2.3.20160517.113140} dotMemory Unit is an additional unit testing framework that allows you to write tests that check code for all k...
Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Trans... {1.4.0} This library provides set of extensions for Microsoft Azure DocumentDB .NET Client to handle transient failures...
NHibernate.Caches.SysCache {} Cache provider for NHibernate using ASP.NET Cache object.
NServiceBus.StructureMap {6.0.0} The StructureMap Container for NServiceBus
jQuery.jqGrid {4.4.4} jqGrid is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript control that provides solutions for representing and manipulating tabular ...
EntityFrameworkTesting {1.2.0} Testing doubles for EntityFramework.
Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4net {3.2.3} Log4net Logging extension for Ninject
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server {} This is the Azure Mobile Apps .NET Server package, the core package for the server SDK. To learn more about Azu...
Prettify {} A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page....
Ninject.Extensions.Interception.... {3.2.0} Castle DynamicProxy Interception extension for Ninject
System.Reactive.PlatformServices {3.1.1} Reactive Extensions (Rx) Platform Services Library used to access platform-specific functionality and enlighten...
Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer {3.0.89} Apitron PDF Rasterizer is a .NET component that performs quality conversion from PDF file to an image.
ZendeskApi_v2 {3.5.2} A full c# wrapper for Zendesk's api v2.
System.Resources.Writer {4.3.0} Provides classes which write resources to streams in the system-default format.... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ... {3.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
RavenDB.Client.UniqueConstraints {3.5.1} RavenDB 'Unique Constraints' bundle client. Allow the user to implement unique constraints in the objects (usef...
Xam.Plugin.ExternalMaps {3.0.0} Open external maps to navigate to a specific geolocation or address.
Postal.Mvc5 {1.2.0} Generate emails using ASP.NET MVC views
EventStore.Client {3.9.3} The client API for the Event Store. Get the open source or commercial versions of the Event Store server from h...
System.Runtime.InteropServices.A... {1.1.0} System.Runtime.InteropServices Analyzers
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4.Core {4.6.22} MvcSiteMapProvider is a tool that provides flexible menus, breadcrumb trails, and SEO features for the ASP.NET ...
SharpDX.Direct3D11 {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - Direct3D11, Direct3D11.1 and Effects11 managed API.
NWebsec {4.3.0} NWebsec is an easy to use security library for ASP.NET applications. With a few lines of config it lets you set...
Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU {} A .NET API to the ImageMagick image-processing library for Desktop and Web.
Backload.Core {} Backload is a professional, full featured server side file handler for ASP.NET (MVC, Web API, ASP.NET WebForms)...
jose-jwt {2.1.0} Ultimate Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) Implementation for .NET Core....
Glimpse.Elmah {1.1.1} Adds exceptions recorded by Elmah to Glimpse.
System.Data.SQLite.x86 {1.0.103} This is a legacy package; if possible, please use either the "System.Data.SQLite" or "System.Data.SQLite.Core" ...
ServiceBus.v1_1 {1.0.6} Client library for Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server, which is also compatible with Windows Azure Service Bus ...
Abp.Zero.EntityFramework {1.1.0} ASP.NET Boilerplate - Module Zero - Entity Framework Integration.
HtmlSanitizer {3.3.142} Cleans HTML from constructs that can be used for cross site scripting (XSS)
CraigsUtilityLibrary {4.0.304} One of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net
FluentValidation-Signed {6.2.1} A validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface to construct strongly-typed validation rules.
Microsoft.Activities.Extensions {} Windows Workflow Foundation extensions and activities
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.nativ... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Fab... {1.3.0} This package provides the necessary MSBuild files that support Service Fabric Application projects.
System.Windows.Interactivity.WPF {2.0.20525} Microsoft Expression Blend 4 SDK includes behaviors, which are reusable pieces of packaged code ...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {4.1.0} Provides Microsoft Azure Monitoring Services operations including a unified API to retrieve and configure monit...
runtime.rhel.7-x64.Microsoft.NET... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Telerik.DataAccess.Core {2016.2.822.1} The Telerik.DataAccess.Core NuGet package provides the Telerik Data Access runtime assemblies necessary to work...
knockout.validation.TypeScript.D... {0.3.6} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for knockout.validation. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git ...
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting... {1.3.2} Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") shared scripting package.
dropzone {4.2.0} DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews. Issues? Please...
MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4 {4.6.22} MvcSiteMapProvider is a tool that provides flexible menus, breadcrumb trails, and SEO features for the ASP.NET ...
Spring.Aop {2.0.1} Interfaces and classes that provide AOP support in Spring.Net
Google.Apis.Oauth2.v2 {} Google Oauth2 v2 API client library
Twilio.Client {3.6.0} Twilio Client capability token generator for use with the Twilio Client for browsers JavaScript SDK.
ServiceStack.Mvc {4.5.4} ASP.NET MVC Integration adapters for ServiceStack
Analytics {2.0.2} The Segment .NET client library is the simplest and best way to integrate analytics into your .NET application....
MicosoftReportViewerWebForms_v11 {1.0.1} This dll is required for the use of Microsoft's forms based ReportViewer control.
SquishIt.Mvc {} ASP.NET MVC Extensions for SquishIt
winrtxamltoolkit {2.0.0} A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
Npm {3.5.2} A package manager for JavaScript.
Xamarin.FFImageLoading {2.2.5} Xamarin library to load images quickly and easily on Xamarin iOS/Android
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms {10.0.40219.1} ASP.NET Web Forms reporting controls
Abp.TestBase {1.1.3} Provides base classes and infrastructure to create unit and integration tests for ASP.NET Boilerplate based pro...
DotlessClientOnly {1.5.2} This package only contains the dot net client only dll. You should only use this package if you do not want any...
AutoMoq {2.0.0} Auto-mocking container
Mindscape.Raygun4Net.WebApi {5.3.1} Raygun provider for ASP.NET WebApi projects
jQuery.FileUpload {9.12.5} File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars, validation and preview image...
System.Web.Razor.Unofficial {2.0.2} *NO LONGER NECESSARY* Unofficial build of System.Web.Razor (purely for licensing reasons). Unless you're writin...
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Core {2.0.0} StackExchange.Redis.Extensions is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis
OxyPlot.WindowsForms {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Windows Forms applications.
Postmark {2.1.5} Leave email delivery to the experts with this plugin to bring Postmark email services to your web application.
NHibernate.Caches.SysCache2 {} Cache provider for NHibernate using ASP.NET Cache object.
runtime.fedora.23-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Accord {3.3.0} Accord.NET Framework core library.
IppDotNetSdkForQuickBooksApiV3 {2.8.0} The IPP .NET SDK for QuickBooks V3 is a set of .NET classes that make it easier to call QuickBooks APIs.
HockeySDK.Core {4.1.5} HockeyApp core library. This package is a dependent package for all other HockeyApp packages. Please install th...
structuremap.automocking {} StructureMap AutoMocker for RhinoMocks {5.2.3} Ressources Français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc
runtime.fedora.23-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
FAKE.SQL {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
TaskHelpers.Sources {0.3.0} Internal classes to assist in using Task efficiently server-side.
chosen.jquery {1.2.0} Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently a...
ILRepack {2.0.12} ILRepack is a utility that can be used to merge multiple .NET assemblies into a single assembly
runtime.fedora.23-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NEventStore {5.2.0} NEventStore is a persistence agnostic event sourcing library for .NET. The primary use is most often associated...
CuttingEdge.Conditions {1.2.0} A fluent argument checking library. {3.2.3} Ressources Français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.Razor
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Breeze.Angular.Directives {1.3.10} AngularJS directives for Breeze/Angular apps
ExifLib {1.7.0} Reads JPEG Exif data without the heavyweight and unnecessary instantiation of GDI+ objects
angular-google-maps {2.3.2} Google Maps for AngularJS is a set of directives which integrate Google Maps in AngularJS applications.
AWSSDK.SimpleNotificationService {} Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a fast, flexible, fully managed push messaging service. Amaz...
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.Micros... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Apache.NMS {1.7.1} Allows you to build .NET applications in C#, VB, or any other .NET language, using a single API to connect to m...
Google.Ads.Common {3.18.0} This library provides you with common functionality to access Google's Ads APIs. {3.2.3} Ressources Français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages
TestStack.White {0.13.3} TestStack.White is the official replacement for the White UI automation framework
Microsoft.CrmSdk.Workflow {} Assembly required to create and manage workflows in Microsoft Dynamics 365. {6.1.3} Ressources du français pour le package d'Entity Framework
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.Micros... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.Micros... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
FluentValidation.MVC3 {} ASP.NET MVC 3 integration for FluentValidation
System.Configuration.Abstractions {} Interfaced wrappers around System Configuration ConfigurationManager with support for extensibility points and ...
Serilog.Sinks.ElasticSearch {4.1.1} The perfect way for .NET apps to write structured log events to Elasticsearch.
HtmlRenderer.Core {} Cross framework (WinForms/WPF/PDF/Metro/Mono/etc.), Multipurpose (UI Controls / Image generation / PDF generati...
TinyIoC {1.3.0} An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for small projects, libraries and beginners alike
Rebus {2.1.6} lean modern .NET service bus
Microsoft.VisualStudio.ImageCatalog {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.ImageCatalog
FAKE.Gallio {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
App_BrowsersUpdate {1.0.0} Two updated *.browser files for >IE10 and >FF5 on ASP.NET 4
SolrNet {} Apache Solr client
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.MessageH... {2.0.0} NOTE!!! This is an obsolete package, it only installs the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Extensions.Compression.Server...
Antlr4.Runtime {4.5.3} The runtime library for parsers generated by the C# target of ANTLR 4.
TweetinviAPI {1.1.1} The best Twitter C# Library out there! Works with .NETCore and PCL.
Acr.Support {2.1.0} Utility functions to help manage backend services in android and ios
Google.Apis.Plus.v1 {} Google Plus v1 API client library
Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer {4.2.0} A Serilog sink that writes events to Microsoft SQL Server
bootstrap-select {1.12.1} Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap's dropdown.js to style and bring additional functio...
ActionMailer {0.7.4} An MVC 3-based port of the Rails ActionMailer library to ASP.NET MVC. The goal is to make it easy and relativel...
Callisto {1.4.0} A control suite for some common things a Windows 8.1 XAML application might want to include such as a Flyout, M...
Svg {2.2.2} Open source library to load/save and render SVG vector graphics.
LibGit2Sharp.NativeBinaries {1.0.160} Native binaries for LibGit2Sharp
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.Core.... {2.0.0} 此程序包包含 ASP.NET Universal Providers Core Libraries 的简体中文附属程序集。
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Ta... {} This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and provides features for the /tables endpoint. To lea...
Lucene.Net.Store.Azure {3.0.5553.21100} This project allows you to create Lucene Indexes via a Lucene Directory object which uses Windows Azure BlobSto...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCac... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core response caching middleware abstractions and feature interface definitions.
Microsoft.DiaSymReader.PortablePdb {1.1.0} Implementation of Microsoft DiaSymReader interfaces that reads debug information from Portable PDB format
Ext.NET {4.1.0} Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS...
BeginCollectionItem {1.2.1} This Html Helper leverages the default model binder in ASP.NET MVC 2 and higher to materialize viewmodel collec...
Unipluss.Sign.ClientNET35 {1.0.2470} Client library to communication with REST API....
MaterialDesignThemes {} ResourceDictionary instances containing Material Design templates and styles for WPF controls.
DelegateDecompiler.EntityFramework {0.20.0} A tool which is able to decompile a delegate or a method body to its lambda representation
MassTransit.Log4Net {3.5.2} MassTransit Log4Net Logging Support
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.No... {} This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK. Use it to register push notifications with Azure Noti...
NHibernateProfiler.Appender {3.0.3103} This package let you profile your NHibernate application easily!
POGOProtos {1.7.0} Compiled version of ProtoBufs found here:
structuremap-signed {} A strong named version of StructureMap for shops that require signing
NServiceBus.Ninject {6.0.0} The Ninject Container for the nservicebus
Microsoft.TypeScript.Compiler {2.1.4} The TypeScript compiler.
Adept.NuGetRunner {} Manage complex nuget packaging processes with a single command line and an xml definition file.
FAKE.IIS {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
Bastard.js {} Bastard is a binding and ajax javascript library. The name evolved from an in house framework called S... {3.6.0} API for communicating with popular Geocoding services
FSharp.Data.SqlClient {1.8.2} SqlClient F# type providers
Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.Postg... {1.1.0} Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
Autofac.Extras.Moq {4.0.0} Autofac extension supporting generation of Moq objects.
Common.Logging.NLog {2.0.1} DEPRECATED -- DO NOT USE (view "Project Information" url for more info)
Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.ja {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Razor パッケージの 日本語 リソース
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Sample {2.2.1} A simple fake stock ticker sample for ASP.NET SignalR.
SimpleInjector.Extensions.Lifeti... {3.3.2} Lifetime scoping for Simple Injector.
NServiceBus.Unity {7.0.0} The Unity Container for the nservicebus
FeatureToggle {3.5.1} Simple, reliable feature toggles in .NET
Unity.Wcf {1.0.0} Unity.Wcf is a library that allows simple Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with WCF. This project...
MvcReportViewer {0.8.3} ASP.NET MVC Html Helpers for ReportViewer Control
Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ {1.7.1} The ActiveMQ NMS client is a .NET client that communicates with the ActiveMQ broker.
Tesseract {3.0.2} Tesseract is probably the most accurate open source OCR engine available. Combined with the Leptonica Image Pro...
AutoFixture.Idioms {3.50.2} Extension to AutoFixture that contains unit testing idioms.
FsPickler {3.2.0} A fast serialization framework and pickler combinator library for .NET
HotTowel.Angular {2.3.3} Instant Angular App!
runtime.rhel.7-x64.Microsoft.NET... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Nancy.Bootstrappers.Autofac {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
EntityFramework.ja {6.1.3} Entity Framework パッケージの日本語リソース
ICSharpCode.NRefactory {5.5.1} NRefactory supports analysis of C# source code: it includes a parser, abstract syntax tree, type system, semant...
refit {3.0.1} The automatic type-safe REST library for Xamarin and .NET
PostSharp.Patterns.Model {4.3.24} Ready-made implementations for popular design patterns: INotifyPropertyChanged, Disposable, Recordable (undo/re...
FluentCommandLineParser {1.4.3} A simple, strongly typed .NET C# command line parser library using a fluent easy to use interface
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Location {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Location 9.6.1
FAKE.Deploy.Lib {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
TimePeriodLibrary.NET {2.0.0} Extensive time period calculations and individual calendar periods.
loggly-csharp {} A .NET client for loggly. Supporting Https, Syslog UDP and encrypted Syslog TCP transports.
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Au... {} This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and provides authentication features. To learn more ab...
Accord.Math {3.3.0} Matrix library, matrix decompositions (QR, SVD, LU, Cholesky, NMF), linear and non-linear optimization, constra...
NWebsec.Mvc {4.3.0} NWebsec attributes for ASP.NET MVC 3/4/5 applications. NWebsec helps you set important security headers, detect...
es6-promise.TypeScript.Definitel... {0.7.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for es6-promise. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: ...
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.En... {} This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and contains Entity Framework support. To learn more a...
WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend {1.0.478} This library enables you to develop scalable and secure .NET mobile backends hosted in Microsoft Azure. You can...
Backload.Plugin.AzureBlobStorage {} Backload plugin to manage files on Microsoft Azure Blob storage
System.Security.Cryptography.Pro... {4.3.0} Provides access to Windows Data Protection Api....
RavenDB.Bundles.UniqueConstraints {3.5.1} This bundle aims to allow the user to implement unique constraints in the objects (usefull for properties like ...
Faker.Net {1.0.3} C# port of the Ruby Faker gem (
Unipluss.Sign.Models {1.0.2470} Client library POCOs for the REST API ...
SevenZipSharp {0.64.0} Managed 7-zip library written in C# that provides data (self-)extraction and compression (all 7-zip formats are...
RazorGenerator.Templating {2.4.7} Runtime support for Razor generated code
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Helpers.Mvc {2.0.20710} This package contains web helpers to easily add functionality to your site such as Captcha validation, Twitter ...
XMLDiffPatch {} Generates difference files based on the comparison of two XML documents. This code is based on a very old .Net...
EnterpriseLibrary.SemanticLoggin... {2.0.1406.1} The EventSource Analyzer helps validate EventSource instances.
SharpRaven {2.1.0} Raven is a C# client for Sentry ( and
MyToolkit {2.5.16} MyToolkit is a set of .NET libraries containing lots of useful classes for various .NET platforms like WinRT, W...
SemanticComparison {3.50.2} SemanticComparison makes it easier to compare instances of various objects to each other. Instead of performing...
Castle.Core-NLog {3.3.3} Castle logging services integration with NLog
Portable.Licensing {1.1.0} Portable.Licensing is a cross platform software licensing framework which allows you to...
Backload.Plugin.Database {} Backload plugin to upload files to a database.
jQuery-vsdoc {2.1.0} jQuery IntelliSense for Visual Studio.
WindowsAPICodePack-Core {1.1.2} Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework provides a source code library that can be used to access ...
akavache.sqlite3 {5.0.0} A backend for Akavache based on SQLite3, particularly recommended on mobile platforms.
FAKE.Experimental {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
Antlr3.Runtime.PCL {} A version of the Antlr3 library that can built as a Portable Class Library. This makes Antlr available on vario...
sharpcompress {0.14.1} SharpCompress
JSNLog {2.22.0} JavaScript logging package that lets you log exceptions, AJAX timeouts and other client side events in your ser...
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.ja {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc パッケージの 日本語 リソース
Xam.Plugin.Media {2.6.1} Take or pick photos and videos from a cross platform API.
SimpleInjector.MVC3 {3.3.2} Quick Start for Simple Injector ASP.NET MVC integration.
System.IO.Packaging {4.3.0} Provides classes that support storage of multiple data objects in a single container. ... {6.1.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Entity Framework-Paket
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {2.0.0} This set of packages open up a rich surface area of Microsoft Azure services, giving you the power to automate,...
Sprache {2.1.0} Sprache is a simple, lightweight library for constructing parsers directly in C# code.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.ja {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages パッケージの 日本語 リソース
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sq... {1.1.0} Design-time Entity Framework Core Functionality for Microsoft SQL Server.
Moment.Timezone.js {0.5.5} Parse and display moments in any timezone.
ModernUI.WPF {1.0.9} A set of controls and styles converting your WPF application into a great looking Modern UI app.
jQuery.Fullcalendar {3.0.0} A full-sized, drag and drop calendar for jQuery
FontAwesome.less {4.5.0} The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.
AngularTranslate {2.7.2} A translation module for AngularJS
WiX {3.10.3} The most powerful set of tools available to create your Windows installation experience.
d3.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.7.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for d3. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 938158616...
System.IO.Abstractions.TestingHe... {} Testing helpers for the System.IO.Abstractions package to save having to manually mock everything.
CommonServiceLocator.WindsorAdapter {1.0.0} An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Castle Windsor
ExpectedObjects {1.2.3} Testing library for creating Expected Objects.
StructureMap.WebApi2 {} A WebApi IDependencyResolver wrapper for Structuremap 3.x
wnvhtmlconvert {12.16.0} Convert HTML to PDF in your .NET applications with Winnovative HTML to PDF Converter. {112.3.20} This NuGet package contains Oracle.DataAccess.dll (x64- both the net20 and net40 versions) needed to compile a ...
NHibernate.Linq {1.0.0} NHibernate Linq support is based on the existing, proven in production, Linq provider in NHibernate Contrib. Th...
Breeze.Angular {1.1.1} Breeze libs for Angular apps
angular-ui-grid {3.2.9} UI Grid: an Angular Data Grid
EmitMapper {1.0.0} Powerful customisable tool for mapping entities to each other. Entities can be plain objects, DataReaders, SQL ...
fastJSON {2.1.21} smallest, fastest polymorphic JSON serializer
FParsec {1.0.2} FParsec is a parser combinator library for F#....
NVelocity {1.0.3} NVelocity is a port of the excellent Apache Jakarta Velocity project. It is a very simple, easy to learn and ex...
BrockAllen.MembershipReboot {9.0.0} Claims-based user account and identity management framework
Google.AdWords {18.34.0} This library provides you with functionality to access the AdWords API.
EasyNetQ.Management.Client {} EasyNetQ.Management.Client is a .NET client for the RabbitMQ RESTful management API
HangFire.Autofac {2.2.0} Autofac IoC Container support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
jQuery.Mobile.MVC {1.0.0} Helpers for jQuery Mobile in ASP.NET MVC 4
Nancy.Authentication.Forms {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
Refractored.MvvmHelpers {1.1.0} Collection of Mvvm Helpers such as ObservableRangeCollection, BaseViewModel, Grouping, and others.
Xam.Plugin.Geolocator {3.0.4} Easly access geolocation across Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Windows. View full project page for README
System.Reactive {3.1.1} Reactive Extensions (Rx) Main Library combining the interfaces, core, LINQ, and platform services libraries.
RefactorThis.GraphDiff {2.0.1} MIT (c) Brent McKendrick {1.3.4} Program for sending coverage reports to
Kentor.OwinCookieSaver {1.1.1} Workaround Middleware for Katana Bug #197
AWS.SessionProvider {3.1.1} This contains a session state provider using Amazon DynamoDB.
CreateNewNuGetPackageFromProject... {1.8.9} Automatically creates a NuGet package from your project each time it builds.
Suave {1.1.3} Suave is a simple web development F# library providing a lightweight web server and a set of combinators to man...
CKEditor {3.6.4} CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being e...
Google.GData.YouTube {2.2.0} Google Data API YouTube Library
le_nlog {2.2.1} le_nlog is now deprecated. Please use logentries.nlog instead
IdentityServer3.EntityFramework {2.6.0} Entity Framework-based persistence layer for IdentityServer3
EnterpriseLibrary.PolicyInjection {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Policy Injection Application Block can be used to change the behavior of any .NET object...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTo... {11.0.50727.1} The Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework that you already have by installing VS 2012, but wrap...
RavenDB.Bundles.Authorization {3.5.1} The Authorization Bundle extend RavenDB and add document level permissions. The Auth Bundle allows to define pe...
WebMatrix.Data {2.0.30506} Legacy package, WebMatrix.Data is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Data' package.
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Home {} This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and provides the default Azure Mobile homepage at the ...
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core {14.3.0} This package contains the Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core assembly which is used to implement custom MSBuild tasks.
Microsoft.Azure.Amqp {1.1.5} Package for Azure AMQP
Ninject.Extensions.ChildKernel {3.2.0} Ninject extension that allows that child kernels can be defined.
BuildBundlerMinifier {2.2.306} Bundles and minifies CSS, JS and HTML files
LumenWorksCsvReader {3.9.1} An extended version of LumenWorks.Frameworks.IO {6.1.3} Recursos de español para el paquete de Entity Framework
AppForSharePointWebToolkit {3.1.5} This package adds SharePoint client object model assembly references and token helper code to the web project.
FubuCore {} A foundational library for .Net frameworks including model binding and localization
Westwind.Utilities {2.69.0} Small library of general purpose utilities for .NET development that almost every application can use. Used as ...
NewId {3.0.0} NewId is an ordered 128-bit unique identifier generator using the Flake algorithm.
NodaTime.Testing {1.3.2} Provides extra types which may be useful when testing code which uses Noda Time.
UnityConfiguration {1.4.1} Convention based configuration API for the Microsoft Unity IoC container. With just a few lines of code, you ca...
Moq.AutoMock {0.4.0} An auto-mocking container that generates mocks using Moq
Exceptionless.Mvc {4.0.1922} Exceptionless client for ASP.NET MVC 3+ applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service th...
WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Back... {1.0.478} This package contains common infrastructure needed when exposing structured storage as part of your .NET mobile...
Hardcodet.NotifyIcon.Wpf {1.0.8} NotifyIcon (aka system tray icon or taskbar icon) for the WPF platform.
FsCheck.Xunit {2.6.2} Integrates FsCheck with xUnit.NET
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.In... {1.1.0} In-memory database provider for Entity Framework Core (to be used for testing purposes).
RavenDB.Bundles.CascadeDelete {3.5.1} The cascade delete bundle allows for a specified set of documents and attachments to be deleted when the docume...
GPSOAuthSharp {0.0.5} A .NET client library for Google Play Services OAuth
System.Drawing.Primitives {4.3.0} Provides basic drawing primitive structures, that exposes the corresponding System.Drawing.dll types in .NET Co...
Microsoft.Build.Framework {14.3.0} This package contains the Microsoft.Build.Framework assembly which is a common assembly used by other MSBuild a...
Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client {1.1.2} Device SDK for Azure IoT Devices
Microsoft.CrmSdk.Extensions {} Assemblies required to create client appllications using the CRM SDK developer extensions, and build a web portal.
NServiceBus.Azure {6.2.6} Azure support for NServicebus
MetroBrowserify {0.1.5} Convert node dependencies to CommonJS modules referencable in WinStore/WP8 apps!
structuremap.web-signed {} A strong named version of StructureMap.Web for shops that require signing
MyToolkit.Extended {2.5.16} MyToolkit is a set of .NET libraries containing lots of useful classes for various .NET platforms like WinRT, W...
XSockets {5.7.1} Runs everywhere and is always realtime (full duplex). Connects anything! Supports HTTP
Cake.FileHelpers {} Cake build aliases for Reading, Writing, and Replacing Text in files.
OxyPlot.Silverlight {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Silverlight 5 applications.
Chart.js {2.3.0} Simple HTML5 Charts using the canvas element.
Metrics.NET {0.4.4} .NET Port of the Java Metrics Library, a library for collecting metrics. Library also provides Health Checks.
Accord.Statistics {3.3.0} Conduct statistical analysis (i.e. PCA, KPCA, LDA, ANOVA), hypothesis tests, create Linear, Logistic and Genera...
SharpTestsEx {2.0.0} SharpTestsEx (Sharp Tests Extensions) is a set of extensible extensions for assertions. The main target is writ...
akavache.core {5.0.0} An asynchronous, persistent key-value store for desktop and mobile applications on .NET
Unofficial.Microsoft.WindowsAzur... {2.9.0} Unofficial Build of Diagnostics 2.9
NHibernate.Castle {} NHibernate with lazy-loading enabled.
CLAP {4.6.0} Command-Line Auto Parser {5.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core
AngularJS.Touch {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Back... {1.0.478} This package contains everything you need to expose structured storage using Entity Framework as part of your ....
OpenTK {2.0.0} A set of fast, low-level C# bindings for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenAL.
Antlr4 {4.5.3} The C# target of the ANTLR 4 parser generator for Visual Studio 2010+ projects.
TestStack.BDDfy {4.3.2} TestStack.BDDfy
MetroClosure {0.2.3} Google Closure integration for WinJS Universal Apps
NUnit.Mocks {2.6.4} NUnit.Mocks is a very simple mock object framework for use with NUnit.
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Qu... {} This is the Azure Mobile Apps .NET Server SDK quickstart package, which references all other server SDK package...
Microsoft.Azure.Devices {1.1.3} Service SDK for Azure IoT Devices
MetroLess {0.1.4} LESS integration for WinJS Universal Apps
Bitly.Net {0.0.6} Api written by Mike Gleason jr Couturier, packaged by Seth Webster
CacheCow.Common {1.2.2} Common library for CacheCow project
Bootstrapper {} bootstrap your applications container, maps and startup tasks
DoddleReport {1.5.2} DoddleReport adds tabular reporting over any LINQ Query, IEnumerable, DataTable or SharePoint List, exportable ...
AndHUD {1.2.0} Android Progress HUD and Dialog helpers for Xamarin.Android apps
MicrosoftAjax {4.0.20526} Microsoft AJAX Framework
jQuery.UI.i18n {1.10.2} Internationalization and localization file for jQuery UI.
Font.Awesome {4.7.0} Font Awesome, the iconic font and CSS toolkit.
EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandl... {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block WCF Provider helps to prevent details of the servic...
Catel.Extensions.Prism {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.Prism4 library which contains helper classes for prism.
System.Data.HashFunction.Core {} C# library to create a common interface to non-cryptographic hash functions ( {5.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client
OwinHost {3.0.1} Provides a stand-alone executable (OwinHost.exe) which can be used to host an OWIN-based application.
AsyncIO {0.1.26} AsyncIO {5.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost
CloudinaryDotNet {1.0.27} Official client library for easily integrating with the Cloudinary service
Ext.NET.Utilities {2.5.0} A .NET Utility Class Library
Moq.Contrib {0.3.0} Contributed features and third-party integration for Moq.
MediaBrowser.Common {3.0.691} Contains common model objects and interfaces used by all Emby solutions.
Unquote {3.1.2} Write F# unit test assertions as quoted expressions, get step-by-step failure messages for free.
Microsoft.Web.Services2 {2.0.3} Microsoft WSE 2.0 SP3...
SimpleJson {0.38.0} Super lightweight Json library for .NET 2.0+/SL4+/WP7/WindowsStore Apps/Portable Class Libraries along with dyn...
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.z... {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core 程序包的简体中文资源
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Datepicker {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. A datepicker than can be toggled from a input or displayed inline.
Swashbuckle.Core.Net45 {5.2.1} Combines ApiExplorer and Swagger/swagger-ui to provide a rich discovery, documentation and playground experienc...
Coding4Fun.Toolkit.Controls {2.1.8} A toolkit with multiple controls and useful items for Windows Store and Window Phone applications
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Sc... {1.3.2} Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") CSharp scripting package.
MvcContrib.Mvc3.FluentHtml-ci {3.0.100} MvcContrib.FluentHtml is a library of extensible, strongly-typed HTML helpers that employs a fluent API to incr...
Archetype {1.13.1} Archetype for Umbraco
XSockets.Core {5.7.1} Contains assemblies for developing realtime modules in XSockets.NET
akavache {5.0.0} An asynchronous, persistent key-value store for desktop and mobile applications on .NET
System.Net.Ping {4.3.0} Provides the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class, which allows an application to determine whether a remot...
EntityFrameworkTesting.Moq {1.2.0} Testing helpers for using Moq with EntityFramework.
Exceptionless.WebApi {4.0.1922} Exceptionless client for ASP.NET Web API applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service t...
Breeze.WebApi2.EF6 {1.6.0} Breeze Client and Server - Javascript client with ASP.NET Web API 2.2 and Entity Framework 6.
Microsoft.Owin.zh-Hans {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin 程序包的简体中文资源。
GitVersionTask {3.6.5} Stamps an assembly with git information based on SemVer.
log4net-loggly {7.2.3} Custom log4Net Appender to send logs to Loggly
System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs {4.3.0} Provides support for PKCS and CMS algorithms....
Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Actors {2.3.311} This package contains the common Actor Framework APIs for building and connecting to reliable services on Micro...
NFluent {1.3.1} NFluent is an ergonomic check library which aims to fluent your .NET TDD experience.
SassAndCoffee.Core {2.1.1} Shared dependencies of SassAndCoffee.JavaScript and SassAndCoffee.Ruby.
Mvc.JQuery.Datatables {1.3.51} Popular wrapper lib for working with JQuery DataTables. Install this for MVC5
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessC... {4.3.0} Provides support for managing access and audit control lists for Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey....
AspNetWebApi.SelfHost {4.0.20710} Legacy package, AspNetWebApi.SelfHost is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost' package.
System.Management.Automation_Pow... {6.3.9600.17400} System.Management.Automation.dll for PowerShell 3.0
Auth0 {3.6.0} Client libraries for the Auth0 Authentication and Management APIs. ...
System.Reactive.Windows.Threading {3.1.1} XAML support library for Rx. Contains scheduler functionality for the UI dispatcher.
SQLitePCLRaw.core {1.1.1} A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
NuGet.Logging {3.4.3} Logger abstractions for NuGet
jasmine {2.5.2} DOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework
AngularJS.Messages {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
Aspose.Slides.NET {16.11.0} Aspose.Slides is a PowerPoint management library for working with Microsoft PowerPoint files without using Micr...
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Owin.... {3.0.0} Web API intgration package for resource/action based authorization.
FluentAutomation.SeleniumWebDriver {3.0.0} Fluent Automation is a simplified DSL for web application automation testing.
NPoco {3.4.7} An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, SqlCE. Originally ...
reactiveui-platforms {6.5.0} Deprecated package that is no longer needed. You are looking for ReactiveUI-Core.
NSpectator {2.0.0} NSpectator is a toolset for .NET agile development with the xSpec (context/specification) flavor.
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics {4.3.24} Adds detailed tracing to any method without modifying your source code. Several backends are available as separ...
TwitterBootstrapMVC {3.17.5} Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap....
Microsoft.Data.OData.Contrib {} Pre-release and experimental implementations of potential future library features....
Appium.WebDriver {} Selenium Webdriver extension for Appium.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.zh-Hans {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security 程序包的简体中文资源。
Tamir.SharpSSH {} SharpSSH - A Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET
SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green {1.1.1} Batteries-included package to bring in SQLitePCL.raw and dependencies
PowerArgs {2.7.2} The ultimate .NET command line parser - PowerArgs converts command line arguments into .NET objects that are ea... {112.3.20} This NuGet package contains Oracle.DataAccess.dll (x86 - both the net20 and net40 versions) needed to compile a...
combres {} Performance optimization library for ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC applications.
XSockets.Server {5.7.1} The assemblies needed to run a XSockets.NET server on .NET/Mono
ServiceStack.Logging.NLog {4.5.4} NLog logging integration for ServiceStack, the Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services Framework
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.I... {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.Interop.14.0.DesignTime
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Analy... {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Analytics 9.6.1
datajs {1.1.3} datajs is a new cross-browser JavaScript library that enables data-centric web applications by leveraging moder...
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.zh... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 程序包的简体中文资源。
Tavis.UriTemplates {1.1.0} URI Template resolution library - Implementation of RFC 6570
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.... {4.3.0} Provides support for C++/CLI language features....
ncalc {1.3.8} NCalc is a mathematical expressions evaluator in .NET. NCalc can parse any expression and evaluate the result, ...
jquery.cookie.TypeScript.Definit... {0.2.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jquery.cookie. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit...
PostSharp.Patterns.Common {4.3.24} Ready-made implementation of the Aggregatable (parent-child) pattern and common functionalities used by other P...
Baseclass.Contrib.Nuget.Output {2.1.0} Treats the "output" folder in an dependend nuget package as an additional special folder and copies it's conten...
EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFu... {1.0.0} Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for E...
Serilog.Sinks.ApplicationInsights {2.1.0} Serilog event sink that writes Microsoft Application Insights.
Microsoft.NetFX20 {1.0.3} Microsoft Framework 2.0 reference assemblies
WpfAnimatedGif {1.4.14} A simple library to display animated GIF images in WPF
CronExpressionDescriptor {1.21.0} A library that converts cron expressions into human readable descriptions. Supports 14 languages: English, Bra...
Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream {1.2.0} Pooled memory allocator.
MvcContrib.TestHelper {2.0.95} Allows simpler unit testing on MVC controllers
OxyPlot.Pdf {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package contains .pdf export extensions for .NET 4 (based on PDFsh...
BundleTransformer.SassAndScss {1.9.138} BundleTransformer.SassAndScss contains translator-adapter `SassAndScssTranslator`. This adapter makes translati...
MediaBrowser.Server.Core {3.0.691} Contains core components required to build plugins for Emby Server.
Catel.Extensions.FluentValidation {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.FluentValidation library which contains fluent validation extensions.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Owin.... {2.0.0} MVC intgration package for resource/action based authorization.
ServiceStack.Api.Swagger.Signed {4.5.4} ServiceStack integration with Swagger
GoogleAnalyticsTracker {3.1.0} GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it...
ImageProcessor.Web.Config {2.3.0} ImageProcessor.Web configuration settings for ASP.NET websites.
NServiceBus.RabbitMQ {4.2.0} RabbitMQ support for NServicebus
FluentAutomation.Core {3.0.0} Fluent Automation is a simplified DSL for web application automation testing.
Serilog.Sinks.Trace {2.1.0} The diagnostic trace sink for Serilog.
NCrunch.Framework {} NCrunch.Framework is a run-time library for NCrunch users. This library contains attributes and tools that ena...
WebApiRouteDebugger {1.0.0} ASP.NET Web API Route Debugger
loggly-csharp-config {} Configuration classes for loggly clients. Settings are read from app.config or can be programmatically injected...
KendoUICore {2016.3.1118} Kendo UI Core provides access to the web's best UI widgets and key framework features essential for developing ...
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ... {3.2.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.Razor-Paket
SonarAnalyzer.CSharp {1.20.1} Analyzers which spot bugs and code smells in your code. This package is best used together with SonarLint for V...
flot {0.8.3} Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery.
ini-parser {2.3.0} A simple C# library for reading and writing INI files
Helios {2.1.3} High performance, reactive TCP / UDP socket middleware for .NET
SassAndCoffee.Ruby {2.1.1} Just the Ruby (Sass, SCSS) parts of SassAndCoffee. Useful for embedding in other projects. {5.2.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc-Paket
CmdLine {} Command line parser with support for tokenizing, switches and attribute based arguments classes
RazorPDF {1.0.0} RazorPDF uses the Razor View Engine to create iTextXML which in turn is used to produce the PDF files. RazorPDF... {3.2.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages-Paket
grpc.dependencies.openssl.redist {} Redistributable components for for package 'grpc.dependencies.openssl'
AutoFixture.AutoRhinoMocks {3.50.2} Turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container based on Rhino Mocks.
Nancy.Authentication.Stateless {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
MetroModernUI {1.4.0} Metro Modern UI or MetroFramework brings Windows 8 UI to .NET Windows Forms applications....
Glass.Mapper {} This is the Glass.Mapper core assembly that allows you to build ORMs for any CMS.
XSockets.Plugin.Framework {5.7.1} Inspired by MEF this package lets you Export/Import types unknown a compile time.
Telerik.DataAccess.Fluent {2016.2.822.1} The Telerik.DataAccess.CodeFirst NuGet package is designed for projects containing classes that are stored usin...
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Measu... {} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Measurement
WebAPIContrib {2.0.0} Community Contributions for ASP.NET Web API
SimpleInjector.Packaging {3.3.2} Adds support for packaging sets of related services to allow registering them together.
Dapper-Async {1.3.0} Dapper QueryAsync methods
Castle.DynamicProxy {2.2.0} This is an old version. For latest version of Castle DynamicProxy please get Castle.Core package.
angular-recaptcha {2.2.4} Angular directive that allows you to use a Google reCaptcha widget inside a form.
Google.Apis.Auth.Mvc {1.19.0} The Google APIs Client Library is a runtime client for working with Google Services....
Microsoft.Build {14.3.0} This package contains the Microsoft.Build assembly which is used to create, edit, and evaluation MSBuild projects. {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
NServiceBus.Hosting.Azure {7.0.0} The Azure Cloudservices Host for NServicebus
Expression.Blend.Sdk {1.0.2} Contains System.Windows.Interactivity for:...
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Entity... {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework 程序包的简体中文资源
grpc.dependencies.zlib.redist {} Redistributable components for for package 'grpc.dependencies.zlib'
AutoFixture.AutoFakeItEasy {3.50.2} Turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container based on FakeItEasy.
RibbonWorkbench2016 {3.0.24} Edit the Dynamics CRM Ribbon or Command Bar from inside the XrmToolbox
AutoFixture.NUnit2 {3.50.2} Extension to AutoFixture that integrates it with NUnit.
GemBox.Spreadsheet {} GemBox.Spreadsheet is a .NET component for reading and writing spreadsheet files (XLSX, XLS, CSV, ODS, HTML, PD...
Log4Net.Async {2.0.3} Asynchronous Log4Net appenders and forwarder
Serilog.Sinks.ColoredConsole {2.0.0} The colored console sink for Serilog
Dapper.Contrib {1.50.0} Dapper.Contrib
AppMetrics.Client {1.0.482} .NET client library for the AppMetrics application runtime intelligence system
XSockets.JsApi {6.2.0} WebSockets, pub/sub, rpc
MediaBrowser.Common.Internal {3.0.680} Contains common components shared by Emby Theater and Emby Server. Not intended for plugin developer consumption.
SuperSocket {} SuperSocket is a light weight, cross platform and extensible socket server application framework. You can use i...
NetOffice.Core {1.7.3} NetOffice - MS Office in .NET Core Library
mustache.js {0.7.2} For more information, see...
NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet {1.3.2} Provides serialization support between Noda Time and Json.NET.
System.Threading.AccessControl {4.3.0} Provides support for managing access and audit control lists for synchronization primitives....
Habanero {3.0.1} Habanero is a free open source Enterprise Application Development Framework for .Net
AE.Net.Mail {1.7.10} POP/IMap Client Library
DotNet.Contracts {1.10.20606.1} This project brings the advantages of design-by-contract programming to all .NET programming languages. Program...
Aspose.Email {16.11.0} Aspose.Email for .NET is a component to work with Email files
ServiceStack.OrmLite.Signed {4.5.4} Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for Oracle RDBMS (Unofficial)....
Thrift {} Version based on this branch: ...
SharpDX.D3DCompiler {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - D3DCompiler managed API.
Microsoft.Office365.Discovery {1.0.22} Service discovery library for Office 365 APIs.
Spring.Data {2.0.1} Interfaces and classes that provide Data access support in Spring.Net
LowercaseRoutesMVC {1.0.3} Maps MVC routes to lowercase URLs. Includes support for MVC Areas.
RavenDB.Client.Authorization {3.5.1} RavenDB 'Authorization' bundle client extend RavenDB and add document level permissions.
zlib {} A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
MongoRepository {1.6.11} Provides a repository pattern on top of 10gen's MongoDB C# driver.
PhoneThemeManager {2.1.2} The ThemeManager class provides static methods to be used during app initialization to force the app's resource...
WindowsAPICodePack-Shell {1.1.1} Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework provides a source code library that can be used to access ...
Npgsql.EntityFramework {2.2.7} Postgresql provider for Entity Framework 6 and above
X.PagedList {} PagedList makes it easier for .Net developers to write paging code. It allows you to take any IEnumerable(T) an...
Atlassian.SDK {9.1.0} Utilities to interact with Atlassian products. Contains LinqToJira provider for querying JIRA Issue tracker (ht...
OxyPlot.OpenXml {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package contains the OpenXML (.docx) export extensions for the rep...
Cassette.Less {2.4.2} Less CSS compiler support for Cassette.
RollbarSharp {1.0.0} Bindings for the Rollbar ( error reporting system
MMQ.CommonLibrary {0.1.183} Common Library for all front-site and services-site using.
FSPowerPack.Core.Community {3.0.0} The additional libraries in the F# PowerPack are functionality which is not part of the core F# release, but en...
Machine.Fakes.Moq {2.7.0} A framework for faking objects with Moq on top of Machine.Specifications.
jQuery.Validation.Globalize {1.1.0} An extension to the jQuery Validation Plugin which makes it use Globalize for number and date parsing (enabling...
JustSaying {4.0.210} JustSaying is a light-weight service bus on top of AWS services that allows communication via messaging in a di...
Habanero.Faces {3.0.0} A set of user interface libraries used to build dynamic user interfaces for your Habanero business objects usin...
NHunspell {1.2.5554.16953} NHunspell brings the Open Office spell checking, hyphenation and thesaurus libraries to the Microsoft® .NET Fra...
Web.Optimization {0.0.8} Allows you to your bundle configurations in the web.config file and handle remote files.
ZedGraph {5.1.7} ZedGraph is a class library, user control, and web control for .net, written in C#, for drawing 2D Line, Bar, a...
FSharp.Configuration {0.6.4} The FSharp.Configuration project contains type providers for the configuration of .NET projects.
Refractored.FloatingActionButton {1.4.0} Android floating action button which reacts on scrolling events. Becomes visible when an attached target is scr...
SQLiteNetExtensions {1.3.0} SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-o...
VSSDK.TextManager.Interop {7.0.4} Visual Studio (Text Manager Interop) for Visual Studio 2003+
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.z... {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin 程序包的简体中文资源
Consul {} Consul
Bottles {} Shared libraries for runtime and deployment packaging of .Net applications
Microsoft.SqlServer.Scripting {11.0.2100.61} SQL Server SMO libraries required to execute scripts.
CSLA-Core {4.6.500} Supports the creation of Class Library projects containing business domain classes, Windows Services, Console a...
SDammann.WebApi.Versioning {2.8.0} Library for API versioning support in Microsoft ASP.NET Web API
PowerThreading {20120420.0.0} Wintellect's own Jeffrey Richter has produced the Power Threading library (DLL) containing many classes to help...
Microsoft.Experience.CloudFx {2.1.3} CloudFx is a Swiss Army knife for Windows Azure developers which offers a set of production quality components ...
WebConfigTransformRunner {} This is a commandline tool that will run an ASP.Net web.config tranformation
Crc32C.NET {1.0.5} Hardware-accelerated CRC-32C (Castagnoli) with super fast software fallback for .NET projects. Don't confuse wi...
SQLitePCL.bundle_green {0.9.3} Batteries-included package to bring in SQLitePCL.raw and dependencies
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Int... {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.14.0.DesignTime
twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.htmlhelpers {1.1.100} HtmlHelpers for projects that use twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.
OpenCvSharp-AnyCPU {} OpenCV 2.x wrapper
MsCrmTools.WebResourcesManager {1.2016.10.4} Manage your webresources easily
DotSpatial.Topology {1.9.0} Topology functions and geometry objects for DotSpatial. This is derived from the Java Topology Suite.
KoLite {1.2.0} KoLite contains a set of helpers to aid in creating MVVM applications using JavaScript and Knockout. {0.4.0} A lightweight, simple, flexible, extensible library to read Azure Cloud Services configurations using strongly ...
WebP.Touch {1.0.2} Xamarin iOS bindings to handle WebP.
DotSpatial.Serialization {1.9.0} Helper assembly to save DotSpatial objects to file.
LinqToExcel_x64 {1.10.1} Easily retrieve data from spreadsheets and csv files by using LINQ
Microsoft.WebSockets {} Note: This package is not actively developed. Please consider an alternative such as SignalR....
MVVMHelpers.Metro {2013.2.0} MVVM Helpers includes extension methods, Blend behaviors (with a version of System.Windows.Interactivity for Wi...
Momentum.Pm.PortalApi {5.9.860} Client for Momentum PM Portal-API
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.... {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.StandardClassification
ServiceStack.Logging.Log4Net {4.5.4} log4Net logging integration for ServiceStack, the Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services Framework
elmah.xml {1.2.0} ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an error log in stand-alone XML files.
ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer.S... {4.5.4} Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for Sql Server....
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Utils {2.2.1} Command line utilities for ASP.NET SignalR, including performance counter installation and Hub JavaScript proxy...
OwinHttpMessageHandler {1.3.5} An implementation of HttpMessageHandler for use with HttpClient that invokes requests directly against an OWIN ...
Exceptionless.Web {4.0.1922} Exceptionless client for ASP.NET WebForms applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service ...
Appfail.WebForms {1.1.0} Appfail monitors your web application for exceptions and reports them to for rich failure analytics...
Habanero.Smooth {3.0.1} Smooth Habanero is a library that automatically maps your Habanero classes to a database schema based on assump...
Simple.OData.Client {} Simple.OData.Client is a multiplatform OData client library supporting .NET 4.x, Windows Store, Windows Phone 8...
MediaBrowser.ApiClient {} ApiClient allows .NET clients to easily access the Emby Api.
DiffPlex {1.2.1} DiffPlex is a diffing library that allows you to programatically create text diffs. DiffPlex is a fast and test...
QuickPick.One {1.0.16305.3} QuickPick One server component for Apollo 13
AForge.Video {2.2.5} AForge.Video library of the AForge.NET framework
EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Int... {6.0.1304} This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to integrate with WCF.
AutoMapper.EF6 {0.5.0} Entity Framework extensions for AutoMapper
Habanero.Testability {3.0.1} This is a library to enable easier testing of Habanero business objects by providing classes to create valid ob...
Ensure.That {5.0.0} Yet another guard clause project
SendGridPlus {4.1.0} A client library for interfacing with the SendGrid APIs, including the Event API.
AWSSDK.SimpleEmail {} Amazon SES is an outbound-only email-sending service that provides an easy, cost-effective way for you to send ...
angular-ui.TypeScript.Definitely... {2.4.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angular-ui. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: a...
twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.sample {1.1.100} This is a sample for the bootstrap layout and supporting files to quickly add Twitter Bootstrap to an MVC 4 app...
AsyncFixer {1.1.4} AsyncFixer helps developers in finding and correcting common async/await misuses for C#.
Durandal.Router {1.2.0} This is a router designed to integrate SammyJS with Durandal. It makes building navigation style applications s...
EntityFramework.zh-Hant {6.1.3} Entity Framework 套件的繁體中文資源
Autofac.Extras.Attributed {3.3.0} Autofac extension for registering dependency metadata via attributes.
jQuery.TimeAgo {1.1.1} Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minut...
EcoCore {} This contains the core assemblies - for different frameworks
GeoJSON.Net {0.1.49} .Net library for GeoJSON types and corresponding Json.Net (de)serializers.
Argu {3.4.0} A declarative command line and XML configuration parser for F# applications.
EFUtilities {1.0.2} Adds batch insert, delete by query and update by query to and some other features to Entity Framework....
Apitron.PDF.Controls {1.0.89} Apitron PDF Controls is a free .NET library that helps users integrate PDF viewing functionality into their Win...
SerilogWeb.Classic {2.0.10} Logs details of System.Web HTTP requests through Serilog.
System.Data.HashFunction.Interfaces {} C# library to create a common interface to non-cryptographic hash functions (
SilverlightToolkit-Core {4.2010.4} The core components Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (fr)
NServiceBus.SqlServer {3.0.0} SQL transport support for NServiceBus
Spire.XLS {7.11.13} a professional Excel component to enables developers to generate, write, edit and save Excel files in .NET 2.0,...
SpecFlow.MsTest {2.1.0} Package to setup SpecFlow for use with MsTest. Does not install MsTest and should be installed into a Test-proj...
Template10 {1.1.12} A rich library of helpers, services, and base classes for new and existing...
XAct.Core {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a base assembly that almost all other XActLib assemblies have a reference. Contains mostly...
Serilog.Sinks.AzureTableStorage {3.0.0} Serilog event sink that writes to Azure Table Storage over HTTP.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core session state middleware.
Appfail.Mvc {1.1.0} Appfail monitors your web application for exceptions and reports them to for rich failure an...
Microsoft.AnalyzerPowerPack {1.1.0} Microsoft Analyzer PowerPack
SinonJS {1.9.1} Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. No dependencies, works with any unit testing framework....
Exceptionless.Wpf {4.0.1922} Exceptionless client for WPF applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends yo...
DropNet {1.10.23} .NET Client for the Dropbox API (.NET 4 and Windows Phone)
EcoSqlServer {} Descr
RavenDB.AspNetHost {2.5.25001} This package let you include RavenDB embedded in your Asp.Net web application.
XAct.UI.Web {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library of Common Code for the UI layer of a web application, without being specific to ...
FakeSign {0.9.2} A tool for OSS / fake signing .NET binaries
Spire.Doc {5.8.24} Spire.Doc for .NET is a professional and powerful .NET Word library to process a large range of Word tasks in C...
Cinteros.Xrm.FetchXmlBuilder {1.2016.7.113} XrmToolBox plugin to create and run advanced FetchXML queries.
ng-grid {2.0.12} angular-ui datagrid
modernizr.TypeScript.DefinitelyT... {0.3.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for modernizr. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 85...
YUICompressor.NET.MSBuild {2.7.0} Minify and/or Combine JavaScript and/or Cascading Style Sheets.
Accord.MachineLearning {3.3.0} Supervised and unsupervised algorithms for classification, clustering, optimization and search, such as SVMs, N...
Google.Apis.Gmail.v1 {} Google Gmail v1 API client library
Bootstrap.Switch {} Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches.
Essential.Diagnostics {1.2.501} Additional trace listeners, filters and utility classes for System.Diagnostics logging including colored consol...
canopy {1.0.5} A simple framework in F# on top of selenium for writing UI automation and tests.
Microsoft.Azure.SqlDatabase.Elas... {1.3.3} .NET Client library for sharding in Azure SQL Database – part of Elastic Database Tools
windowsazure.mediaservices.exten... {} A NuGet package that contains a set of extension methods and helpers for the Windows Azure Media Services SDK f... {1.7.6} An OpenStack SDK for Microsoft .NET
EcoOtherDatabasePersistenceMappers {} Descr
MaterialDesignColors {1.1.3} ResourceDictionary instances containing standard Google Material Design swatches, for inclusion in a XAML appli...
Microsoft.Activities.UnitTesting {} Unit Testing framework for Windows Workflow Foundation
NSpectator.Selenium {0.9.9} Toolset contains ready-to-use Selenium PageObjects, fluent configurations, session and WebDriver environment ma...
LiveSDK {5.6.3} The Live SDK provides a set of controls and APIs that enable applications to integrate...
breeze.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.1.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for breeze. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e1e5b...
EcoWpf {} Descr
NuSpec.ReferenceGenerator {1.4.2} Generates the dependencies for a NuSpec to enable proper dotnet and uap NuGet resolution
EFInteractiveViews {1.0.1} Interactive Pregenerated Views for Entity Framework 6.
taglib {2.1.0} TagLib# (aka taglib-sharp) is a library for reading and writing... {1.5.0} An installation and update framework for Windows applications
ckeditor-full {4.6.1} Automated Nuget package of the full build, version : 4.6.1 of ckeditor.
EcoWindowsForms {} Descr
WiX.Toolset {3.9.1208} Windows Installer XML (WiX Toolset) binaries for compiling setup projects.
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceCon... {4.3.0} Provides the System.ServiceProcess.ServiceContainer class, which allows you to connect to a running or stopped ...
SpecFlow.Assist.Dynamic {1.2.0} See documentation at
linq2db {1.7.5} LINQ to DB is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as ...
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization パッケージの 日本語 リソース
ExcelLibrary {1.2011.7.31} The aim of this project is provide a native .NET solution to create, read and modify Excel files without using ...
Twitter.Bootstrap.Sass {3.3.7} bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.
Insight.Database {5.2.8} A lightweight, fast, convenient micro-ORM that allows you to get objects in and out of your database with the m...
UnmanagedExports {1.2.7} Adds the ability to declare unmanaged function exports....
WebApiThrottle {1.5.2} WebApiThrottle message handler and action filter are designed for controlling the rate of requests that clients...
BTProgressHUD {} Port to MonoTouch of the SVProgressHUD.
XAct.UI {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Common library of UI Layer code, that is UI-Framework Agnostic.
Glimpse.EF5 {1.6.5} Glimpse tabs for Entity Framework 5.
Ninject.MVC4 {3.2.1} Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC4
Trirand.jqGrid {4.6.0} jqGrid is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript control that provides solutions for representing and manipulating tabular ...
ExchangeAPI {1.408.527} Sport Exchanges Hi Level wrapper library
NotificationsExtensions.Win10 {14332.0.2} Generate tile, toast, and badge notifications for Windows 10 via code, with the help of IntelliSense, instead o...
DotSpatial.Data {1.9.0} GIS Data objects for DotSpatial.
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.zh-Hant {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 套件的繁體中文資源
angular-ui-router.TypeScript.Def... {1.4.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angular-ui-router. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git co...
NuGetEnablePackageRestore {2.0.0} NuGet Enable Package Restore - Fix that broken enable package restore
WindowsAzure.MobileServices.SQLi... {1.0.4} Windows Azure Mobile Services SDK.
Nancy.Validation.FluentValidation {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
GoogleMaps.LocationServices {} A simple library for performing the a reverse geolocation lookups via Google Maps. This currently allows you t...
Owin.Types {0.8.5} OWIN types
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Microsof... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount 程序包的简体中文资源。
Ninject.Extensions.Quartz {0.3.0} Ninject.Extensions.Quartz provides a Quartz JobFactory to create your Quartz jobs from your Ninject IoC container
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google.z... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google 程序包的简体中文资源。
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook 程序包的简体中文资源。
StructureMap.MVC3 {1.0.8} An MVC3 IDependencyResolver wrapper for Structuremap 2.x
Xamarin.FFImageLoading.Transform... {2.2.5} Xamarin image transformations for FFImageLoading.
Portable.Ninject {3.3.1} IoC container for .NET
ServiceStack.Host.AspNet {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Ads {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Ads 9.6.1
CommunityEFProviderWrappers.EFPr... {1.0.0} A toolkit for writing Entity Framework provider wrappers.
Xamarin.Build.Download {0.3.0} Support for downloading and unpacking archives at when building MSBuild projects
Select.HtmlToPdf {} Select.Pdf Free Html To Pdf for .NET - Community Edition is a powerful, free library that can convert from html... {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (de)
reactiveui-xaml {5.5.1} An MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrated with the Reactive Extensions
DeveloperForce.Force {1.3.2} The DeveloperForce.Force NuGet provides a .NET library for interacting with Salesforce's REST APIs.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter.... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter 程序包的简体中文资源。
Exceptionless.Windows {4.0.1922} Exceptionless client for WinForms applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sen...
Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.zh-Hant {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Razor 套件的 繁體中文 資源
FluentDateTime {1.13.0} A set of (Ruby inspired) C# Extension Methods for easier and more natural DateTime handling and operations in ....
Ghostscript.NET {1.2.0} Ghostscript.NET (written in C#) is the most completed managed wrapper library around the Ghostscript library (3...
NServiceKit.Common {1.0.43} Free and open source .NET and Mono REST Services framework
BCrypt.Net {0.1.0} Port of jBCrypt library to C#
EcoWindowsStore {} Descr
Microsoft.UnitTestFramework.Exte... {} Provides extensions to the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Test unit testing tools.
Unofficial.Microsoft.SQLServer.SMO {11.0.3000} Some of the DLL's you'll need when working with SQL Server 2012 Shared Management Object (SMO).
Windows7APICodePack-Core {1.1.0} Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft. NET Framework provides a source code library that can be used to access so...
Ninject.Extensions.Interception.... {3.2.0} Linfu Interception extension for Ninject
Spire.PDF {3.8.82} This package is designed to introduce developers a .NET PDF application Spire.PDF for .NET. This PDF applicatio...
Caliburn.Micro.Start {3.0.2} A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro.
Westwind.Web {2.69.0} West Wind Web and AJAX Utilities provide a host of Web related utility functions and objects related to path ma...
RichardSzalay.MockHttp {1.3.1} Testing layer for Microsoft's HttpClient library {5.2.3} Ressources Français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core
XAMLMarkupExtensions {1.2.2} A base class for nested markup extensions and a collection of useful extensions for WPF 3.5 and 4.x.
runtime.fedora.23-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Angular.UI {0.4.0} The enhancement companion suite to the AngularJS framework
Mono.Gendarme {} An extensible rule-based tool to find problems in .NET applications and libraries.
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core {14.3.0} This package contains the Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core assembly which implements the commonly used tasks of MSBuild.
OElite.Web {6.2.6} OElite Web API SDK for OElite Platform based application development
MvvmCross.Plugin.Messenger {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
BasicUndo {0.9.3} A basic implementation of ITextUndoHistoryRegistry
Abp.Owin {1.1.3} OWIN integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
cpprestsdk.v140.windesktop.msvcs... {2.9.1} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au... {5.2.3} Ressources Français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client
MessagingToolkit.QRCode {1.3.0} Encode content into a QR Code image which can saved in JPEG, GIF, PNG, or BITMAP formats. Decode a QR Code image
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core.ja {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core パッケージの 日本語 リソース
Owin.Extensions {0.8.5} OWIN common extensions
PetaPoco.Core {5.1.228} PetaPoco is a tiny, single file .NET data access layer inspired by Massive that works with both non-dynamic POC... {5.2.3} Ressources Français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost
S22.Imap {3.6.0} S22.Imap is an easy-to-use and well-documented .NET library component for communicating with and receiving elec...
FSharp.Charting {0.90.14} A Charting Library for F#
Abp.Web.SignalR {1.1.3} SignalR integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
DLaB.Xrm.XrmToolBoxTools {1.2016.9.10} Early Bound Generator and Attribute Manager.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.zh-Hant {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages 套件的 繁體中文 資源
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.Micros... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client.ja {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client パッケージの 日本語 リソース
Protractor {0.9.1} E2E test framework for AngularJS applications.
Xamarin.FFImageLoading.Forms {2.2.5} Xamarin Forms plugin to load images quickly and easily.
Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.Core... {} Core assembly required to develop managed code applications using the Xrm Tooling Connector.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost.ja {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost パッケージの 日本語 リソース {6.1.3} Русскоязычные ресурсы для пакета Entity Framework {1.0.4} Managed zlib-compatible library providing deflate and inflate compression algorithms.
WpfLocalizeExtension {2.3.2} LocalizationExtension is a really easy way to localize any type of DependencyProperties or native Properties on...
ExpressionEvaluator {2.0.4} Runtime parsing and compilation of C# expressions
Catel.Extensions.CSLA {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.CSLA library which provides CSLA.NET view models for Catel.
runtime.fedora.23-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Xamarin.Facebook.iOS {4.16.1} C# bindings for Facebook's official SDK
BrockAllen.CookieTempData.dll {1.3.0} Cookie-based TempData provider for ASP.NET MVC
MathNet.Numerics.FSharp {3.13.1} F# Modules for Math.NET Numerics, providing methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engin...
SpreadsheetLight {3.4.8} SpreadsheetLight is an open source Open XML spreadsheet library for .NET Framework written in C#, and is releas...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design {14.3.25407} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design
Abp.HangFire {1.1.3} HangFire integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
Colso.Xrm.DataTransporter {1.2016.12.1} XrmToolbox plugin to help you transfer entity records between different environments.
HelixToolkit.Wpf {2015.1.715} Provides custom controls and extensions for WPF 3D.
XAct.Collections {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: common code specific Collections
campaignmonitor-api {4.2.2} A .NET library for the Campaign Monitor API with enhancements for Transactional
FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable {3.3.0} Some kind of a RestSharp port to PCL
Kendo.Mvc {2016.2.616} Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC provides server-side helpers for Kendo UI's JavaScript framework. It enables develop...
FSharpx.Core {1.8.32} FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general functional constructs on top of the F# core lib...
sqlite-net-wp8 {3.8.5} A C++/CX wrapper for SQLite functions that sqlite-net depends on. Can be used as an alternative to csharp-sqlit...
Microsoft.Office365.OutlookServices {1.0.41} .NET Client Library for Office 365 Mail, Calendar and Contacts API
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
Q.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.9.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for q. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 13308a020d...
UpgradeMvc3ToMvc4 {1.0.1} Package for auto upgrade MVC 3 Application to MVC 4 Application
LightInject.Web {1.1.0} Enables the LightInject service container to be used in a web application by providing per web request scoped s...
Ookii.Dialogs {1.0.0} Ookii.Dialogs is a class library for .Net applications providing several common dialogs. It includes classes fo...
AWSSDK.EC2 {} Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the clou...
System.Data.SQLite.MSIL {1.0.103} This is a legacy package; if possible, please use either the "System.Data.SQLite" or "System.Data.SQLite.Core" ...
SharpArch.Domain {4.0.0} Architectural foundation for building maintainable applications with Domain Driven Design patterns and practices
FubuMVC.Spark {} Support for using the Spark view engine within a FubuMVC application.
ServiceStack.Server.Signed {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
RestApiSDK {0.11.0} The PayPal REST API SDK calls the PayPal REST API for the given payload.
NLog.Targets.Syslog {2.1.6030.21112} The NLog Syslog Target is a custom target for NLog version 2.0 allowing you to send logging messages to a UNIX-...
Transformer.NET {2.1.1} A .NET template parsing and transformation library.
Microsoft.OData.ProxyExtensions {1.0.35} Microsoft OData Proxy Extensions Library for .NET
chocolatey {0.10.3} Chocolatey is the package manager for Windows (like apt-get but for Windows)
MSharp.Framework {} M# components, data access tools and extension methods.
XAct.Data {0.0.5015} An XAct Library Assembly: An Assembly that contains interfaces common to datastore, while not limiting it to DB...
FSPowerPack.Linq.Community {3.0.0} The additional libraries in the F# PowerPack are functionality which is not part of the core F# release, but en...
XAct.IO {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: common code for accessing files, etc.
Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCachePr... {1.7.2} Custom output cache provider for redis cache. {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (uk)
Windows7APICodePack-Shell {1.1.0} Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft. NET Framework provides a source code library that can be used to access so...
XAct.Data.Db {0.0.5015} An XAct Library Assembly: an Assembly that builds on the interfaces defined in XAct.Data, to provide RDBMS spec...
HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp {} PDF document generator from HTML snippet, 100% managed (C#), High performance library using PdfSharp.
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.Micros... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
PropertyTools.Wpf {2.0.1} Custom controls for WPF: PropertyGrid, DataGrid, multi-select TreeView, ColorPicker and more
MassTransit.NLog {3.5.2} MassTransit NLog Logging Support
BruTile {0.19.0} BruTile is a C# library for GIS tile services such as those of Bing maps and OpenStreetMap
RavenDB.Bundles.IndexReplication {2.5.25001} RavenDB embedded database
XAct.Services.IoC.Unity {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library for common fragments of code to do with Unity
NServiceBus.Host32 {7.0.0} The hosting template for the nservicebus, The most popular open-source service bus for .net
MicrosoftMvcAjax.Mvc5 {5.0.0} Microsoft ASP.NET MVC helpers for AJAX validation and AJAX rendering.
jquery.validate.unobtrusive.boot... {1.2.3} A jQuery Validate Unobtrusive extension for Bootstrap 3
ExpressiveAnnotations {2.9.2} A small .NET and JavaScript library which provides annotation-based conditional validation mechanisms.
IronPython.StdLib {2.7.7} The Python Standard Library, for use with IronPython.
Catel.Extensions.Data {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.Data library which provides data classes such as repositories.
Portable.MvvmLightLibs {5.0.2} IMPORTANT: This package is discontinued. Use mvvmlightlibs instead....
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.N... {2.0.0} StackExchange.Redis.Extensions is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis allowing you a set of functionalit... {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (es)
WURFL_Official_API {1.8.2} The official ASP.NET API for WURFL. WURFL is a data repository containing the descriptions of thousands of mobi...
EO.Pdf {16.2.93} EO.Pdf for .NET is a set of .NET components for you to easily create, read, modify PDF file and convert HTML to...
Bond.Core.CSharp {5.1.0} Bond is an open source, cross-platform, cross-language framework for working with schematized data. {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (sv) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (af) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (ru)
TuesPechkin {2.1.1} A .NET wrapper for wkhtmltopdf. Supports .NET 2.0 and up, 32-bit, 64-bit, multithreading, and IIS environments.
MvcRouteUnitTester {0.9.2} MVC Route Unit Tester provides convenient, easy to use methods that let you unit test the route table in your A...
EntityFrameworkProfiler.Appender {3.0.3103} This package let you profile your EntityFramework application easily!
Xamarin.Facebook.Android {4.16.1} C# bindings for Facebook's official SDK {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (pt)
jQuery.UI.Core.Widget {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Core. The widget factory, base for all widgets. {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (it)
FubuLocalization {} Localization utilities
DHTMLX.Scheduler.NET {} DHTMLX Scheduler .NET is a customizable library for creating web-based event and booking calendars in ASP.NET.
Humanizer.Core.nb {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (nb)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authenticat... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support the OpenID Connect authentication workflow.
Humanizer.Core.nb-NO {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (nb-NO)
Humanizer.Core.zh-Hans {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (zh-Hans) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (bg)
Humanizer.Core.cs {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (cs) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (ar) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (nl) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (uz-Cyrl-UZ)
Knockout-Kendo {0.9.7} A project to create a robust set of Knockout.js bindings for the Kendo UI widgets. {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (vi) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (fr-BE) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (tr)
XAct.Workflows {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library of code common to workflow control (WWF, K2, etc.) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (sk)
DamSim.SolutionTransferTool {1.2016.10.3} Transfer solutions across organizations
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Managemen... {1.5.13} NOTE: This package has been deprecated. Please use Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight and Microsoft.Azure.Man...
Humanizer.Core.ja {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (ja) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (uz-Latn-UZ)
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Encryption {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
EntityFramework6.Npgsql {3.1.1} PostgreSQL provider for Entity Framework 6 {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (sl)
Humanizer.Core.da {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (da)
HockeySDK.UWP {4.1.5} HockeyApp SDK for Universal Windows Applications. Use HockeyApp to collect crash reports. {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (fi-FI)
Humanizer.Core.zh-CN {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (zh-CN)
WebMarkupMin.Core {2.2.4} The Web Markup Minifier (abbreviated WebMarkupMin) is a .NET library that contains a set of markup minifiers. T... {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (hu)
GeoCoordinate {2.0.1} GeoCoordinate is a portable class library (in v1.1.x) or netstandard v1.1 (from v2.x.x) implementation of Syste... {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (hr) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (ro) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (sr-Latn)
Humanizer.Core.he {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (he) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (sr) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (pl)
Humanizer.Core.el {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (el)
Pechkin {} .NET Wrapper for WkHtmlToPdf static DLL, library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF. Allows y...
Humanizer.Core.zh-Hant {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (zh-Hant) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (id) {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (bn-BD)
NetTopologySuite.IO {} IO library for NetTopologySuite
SpecFlow.CustomPlugin {2.1.0} Package for writing custom extensions for SpecFlow.
Humanizer.Core.fa {2.1.0} Humanizer Locale (fa)
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.... {1.1.4322} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces
JSON {1.0.1} A JSON parser in C#, supporting dynamic deserialization in .NET 4.0. A JSON parser in C#, supporting dynamic de...
Castle.FactorySupportFacility {3.3.0} Provides ability for the components to be created by factory objects. You can use it to register things like Ht...
SuperSocket.Engine {} SuperSocket is a light weight, cross platform and extensible socket server application framework. You can use i...
Google.GData.Spreadsheets {2.2.0} Google Data API Spreadsheets Library
CacheManager.Core {0.9.2} CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#
Glimpse.WebForms {1.1.1} ASP.NET 4.0 web debugging and diagnostics tool.
Prism.Windows {6.0.2} Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well structured...
Rhino.PersistentHashTable {1.7.0} Persistent Hash Table using Esent for .NET
ScriptCs.Contracts {0.16.1} ScriptCs.Contracts contains the components necessary to create script packs for scriptcs.
DryIoc.dll {2.9.4} DryIoc is fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET
boost_date_time-vc120 {1.62.0} boost_date_time-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.WebApi {2.0.1} Helper library for claims based identity & access control in ASP.NET Web API v2.
Dragablz {} Dragable and tearable tab control for WPF
Rhino.ServiceBus {3.1.1} A developer friendly service bus for .NET
XAct.Services.IoC.NInject {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Ninject
angular-loading-bar {0.9.0} An automatic loading bar using angular interceptors. It works automatically, so simply include it as a dependen...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Extensio... {2.0.6} Module for ASP.NET Web API that enables GZip and Deflate support for incoming and outgoing requests. Please not...
InstaSharp {2.0.6} InstaSharp is a C# library that wraps the Instagram API and makes it easy to write applications with Instagram ...
Machine.Specifications.Runner.Co... {0.9.2} Machine.Specifications Runner Console
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Owin {2.1.1} Helper library for claims based identity & access control in OWIN/Katana based applications.
WindowsAzure.Caching {1.7.0} A client library for Windows Azure Shared Caching - a distributed, in-memory, application cache service for Win...
VSSDK.DTE {7.0.4} Automation and Extensibility (EnvDTE) for Visual Studio 2003+
dotConnect.Express.for.PostgreSQL {7.7.794} dotConnect Express for PostgreSQL is a free of charge enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NE...
Facebook.Helper {1.0.0} The Facebook Helper for WebMatrix make it easy to add social widgets on your web pages using the minimum amount...
System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl {4.3.0} Provides types for managing access and audit control lists for files and directories....
Captcha {4.1.0} BotDetect CAPTCHA Generator protects ASP.NET forms from automated spam submissions.
Microsoft.Bot.Builder {3.3.3} Microsoft.Bot.Builder is a framework for easily building stateless bots that span from regular expressions to A...
uSync {} Configuration Serialization for Umbraco.
AWS.TraceListener {} A trace listener for System.Diagnostics that can be used to log events straight to Amazon DynamoDB.
Castle.Windsor-NLog {3.3.0} Castle Windsor integration package for logging facility via NLog.
LightInject.WebApi {1.1.0} An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for Web API applications. S...
XAct.Security {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library to manage security. Defines contracts used by other assemblies (such as XAct.Sec...
hiqpdf {9.21.0} The HiQPdf Library for .NET offers you a modern, simple, fast, flexible and powerful tool to create complex and...
boost_chrono-vc120 {1.62.0} boost_chrono-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64.
boost_system-vc120 {1.62.0} boost_system-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64.
AzureSDK2.2DLLs {1.0.0} Contains the following Azure SDK DLLs:...
Topshelf.Autofac {3.1.0} Topshelf.Autofac provides extensions to construct your service class from your Autofac IoC container.
SpecsFor {5.0.0} SpecsFor is another Behavior-Driven Development framework that focuses on ease of use for *developers* by minim...
TrafficCop {0.3.1} Simple JavaScript library to prevent multiple simultaneous client requests to same HTTP endpoint. Dual-licensed...
ExposedObject {1.2.0} Fast dynamic wrapper for accessing hidden methods and fields of .Net objects.
XAct.Diagnostics.Log4Net {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an Assembly that provides a Log4NetTraceListener (rerouting XAct.Diagnostics.Trace calls t...
System.ValueTuple {4.3.0} Provides the System.ValueTuple structs, which implement the underlying types for C# 7 tuples....
infuser {0.2.1} Lightweight JavaScript library to be used for pulling external templates & other content asynchronously/synchro...
Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Core {} Core Windows API Code Pack features (AppRestartRecovery, TaskDialog, NetworkList, PowerManagement) with XML Doc...
boost_filesystem-vc120 {1.62.0} boost_filesystem-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64.
FakeDbSet {1.4.0} A ready to use FakeDbSet for faking Entity Framework code.
MassTransit.Autofac {3.5.2} MassTransit Autofac Container Support
R.NET.Community {1.6.5} Interoperability library to access R from .NET languages
XAct.Runtime.InteropServices {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library of code for working with ActiveX and COM
SimpleInjector.Integration.WebAp... {3.3.2} Quick Start for Simple Injector ASP.NET Web API integration for IIS-hosted applications.
NServiceBus.Spring {7.0.0} The Spring Container for the nservicebus
XAct.Configuration {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: common code specific app.Config Configuration
phantomjs.exe {} This package is now DEPRECATED in favor of the PhantomJS package
XAct.Resources {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Resources.
MvcExtensions {2.5.4} ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET MVC extensibility point, which allows your IoC ...
cef.sdk {3.2785.1482} CEF - Chromium Embedded Framework....
XAct.IO.Compression.DotNetZip {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library to work with the essentials of DotNetZip.
SimpleInjector.Integration.Wcf {3.3.2} Integration package for WCF applications.
System.Data.SqlLocalDb {1.15.0} The SQL LocalDB Wrapper is a .NET 4.0 assembly providing interop with the SQL LocalDB native API from managed c...
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Licensing {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC licensing components.
NWebsec.Owin {2.3.1} NWebsec middleware for OWIN applications. NWebsec helps you set important security headers and detect potential...
Xero.API.SDK.Minimal {} This is a .NET SDK library, written in C#, used to communicate with the Xero API. See
parse {1.7.0} The official Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and Xamarin SDK. Add a cloud backend to your Windows 8, Wind...
cpprestsdk {} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au...
DocumentFormat.OpenXmlSDK {2.0.0} Unofficial packaging of Microsoft's OpenXML SDK 2.0
SuperSocket.WebSocket {} WebSocket server implementation base on SuperSocket. It is just the same codebase with SuperWebSocket but has d...
backbone.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.7.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for backbone. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 8d9...
UnitsNet {3.48.0} Simplifies working with units of measurement.
ServiceStack.Host.Mvc {4.5.4} Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework
Catel.Extensions.EntityFramework5 {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.EntityFramework5 library which provides data classes such as repositories, unit of work, DbCon...
Microsoft.ReportViewer {11.0.3366.16} The Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime redistributable package, includes controls for viewing reports designe...
BCrypt {1.0.0} bcrypt is an encryption utility implementing the Blowfish cipher.
XAct.Security.Windows {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library that uses the interfaces defined in XAct.Security, in order to offer a WindowsAu...
SizSelCsZzz {0.3.36} Various utility methods for Selenium from .NET. (Use jQuery or Sizzle css selectors, wait on ajax operations, ...
Fizzler {1.0.0} W3C Selectors Engine for Microsoft .NET Framework
Spring.Web {2.0.1} Interfaces and classes that provide web application support in Spring.Net
Elmah.AzureTableStorage {1.0.0} ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on Azure Table Storage as the error log.
inflector_extension {0.0.8} Extension Methods for Inflector in C#
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authenticat... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support any standard OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
XAct.IO.Compression.ZipPackage {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library for working with Zip Packages (Compression + Structure). A poor man's Zip Solution...
UnofficialAzure.StorageClient {1.0.0} Includes the file Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll v1.7 which is sometimes required by legacy code.
Cinteros.XrmToolBox.Plugins {1.2016.6.45} Version Verifier, Steps Manipulator, Auto Deployer
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Int... {12.1.30328} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.12.1.DesignTime
Mono.CSharp {} Mono C# Compiler
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManag... {12.1.30328} Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.12.1.DesignTime
log4net.Appender.Azure {1.4.3} log4net Appenders for Azure Table and Blob support
Mono.Posix {4.0.0} POSIX interface for Mono and .NET
XAct.IO.FS {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library for accessing the FS system directly (not IsolatedStorage). Higher security conc...
AngularJS.Locale {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
XAct.IO.FileSystemWatcher {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library to watch directories and files (usuall a drop folder) for changes. Often used to...
CacheCow.Server {1.2.0} Server library for CacheCow project
Microsoft.Hadoop.Client {1.5.13} NOTE: This package has been deprecated. Please use Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight and Microsoft.Azure.Man...
Nancy.Bootstrappers.Ninject {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
jquery-placeholder {2.0.7} A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet
dotNetRDF {1.0.12} dotNetRDF is a RDF, SPARQL and Semantic Web API for .Net. It provides simple but powerfully extensible APIs fo...
XAct.IO.TemplateEngines.NVelocity {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Library for working with NVelocity
BenchmarkDotNet {0.10.1} Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
Marvin.JsonPatch {1.0.0} JSON Patch (RFC 6902) support for .NET to easily allow and apply partial REST-ful service (through Web API) upd... {2.2.1} Recursos de español para el paquete de Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core
Knockout.js_External_Template_En... {2.0.5} The Knockout.js External Template Engine extends Knockout.js to allow you to load templates asynchronously from...
MsCrmTools.DocumentTemplatesMover {1.2016.8.2} Transfer Word templates from a source organization to a target organization
FormFactory {2.0.108} FormFactory
Fluent.Ribbon {} Fluent.Ribbon is a library that implements an Office-like Ribbon for WPF.
boost_thread-vc120 {1.62.0} boost_thread-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64. {5.2.3} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc
Forloop.HtmlHelpers {1.2.0} HtmlHelpers for managing scripts for Razor Partial Views and Templates in ASP.NET MVC
WindowsAzure.Messaging.Managed {} Use this with Windows Azure Service Bus and Notification Hubs client registration (for Windows Store and Window...
node.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.4.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for node. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 98adc21...
Senparc.Weixin.MP {14.3.104} 微信公众号SDK for C#
NJsonSchema {6.4.6189.32875} JSON Schema draft v4 reader, generator and validator for .NET
OpenCvSharp3-AnyCPU {} OpenCV 3.x wrapper
SpecFlow.xUnit {2.1.0} Combined package to setup SpecFlow with xUnit easily.
CaptchaMvc.Mvc4 {1.5.0} CaptchaMvc will implement your web MVC applications easier and more reliable protection....
NServiceBus.Azure.Transports.Win... {7.1.0} NServiceBus Transport for the Windows Azure Servicebus
BundleTransformer.Yui {1.9.92} BundleTransformer.Yui contains 2 minifier-adapters: `YuiCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS-code) and `YuiJsM...
Albedo {1.0.2} A .NET library targeted at making Reflection programming more consistent, using a common set of abstractions an...
Unofficial.Ionic.Zip {} A nuget hosted feed for {1.2.2} Generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Use hashids when you do not want to expose your database...
EngineIoClientDotNet {0.9.22} This library supports all of the features the JS client does, including events, options and upgrading transport...
XAct.Security.Web {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an assembly that builds on the interfaces defined in XAct.Security, in order to offer a Se...
Twitter.Helper {1.0.0} ASP.NET Web Pages helpers for displaying Twitter widgets like Follow Me and Tweet Buttons.
CommunityEFProviderWrappers.EFTr... {1.0.0} A provider that allows tracing Entity Framework queries and updates.
TinyMCE.MVC.JQuery {3.4.7} MVC Partial Editor Templates For TinyMCE.JQuery HTML Text Editor
Insight.Database.Core {5.2.8} A lightweight, fast, convenient micro-ORM that allows you to get objects in and out of your database with the m...
Desktop.Analyzers {1.1.0} Desktop Analyzers
IPAddressRange {1.6.1} This library allows you to parse range of IP address string such as "" and "
Noodles {1.1.558} Noodles transforms your object modelinto a web app. This is the core library without a dependency on ASP MVC
angular-moment {1.0.1} Moment.JS directives for AngularJS (timeago and more).
mustache-sharp {0.2.10} A extension of the mustache text template engine for .NET.
ReSharper.Annotations {} Contains the JetBrains.Annotations assembly from ReSharper v7.1.3.
InputSimulator {1.0.4} The Windows Input Simulator provides a simple .NET (C#) interface to simulate Keyboard or Mouse input using the...
NServiceBus.Hosting.Azure.HostPr... {7.0.0} The process used when sharing an azure instance between multiple NServicebus endpoints
Sitecore.FakeDb {1.3.2} Unit testing framework for Sitecore.
Serenity.Web {2.6.8} Contains classes for MVC based Web environment... {3.2.3} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.Razor
Less {3.0.0} A framework with less mass
gong-wpf-dragdrop {1.0.0} An easy to use drag'n'drop framework for WPF applications. {1.10.12} DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundat...
Ninject.Extensions.Logging.nlog2 {3.2.3} NLog2 Logging extension for Ninject
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Configur... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC configuration components.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controllers {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC controller components.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewComp... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC view components assertion methods.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstract... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC common abstractions and interfaces.
7-Zip.CommandLine {9.20.0} 7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewActi... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC view action results components.
NUnit.Runners.Net4 {2.6.4} NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages with a strong TDD focus.
SharpDX.Direct3D9 {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - Direct3D9 managed API.
combres.mvc {} MVC Extension for Combres.
Fleck {} C# WebSocket Implementation {2.0.29} ELMAH error logger for sending errors to This package include initial configuration for getting up an...
Serenity.Core {2.6.8} Contains abstractions and implementations for some basic Serenity features like authorization, caching, localiz...
Serenity.CodeGenerator {2.6.8} Generates server and script side code for Serenity platform applications
Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK.Embed... {14.1.4} Ensures that reference assemblies that are meant to be embedded are in fact embedded.
MvvmCross.Plugin.Json {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
Square.OkIO {1.10.0} A modern I/O API for Java.
SerilogMetrics {2.0.3} Provides utilities to facilitate metrics (timers, counters, gauges, meters, healthchecks) on top of Serilog.
BLToolkit {4.3.5} Business Logic Toolkit is a set of components to simplify .NET application development.
jQuery.Validation.AdditionalMethods {1.13.1} Addtional methods for the jQuery Validation plug-in....
animate.css {3.3.0} CSS Animations
BetterCms.Module.Api.Abstractions {2.0.7} API Abstractions module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source...
Microsoft.Orleans.Core {1.3.1} Core library of Microsoft Orleans - Orleans.dll
PublishedApplications {2.4.0} Published Applications allows you to have a _PublishedApplications folder, similar to _PublishedWebsites
MassTransit.CastleWindsor {3.5.2} MassTransit Castle Windsor Container Support
JustSaying.Models {} JustSaying is a light-weight service bus on top of AWS services that allows communication via messaging in a di...
Serenity.Data {2.6.8} Contains helper classes for SQL data connections, fluent SQL builders, criteria, join definitions, data mapping...
DogStatsD-CSharp-Client {3.0.0} DogStatsD-CSharp-Client
NDbUnit.Core {1.6.8} NDbUnit Core Services; not intended to be consumed by itself
MicrosoftReportViewerWebForms_v10 {1.0.0} This dll is required for the use of Microsoft's ReportViewer control.
Coypu.NUnit {1.1.0} NUnit matchers for Coypu
Westwind.Globalization {2.12.0} Database Resource Localization for non-Web .NET projects. For ASP.NET Web projects use the Westwind.Globalizati...
Google.Apis.Storage.v1 {} Google Storage v1 API client library
jquery.event.drag {2.2.0} A jquery special event plugin that makes the task of adding complex drag interactions, to any element, simple a...
Serenity.Data.Entity {2.6.8} Contains entity classes, fields and related functions...
durandal.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.1.0} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for durandal. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 492...
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client {14.0.4762.1000} This NuGet package includes assemblies needed to use the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model for .NET...
MetricReporter {1.0.0} This library provides an easy interface for writing metrics to your logs or another stream {1.1.1} A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
Serenity.Services {2.6.8} Contains classes for CRUD service / repository implementations...
Exceptionless.Portable {4.0.1922} [DEPRECATED] Please install the Exceptionless package instead.
BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef {8.0.0} Claims-based user account and identity management framework
DeltaCompressionDotNet {1.1.0} A managed wrapper around Microsoft's delta compression application programming interfaces.
BetterCMS {2.0.7} A publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS. {3.2.3} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages
SocketIoClientDotNet {0.9.13} This library supports all of the features the JS client does, including events, options and upgrading transport...
CaptchaMvc.Mvc5 {1.5.0} CaptchaMvc will implement your web MVC applications easier and more reliable protection....
WindowsAzure.ELMAH.Tables {1.0.0} This is a simple package that sets up ELMAH to use Windows Azure table storage for the ELMAH logs.
StyleCopPlus.MSBuild {} StyleCopPlus.MSBuild integrates StyleCopPlus into the build process....
X.PagedList.Mvc {} Asp.Net MVC HtmlHelper method for generating paging control for use with PagedList library.
Dapper.SimpleCRUD {1.13.0} Simple Get, GetList, GetListPaged, Insert, Update, Delete, DeleteList, and RecordCount extensions for Dapper. U...
StackifyLib.log4net {1.25.3} A log4net appender that sends logging statements to Stackify
IdentityModel.AspNetCore.OAuth2I... {2.0.0} ASP.NET Core Middleware for validating tokens using OAuth 2.0 introspection
Google.GData.Contacts {2.2.0} Google Data API Contacts Library
Gibraltar.Agent {} The core Loupe Agent - a black box for recording diagnostic information for your .NET application. Download ad...
Microsoft.Office365.SharePoint {1.0.22} .NET Client Library for Office 365 My Files API
MetroLog {1.0.1} MetroLog is a lightweight logging framework designed for portable code and WinJS. Although the API is based on ...
SmartFormat.NET {2.0.0} SmartFormat.Net is a string composition library written in C# that can format data with named placeholders, plu... {0.7.0} uploader for .NET Code Coverage.
Rhino-Etl {1.3.1} Rhino Etl is a developer friendly Extract, transform and load (ETL) library for .NET
SlickGrid {2.2.20140120} A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet.
CommonServiceLocator.NinjectAdap... {3.2.2} Provides a Ninject-specific implementation of the Commmon Service Locator API
YamlDotNet.Core {2.2.0} [Obsolete. Please upgrade to YamlDotNet] This package contains the YAML parser.
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage {3.0.0} Provides management capabilities for Storage services.
jQuery.RateIt {1.1.1} A rating plugin for jQuery.
ARSoft.Tools.Net {2.2.7} This project contains a complete managed .Net DNS and DNSSEC client, a DNS server and SPF and SenderID validation.
FreeSpire.Doc {5.7.0} Free Spire.Doc for .NET is a professional word component which enables developers to quickly and easily generat...
DockPanelSuite {2.11.0} The docking library for .Net Windows Forms development which mimics Visual Studio .Net.
SpecFlow.NUnit.Runners {2.1.0} Combined package to setup SpecFlow with NUnit easily for running the tests with the NUnit runners.
NBitcoin {} The most complete and portable Bitcoin Framework in .NET...
MySql.ConnectorNET.Data {} ADO.Net driver for MySQL
Xrm.Sdk.PluginRegistration {3.1.1} Classic tool in XrmToolBox plugin form
Catel.Mvc {4.5.4} Catel.MVC 4 library which includes the MVC 4 related features.
reactiveui-testing {7.0.0} A library to aid in writing unit tests for ReactiveUI projects
highcharts.TypeScript.Definitely... {0.5.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for highcharts. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 0...
Catel.Extensions.Memento {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.Memento library which provides the memento pattern implementation as a service.
netfx-Guard {} The only argument validation file you need, with full refactoring support and strong-typing....
Bender {3.0.57} Xml, json, CSV and form url encoded serializer for .NET.
Autofac.Extras.Quartz {3.3.0} Autofac integration for Quartz.Net
linq2db.t4models {} T4 templates to generate data models for LINQ to DB SQL
ClearScript.V8 {5.4.7} ClearScript is a library that makes it easy to add scripting to your .NET applications. It currently supports J...
XAct.SharePoint.Client {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library to manage SharePoint remotely.
runtime.win81-x64.Microsoft.NETC... {1.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ... {0.9.3} A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
MvcTreeView {1.4.0} [MVC3 Only] This fluent MVC TreeView helper makes it easy to build and customize an HTML unordered-list tree fr...
XAct.ServiceProcess {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library of code to work with Windows Services.
MediaTypeMap {2.1.0} Huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types
jqPlot {1.0.8} This package contains the jqPlot jQuery plotting plugin version 1.0.8r1250. The docs and examples are not inclu...
Rebus.Log4Net {2.1.0} Log4Net logging integration for Rebus
Serilog.Enrichers.Environment {2.1.1} Enrich Serilog log events with properties from System.Environment.
System.Data.SQLite.Core.MSIL {1.0.103} An ADO.NET provider for SQLite (managed-only).
cpprestsdk.v120.windesktop.msvcs... {2.9.1} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au...
Bootstrap.Multiselect {0.9.13} Bootstrap Multiselect is a JQuery based plugin to provide an intuitive user interface for using select inputs w...
SQLitePCLRaw.provider.e_sqlite3.... {1.1.1} A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
IdentityModel.AspNetCore.ScopeVa... {1.0.0} ASP.NET Core Middleware for validating scope claims
Ninject.WebApi.DependencyResolver {0.1.4758.24814} A dependency resolver for Ninject and WebApi - based on work by Brad Wilson
Serilog.Sinks.Loggly {3.0.2} Serilog sink for service
EnyimMemcached-NLog {2.16.0} NLog based logging adapter for the Enyim Memcached library.
Antlr4.StringTemplate {} StringTemplate (or ST) is a template engine library used for generating text from data structures. The first ve...
System.Web.Optimization.React {3.0.0} Allows you to transpile JavaScript via Babel in the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework.
structuremap.automocking.moq {} StructureMap AutoMocker for Moq
Autofac.Extras.Multitenant {3.1.1} Autofac extension for multitenant application support. NOTE: Use Autofac.Multitenant when using Autofac 4.0+
Akka.Remote {1.1.2} Remote actor support for Akka.NET
Paket.PowerShell {3.31.1} A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and git repositories.
HtmlRenderer.WinForms {} Multipurpose (UI Controls / Image generation), 100% managed (C#), High performance HTML Rendering library for W...
CsvTools {1.0.12} Open source C# Libary for easy reading, writing, and manipulation of CSV files.
MiNET {1.0.1278} MiNET - a Minecraft PocketEdition Server
RaphaelJS {2.1.2} Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. Supports ...
WPFToolkit.DataVisualization {3.5.50211.1} This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you...
VSSDK.ComponentModelHost {12.0.4} Visual Studio (MEF Component Model Host) for Visual Studio 2013+
Bogus {8.0.2} A simple and sane data generator for populating objects that supports different locales.
NetOffice.Core.Net45 {1.7.3} NetOffice - MS Office in .NET Core Library for .NET 4.5
AutofacContrib.NSubstitute {3.3.7} Auto-mocking Autofac container that uses NSubstitute.
XAct.UI.Web.Mvc {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library of code for working with Asp.NET Mvc v3 Framework
qunit.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.3.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for qunit. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: a11d01...
DryIoc {2.9.4} DryIoc is fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET
SgmlReader {1.8.11} Converts SGML to XML via XmlReader API
Kendo.DynamicLinq {1.1.2} Server side paging, sorting and filtering via Dynamic Linq
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnal... {1.1.0} Microsoft FxCop Analyzers
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFea... {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for working with Visual Studio text buffers....
TweetSharp-Unofficial {} TweetSharp v2 is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. It uses T4 templates to make adding new endpoint...
Castle.Windsor.Lifestyles {0.4.0} Additional lifestyles for Castle.Windsor
FubuMVC.References {} DEPRECATED -- redirects to FubuMVC.Core. Please use the FubuMVC.Core, FubuMVC.StructureMap/FubuMVC.AutoFac pac...
HotTowel.Angular.Breeze {2.3.3} Add-on for HotTowel.Angular template that adds Breeze for rich data and ASP.NET Web API 2.
EcoWebASP {} Descr
Serilog.Formatting.Compact {1.0.0} A simple, compact JSON-based event format for Serilog.
Abp.EntityFramework.Common {1.1.3} Common classes for EntityFramework integrations of ASP.NET Boilerplate. Used by Abp.EntityFramework and Abp.Ent...
SharpArch.NHibernate {4.0.0} Architectural foundation for building maintainable applications with Domain Driven Design patterns and practices
TwitterBootstrapMVC5 {3.17.5} Fluent implementation of ASP.NET-MVC HTML helpers for Twitter Bootstrap....
HangFire.Ninject {1.2.0} Ninject IoC Container support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Lib.Web.Mvc {6.7.0} Lib.Web.Mvc is a library which contains some helper classes for ASP.NET MVC such as strongly typed jqGrid helpe...
Microsoft.PowerBI.Core {1.1.3} Power BI Core Dependencies
HTML5.HTML5Shiv {3.7.2} This package contains both the html5shiv and html5shiv-printshiv JS files (along with minified versions). It c...
Foundation5.Core {5.5.0} Core CSS and JavaScript files for Foundation framework. For the complete package install Foundation5.MVC
EcoWebProviders {} Descr
DotNetty.Common-signed {0.3.2} DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed"....
YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel {2.2.0} [Obsolete. Please upgrade to YamlDotNet] This package contains the YAML document object model and serialization...
DotNetty.Transport-signed {0.3.2} DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed"....
SimpleRESTServices {} A simple set of client side and server side REST helpers
EcoWebMVC {} Descr
DotNetty.Buffers-signed {0.3.2} DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed"....
Boo {0.9.4} Boo language assembly
XAct.Domain {0.0.5015} An ActLib Assembly: OBSOLETE (now part of XAct.Core.PCL)
ServiceControl.Plugin.Nsb5.Heart... {2.0.1} The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
nspec {1.0.13} NSpec is a testing framework for .NET. NSpec is heavily inspired by RSpec and Mocha.
Dapper.Tvp {1.0.0} A couple helper classes to make using TVP parameters with Dapper easier.
Microsoft.NETCore.TestHost {1.1.0} CoreCLR application host for test applications ...
itextsharp.pdfa {5.5.10} Extra functionality for iTextSharp, a free port of the iText open source java library for PDF generation writte...
XAct.UI.Web.Resources {0.0.5014} An XActLib assembly: a collection of gifs, etc. of somewhat dubious use in Web applications.
MvcHtml5Templates {0.5.0} Adds EditorTemplates for the new html5 input types (including email, tel, and url) to Mvc 3 projects. For examp...
Selenium.WebDriver.PhantomJS.Xpl... {} .NET bindings for the Selenium WebDriver API
XAct.Workflows.K2.Server {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an assembly of services that can be used in K2 Server events.
OxyPlot.GtkSharp {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets applications based on GTK#.
Boo-Compiler {0.9.4} Boo compiler
Xamarin.Android.Wear {1.4.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Android Wear Support and Wear Compat 9.6.1
Bootstrapper.AutoMapper {} Automapper extension for Bootstrapper
VDS.Common {1.7.0} A library containing useful data structures like Trees, Tries, Sparse Arrays, Bloom Filters and indexing tailor...
DotNetty.Codecs-signed {0.3.2} DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed"....
MoreLinq.Source.MoreEnumerable.D... {1.0.1} Enhances LINQ to Objects with the method DistinctBy (2 overloads)
Mail.dll {3.0.16292.1158} .NET IMAP, POP3 and SMTP client library and email parser.
ManyConsole {} Easily mix commands for a console application.
Microsoft.Identity.Model.Extensions {2.0.1459} Microsoft Identity Model Extensions
Cinteros.XrmToolBox.ViewDesigner {1.2016.8.7} Easy UI to design view layouts and alter queries using FetchXML Builder
NServiceBus.Log4Net {2.0.0} Log4net support for NServiceBus
MvcJqGrid {1.0.15} A fluent html helper which eases the the implementation of jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC applications. JqGrid modelbind...
Abp.Web.Common {1.1.3} Common web related classes of ASP.NET Boilerplate.
Args {1.1.2} Command line parser for .NET. Parses command line parameters into custom POCO objects.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.ja {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security パッケージの日本語リソース。
Rebus.Castle.Windsor {2.0.1} Castle Windsor container adapter for Rebus
GemBox.Document {} GemBox.Document is a .NET component for reading and writing Word (DOCX, DOC), PDF, XPS, HTML and RTF documents.
WebApi.JsonWebToken {0.3.0} JsonWebToken DelegatingHandler for ASP.NET Web API
Square.OkHttp {2.7.5} An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications.
Ftp.dll {2.0.16326.1309} Ftp.dll is a .NET FTP client library.
SmartThreadPool.dll {2.2.4} Smart Thread Pool, implemented in .NET
GoogleAnalyticsSDK {1.3.1} Google Analytics SDK for Windows and Windows Phone with support for Google Universal Analytics Measurement Prot...
MsCrmTools.SolutionComponentsMover {1.2016.6.3} Transfer solution components across solutions
NReco.VideoConverter {1.1.1} Video converter component for C#/.NET (wrapper for FFMpeg utility). Can be used for converting videos, transcod...
MsCrmTools.Iconator {1.2016.10.4} Manage custom entities icons in a single screen
Abot {} Open source C# web crawler built for speed, flexibility and extensibility.
SharpSerializer {2.20.0} Open source XML and binary serializer for .NET, Silverlight, WinRT, WP7 (Windows Phone 7) and Xbox 360
Microsoft.PowerBI.Api {1.1.3} Client library for Power BI
XAct.ObjectMapping {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an Assembly that provides a Service to map Domain Entities to Client Layer Models, and/or ...
DoddleReport.OpenXml {1.5.2} Adds OpenXML support to DoddleReport. The currently supported format is Excel and is more robust than the defau...
SilverlightToolkit-Input {4.2010.4} Input components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at This packag...
Polly-Signed {4.3.0} Polly is a .NET 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5 / PCL library (Profile 259) that allows developers to express transient excepti...
FubuValidation {} Have validation your way, whatever way that happens to be
ExCSS {2.0.6} Parse CSS 3 and CSS 2 stylesheets into an easily usable and LINQ-friendly object model. It's #BADA55!
BrockAllen.OAuth2 {2.4.0} Claims-based OAuth2 integration
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.ja {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb パッケージの日本語リソース。
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kest... {1.1.0} HTTPS support for the ASP.NET Core Kestrel cross-platform web server.
AWSSDK.CloudWatch {} Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS. You can ...
MSTestExtensions {4.0.0} An extendible implementation of the Assert class in MSTest. Allows for extending the Assert methods with the de...
Cassette.Web {1.2.1} ASP.NET support for Cassette. Cassette automatically builds JavaScript, CSS and HTML template modules based on ...
System.Data.Entity.Repository {} System.Data.Entity Repository Extension
Javista.XrmToolBox.ManageNN {1.2016.5.3} Import, export or delete many-to-many relationships
XeroAPI.Net {} .Net wrapper library for Xero API
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core.zh-... {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core 套件的 繁體中文 資源 {5.2.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core-Paket
WCFExtrasPlus {2.4.0} WCFExtras+ is a collection of useful WCF extensions including SOAP Header support, WSDL flattening and document...
XAct.Services.IoC.AspMvc {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with an DependencyInjectionContainer in an Mvc App {2.0.29} ELMAH error logger for sending errors to This package does not include any ELMAH configuration. Pleas...
DotNetty.Handlers-signed {0.3.2} DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed"....
Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataF... {4.11.0} Provides data factory management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Serilog.Extras.AppSettings {2.0.0} Obsolete. This functionality ships in the core Serilog 1.5 package. Please uninstall this one.
Xbehave {2.1.4} A BDD/TDD framework based on and inspired by Gherkin. Allows features and scenarios to be written dir...
Topshelf.Quartz {} Topshelf.Quartz provides extensions to schedule Quartz jobs along with your service class.
ShouldFluent {1.1.19} The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension methods for test assertions for AAA and BDD style test...
Effort {1.3.0} Effort is a powerful tool that enables a convenient way to create unit tests for Entity Framework based applica...
MvcRouteTester.MVC5 {1.2.1} MvcRouteTester is a .Net library to help unit testing ASP MVC route tables. It contains asserts for for both re...
XAct.UI.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Db based implemenation of some of the services contracts defined in XAct.UI
ServiceStack.OrmLite.PostgreSQL {4.5.4} Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for PostgreSQL. ...
Rebus.RabbitMQ {2.0.0} RabbitMQ transport for Rebus
IdentityServer3.AspNetIdentity {2.0.0} ASP.NET Identity support for IdentityServer3
TimeZoneNames {2.1.0} Provides localized time zone names.
Cube.XRMToolBox.RecordCounter {1.2016.8.2} This is a Xrm Tool Box Plugin for count Records in Dynamics CRM Views or FetchXML result.
System.Web.Providers.LocalDb {1.1.0} Legacy package, System.Web.Providers.LocalDb is now included in the 'Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.LocalDB' package.
JetBrains.Annotations.Redist {7.1.0} Standard JetBrains ReSharper code annotation attributes implementation
Elastic {1.0.3} Elastic is a framework that helps to simplify the "wiring" phase of our applications. {5.2.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client-Paket
Microsoft.PowerShell.5.Reference... {1.0.0} Contains the SDK reference assemblies for PowerShell version 5
AngularJS.KendoUI {1.0.3} angular-kendo is a directive for AngularJS that runs an element through Kendo UI declarative initialization, al...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client.z... {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 套件的繁體中文資源
DotNetty.Codecs.Mqtt-signed {0.3.2} DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed"....
QuickPickOneCLR {1.0.16305.3} QuickPick One Database assembly server component
Rhino.ServiceBus.References {3.1.1} Referenced libs for Rhino.ServiceBus and related assemblies.
KeenClient {0.3.13} Keen IO is an analytics API that stores events in arbitrary JSON format.
log4net.Ext.Json.1.2.13 {} Enable JSON logging in log4net, stamp log messages, entertain keep-alive appender
LightInject.Mvc {1.1.0} An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection for ASP.NET MVC application... {5.2.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost-Paket
SimpleCrypto {} Simple cryptography library that wraps complex hashing algorithms such as PBKDF2 for quick and simple usage.
Dapper.StrongName {1.50.2} A high performance Micro-ORM
XAct.History {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: assembly for persisting History entries related to specific domain entities (not the same ...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.WebL... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core HTTP server for Windows.
googlemaps.TypeScript.Definitely... {0.7.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for googlemaps. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost.... {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost 套件的 繁體中文 資源
CommandLineParser.Unofficial {2.0.275} Unofficial build of project. Same functionality as CommandLineParser nu...
GapConsulting.PowerBIOptionSetAs... {1.2016.11.1} Creates a custom entity and populates it with records which represent option-set values
slf4net {} slf4net - The Simple Logging Façade for .NET.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Serv... {9.0.21022} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services
Dropbox.Api {4.1.0} Portable class library for accessing the Dropbox v2 API
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Core {9.0.21022} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Core
N2CMS.Library {} N2CMS is a lightweight CMS library that can be used as is, or in combination with many features out of the box ...
FubuMVC.Validation {} A FubuMVC implementation of FubuValidation
Momentum.Pm.Api {5.9.860} Client for Momentum PM API
angular-translate.TypeScript.Def... {1.7.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angular-translate. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git co...
Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansRuntime {1.3.1} Runtime of Microsoft Orleans - OrleansRuntime.dll
kendo-ui.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.2.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for kendo-ui. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 925...
RhinoDSL {1.0.0} A Boo hosting environment
Serilog.Sinks.EventLog {3.0.36} Serilog event sink that writes to the Windows event log.
Senparc.Weixin {4.9.0} 微信公众账号 SDK(支持.NET Core):Senparc.Weixin.dll...
Microsoft.Windows.Ocr {1.0.0} The Microsoft OCR Library for Windows Runtime allows developers to add text recognition capabilities to their a...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.ManagedIn... {8.0.50727} Microsoft.VisualStudio.ManagedInterfaces
Microsoft.VisualStudio.WCFRefere... {9.0.30729} Microsoft.VisualStudio.WCFReference.Interop
log4stash {2.0.1} log4stash is a log4net appender for easy logging of exceptions and messages to Elasticsearch indices....
ZooKeeperNetEx {} A .NET async Client for ZooKeeper
XAct.Transactions {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Transactions in the Application Layer
Catel.Extensions.Interception {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.Interception library which provides interception capabilities.
Magick.NET-Q16-x86 {} A .NET API to the ImageMagick image-processing library for Desktop and Web.
TypeLite.Lib {1.8.1} Generates TypeScript interfaces from .NET classes
CloudCore.Core {2016.11.9.1056} The core modules required to build CloudCore-based system.
AForge.Video.DirectShow {2.2.5} AForge.Video.DirectShow library of the AForge.NET framework
Knockout-Validation {1.0.2} Validation plugin for knockout js
Magick.NET-Q8-AnyCPU {} A .NET API to the ImageMagick image-processing library for Desktop and Web.
ZXing.Net.Mobile.Forms {2.1.47} ZXing Barcode Scanning for your Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows Phone (Silverlight), and Windows Universa...
nQuant {1.0.3} nQuant is a .net color quantizer which produces high quality 256 color 8 bit PNG images. nQuant uses an algorit...
GMap.NET.WindowsForms {1.7.5} Excellent toolkit for building Mapping Applications on Flat Earth!
Xam.Plugin.EmbeddedResource {1.0.1} Mobile applications often need to bundle files with the app, such as a SQLite database or static HTML or images...
XAct.Settings {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: the base assembly for Settings (app,host).
NDbUnit.SqlClient {1.6.8} NDbUnit for Sql Server targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing database state during data-dependent unit t...
bootbox.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.2.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for bootbox. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 6577...
FSharpx.Collections {1.15.2} FSharpx.Collections is a collection of datastructures for use with F# and C#.
AWSSDK.SecurityToken {} The AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) enables you to provide trusted users with temporary credentials that p...
Topshelf.Ninject {0.4.0} Topshelf.Ninject provides extensions to construct your service class from your Ninject IoC container.
LinqToQuerystring {} Linq to Querystring is an expression parser for .NET that aims to provide a lightweight subset of the OData URI...
Microsoft.AspNet.EntityDataSource {6.0.0} This package contains the runtime assembly for ASP.NET EntityDataSource control for EntityFramework.
AngularJS.Intellisense {1.0.3} Provides project level support for AngularJS intellisence using an intellisense file from John Bledsoe (jmbleds...
CrystalDecisions.ReportSource {1.0.0} CrystalDecisions.ReportSource
DoddleReport.Web {1.5.2} Adds Web Reporting support to DoddleReport. MVC apps can use the new ActionResult called ReportResult. WebForms... {2.0.29} Raw client for sending and receiving message to and from This package is not dependant of ELMAH and c...
CS-Script {3.18.1} Binaries and samples for C# script engine for execution of scripts with Mono,Roslyn or CodeDom.
DotSpatial.Projections.Forms {1.9.0} Windows Forms controls for working with Projections and coordinate systems.
MongoDB.Driver.GridFS {2.4.0} GridFS Component of the Official MongoDB .NET Driver.
Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azu... {0.11.3} Authentication for Azure Management Clients.
XAct.Workflows.Client {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a base library for remote connections to a Workflow Server.
System.Data.HashFunction.xxHash {} Data.HashFunction implementation of xxHash (
IIS.Microsoft.Web.Administration {8.5.9600.17042} Reference Microsoft.Web.Adminstration in your projects without installing IIS
M2Mqtt {4.3.0} M2Mqtt is a MQTT client available for all .Net platform (.Net Framework, .Net Compact Framework and .Net Micro ...
StackExchange.Exceptional {1.0.122} .Net Error handler used internally at Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow. Primarily for logging all unhandled excep...
XAct.Workflows.Client.Mocks {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: mock services for testing Client functionality.
EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Crypt... {5.0.505} The Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block simplifies the ways to incorporate cryptographic function...
XAct.Workflows.Server {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a base library for producing Workflow inproc/server side Events/Commands.
le_log4net {2.4.0} le_log4net for Log4net[1.2.11] is deprecated. Please use logentries.log4net instead
SilverlightToolkit-Layout {4.2010.4} Layout components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at This packa...
Metro.UI.CSS {3.0.15} Metro UI CSS a set of styles to create a site with an interface similar to Windows 8
Angular-UI-Router {0.2.8} AngularUI Router is a routing framework for AngularJS, which allows you to organize the parts of your interface...
ImapX {} ImapX 2 is a crossplatform IMAP library for .NET, supporting SSL/TLS, OAuth2 and all major GMail IMAP extensions.
FubuMVC.Diagnostics {} A complete look into what's going on inside your FubuMVC application. Once active, diagnostics will be found un...
XAct.Workflows.Server.Mocks {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an assembly of mock implementations of the services defined in XAct.Workflows. For testing...
Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.... {13.0.1700.77} SQL Server T-SQL Script DOM. See
Specifications {1.0.4} The specification pattern for composable business logic, in C#..
Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Cr... {} This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and contains the Web API Controller you need to serve ...
XAct.Workflows.K2.Management {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an assembly to manage K2 Servers.
Swashbuckle.Net45 {5.2.1} Combines ApiExplorer and Swagger/swagger-ui to provide a rich discovery, documentation and playground experienc...
ReportUnit {1.2.1} ReportUnit is a report generator for the test-runner family. It uses stock reports from NUnit, MSTest, xUnit, T...
Google.Apis.Bigquery.v2 {} Google Bigquery v2 API client library
Slack.Webhooks {0.1.7} Even simpler integration with Slack's Incoming webhook API for .Net
cordova.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.9.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for cordova. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 1b21...
Apitron.PDF.Kit {1.0.51} Apitron PDF Kit is a .NET component that allows you to do whatever you want with PDF files. Add text and images...
BetterCms.Module.Pages {2.0.7} Pages module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
WebDriver.ChromeDriver {26.14.313457.1} ChromeDriver for WebDriver
DotNetOpenAuth.Mvc5 {} Provides the HttpResponseMessage.AsActionResult() extension method.
xRT {1.0.5886.42763} ASP.NET Interface Library for SQL Server and MySQL
Xam.Plugin.DeviceInfo {2.0.2} Get device information such as Model, OS, and other properties.
XAct.UI.Entities {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Domain object required to support UI development.
Wooga.Lambda {0.7.0} Functional primitives for Unity3D
AndyPopkin.BulkWorkflowExecution {1.2016.6.7} Execution Workflows in Bulk using CRM Views or FetchXML Queries.
Foundatio {4.2.1183} Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Auth0-ASPNET {1.5.0} Creates an HTTP handler to accept Auth0 callback and exchange code with access token.
FontAwesome.WPF {} WPF (+UWP) controls for the iconic font and CSS toolkit Font Awesome....
Rebus.Autofac {2.0.0} Autofac container adapter for Rebus
TrackerEnabledDbContext.Common {3.6.1} Common nuget package required for TrackerEnabledDbContext & TrackerEnabledDbContext.Identity
Streamcoders.MediaSuite.x86 {4.0.1309} Is a comprehensive library for handling audio/video codecs and streaming technologies.
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.Microso... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
MefContrib {} MEF Contrib is a community-developed library of extensions to the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF).
PlainElastic.Net {1.1.55} Plain ElasticSearch .Net client.
RxJS-Main {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript main library used to express complex event processing queries over observabl...
CloudCore.Web {2016.11.9.1056} The modules required to build CloudCore-based web modules.
Kentor.AuthServices {0.19.0} A SAML2 Service Provider for ASP.NET. The HTTP module works with the claims model of .NET 4.5 and uses the pres...
WindowsAzure.StorageExtensions {1.0.4} Windows Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Windows Azure ...
DotSpatial.Extensions {1.9.0} Interfaces which allow DotSpatial to be extended.
BetterCms.Module.MediaManager {2.0.7} Media module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
CloudCore.Site {2016.11.9.1056} The modules required to build CloudCore-based web roles/sites.
David.Utility.Log4net {2.0.2} log4net xml (time and size composite)...
Serilog.Sinks.Logentries {2.0.15} Serilog event sink that writes to the service.
Thinktecture.IdentityServer.Core {2.4.0} Thinktecture IdentityServer Core Libraries for Re-Hosting (for IdentityServer v2)
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization-Paket
Ryr.XrmToolBox.ExportToExcel {2.3.0} Dynamics CRM has a default export limitation of 5,000 records. This can be increased by changing the Organisati...
XAct.Settings.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an implementation of the contract defined in XAct.Settings.Host.Db, using EntityFramework ...
AngularJS.Aria {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
SilverlightToolkit-DataViz {4.2010.4} Data visualization components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at
Topshelf.Serilog {4.0.3} Topshelf Serilog Integration.
Durandal.StarterKit {2.2.0} This is a starter kit for durandal-based projects.
Microsoft.Owin.ja {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin パッケージの日本語リソース。
ReactiveProperty {3.4.0} ReactiveProperty is MVVM and Asynchronous Extensions for Reactive Extensions(System.Reactive). Target is .NET 4...
ngGrid {3.0.1} angular-ui datagrid depending on AngularJS.Core
BetterCms.Module.Root {2.0.7} Root module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
HotTowel {2.0.1} Quick and easy SPA Template for building a SPA with ASP.NET MVC, Knockout, Durandal, and Breeze.
Saxon-HE {} Saxon-HE (home edition) is an open source product that provides implementations of XSLT (2.0), XQuery (1.0, 3.0...
AppForSharePointOnlineWebToolkit {3.1.5} This package adds SharePoint client object model assembly references and token helper code to the web project.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google.ja {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google パッケージの日本語リソース。
runtime.win7-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Microsof... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount パッケージの日本語リソース。
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authenticat... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core contains middleware to support Google's OpenId and OAuth 2.0 authentication workflows.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook.ja {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook パッケージの日本語リソース。
RazorGenerator.Testing {2.4.7} Helpers to allow unit testing precompiled Razor views
SecuritySwitch {4.4.0} .NET libraries for automatically switching between HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
MetroFramework.RunTime {} Run-time files for the MetroFramework package.
ObjectListView.Official {2.9.1} ObjectListView is a .NET ListView wired on caffeine, guarana and steroids.
chai.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.5.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for chai. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 830586e...
AngularJs.SignalR.Hub {1.6.2} Handy AngularJS factory for SignalR Hubs
Catel.Extensions.DynamicObjects {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.DynamicObjects library which provides dynamic objects. This adds the IDynamicMetaObjectProvide...
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter.ja {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter パッケージの日本語リソース。
DotSpatial.Data.Forms {1.9.0} Windows Forms controls for working with DotSpatial GIS objects.
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLi... {6.0.1304} The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azure ("Topaz") makes your Windows Azure application...
Abp.NHibernate {1.1.3} MongoDB integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
XAct.Settings.Persistence.AppSet... {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an implementation of IHostSettingsService, implemented around the AppSettings section in a...
FormsToolkit {1.1.18} Toolkit for Xamarin.Forms (Controls, Behaviors, and Converters)!
SystemWrapper {0.4.0} SystemWrapper is a library that wraps .NET classes for system resources like System.IO.FileInfo, System.Reflect...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.... {0.23.0} The NuGet Credential Provider enables NuGet.exe 3.3+ to connect to Visual Studio Team Services Package Manageme...
DotSpatial.Symbology {1.9.0} Customize map cartographic symbols.
DotSpatial.Modeling.Forms {1.9.0} Windows Forms elements for tools and the modeler.
Chronic.Signed {0.3.2} A natural language date parser for .Net. A port of Ruby's chronic.
OfficeDevPnPCore16 {2.6.1608} [DEPRECATED - Please use the SharePointPnPCoreOnline package. Assemblies will be dropped in September] Core CSO...
Catel.Extensions.EntityFramework6 {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.EntityFramework6 library which provides data classes such as repositories, unit of work, DbCon...
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} 適用於 Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization 套件的 繁體中文 資源
Pechkin.Synchronized {} Thread safe wrapper for Pechkin Html to PDF library. Allows your multiple threads to use Pechkin, while actuall...
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.ja {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core パッケージの日本語リソース
FreeSpire.PDF {3.2.0} A free PDF component which enables developers to create, write, edit, convert, print, handle and read PDF files... {2.2.1} Recursos de español para el paquete de Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Entity... {2.2.1} Recursos de español para el paquete de Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework
FontAwesome.MVC {1.0.0} Adds bundling and minification support for users of FontAwesome
JQuery_File_Upload_Plugin {9.12.3} JQuery File Upload Plugin from blueimp (
AutofacSerilogIntegration {1.0.15} Contextual logger injection for Autofac using Serilog
Serilog.Extras.Web {2.0.0} Obsolete. Please install SerilogWeb.Classic.
SteamKit2 {1.8.0} .NET library that aims to interoperate with the Steam network.
Modernizr.full {} Modernizr is a small and simple JavaScript library that helps you take advantage of emerging web technologies (...
Ryr.XrmToolBox.EntityImageUpdater {2.2.0} This a XrmToolBox Plugin that updates the entity image using twitter, gravatar, clearbit or local file system.
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Autho... {2.0.0} Provides capabilities to query Microsoft Azure Management Authorization.
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting {1.3.2} Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") CSharp and VB scripting package.
OpenXmlPowerTools {4.5.3} NuGet package for the "Open XML PowerTools" by Eric White.
Abp.FluentMigrator {1.1.3} FluentMigrator integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
NServiceKit.Text {1.0.10} Free and Open Source .NET JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers
XAct.Data.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an Assembly that provides implementations of Repositories for EF40 and later suitable for ...
Serilog.Exceptions {2.2.1} Log exception details and custom properties that are not output in Exception.ToString().
Chromium.ChromeDriver {2.26.0} ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome
Lucene.Net.Linq {3.6.0} Provides LINQ IQueryable interface and object/document mapping over a Lucene.Net index.
Streamcoders.MediaSuite.x64 {4.0.1309} Is a comprehensive library for handling audio/video codecs and streaming technologies.
BetterCms.Core {2.0.7} Core functionality of the publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
Xamarin.Android.Support.Compat {24.2.1} Compat Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
NeoLua {1.2.8} A Lua implementation for the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)....
ScrapySharp {2.6.2} Scraping framework written in C#.
ConDep.Dsl {4.0.7} Note: This package is for extending the ConDep DSL. If you're looking for ConDep to do deployment or infrastruc...
Nerdbank.GitVersioning {1.5.58} Stamps your assemblies with semver 2.0 compliant git commit specific version information and provides NuGet ver...
DotSpatial.Symbology.Forms {1.9.0} Windows forms controls related to customizing map cartographic symbols.
XAct.SharePoint.ObjectModel {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: code to work against SharePoint's ObjectModel API
eXpandAdditionalViewControlsProv... {} AdditionalViewControlsProvider Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
XAct.DirectoryServices.ActiveDir... {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Library of code to access ActiveDirectory resources.
Microsoft.Windows.Shell {3.0.1} Provides Windows Chrome and Taskbar integration facilities
XAct.SharePoint {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: common SharePoint code.
cpprestsdk.v120.winapp.msvcstl.d... {2.9.1} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.WebDat... {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.WebData 程序包的简体中文资源
Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansProviders {1.3.1} Library of built-in providers of Microsoft Orleans - OrleansProviders.dll
ProjNET4GeoAPI {} .NET Spatial Reference and Projection Engine....
DotSpatial.Mono {1.9.0} DotSpatial Mono tools.
Linq2Rest {4.1.0} Open source OData client and server component.
jQuery.UI.Core.Position {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Core. A utility plugin for positioning elements relative to other elements.
XAct.Languages {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a base library for the compilation/evaluation/execution of various languages.
Facebook.Client {1.0.4} The Facebook C# SDK for Windows & Windows Phone helps .NET developers build phone and Windows Store application...
ACL.XrmToolBox.BulkRecordAssigner {1.2016.9.10} XrmToolBox plugin to assign records in bulk.
Xamarin.Auth {} Xamarin.Auth helps you authenticate users via standard authentication...
SharpSvn.1.8-x86 {1.8016.3900.133} SharpSvn is a binding of the Subversion Client API for .NET based on Subversion 1.8.x. This is the 32-bit/x86 v...
chrome.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {4.1.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for chrome. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e4587...
cpprestsdk.v120.winxp.msvcstl.dy... {2.9.1} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au...
bootstrap.datepicker.TypeScript.... {1.1.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for bootstrap.datepicker. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git...
BetterCms.Module.Blog {2.0.7} Blog module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.ja {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin パッケージの日本語リソース
Common.Logging.Log4Net1210 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 1.2.10 logging framework.
eXpandAdditionalViewControlsProv... {} AdditionalViewControlsProvider Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
MvvmCross.Plugin.File {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.Microsoft.... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Google.GData.Analytics {2.2.0} Google Data API Analytics Library
N2CMS {} N2 CMS is a lightweight CMS library that can be used as is, or in combination with many features out of the box...
XAct.Compilation.Service {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Service to perform Compilation over the wire
EmbeddedResourceVirtualPathProvider {1.3.45} Enables ASP to read content files (e.g. .css, .js, .aspx) stored as embedded resources in referenced assemblies
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.L... {4.3.24} Adds support for Log4Net to PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics. An official PostSharp pattern library.
Microsoft.Office.js {} The Office JavaScript API enables developers to create apps for Office that interact with Microsoft Office 2013...
System.Net.Http.Extensions.Compr... {2.0.5} Module for Microsoft HTTP Client that enables GZip and Deflate support for incoming and outgoing requests. Plea...
MsCrmTools.AssemblyRecoveryTool {1.2016.5.1} This tool allows to export assemblies from an organization.
XAct.Settings.Persistence.Db {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly:an implementation of HostSettings that retrieves cached settings from a database, falling b...
DataConnectionDialog {1.2.0} The data connection dialog is a database tool component released with Visual Studio. It allows users to build c...
angular-local-storage.TypeScript... {2.7.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angular-local-storage. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [gi...
UmbracoForms.Core {4.4.0} Umbraco Forms, the tool that makes creating contact forms, entry forms and questionnaires just as easy as using...
Prometheus.Shared {1.0.5247.15428} Description
Bundler {1.1.31} JavaScript, CoffeeScript, LiveScript, Css Less, Sass, Stylys compiler, minifier and bundler.
JetBrains.ReSharper.SDK {2016.2.20160913.94928} JetBrains ReSharper SDK Package
N2CMS.Management {} N2 CMS is a lightweight CMS library that can be used as is, or in combination with many features out of the box...
BetterCms.Module.Api.Web {2.0.7} API Web module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite64 {4.0.42} This package is deprecated....
XSockets.Client {6.2.0} Supports: .NET 4.5+, Xamarin iOS x64, MonoTouch (iOS), MonoDroid (Android), WinPhone, WinStore, Universal, .NET...
RazorMachine {2.6.1} RazorMachine is a robust Razor 2.0/3.0 templating engine that supports layouts as well as a _viewStart construc...
secure-file {1.0.31} Command-line utility for encrypting/decrypting files with Rijndael algorithm.
StyleCop.Error.MSBuild {1.0.0} Forces the Style cop warnings to appear as errors while building.
XAct.DirectoryServices {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: core assembly for dealing with DirectoryServices of various kinds.
Mono.Nat {1.2.24} NAT stack for Mono and .NET applications
UnityAutoMoq {2.1.1} Automocking container using Microsoft Unity and Moq.
ImageResizer.Plugins.SimpleFilters {4.0.5} Apply grayscale, sepia, alpha, or brightness filters via the URL....
EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Int... {6.0.1304} This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to integrate with WPF.
Eventful {} An EventSourcing library
SilverlightToolkit-Data {4.2010.4} Data components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at This package...
ImageResizer.Plugins.AzureReader2 {4.0.5} Enables ImageResizer to access and process images from Azure. ...
react.js {0.14.7} React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's declarative, efficient, and extremely flexible...
Automatonymous {3.5.8} Automatonymous, an open source state machine library, usable with MassTransit
ScriptCs.Core {0.16.1} ScriptCs.Core is the core framework assembly for scriptcs.
MigratorDotNet {0.9.1} Database migrations for .NET. Based on the idea of Rails ActiveRecord Migrations.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Random {4.0.304} This is the Random namespace from Craig's Utility Library
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Entity... {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework パッケージの日本語リソース
BuildTools.StyleCop {4.7.49} Automatically Installs StyleCop build targets into a project so you don't have to manually install StyleCop....
Nancy.Validation.DataAnnotations {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
DevExtreme.Web {16.2.2} Create highly responsive web apps for touch-enabled devices and traditional desktops.
jquery.blockUI.TypeScript.Defini... {0.0.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jquery.blockUI. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commi...
NHibernate.Caches.Redis {2.0.0} An NHibernate caching provider for Redis.
Xamarin.Google.iOS.Analytics {3.17.0} C# bindings for Google APIs Analytics iOS Library
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute {9.1.0} Provides developers with libraries for the updated compute platform under Azure Resource manager to deploy virt...
BetterCms.Module.Installation {2.0.7} Blog module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
Z.EntityFramework.Extensions {3.10.25} Entity Framework Bulk Operations: Bulk SaveChanges, Insert, Update, Delete & Merge....
MetroFramework {} Metro UI of Windows 8 for .NET Windows Forms applications.
Z.ExtensionMethods {2.0.10} C# and VB.NET Extension Methods | Over 1000 methods available....
XAct.Deployment.Db.Schemas {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an assembly to deploy database schemas.
AzureTableStorageNLogTarget {1.0.9} Azure Table Storage Target for NLog
Spark.Web.Mvc3 {1.8.1} Spark View Engine for ASP.NET MVC.
clrzmq {2.2.5} Official .NET bindings for ZeroMQ (x86)
XAct.Diagnostics.Integration.Checks {0.0.5015} An ActLib Assembly: OBSOLETE: Prefer using XAct.Diagnostics.Status.
NHibernate.Glimpse {} Glimpse plugin for NHibernate.
WebApi.Hal {2.6.0} Enabled Hypermedia support in Web API using the HAL mediatype
FsUnit.xUnit {1.4.1} The goals of FsUnit are to make unit-testing feel more functional while leverage existing testing frameworks.
Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell {1.1.0} Shell and Taskbar features from the Windows API Code Pack (CommonFileDialogs, Controls, ExplorerBrowser, KnownF...
Serilog.Settings.AppSettings {2.0.0} XML configuration (System.Configuration <appSettings>) support for Serilog.
Unicorn {3.3.2} Unicorn is a utility for Sitecore that solves the issue of moving templates, renderings, and other database ite...
FubuMVC {} A quickstart package to quickly setup a project as a simple FubuMVC application with StructureMap as the IoC co...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData.zh... {5.7.0} 适用于 Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData 程序包的简体中文资源
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Web {4.0.304} This is the Web namespace from Craig's Utility Library
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Wearable {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Wearable 9.6.1
angular-strap {2.3.9} AngularStrap - AngularJS directives for Bootstrap
uSync.Core {} Core elements for uSync3 +
EnyimMemcached-log4net {2.16.0} log4net based logging adapter for the Enyim Memcached library.
Rebus.StructureMap {2.0.0} StructureMap container adapter for Rebus
MSharp.Framework.Mvc {} M# framework Mvc components.
Fixie {1.0.2} A convention-based test framework.
ReportViewerCommon {11.0.0} Microsoft report viewer version 11
eXpandPivotChartWeb {} PivotChart Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
Cinteros.XrmToolBox.BulkDataUpdater {1.2016.6.10} XrmToolBox plugin to update or touch single attributes on a set of records.
Microsoft.Graph {1.2.0} Microsoft Graph Client Library allows you to call Office 365, Azure AD and other Microsoft services through a s...
XAct.Deployment.ClickOnce {0.0.5014} An XActLib assembly: a library of common code for working with ClickOnce deployment technology.
MassTransit.Ninject {3.5.2} MassTransit Ninject Container Support
jQuery-datetimepicker {2.4.5} jQuery datetime, date and time picker.
XAct.Graphs {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library to work with QuickGraph Graphs.
Aerospike.Client {3.3.1} Aerospike C# Client Library
angular-protractor.TypeScript.De... {2.8.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angular-protractor. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git c...
eXpandWizardWin {} Wizard Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
Accord.Imaging {3.3.0} Point detectors (i.e. SURF, Fast, Harris, SUSAN, HOG), large collection of image filters, texture generation, b...
eXpandIOWin {} IO Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Data.z... {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Data 程序包的简体中文资源
eXpandTreelistViewWin {} TreelistView Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.Core {4.0.7} Core RestSharp.Portable library
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.OAuth.... {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.OAuth 程序包的简体中文资源
XAct.Resources.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: contains initialization code that requires EF
DynamicJson {1.2.0} dynamic json structure for C# 4.0. This provides only single .cs file. {1.1.1} A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
eXpandModelDifferenceWeb {} Model managment
eXpandIOWeb {} IO Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
XAct.Imaging.TIFF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Tiff Images (ie processing incoming Faxes).
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.... {14.3.25422} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Engine
eXpandNCarouselWeb {} NCarousel Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
CacheManager.SystemRuntimeCaching {0.9.2} CacheManager extension package which adds System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache as an option for a local in-memory...
NHibernate.Logging {4.0.3} Thanks to Matthew Ferreira for creating the nuget package in the first place.
MsCrmTools.FormRelated {1.2016.11.2} Set of tools for XrmToolBox regarding form management
eXpandModelDifferenceWin {} Model managment
log4net.ElasticSearch {2.3.3} log4net.Elasticsearch is a log4net adapter for easy logging of exceptions and messages to Elasticsearch indices.
NuGet.Client {3.4.3} NuGet.Client
eXpandMasterDetailWin {} MasterDetail Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
jTable {2.4.0} jTable is a jQuery plugin that is used to create AJAX based CRUD tables/grids without coding HTML or Javascript.
Mindscape.Raygun4Net.Signed {5.3.1} Raygun provider for signed projects built with .NET Framework + Windows Store apps, Windows Phone, Xamarin, Win...
eXpandImportWizardWin2 {} ImportWizard Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
XAct.ObjectMapping.AutoMapper {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an implementation of the services defined in XAct.ObjectMapping, using AutoMapper.
UmbracoForms {4.4.0} Umbraco Forms, the tool that makes creating contact forms, entry forms and questionnaires just as easy as using...
JustEat.StatsD {} JUST EAT statsd metrics-publishing
eXpandPivotChartWin {} PivotChart Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
MicrosoftReportViewerWebForms {11.0.0} includes Common,WebForms,ProcessingObjectModel...
PusherServer {3.0.0} Interact with the Pusher HTTP API
Obsolete.Fody {4.1.0} Allows a more expressive use of the ObsoleteAttribute.
DynamicInterop {0.7.4} Facilities to load native DLLs from .NET, on Unix, Windows or MacOS.
Excel-DNA.Interop {14.0.1} Provides a selection of Excel 2010 Primary Interop Assemblies
eXpandTreelistViewWeb {} TreelistView Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
Upshot {} Microsoft Upshot JS Library
Edge.js {6.5.1} With Edge.js you can script Node.js in a .NET application. Edge.js allows you to run Node.js and .NET code in o...
ServiceStack.OrmLite.MySql {4.5.4} Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for MySQL. ...
XAct.Languages.JS.Jurassic {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: OBSOLETE: Prefer using XAct.Languages.JS.ClearScript
Breeze.Server.WebApi.Core {1.4.16} Breeze Server (obsolete) - for Legacy ASP.NET Web API (Core) - You may want to use one of the extended versions...
MetroFramework.Design {} Designer support for the MetroFramework package.
BForms.MVC {} BForms UI Framework for ASP.NET MVC
XAct.Graphs.Entities {0.0.5015} An XActib Assembly: entities used by XAct.Graphs
XAct.Diagnostics.Performance {0.0.5015} An XActLib Asssembly: an Assembly providing a Service to work with PerformanceCounters.
XAct.Graphs.Persistence.Db {0.0.5015} An XActLib Assembly: a base library for accessing Graphs via Repositories.
MySql.ConnectorNET.Entity {} MySql Connector/NET for Entity Framework 6
cpprestsdk.v140.winapp.msvcstl.d... {2.9.1} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au...
eXpandFilterDatastoreWeb {} FilterDatastore Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Int... {6.0.1304} This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to integrate with ASP.NET applications.
XAct.Rules.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an implementation of XAct.Rules using EntityFramework.
Xemio-GameLibrary {0.8.51} Super awesome Indiegame library.
OsmSharp {} OsmSharp is an open-source mapping project available on Android and iOS using Xamarin and other platforms using...
ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite32 {4.0.42} This package is deprecated. ...
XAct.Diagnostics.Defects {0.0.5014} An XActLib assembly: services to report product defects.
Ryr.XrmToolBox.SolutionHistory {2.2.0} Easily view details of CRM solution imports
Remake.EWSManaged {2.2.0} Microsoft Exchange Web Services
SharpKml.Core {3.0.0} SharpKML is an implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium KML 2.2...
FluentSecurity {2.1.0} Fluent security configuration for ASP.NET MVC
Breeze.Server.WebApi.EF {1.4.16} Breeze Server (obsolete) - for Legacy ASP.NET Web API and Entity Framework 5
Bugsnag {1.3.0} The Bugsnag .NET notifier
MvcRazorToPdf {1.0.2} Creates pdf documents from rendered razor/html.
itextsharp.xtra {5.5.10} Extra functionality for iTextSharp, a free port of the iText open source java library for PDF generation writte...
eXpandFilterDatastoreWin {} FilterDatastore Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
ImageProcessor.Web.Plugins.Azure... {1.1.3} ImageProcessor.Web AzureBlobCache for ASP.NET websites.
NAudio.Lame {1.0.4} Implements MP3 writing for NAudio using libmp3lame.
Rebus.RavenDb {2.0.0} RavenDb persisters for Rebus
DotNetOpenAuth.GoogleOAuth2 {1.1.2} A DotNetOpenAuth client for logging in to Google using OAuth2.
chilkat-win32 {} Chilkat .NET Class Library (x86)
Faker {1.2.0} Simple library for creating fake data
System.Management.Automation.dll {10.0.10586} System.Management.Automation.dll for PowerShell 3.0
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Media {4.0.304} This is the Media namespace from Craig's Utility Library
Plugin.Share {4.0.3} Share Plugin for Xamarin and Windows to share text, link, or open a browser.
Esri.ArcGISRuntime {} ArcGIS Runtime for Windows 8.1 Store, Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows Desktop (WPF)
eXpandWorldCreatorWeb {} Design runtime assemblies
32feet.NET {3.5.0} 32feet.NET - Personal Area Networking for .NET
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDir... {0.7.0} This package contains the main assembly for the Azure Authentication Library (AAL). AAL provides easy to use au...
System.Security.Cryptography.Has... {1.1.0} System.Security.Cryptography.Hashing.Algorithms Analyzers
eXpandWorldCreatorWin {} Design runtime assemblies
XAct.Languages.JS.Jint {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: OBSOLETE: Prefer using XAct.Languages.JS.ClearScript
Google.GData.AccessControl {2.2.0} Google Data API Access Control Library
XAct.Imaging.Vision {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Library to provide services that encapsulate Vision methods
RequestReduce {1.8.76} RequestReduce is a .Net Library and HttpModule providing automatic CSS background image optimization and spriti...
ImageResizer.Plugins.Watermark {4.0.5} Dynamically apply an unlimited number of image and text over and under-lays with WPF-style layout....
Grpc.Core {1.0.1} Core C# implementation of gRPC - an RPC library and framework
Colso.Xrm.DashboardTransferTool {1.2016.7.9} XrmToolbox plugin to help you transfer system and user dashboards between different environments.
Rebus.AzureServiceBus {2.2.0} Azure Service Bus transport for Rebus
NetOffice.Excel {1.7.3} NetOffice - MS Office in .NET Excel Library
Rebus.MongoDb {2.0.0} MongoDb persisters for Rebus
XAct.Rules.Core {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly:assembly containing a generic implementation of RulesEngine services and common interfaces.
NHibernate.SqlAzure {2.1.3} Provides an NHibernate driver that uses the Microsoft Transient Fault Handling library to allow for reliable SQ...
Serilog.Sinks.Email {2.1.0} The file sink for Serilog
Catel.Extensions.Wcf.Server {4.5.4} Catel.Extensions.Wcf.Server library which provides WCF server capabilities.
XAct.IO.Transformations.Markdown... {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an implementation of the Markdown contracts defined in XAct.IO.Transformations.Markdown, u...
ImageResizer.Plugins.AnimatedGifs {4.0.5} Adds support for processing animated GIFs, resizing/cropping/editing each frame automatically before re-composi...
XAct.Scheduling.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library to provide datastorage of XAct.Scheduling entities.
Serilog.Settings.Configuration {2.2.0} Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (appsettings.json) support for Serilog.
Daggen.Xrm.UserTeamSecurityRoleR... {1.2016.10.2700} View User's and Team's Security Roles and how they related to each other
AzureContrib {} AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Mi...
Machine.Specifications-Signed {0.9.3} Machine.Specifications Context/Specification framework
MsCrmTools.AccessChecker {1.2016.5.1} Check a record access rights for a user
WebSharper {} F#-to-JavaScript compiler and web application framework
gflags {} Commandline flags module for C++
MvvmCross.Droid.Shared {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
FsPickler.Json {3.2.0} A fast serialization framework and pickler combinator library for .NET
XAct.IO.Transformations.MarkDown... {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an implementation of the Markdown service contracts defined in XAct.IO.Transformations.Mar...
EntityFrameworkExtras.EF6 {1.0.0} EntityFrameworkExtras.EF6 provides some useful additions to EntityFramework such as executing Stored Procedures...
Unofficial.Microsoft.SQLServer.S... {12.0.2000.8} DLLs for working with SQL Server 2014 Shared Management Objects (SMO).
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Owin {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core component for running OWIN middleware in an ASP.NET Core application, and to run ASP.NET Core midd... {3.0.1} Recursos de español para el paquete de Microsoft.Owin.
Glav.CacheAdapter {4.2.1} A Generic cache mechanism supporting multiple cache engines.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Profiler {4.0.304} This is the Profiler namespace from Craig's Utility Library
Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel {11.0.0} Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel provides a set of APIs to author extensions for test platform....
NotFoundMvc {1.4.0} Provides a user-friendly '404' page whenever a controller, action or route is not found in your ASP.NET MVC3/MV...
Microsoft.OneDriveSDK {2.0.6} Integrate the OneDrive API into your .NET App!
XAct.Scheduling.Quartz {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: an implementation of XAct.Scheduling, using the Quartz.NET library.
openssl {} The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open So...
XAct.Assistance {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly:a service to provide help to application users.
Swashbuckle.OData {3.0.0} Extends Swashbuckle with OData v4 support! Supports both WebApi and OData controllers!
XAct.History.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a service to persist History with a UI element. Not the same as Trace or Logging.
Akka.TestKit {1.1.2} This only contains base functionality. You need a Akka.TestKit.* package!
Xam.Plugin.Version {1.0.0} Easily get your apps version
MetroFramework.Fonts {} Additional fonts for the MetroFramework package.
EyeSoft.Core {3.0.6057.30375} Contracts ensuring, Messanging, LINQ expression parser and extension methods, Task Parallel Library helpers, Ty...
CraigsUtilityLibrary-IoC {4.0.304} This is the IoC namespace from Craig's Utility Library
WebApiTestOnHelpPage {1.3.4} A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page.
XAct.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Config... {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: optional configuration for XAct.IO.FileSystemWatcher
OxyPlot.WP8 {1.0.0} OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Windows Phone Silverlight apps.
XAct.Imaging {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: base library for code to do with image manipulation or analysis.
Rebus.NLog {2.0.0} NLog logging integration for Rebus
Xamarin.Android.Support.CustomTabs {24.2.1} Custom Tabs Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Lime.Protocol {0.6.92} C# LIME protocol stack implementation.
Auth0.Core {3.6.0} Core classes for the Auth0 API
WebDriverIEDriver {2.45.0} WebDriver is an open source tool for automated testing of webapps across many browsers. It provides capabilitie...
XAct.Services.Comm.WebApi {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library of code for working with WebAPI.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Validation {4.0.304} This is the Validation namespace from Craig's Utility Library
DamSim.ViewTransferTool {1.2016.6.1} Transfer views across organizations {2.2.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core
eXpandThumbnailWeb {} Thumbnail Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
Prism.Forms {6.2.0} Prism for Xamarin.Forms helps you more easily design and build rich, flexible, and easy to maintain Xamarin.For...
NetOffice.Excel.Net45 {1.7.3} NetOffice - MS Office in .NET Excel Library for .NET 4.5
Knockout-Postbox {0.5.0} knockout-postbox is a Knockout.js plugin designed to use Knockout's basic pub/sub capabilities to facilitate de...
VSSDK.OLE.Interop {7.0.4} Visual Studio (OLE Interop) for Visual Studio 2003+
boost_python2.7-vc120 {1.59.0} boost_python2.7-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64.
fluent-email {1.5.0} A Fluent Wrapper for System.Net.Mail with razor templating support.
Azure.Batch {5.1.2} The client library for the Microsoft Azure Batch service.
Xamarin.SDWebImage {3.7.5} Extensions for UIImageView allowing you to asynchronously load web images.
MvvmCross.Droid.Support.V7.AppCo... {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
Appccelerate.Fundamentals {2.8.0} Provides common types and functionality for other Appccelerate packages.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-ORM {4.0.304} This is the ORM namespace from Craig's Utility Library
Castle.Components.Validator {2.5.0} The Validator component is used to validate your objects. It uses an attribute driven syntax making it easy to ...
ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite.Mono {4.5.4} Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas fr...
XAct.Graphs.Views {0.0.5014} An XActLib Assembly: a library for developing renderable views of graphs.
HelperSharp {} A set of helpers and extensions for C# programming
TrackerEnabledDbContext {3.6.1} Use this to extend Entity Framework functionality to store changes in database. This is very useful for auditin... {3.0.1} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.Owin.Security.
Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.dire... {} Google Admin directory_v1 API client library
XAct.IO.Transformations {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: DEFUNCT. No longer needed (service contracts moved to XAct.Core)
XAct.Quality {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: core services forretrieving Quality Feedback from users.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Configuration {4.0.304} This is the Configuration namespace from Craig's Utility Library
XAct.IO.TemplateEngines.StringTe... {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Library to work against the StringTemplates Template Engine
Excel-DNA {0.33.9} Excel-DNA is an independent project to integrate .NET into Excel.
Harbour.RedisSessionStateStore {1.4.0} An ASP.NET Redis SessionStateStoreProvider.
Common.Logging.NLog32 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 3.2 logging framework.
XAct.Notifications.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: implementations of the contracts defined in XAct.Notifications, using EF.
XAct.Scheduling {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library to manage and process scheduled tasks while an application is running.
AngularJS-Toaster {2.0.0} AngularJS Toaster is a AngularJS port of the toastr non-blocking notification jQuery library. It requires Angul...
WebApiContrib.Formatting.ProtoBuf {0.9.5} Description
BitMiracle.LibTiff.NET {2.4.571} .NET version of LibTiff library made by Bit Miracle
Wooga.Lambda.Storage {0.7.0} Functional primitives for Unity3D
FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.Ht... {4.0.7} Some kind of a RestSharp port to PCL
Magick.NET-Q16-x64 {} A .NET API to the ImageMagick image-processing library for Desktop and Web.
ActiveQueryBuilder.ASPNET {2.12.4} A control that allows you to embed visual SQL query building functionality into your ASP.NET projects.
XAct.IO.TemplateEngines.RazorHost {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Library for working with Rick's RazorHost
CodeMirror.Full {3.1.0} In-browser code editing made bearable.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.... {9.0.21022} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.InteropA
Aether {8.1.2} Optics for F#
zlib.redist {} Redistributable components for for package 'zlib'
MonoGame.Framework.WindowsDX {} MonoGame is an open source cross platform implementation of Microsoft's XNA 4.x Framework
GoogleAnalyticsTracker.Core {4.1.51} GoogleAnalyticsTracker - A C# library for tracking Google Analytics.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.... {14.3.25421} Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Metadata
MsCrmTools.SiteMapEditor {1.2016.6.1} Manage the SiteMap with no XML edition {3.0.1} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.
NHibernate.Envers {2.1.0} Audit trail integrated with NHibernate.
Akka.DI.Core {1.1.2} Dependency injection support for Akka.NET
RazDynamics.ExceltoCRMBulkAttrib... {1.2016.7.17} Allows to create CRM Attributes via Excel spreadsheet.
NuGet.ContentModel {3.4.3} NuGet.ContentModel
eXpandMemberLevelSecurityWin {} MemberLevelSecurity Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
SilverlightToolkit-Theming {4.2010.4} Theming components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at This pack...
Foundatio.Redis {4.2.1183} Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
TC.Sitecore.Rocks {1.2.6} Install Rocks Server Components.
eXpandExceptionHandlingWin {} ExceptionHandling Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
DbExtensions {6.0.0} DbExtensions is a data-access framework with a strong focus on query composition, granularity and code aestheti...
XAct.Quality.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: providing implementations of persistence contracts defined in XAct.Quality. {} A .NET wrapper for the MailChimp API 1.3, Export API 1.0 and Mandrill API 1.0.
mnailgun {2.0.0} A simple .Net wrapper library for the Mailgun API.
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
eXpandExceptionHandlingWeb {} ExceptionHandling Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
SharpFont {4.0.1} Cross-platform FreeType bindings for C#.
AngularJS.Loader {1.5.9} AngularJS. HTML enhanced for web apps!...
AsyncCTP {0.3.0} AsyncCtpLibrary.dll from Visual Studio Async CTP Samples folder
PayPalAdaptivePaymentsSDK {2.15.117} The PayPal Adaptive Payments SDK enables merchants and developers to pay almost anyone and set up automated pay...
Grunt {0.1.13} Command line interface for Grunt (The JavaScript Task Runner).
Serilog.Sinks.Console {2.1.0} The console sink for Serilog.
NGeo {1.9.0} NGeo is a client library that makes it easier to invoke...
Hangfire.MemoryStorage {1.3.0} A memory storage for Hangfire
protobuf-v120 {2.6.1} Protocol Buffers (C++) v120 libraries
XAct.Assistance.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: providing persistence (using EF) to XAct.Assistance services.
XAct.Languages.Irony {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: a library of code to work with the Irony Framework for defining languages.
Microsoft.CodeCoverage {1.0.2} Enable Verifiable Instrumentation in Asp.NetV5 RC2
ZooKeeper.Net {} Apache ZooKeeper .Net library built from
FubuMVC.WebForms {} This package is no longer supported by the FubuMVC team. Please use FubuMVC.Spark or FubuMVC.Razor instead.
SharpArch.Web.Mvc.Castle {4.0.0} Architectural foundation for building maintainable applications with Domain Driven Design patterns and practices
MediaToolkit {} MediaToolkit is a .NET library which can convert and process audio and video files.
Rhino.Queues {2.2.0} HTTP based reliable async queueing system
ifunction.Common {2.25.9} Common library for .NET projects. Including REST Api handler, exception handler, AOP, Reflection, Extensions, C...
ModuleInit.Fody {1.5.9} Adds a module initializer to an assembly.
RazDynamics.DuplicatesReportForB... {1.2016.7.17} Generates Excel Report for duplicates inc. count of completed fields and activities for each record.
BouncyCastle-PCL {} HMACSHA1 and HMACSHA256 implementation for PCL .NET 4.0, Silverlight5, Windows Phone 8.0, Windows Store Apps. {2.0.20710} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.Net.Http
PCLWebUtility {1.0.3} This package contains implementation of WebUtility class for Portable Class Library projects.
MvcRouteTester {1.2.1} MvcRouteTester is a .Net library to help unit testing ASP MVC route tables. It contains asserts for for both re...
Gelf4Net {} GELF log4net UdpAppender, AmqpAppender, HttpAppender - graylog2. Built for log4net
smtpapi {1.0.0} Easily build SendGrid SMTPAPI headers.
OpenTK.GLControl {1.1.2349.61993} The Open Toolkit Library (OpenTK)
MvcContrib.Mvc5 {5.0.0} MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework, MVC Contrib ...
Chill {2.4.1} A BDD style testing framework, heavily relying on auto mocking containers.
nupengl.core.redist {} Redistributable components for for package 'nupengl.core'
Lextm.SharpSnmpLib {9.0.5} #SNMP open source SNMP library for .NET and Mono.
netDumbster {} netDumbster is a .Net Fake SMTP Server clone of the popular Dumbster (
XAct.Languages.CS.Mono {0.0.4837} An XActLib Assembly: OBSOLETE: Prefer using XAct.Languages.CS.Roslyn
MsCrmTools.MetadataBrowser {1.2016.6.1} Browse metadata from your Dynamics CRM organization
Nancy.Bootstrappers.Windsor {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
Spring.Rest {1.1.1} Simplifies communication with HTTP servers, and enforces RESTful principles.
jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive.Na... {1.3.0} With jQuery Validation Unobtrusive Native in place you *no longer* need to use jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js. ...
MSBuild.Node {0.5.1} Core dependency for other MSBuild.NodeTools targets
ObjectDumper {} Implements a simple utility class that can dump the contents of an object and all its properties, recursively, ...
OAuth2 {0.8.40} Easy to use (just 2 method calls) and well documented OAuth2/OAuth client with comprehensive list of supported ...
Wave {6.0.0} Empty package for JetBrains products semantic root.
BetterCms.Module.Api {2.0.7} API module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
Nancy.Authentication.Basic {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
Toasts.Forms.Plugin {3.1.2} Toasts notifications on Xamarin and Windows.
jquery.dataTables.TypeScript.Def... {0.6.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jquery.dataTables. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git co...
FSPowerPack.Community {3.0.0} The additional libraries in the F# PowerPack are functionality which is not part of the core F# release, but en...
LiteDB {2.0.4} A simple embedded .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file
select2.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.3.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for select2. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b980...
Codentia.Common.Membership.dll {} Codentia.Common.Membership.dll
fabricjs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.5.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for fabricjs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: aa8...
NServiceKit {1.0.43} Free and Open Source .NET and Mono REST Services framework
EntityFramework.Firebird {5.6.0} The Entity Framework Provider for Firebird enables you to develop .NET applications that connect to the Firebir...
Rebus.Unity {2.0.0} Unity container adapter for Rebus
OpenBLAS {} OpenBLAS headers and dlls compiled with mingw for 32bit and 64bit windows. No debug symbols.
nupengl.core {} NupenGL allows you to access OpenGL from your application.
reactiveui-events {7.0.0} Provides Observable-based events API for common UI controls/eventhandlers. The contents of this package is auto...
ServiceStack.Logging.Elmah {4.5.4} Elmah logging integration for ServiceStack, the Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services Framework
SilverlightToolkit-All {4.2010.4} The complete Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at
Serilog.Sinks.Glimpse {1.5.14} Serilog event sink that writes to a Glimpse tab.
CodeMirror.Base {3.2.0} In-browser code editing made bearable
Bolts {} Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Owin.... {1.0.1} OWIN middleware for HTTP Basic Authentication in OWIN/Katana applications.
Serilog.Sinks.MongoDB {3.1.0} The MongoDB sink for Serilog
Serenity.Script {2.6.8} Contains Serenity core and UI script libraries. Use only with Saltarelle projects that produce Javascript code.
EnterpriseLibrary.Data.SqlCe {6.0.1304} The Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block SQL CE Data Provider let developers use SQL CE databases i...
metro-bootstrap {} metro-bootstrap from TalksLab based on Twitter Bootstrap. Twitter Bootstrap with Metro style.
Microsoft.Hadoop.Avro {1.5.6} Provides a .NET API for Serializing data into the Avro format. {6.1.3} Risorse in lingua italiana per il pacchetto Entity Framework
CacheCow.Client {1.2.1} Client library for CacheCow project
EWSoftware.SHFB {2016.9.17} This package allows you to deploy the Sandcastle Help File Builder tools inside of a project to build help file...
ABCpdf.ABCGecko {} The ABCpdf .NET Gecko runtime for HTML to PDF conversion using the Firefox rendering engine....
FlickrNet {3.22.0} The Flickr.Net API Library is a .Net Library for accessing the Flickr API.
MSFT.ParallelExtensionsExtras {1.2.0} Samples and extra functionality for use with Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework
AttributeRouting.CodeTemplates.MVC4 {3.5.6} AttributeRouting code templates for MVC 4 adds controller templates that use attribute routes on their actions.
OpenXMLSDK-MOT {2.6.0} The Open XML SDK provides open-source libraries for working with Open XML Documents (DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX).
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Argotic.Common {2008.0.2} Argotic Syndication Framework
SimpleBrowser {0.5.79} SimpleBrowser is a lightweight, yet highly capable browser automation engine designed for automation and testin...
Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper {3.1.2} This library enables the end users to create a lightweight representation of the google.visualization.DataTabl...
DynamicExpresso.Core {} C# expression interpreter/evaluator
Strathweb.CacheOutput {0.5.0} A library bringing output caching (similar to MVC's "OutputCache"), to Web API actions. Strathweb.CacheOutput w...
DeepEqual {1.6.0} An extensible deep comparison library for .NET
Stripe {1.12.0} Stripe is a simple, developer-friendly way to accept payments online. We believe that enabling transactions on ...
Snooze {1.3.16} Restful conventions for ASP .NET MVC
dotConnect.Express.for.Oracle {9.2.162} dotConnect Express for Oracle is a free of charge enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET ar...
kafka-net {} Native C# client for Apache Kafka.
EyeSoft.Wpf.Facilities {} [Obsolete] Simplify the adoption of the MVVM pattern using WPF. Use the package EyeSoft.Windows.Model instead.
Prism.StoreApps {2.0.0} This assembly targets Windows Store apps: Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1. The Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Stor...
jQuery1 {1.12.3} JQuery version 1.x that is designed to be installed next to JQuery 2+ latest which has dropped support for olde...
c3 {} C3 is a D3-based reusable chart library that enables deeper integration of charts into web applications.
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.Palette {24.2.1} v7 Palette Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Zen.Barcode.Rendering.Framework {3.1.10729.1} Simple to use encapsulation of the native rendering of barcode symbologies without requiring third-party fonts....
OpenCoverToCoberturaConverter {0.2.4} Converts OpenCover reports to Cobertura reports.
Microsoft.SourceBrowser {1.0.14} Generates a website to browse a managed code solution online
HipChat.Net {1.3.1} HipChat API library for .NET
GMap.NET.Presentation {1.7.5} Excellent toolkit for building Mapping Applications on Flat Earth!
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac {1.0.3} This library contains classes you can use in your code to perform operations on DACPAC and BACPAC packages....
XAct.Languages.Script.NET {0.0.5014} An XActLib assembly: OBSOLETE: Prefer using XAct.Languages.JS.ClearScript
Rebus.Ninject {2.0.0} Ninject container adapter for Rebus
EasyNetQ.DI.Autofac {} An adaptor to allow EasyNetQ to use Autofac as its internal IoC container
Square.Picasso {} A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android.
EnterpriseLibrary.Security {5.0.505} The Enterprise Library Security Application Block provide a common abstraction from specific security providers.
AutoFixture.NUnit3 {3.50.2} Extension to AutoFixture that integrates it with NUnit3.
I18N {2.1.10} Smart internationalization for ASP.NET (official i18n nuget package). {2.0.0} Este paquete contiene los ensamblados satélite en español para las bibliotecas principales de ASP.NET Universal...
PostSharp.Patterns.Threading {4.3.24} Adds a concept of thread safety to C# and VB so that most threading defects are detected at build-time or in a ...
Nancy.MSOwinSecurity {2.0.0} Enables Nancy integration with Microsoft.Owin.Security middleware.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Identity {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Identity 9.6.1
Foundation5.MVC {2.0.550} Zurb Foundation HTML Boilerplate, CSS, JS, Plugins...
ExcelProvider {0.8.0} This library is for the .NET platform implementing a Excel type provider.
Wooga.Lambda.Network {0.7.0} Functional primitives for Unity3D
XAct.Environment.IIS {0.0.4690} An XActLib assembly: a library of code to perform maintenance on servers.
BundleTransformer.UglifyJs {1.9.138} BundleTransformer.UglifyJs contains one minifier-adapter for minification of JS-code - `UglifyJsMinifier`. `Ugl...
linq.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.3.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for linq. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 44592d7...
ExpertPdfHtmlToPdf {10.2.0} ExpertPdf HtmlToPdf offers the possibility to convert html to pdf in any .NET application.
Mvc.JQuery.Datatables.Templates {1.3.51} Install this project to customise the cshtml templates, or if you don't want to use the EmbeddedResourceVirtual...
WebApiContrib.Formatting.Html {2.0.0} Foundational HttpMediaTypeFormatter to provide generated HTML markup from ASP.NET Web API
Pkcs12ProtectedConfigurationProv... {1.0.1} A protected configuration provider that works in Windows Azure.
uComponents {6.1.1} uComponents is a collaborative project for creating components for Umbraco including data types, XSLT extension...
Boilerplate.Web.Mvc5 {1.0.25} Provides boilerplate framework code for an ASP.NET MVC project. ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate is a professional templ...
SeAn.XrmToolBox.CRM.ReportSync {2016.8.3.6} Synchronize CRM Reports from and to Disk
NServiceBus.RavenDB {4.0.0} RavenDB integration for the NServicebus
MoreLinq.Portable {1.4.0} This project is a PCL port of MoreLINQ that enhances LINQ to Objects with extra methods, in a manner which keep... {} Fast & Accurate Device Detection. Deployed by millions.
Common.Logging.NLog31 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 3.1 logging framework.
UDE.CSharp {1.1.0} Compiled version of "C# port of Mozilla Universal Charset Detector"
JuiceUI {1.1.1} Juice UI – Supercharge ASP.NET Web Forms with jQuery UI
AnkitPackage {1.5.4} Calculator summary
WinRTXamlToolkit.Windows {1.8.1} A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
NanoProfiler {} NanoProfiler Core
Machine.Fakes.FakeItEasy {2.7.0} A framework for faking objects with FakeItEasy on top of Machine.Specifications.
System.Runtime.Serialization.For... {4.3.0} Provides common types for libraries that support runtime serialization....
SecurityGuard.MVC4 {1.0.14} An easy-to-use management system for the ASP.NET Membership system built for ASP.NET MVC 4 applications. This ...
Backbone.Marionette {2.4.4} Backbone.Marionette is a composite application library for Backbone.js that aims to simplify the construction o...
TestStack.Seleno {0.9.61} Seleno helps you write automated UI tests in the right way (using Selenium WebDriver)
SlowCheetah.Xdt {1.1.1} This package contains extensions for XDT (XML Document Transforms). Included here is an MSBuild task as well as...
Nancy.BootStrappers.StructureMap {1.4.3} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
RJP.UmbracoMultiUrlPicker {1.3.1} Allows editors to pick and sort multiple urls, it uses Umbraco's link picker which supports internal and extern...
XAct.Services.IoC.AspNet.Ninject {0.0.4690} An XActLib assembly: a Library for working with Ninject in a classic ASP.NET App
XAct.Net.Messaging.SMTP {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: Service for delivering Messages via SMTP
NuGet.PackageNPublish {} NuGet.PackageNPublish MSBuild targets file packaged as a NuGet package!
LinFu.DynamicProxy.OfficialRelease {1.0.5} The GNU Lesser General Public License
Argotic.Extensions {2008.0.2} Argotic Syndication Framework
Our.Umbraco.CoreValueConverters {3.1.2} This package implements property value converters for the Umbraco Core property editors so that they return obj...
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Adomd... {12.0.2000.8} Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll file from Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Feature Pack
Windows.UI.Interactivity {1.3.0} Windows.UI.Interactivity is a port of System.Windows.Interactivity to the Windows Runtime and allows you to use...
EO.WebBrowser {16.2.93} EO.WebBrowser is a .NET browser engine based on Google's Chrome project. It packs a full featured browser engin...
ReadOnlyCollectionInterfaces {1.0.0} Backported read-only collection interfaces {5.2.3} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core
eBay {3.981.0} Use the eBay SDK for .NET to simplify common development tasks like logging, error handling, and authentication.
handlebars.TypeScript.Definitely... {1.1.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for handlebars. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 8...
Argotic.Core {2008.0.2} Argotic Syndication Framework
Archetype.Binaries {1.13.1} Archetype binaries for Umbraco
Snappy.NET {} Snappy is an extremely fast compressor (250MB/s) and decompressor (500MB/s). Snappy.NET is a P/Invoke wrapper a...
jayrock-json {0.9.16530.1} Jayrock JSON is a versatile JSON parser, formatter and converter for Microsoft .NET Framework.
MsDyn.Contrib.CloneFieldDefinitions {1.0.24} A XrmToolBox Plugin that helps copying field definitions from an entity to another
jQuery.UI.Core.Mouse {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Core. The mouse widget, a base class for all interactions and widgets with heavy mouse intera...
Atoms.js {1.6.104} Enterprise Grade JavaScript UI Framework inspired from Flex and Silverlight.
Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data {2.0.0} The Microsoft Data Access Application Block for .NET consists of a single .NET-based assembly, which contains a...
cpprestsdk.v120.winphone.msvcstl... {2.9.1} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au...
HttpSimulator {2.0.0} HttpContext simulator for integration tests based on
XAct.Tests {0.0.5003} An XActLib assembly: a library to ease testing of XActLib, as well as applications built with it.
MassTransit.MSMQ {2.10.2} MSMQ support for MassTransit (a distributed application framework for .NET, including support for MSMQ and Rabb...
history.js {1.7.0} History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers.
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
TestLib {1.5.0} Description
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.NLog {4.3.24} Adds support for NLog to PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics. An official PostSharp pattern library.
N2CMS.Razor {} N2CMS is a lightweight CMS library that can be used as is, or in combination with many features out of the box ...
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
BetterCms.Module.WindowsAzureSto... {2.0.7} Windows Azure storage module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open s...
Aspose.BarCode {16.12.0} Aspose.BarCode for .NET is a robust and reliable barcode generation and recognition component
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc-5 {} This package contains support for Sitecore MVC using ASP.NET MVC 5. Othre packages for other versions of ASP.NE...
jquery.mousewheel {3.1.13} Adds mouse wheel support for your application! Just call mousewheel to add the event and call unmousewheel to r...
MvvmCross.Droid.Support.V4 {4.4.1} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Patched {0.86.5} A version of SharpZipLib with custom patches applied.
Cedar.CommandHandling.Http.Client {1.0.1} A library to assist with sending commands sent over HTTP. Typically used in CQS and CQRS applications. Supports...
chilkat-x64 {} Chilkat .NET Class Library (x64)
Optimization.Framework {0.3.1293} The Optimization.Framework allows you to use C# as a modelling language for mathematical optimization. It furth... {5.2.3} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client
RequireJsNet {2.2.4} RequireJS.NET integrates RequireJS script loader with ASP.NET MVC
TestStack.FluentMVCTesting {3.0.0} Simple, terse, fluent unit testing of ASP.NET MVC Controllers....
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
XAct.Workflows.WWF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library of code to work with Windows Workflow
RxJS-Binding {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with binding operationrs. {5.2.3} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost
CredentialManagement {1.0.2} Credential Management package is a wrapper for the Windows Credential Management API that supports both the old...
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Plus {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Plus 9.6.1
NJsonSchema.CodeGeneration {6.4.6189.32876} JSON Schema draft v4 reader, generator and validator for .NET
xunit.should {1.1.0} Should extensions for the XUnit framework
NanoProfiler.Data {} NanoProfiler Data Profiling Support
Colso.Xrm.AttributeEditor {1.2016.8.1} XrmToolbox plugin to create, modify and delete entity attributes via an Excel template.
Ninject.Web.Common.Selfhost {3.2.3} Adds self hosting support to web common.
CodeMirror.KeyMap {3.1.0} CodeMirror key-mappings for Emacs and VIM
Deedle {1.2.5} Easy to use .NET library for data manipulation and scientific programming
chargify {1.1.6085.28452} Chargify.NET is a comprehensive C# API wrapper library for accessing, using XML or JSON to read/wr...
FSharpx.Http {1.8.41} [DEPRECATED] This package is no longer in use
Knockout-Sortable {0.13.1} A Knockout.js binding to connect observableArrays with jQuery UI sortable functionality
XAct.Net {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library for handling SMTP, etc.
Saltarelle.Compiler {2.7.0} Installing this package will transform the project to compile to JavaScript. {3.0.1} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter.
NullGuard.Fody {1.4.6} Add null checks.
Microsoft.ReportViewer.2015.Runtime {} Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime redistributable package DLL's for Web based applications.
FSharpx.Observable {1.8.41} DEPRECATED - Please use FSharp.Control.Reactive instead
Visual-StyleCop.MSBuild {4.7.59} Core Visual StyleCop libraries to create custom rules
Cqrs {1.601.1007} Written in C# and targets .NET 4.0, with the exception of some Azure packages which target .NET 4.5....
Catel.Fody {2.14.0} Fody add-in for transforming automatic properties into Catel properties.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Owin.... {1.0.1} OWIN middleware for doing claims transformation in OWIN/Katana applications.
Microsoft.Web.DistributedCache {1.0.0} This package contains the Server AppFabric Client assembly Microsoft.Web.DistributedCache.
Anotar.NLog.Fody {3.2.0} Simplifies logging through a static class and some IL manipulation.
AWSSDK.KeyManagementService {} AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encr...
NHibernate.Validator {} NHibernate Validator is a powerful and extensible framework to validate objects using the .Net Platform. {3.0.1} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google.
BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf.Beta {4.6.6905} This package is merged into main Docotic.Pdf package. Switch to
CodeMirror.Themes {3.1.0} Themes for CodeMirror
Irony {0.9.1} Irony is a development kit for implementing languages on .NET platform. In Irony the target language grammar is...
runtime.win8-x64.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Refractored.Controls.CircleImage... {1.0.1} A fast circular ImageView for Xamarin.Android perfect for profile images.
Glimpse.MiniProfiler {1.2.5} This package contains a plugin for Glimpse to show detailed MiniProfiler information in a tab.
leaflet.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.7.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for leaflet. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e458...
Dynamitey {1.0.2} (pronounced dyna-mighty) flexes DLR muscle to do meta-mazing things in .net {5.2.3} Recursos em português para o pacote Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc
hdf5-v120-complete {} HDF5 headers and dlls compiled with Visual Studio 2013 for 32bit and 64bit windows.
Pester {3.4.3} A BDD style testing tool for Powershell {3.0.1} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authenticat... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support Facebook's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
CodeMirror.Util {3.1.0} Add-ons package for CodeMirror
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Microsof... {3.0.1} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount.
RedDog.Search {0.5.2} A client SDK for Microsoft Azure Search.
jquery.tablesorter {1.0.3} This is jquery table sorter library. You can find details at
StatsdCsharpClient {1.3.0} A simple c# client library for statsd and
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word {15.0.4797.1003} This the assembly necessary to do Office 2013 Word interop
Machine.Fakes.NSubstitute {2.7.0} A framework for faking objects with NSubstitute on top of Machine.Specifications.
Gallio_MbUnit {3.4.14} Gallio & MbUnit dlls
qTip2 {2.2.1} Introducing… qTip2. The second generation of the advanced qTip plugin for the ever popular jQuery framework.
fancybox.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.7.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for fancybox. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 3a6...
MvvmCross.Plugin.Visibility {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
StatLight {1.6.4375} StatLight: Tool for executing Silverlight test xap packages or dll assemblies locally during development and in...
Hydra {1.0.470} Business objects wrappers.
Aspose.Imaging {16.10.0} Aspose.Imaging for .NET is an imaging library that lets developers create, edit, draw or convert images in thei...
SharpZipLib.Portable {} SharpZipLib for Portable Class Library (.Net 4.5, WP 8.0, WP 8.1, WinStore 8.1, MonoDroid, MonoTouch (Classic),...
WebDriver.IEDriverServer.win32 {3.0.0} IEDriverServer.exe (win32) from If you need an updat...
CodeMirror.Modes {3.1.0} Additional language modes for CodeMirror
Griddly.Core {1.5.21} Pagable sortable MVC enabled grid (core files only)
Foq {1.7.1} Foq is a lightweight thread-safe mocking library for F#, C#, and VB with a similar API to Moq.
zlib.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn... {} A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
Angular.Material {1.1.1} Angular.Material contains the scripts and CSS files for adding Material Design in AngularJS applications....
Expressmapper {1.8.3} ExpressMapper it is a lightweight, fast and easy to use .Net mapper to map one type of object(s) to another. Ex...
Skybrud.Social {} Skybrud.Social is a framework in .NET for integration with various social services like Twitter, Facebook and I...
Microsoft.LightSwitch.Client.Jav... {2.5.4} Includes the runtime environment and themes for Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML applications
Moq.Sequences {1.0.1} Supports checking that Moq setups are executed in sequence.
XAct.Core.PCL {0.0.5014} An XActLib Assembly: code common to the whole library using only Portable Class Library references.
rda.SocketsForPCL {2.0.2} Cross-platform TCP and UDP socket API for Xamarin iOS/Android/Forms, Xamarin.Mac, Windows Phone 8/8.1, Windows ...
Kamsar.WebConsole {1.2.2} A library to create a Web-based, live updating "console" window. Useful for pages that process some sort of bac...
Cassette.MSBuild {2.4.2} Contains an MSBuild task that will generate Cassette bundles for a web application at compile time.
Bootbox.JS {4.4.0} Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Bootstrap m...
Invoke-Build {3.1.0} Invoke-Build is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in...
Codentia.Common.WebControls.dll {} Codentia.Common.WebControls.dll
Pickles {2.11.0} A documentation generator for features written in the Gherkin language
colorbox {1.4.29} jQuery lightbox and modal window plugin
FormFactory.Templates {2.0.108} Install this project if you want to edit the FormFactory templates, or if you don't want to use the EmbeddedRes...
createjs-lib.TypeScript.Definite... {3.1.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for createjs-lib. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit:...
LevelDB-vc120 {1.2.0} LevelDB headers and dlls compiled with Visual Studio 2013 update 5 for 32bit and 64bit windows.
WebApiContrib.Formatting.Razor {2.3.0} HttpMediaTypeFormatter used to generate HTML using RazorEngine.
SharpRepository.Repository {} SharpRepository is a generic repository written in C# which includes support for various relational, document a...
BetterCms.Module.AmazonS3Storage {2.0.7} Amazon S3 file storage module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open ...
FubuMVC.FastPack {} Additional functionality useful for FubuMVC applications that use NHibernate and StructureMap
AcklenAvenue.Testing.Moq {} Extensions for Testing with Moq
Thrower {3.0.4} Fully managed library providing convenience methods to perform argument checks.
DryIoc.MefAttributedModel.dll {2.5.0} DryIoc.MefAttributedModel is DryIoc extension to support Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework for DryIoc c...
SharpDX.XAudio2 {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - XAudio2, X3DAudio and XAPO managed API.
Fizzler.Systems.HtmlAgilityPack {1.0.0} W3C Selectors API for HTML Agility Pack
MassTransit.AzureServiceBus {3.5.2} MassTransit Azure Service Bus Transport
Nimbus.MessageContracts {} Client library for Azure Service Bus
HttpMultipartParser {2.2.1} The Http Multipart Parser does it exactly what it claims on the tin: parses multipart/form-data. This particula...
typescript.TypeScript.Definitely... {0.1.6} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for typescript. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b...
Abp.Application {0.3.2} IMPORTANT: This package is not used anymore. Use package.
amplifyjs.TypeScript.DefinitelyT... {1.6.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for amplifyjs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b1...
HtmlAgilityPack-PCL {1.4.6} A light abstraction of HtmlAgilityPack implementing the minimal functions to work with Linq under most PCL conf...
Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansHost {1.3.1} Default silo host of Microsoft Orleans - OrleansHost.exe.
Troschuetz.Random {4.0.8} Fully managed library providing various random number generators and distributions.
jquery.jstree {} jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees
jquery.noty {2.3.5} noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirma...
AutoPoco {1.0.0} AutoPoco is a convention-based and fluent test-object generation framework built to aid the creation of objects...
XAct.Settings.Persistence.IO {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: base class for persisting Profile settings. {3.0.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.Owin.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC core components.
TinyMCE.MVC {3.4.7} MVC Partial Editor Templates For TinyMCE HTML Text Editor
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC is a powerful unit testing library providing easy fluent interface to test the ASP.N...
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeat... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC view features components.
oak-edge {2.1.0} ASP.NET MVC augmentations needed to support single page applications.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.DataAnno... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC data annotations components.
SimpleImpersonation {2.0.1} A tiny library that lets you impersonate any user, by acting as a managed wrapper for the LogonUser Win32 funct... {3.0.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.
MVC4.Paging {3.1.1} MVC 4 Paging bootstrap with ajax or without ajax and with form filter, areas supported.
Foundation5.Core.Sass {5.5.0} Core SCSS (Sass) and JavaScript files for Foundation for Sites. For the complete package install Foundation5.MV...
UnityLog4NetExtension {2.0.1} A simple extension to Unity that enables log4net ILog dependencies to be injected into consuming classes, with ...
mvc-utilities {1.13.5} Utility classes designed for ASP.NET MVC; deals with encryption, routing, caching, authorization, and various o...
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Options {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC configuration options components.
Google.Apis.Drive.v3 {} Google Drive v3 API client library
Wire {0.8.2} Wire, fast binary POCO serializer
LightInject.Interception {1.2.1} An extension to the LightInject service container that enables AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) through method ...
Griddly {1.5.21} Pagable, sortable, MVC enabled grid
MvcExtensions.Foolproof {2.5.0} ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET MVC extensibility point, which allows your IoC ...
kMVC {0.6.0} Knockout MVC is a library for ASP.NET MVC , that is a wrapper for Knockout.js, that helps to move entire busine...
SquishIt.Less {} Adds LESS processing capability to SquishIt.
EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Int... {6.0.1304} This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to integrate with WinForms.
Glimpse.EF43 {1.6.5} Glimpse tabs for Entity Framework 4.3.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Drive {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Drive 9.6.1
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage.VB {5.2.3} The ASP.NET Web API Help Page automatically generates help page content for the web APIs on your site.
Cqrs.Ninject {1.601.1007} Components for implementing the I.O.C. via Ninject for the Cqrs package {3.0.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.Owin.Security.
MaxMind.GeoIP {2.1.17} Determine the country, region, city, latitude, and longitude associated with IP addresses worldwide. Uses the M...
SQLite.UWP.Native {3.12.3} SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQ...
GhostScriptSharp {} A very simple .NET wrapper for Ghostscript 1.1 pdf conversion toolkit
BetterCms.Module.Newsletter {2.0.7} Newsletter module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
Fuchu {1.0.3} Functional test library
测试更新包 {1.0.0} 公司公共类库更新
bootstrap-fileinput {4.3.4} An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview for various files, offers multiple selection,...
Mvc.Jsonp {} JSONP for ASP.NET MVC
MyTested.WebApi {1.2.6} Fluent testing framework for ASP.NET Web API 2.
AWSSDK.Route53 {} Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Autocomplete {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. Creates an autocomplete widget.
zlib.v120.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn... {} A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
Chessie {0.6.0} Railway-oriented programming for .NET
cpprestsdk.v120.winphonesl.msvcs... {2.9.1} The C++ REST SDK is a cross-platform, modern, and asynchronous library that enables developers to access and au...
Foundatio.AzureStorage {4.2.1183} Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
AutoPocoBeta {1.2.0} This is the BETA version of AutoPoco vNext, it is mostly feature complete, any bugs should be reported to codep... {1.1.0} jQuery throttle / debounce allows you to rate-limit your functions in multiple useful ways. This package instal...
XAct.Security.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: EntityFramework based persistence of security properties.
Nimbus {} Client library for Azure Service Bus
MvvmCross.StarterPack {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer.Mobile {3.0.89} Apitron PDF Rasterizer is a .NET component that performs quality conversion from PDF file to an image.
Xamarin.Facebook {} C# bindings for Facebook's official SDK
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sq... {1.1.0} Design-time Entity Framework Core functionality for SQLite
AWSSDK.CloudWatchLogs {} Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS. You can ...
Ext.NET.MVC {4.1.0} Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS...
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Session {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC session middleware components.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Caching {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC caching components.
Antlr.Unofficial {3.4.1} This is an unofficial packaging of the latest ANTLR runtime. Couldn't find one on, so I created my own.
JustFakeIt {} A mock HTTP server
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.AppIn... {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - AppInvite 9.6.1
Cqrs.Ninject.EventStore {1.601.1007} Components for implementing the I.O.C. via Ninject for the Greg Youngs EventStore Cqrs package
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Fitness {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Fitness 9.6.1
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.EntityFr... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC Entity Framework Core components.
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Autom... {2.0.1} Provides Microsoft Azure Automation management operations including the ability to create, update and delete ru...
FsLexYacc {7.0.3} Tools for FsLex/FsYacc lexer/parser generation tools
Aggregates.NET {} A framework to help developers integrate the excelent NServicebus and GetEventStore libraries together and prov...
Google.Apis.Translate.v2 {} Google Translate v2 API client library
Pri.LongPath {2.0.40} Drop-in library to support long paths in .NET
Simple.OData.V4.Client {} Simple.OData.V4.Client is a multiplatform OData client library supporting .NET 4.x, Windows Store, Windows Phon...
EasyNetQ.DI.Ninject {} An adaptor to allow EasyNetQ to use Ninject as its internal IoC container
AWSSDK.Kinesis {} Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed, cloud-based service for real-time processing of large, distributed data stre...
Saltarelle.Runtime {2.7.0} Runtime library for projects compiled with Saltarelle.Compiler. This is a slightly modified version of the Scri...
Cqrs.Modelling {1.601.1007} A visual designer for the lightweight framework. Using this package you can generate much of the boile...
JSLintNet.MSBuild {2.3.0} JSLint.NET MSBuild targets.
FSPowerPack.Parallel.Seq.Community {3.0.0} The additional libraries in the F# PowerPack are functionality which is not part of the core F# release, but en...
Cqrs.Mongo {1.601.1007} Components for implementing repositories using Mongo for the Cqrs package
Autofac.SignalR2 {4.0.0} Provides a dependency resolver implementation for ASP.NET SignalR.
Cqrs.EventStore {1.601.1007} Components for implementing the event store using Greg Youngs EventStore for the Cqrs package
Unicorn.Core {3.3.2} Unicorn is a utility for Sitecore that solves the issue of moving templates, renderings, and other database ite...
boost_system-vc140 {1.62.0} boost_system-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. Platforms: Win32, x64.
UnityAutoRegistration {} Unity Auto Registration extends Unity IoC container and provides fluent syntax to configure rules for automatic...
LibSassHost {0.6.1} .NET wrapper around the libSass version 3.4.0 with the ability to support a virtual file system.
mbunit {3.4.14} Gallio & MbUnit dlls
WebMarkupMin.Web {1.1.1} WebMarkupMin.Web contains 4 HTTP-modules: HtmlMinificationModule (for minification of HTML code), XhtmlMinifica...
AeroWizard {2.1.7} Wizard controls for Windows Forms.
AspNetWebApi.Data {4.0.20221.15125} Description
DiffieHellman {1.0.0} My package description.
BundleTransformer.TypeScript {1.9.138} BundleTransformer.TypeScript contains translator-adapter `TypeScriptTranslator` (supports TypeScript version 2....
BetterCms.Module.Users {2.0.7} Users module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
amqp-rpc.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.7.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for amqp-rpc. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14...
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Tra... {1.1.0} TraceSource logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. This logger logs messages to a tr... {1.3.0} A library for comparing two HTML files/snippets and highlighting the differences using simple HTML.
Hipchat-CS {0.0.52} An easy to use C# wrapper around the Hipchat v2 API
Google.Apis.Urlshortener.v1 {} Google Urlshortener v1 API client library
ZetaLongPaths {} A .NET library to access files and directories with more than 260 characters length.
express.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.9.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for express. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 012b...
Anotar.Log4Net.Fody {3.2.0} Simplifies logging through a static class and some IL manipulation.
WebFormsMVP {1.4.5} ASP.NET MVC might be the new kid on the block, but there are still a host of compelling advantages to ASP.NET W...
DynaCache {1.7.0} A simple but powerful API that allows you to create caching behaviours for classes
glog {0.3.3} Logging library for C++
AspNet.Identity.MongoDB {2.0.8} A mongodb provider for the new ASP.NET Identity framework. My aim is to ensure this project is well tested and ...
Catel.MVC5 {4.5.4} Catel.MVC 5 library which includes the MVC 5 related features.
wcfrestcontrib {1.7.14} The WCF REST Contrib library adds functionality to the current WCF REST implementation.
FluentMongo {1.3.1} Provides a fluent interface on top of the 10gen driver including Linq.
camljs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.6.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for camljs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 4c76d...
linq.js-jQuery {} Linq to Objects for JavaScript. This version is plugin integrated with jQuery.
MyCouch {4.0.0} Simple async CouchDB and Cloudant client.
RIAServices.EntityFramework {4.2.0} WCF RIA Services Toolkit - Entity Framework Code-First (DbContext) support with DbDomainService
Cqrs.Ninject.Mongo {1.601.1007} Components for implementing the I.O.C. via Ninject for the Mongo Cqrs package
Common.Logging.NLog41 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 4.1 logging framework.
Stanford.NLP.CoreNLP {3.6.0} Stanford CoreNLP
Autofac.Extras.AggregateService {4.0.0} Autofac extension for generating aggregate services.
VowpalWabbit {} Official Vowpal Wabbit library including C# interface
RouteMagic.Mvc {1.2.0} RouteMagic.Mvc is a library of useful Routing helpers specific to ASP.NET MVC. See
Selenium.Mozilla.Firefox.Webdriver {} Firefox/Marionette webdriver for Selenium
VSSDK.CoreUtility {12.0.4} Visual Studio (Core Utility) for Visual Studio 2013+
boost_regex-vc120 {1.62.0} boost_regex-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64.
chai {1.5.0} Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testi...
Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.VS... {10.0.40219.1} Unofficial package for the VS2010 Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common assemblies from Microsoft.
Metrics {1.0.13} Capturing CLR and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.
StoryQ {2.0.5} StoryQ is a portable (single dll), embedded BDD framework for .NET 3.5. It runs within your existing test runne...
Lokad.Cloud.Storage {2.9.3} Azure Storage O/C mapper (Object to Cloud). Leverage Windows Azure without getting dragged down by low level te...
openssl.redist {} Redistributable components for for package 'openssl'
Http.fs {4.1.0} A simple, functional HTTP client library for F#
MVCHtml5Toolkit {1.8.0} The MVC HTML5 Toolkit contains a rich set of controls that you can use to build websites using ...
RxJS-Time {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with time-based event processing query operations.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Games {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Games 9.6.1
Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimizatio... {1.1.3} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
FSPowerPack.Metadata.Community {3.0.0} The additional libraries in the F# PowerPack are functionality which is not part of the core F# release, but en...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatt... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core MVC formatters for XML input and output using DataContractSerializer and XmlSerializer.
MYOB.AccountRight.API.SDK {2016.2.99} A .NET portable library SDK wrapper around the MYOB AccountRight API v2.
CouchbaseAspNet {2.0.0} Couchbase ASP.NET SessionState and OutputCache Providers.
Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.Postg... {1.1.0} Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.Design
AdDuplexWP8 {} AdDuplex (cross-promotion network for Windows Phone and Windows 8 apps) SDK for XAML based Windows Phone apps.
EntityFramework.Filters {0.3.0} Create and configures filters applied to queries across a DbContext
OAuth {1.0.3} An implementation of OAuth 1.0a for .NET
numeral {1.5.3} A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers. Package issues? Pleae post them here https://gith...
Cassette.Aspnet.Jasmine {2.4.2} Jasmine specification runner support for Cassette.
Virtuosity.Fody {1.19.12} Fody add-in for changing all members to virtual.
Microsoft.PowerBI.JavaScript {2.2.3} JavaScript web components for Power BI
Rotativa.Core {} Driver for tool for c#...
MvcDiagnostics {5.2.3} A simple ASP.NET page used to diagnose issues with an ASP.NET MVC installation.
Acr.XamForms.UserDialogs {5.0.0} Cross platform plugins for Settings, UI Dialogs, Device Info, and Local Notifications
AdamsLair.WinForms {1.1.9} A collection of custom Controls for Windows.Forms
Mercurial.Net {} A class library for .NET 3.5 and 4.0 that allows a program to execute the Mercurial DVCS command line client. T...
LivetCask {1.3.1} WPF 4/4.5 MVVM Infrastructure.
Shaolinq {} A thoughtful ORM and Linq provider for .NET
devextreme.TypeScript.Definitely... {2.9.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for devextreme. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e...
Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansCodeGen... {1.3.1} Microsoft Orleans code generator.
ReportViewerForMvc {1.0.1} ReportViewer for MVC is a .NET project that make possible to use an ASP.NET ReportViewer control into an MVC we...
Pubnub {3.8.4} PubNub is a Massively Scalable Web Push Service for Web and Mobile Games. This is a cloud-based service for br...
Discord.Net {0.9.6} An unofficial .Net API wrapper for the Discord client.
SassAndCoffee.JavaScript {2.1.1} Just the JavaScript (CoffeeScript, Uglify.js) parts of SassAndCoffee. Useful for embedding in other projects.
Algolia.Search {3.6.10} Algolia Search API Client for C#
BetterCms.Module.AppFabricCache {2.0.7} AppFabric Cache module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source ...
threejs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.3.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for threejs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 0190...
Select.Pdf {} Select.Pdf for .NET is a powerful PDF library that enables software developers to create, read and modify PDF f...
Microsoft.Band {1.3.20628} The Microsoft Band SDK gives developers access to the sensors available on Microsoft Band 1 and Microsoft Band ...
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Entity... {2.2.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework
ConfigInjector {2.2.1175} A simple way to inject strongly-typed configuration settings into your application via [web|app].config.
SnowMaker {} High performance, distributed unique id generator for Azure environments.
Org.Mentalis.Security {1.0.0} My package description.
FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq {2.0.10} Asynchronous sequences for F#
Auth0.AuthenticationApi {3.6.0} Client library for the Auth0 Authentication API
SharpDX.DirectInput {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - DirectInput managed API.
MSFTCompressionCab {1.0.0} This package contains Microsoft Dlls that make it easier to work with cabinet files (.cab) or some of their der...
Castle.NVelocity {1.1.1} NVelocity is very simple, easy to learn and extensible template engine. It's Castle Team fork of original NVelo...
MathNet.Numerics.Signed {3.13.1} Math.NET Numerics, providing methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and ever...
ConDep {3.2.0} ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infra...
DotSpatial.Controls {1.9.0} Windows Forms controls, includes a map control and legend control.
Apitron.PDF.Kit.Mobile {1.0.51} Apitron PDF Kit is a .NET component that allows you to do whatever you want with PDF files. Add text and images...
faker-csharp {1.2.0} Library-level Fakes for your favorite POCO classes.
Amazon.ElastiCacheCluster {} A configuration object to enable auto discovery in Enyim for ElastiCache
AzureEncryptionExtensions {1.2.0} Simple Encryption for Azure Blob Storage
Nancy.Authentication.Token {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
FSharp.Formatting.CommandTool {2.14.4} A command line tool for building great F# documentation, samples and blogs
Ninject.MockingKernel.NSubstitute {3.2.2} Automock implementation for NSubstitute using Ninject to create the objects under test.
EntityFramework.CodeTemplates.CS... {6.1.3} Adds the templates that EF uses to generate Code First models from a database so that code generation can be cu...
Auth0-ASPNET-Owin {1.0.4} Plug into the ASP.NET 4.5 Owin infrastructure (middleware) and extends default providers with more social provi...
XAct.Web {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: the base class for functionality required on a web server.
Machine.Fakes.RhinoMocks {2.7.0} A framework for faking objects with RhinoMocks on top of Machine.Specifications.
protoc_x64 {2.6.1} x64 compiler for Google protocol buffer format.
NuGetReferenceHintPathRewrite {0.1.1} Rewrites NuGet reference HintPath values at build-time for projects that exist in multiple solutions with diffe...
Swagger.Net {0.5.5} Documents the ASP.NET Web API using the Swagger specification
ModernUI {1.3.0} Brings the new Modern UI alias Metro UI of Windows 8 to .NET Windows Forms applications.
FluentData {3.0.1} FluentData is a Micro ORM that makes it simple to select, insert, update and delete data in a database. It give...
Rainbow.Core {1.4.1} An advanced serialization library for Sitecore. Install the Rainbow package if you want the config file with th...
CLEditor {1.4.5} CLEditor is an open source jQuery plugin which provides a lightweight, full featured, cross browser, extensible...
VSSDK.Text {12.0.4} Visual Studio (Text Editor) for Visual Studio 2013+
SharpDX.Direct3D11.Effects {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - Effects11 managed API for Direct3D11.
Abp.Zero.Ldap {1.1.0} ASP.NET Boilerplate - Module Zero.
Rainbow.Storage.Yaml {1.4.1} Implements a YAML-based serialization format as a Rainbow data store
Microsoft.Orleans.CounterControl {1.3.1} Tool for registering performance counters of Microsoft Orleans - OrleansCounterControl.exe.
MimeKitLite {1.10.0} An Open Source library for creating and parsing MIME messages.
NSubstituteAutoMocker {1.1.0} AutoMocker for use with NSubstitute
angular-local-storage {0.5.1} AngularJS access to browser local storage
VersionOne.SDK.APIClient {15.2.3} Provides coarse-grained access to VersionOne Asset objects via the REST-based HTTP API for building custom appl...
EFCodeFirst.CreateTablesOnly {1.0.2} Adds a IDatabaseInitializer implementation for EF Code First CTP5, as a workaround for situations where you nee...
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelState {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC model state components.
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Models {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC model components.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Dependen... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC dependency injection components.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Http {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC HTTP components.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.TempData {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC temporary data components. {2.2.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewData {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC view data components.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Helpers {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC helper components.
AspNetWebPagesCore {2.0.10906} This package contains core runtime assemblies shared between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Pages.
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC routing components.
Dapper.FluentMap {1.5.1} Simple API to fluently map POCO properties to database columns when using Dapper.
Rainbow.Storage.Sc {1.4.1} Implements the Sitecore database as a Rainbow data store
angular-toastr {2.1.1} Angular port of CodeSeven/toastr
elmah.mongodb {1.7.0} ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a MongoDB database as the error log. NB requires manual...
CefSharp.OffScreen {53.0.0} The CefSharp Chromium-based browser component (OffScreen control).
NanoProfiler.Web {} NanoProfiler for Web Application
Simple.Data.SqlCompact40 {0.19.0} SQL Server Compact 4.0 ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library.
MDbg {0.1.0} The .NET Framework Command-Line Debugger helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in pr...
StackifyHttpModule {1.0.28} See the support docs at for details on usage.
HockeySDK.WINRT {4.1.5} HockeyApp SDK for WinRT applications. Use HockeyApp to collect crash reports, feedback, and manage beta distrib...
NICE.ldbnf {1.2.341} Build tools for bnf
ActionMailer.Standalone {0.7.4} A simple library to allow you to render emails using the Razor view engine.
Microsoft.Bot.Connector {1.1.0} Client REST API library for Microsoft Bot Framework Connector
MarkdownHelper {1.3.0} HTML helpers to allow easier rendering of Markdown in an ASP.NET MVC web app: @Html.Markdown(Model.Body)
Microsoft.Orleans.Server {1.3.1} Collection of Microsoft Orleans libraries and files needed on the server.
DryIoc.MefAttributedModel {2.5.0} DryIoc.MefAttributedModel is DryIoc extension to support Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework for DryIoc c...
Anotar.Serilog.Fody {3.2.0} Simplifies logging through a static class and some IL manipulation.
VelocityDB {5.8.0} VelocityDB is a NoSQL Object Database, a Graph Data Store and an excellent choice for Embedded/Distributed data...
Westwind.Web.WebForms {2.68.0} Provides a number of AJAX REST based WebForms Controls and standard ASP.NET utiltity functionality.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.WebApiC... {1.1.0} Provides compatibility in ASP.NET Core MVC with ASP.NET Web API 2 to simplify migration of existing Web API imp...
MvcCodeRouting {1.3.0} Namespace-based Modularity for ASP.NET MVC and Web API. Convention over configuration Automatic Routing.
IPNetwork {1.3.2} IPNetwork command line and C# library take care of complex network, ip, netmask, cidr, subnet, subnetting, supe...
OAuth2Client {} A simple client-only OAuth2 library for .NET. This library is designed to be used with minimal implementation ... {2.2.1} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core-Paket
NHibernate.OData {1.7.1} OData parser for NHibernate.
Gallio {3.3.1} Gallio is a test automation platform.
Magick.NET-Q8-x64 {} A .NET API to the ImageMagick image-processing library for Desktop and Web.
OtpSharp {} An implementation of HOTP or HMAC One Time Paswords (RFC 4226) and TOTP or Timed One Time Passwords (RFC 6238) ...
EventStore.Client.Embedded {3.9.3} The embedded client API for the Event Store. Get the open source or commercial versions of the Event Store serv...
slf4net.log4net {} slf4net facade for the log4net logging framework
murmurhash {1.0.0} Provides a HashAlgorithm implementation of the Murmur3 algorithm
jsTree {} jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. It is absolutely free, open source and distributed un...
Twitter.Bootstrap.RTL {3.0.0} Bootstrap is a front-end toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites, featuring...
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Authenti... {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC authentication components.
sharp-architecture {4.0.0} Architectural foundation for building maintainable applications with Domain Driven Design patterns and practices
FsSrGen {3.1.0} fssrgen
EasyPost-Official {2.2.2} EasyPost Shipping API Client Library for .NET
Topshelf.Common.Logging {} Common.Logging library bindings for Topshelf.
EasyNetQ.DI.Windsor {} An adaptor to allow EasyNetQ to use Castle.Windsor as its internal IoC container
Common.Logging.NLog40 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 4.0 logging framework.
Orchestra.Core {2.4.1} The library for all modules created for the Orchestra shell.
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtim... {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
aspnet-identity-pw.TypeScript.De... {2.6.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aspnet-identity-pw. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git c...
BASE {} Useful JavaScript Stuff
dojo.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.1.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for dojo. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 4c530f2...
Spire.BarCode {1.2.5} Spire.BarCode for .NET is a FREE and professional barcode component specially designed for .NET developers (C#,...
typeahead.js-bootstrap.css {0.0.4} Bootstrap 3 style for typeahead.js
NanoProfiler.Wcf {} NanoProfiler WCF Profiling Support
lmdb-v120-clean {0.9.14} LMDB headers and dlls compiled with Visual Studio 2013 for 32bit and 64bit windows.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Owin.... {2.0.0} OWIN middleware for validating OAuth2 and OpenID Connect scope claims.
GDAL.Native {1.11.1} GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Sour...
NUnit.Engine {3.5.0} The NUnit Test Engine is used by runners to discover and execute tests.
Nerdbank.FullDuplexStream {1.0.1} Full duplex Stream for in-proc communication between two components.
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms {10.0.40219.1} Reporting controls for Windows Forms
SassAndCoffee {2.1.1} SassAndCoffee is a package that adds SCSS/Sass and CoffeeScript compilation support to ASP.NET,...
auth0.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.8.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for auth0. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 9b94d5...
AForge.Controls {2.2.5} AForge.Controls library from the AForge.NET framework
NMock3 {3.5.44} NMock3 is a Mocking framework that uses lambda syntax to setup expectations and test interactions between class...
Takenet.MessagingHub.Client {0.4.75} The C# SDK for the Messaging Hub
PortableRest {3.0.1} A library for consuming REST APIs from Portable Class Libraries (.NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 8.x, an...
dotConnect.Express.for.MySQL {8.7.794} dotConnect Express for MySQL is a free of charge enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET arc...
AlexFTPS {} AlexFTPS is a free FTP/FTPS client and class library
Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit {3.2.3} Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows Pho...
Microsoft.CrmSdk.UII.CommonAssem... {} Common assemblies required by managed code application that make use of the UII framework.
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Dialog {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. Opens existing markup in a draggable and resizable dialog.
FAKE.Deploy.Lib.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
FAKE.Core.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
FSharp.Compiler.Tools {} FSharp.Compiler.Tools for F# 4.0 - This package includes the F# compiler and the F# Interactive.
MassTransit.StructureMap {3.5.2} MassTransit StructureMap Container Support
autoNumeric {1.9.45} autoNumeric - Currency formatting made easy
IdentityModel.Owin.ClaimsTransfo... {1.0.0} Middleware for doing claims transformation in OWIN/Katana applications.
AdamsLair.FarseerDuality {4.1.1} A custom version of Farseer Physics for being used with the Duality framework. Forked from https://farseerphysi...
Serialize.Linq {1.2.4} C# library to serialize LINQ expressions
easeljs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.6.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for easeljs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: be79...
AttributeRouting.WebApi.Hosted {3.5.6} AttributeRouting for self-hosted Web API lets you specify routes using attributes on your API controllers and a...
Ninject.Extensions.Xml {3.2.0} Xml-based module loader for Ninject
FAKE.Experimental.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
NServiceBus.Distributor.MSMQ {5.0.5} Distributor for MSMQ for the nservicebus
Aspose.Tasks {16.11.0} Aspose.Tasks is a class library for working with Microsoft Project files. Using Aspose.Tasks for .NET you can w...
ProjNet {1.2.0} Proj.NET performs point-to-point coordinate conversions between geodetic coordinate systems for use in fx. Geog...
Aggregates.NET.Domain {} A framework to help developers integrate the excelent NServicebus and GetEventStore libraries together and prov...
Rainbow {1.4.1} Rainbow is an advanced serialization library for Sitecore. This package contains both the core library and the ...
APMP.Core {} Description
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Nearby {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Nearby 9.6.1
accounting.js {0.3.2} number, money and currency parsing/formatting library
Microsoft.Owin.zh-Hant {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin 套件的 繁體中文 資源。
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.zh... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 套件的繁體中文資源。
Formo {} Formo lets you use your configuration file as a dynamic object.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.AppState {} DEPRECATED - Use Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Games instead
MassTransit.NHibernate {3.5.2} MassTransit NHibernate Saga Storage
CommonServiceLocator.Silverlight {1.0.0} Install the Silverlight Common Service Locator
RIAServices.Server {4.2.0} WCF RIA Services Toolkit - Server-side assemblies, configuration, and build targets.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-FileFormats {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
CloudCore.Api.Client {2.3.2} The CloudCore API Client enables communication with CloudCore-based systems on Windows Azure using .NET applica...
FAKE.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes {} Attribute based mapping for NHibernate.
CommonServiceLocator.SimpleInjec... {2.8.2} An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Simple Injector.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Math {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
ChartJS {16.2.2} DevExtreme Web - Chart And Visualization - JavaScript Charting and Visualization library.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.zh-Hant {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security 套件的繁體中文資源。 {3.0.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook.
Aggregates.NET.Consumer {} A framework to help developers integrate the excelent NServicebus and GetEventStore libraries together and prov...
nuPickers {1.5.3} nuPickers is a collection of Umbraco v7 Property Editors
WebApiContrib.IoC.CastleWindsor {0.10.0} The WebApiContrib.IoC.CastleWindsor library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.
UnderscoreKO {1.8.31} Adds all the useful collection and array methods from Underscore.js to Knockout observable arrays. Also include...
Bottles.Deployment {} Tools for deploying applications built on top of the Bottles framework
Serilog.Enrichers.Thread {3.0.0} Enrich Serilog events with properties from the current thread.
typeahead.TypeScript.DefinitelyT... {0.3.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for typeahead. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b1...
Accord.Controls {3.3.0} Plot histograms, scatterplots, tabular data, matrices and other objects in Windows Forms applications.
curl {} cURL and libcurl
eXpandDashboard {} Dashboard Module / eXpandFramework
Utility.Logging {1.4.2} General base interfaces and classes for logging
FAKE.Lib {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts. {3.0.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google.
CoffeeSharp {0.6.0} CoffeeScript compiler for Windows....
Cqrs.Azure.DocumentDb {1.601.1007} Components for implementing the event store using Azure DocumentDB for the Cqrs package
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Microsof... {3.0.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount.
EasyNetQ.DI.StructureMap {} An adaptor to allow EasyNetQ to use StructureMap as its internal IoC container
Radical.Windows.Presentation {} Radical Framework for M-V-VM and UI Composition
Snooze.Testing {1.3.7} Testing support for Snooze
Bottles.Tools {} Tool support for applications that use Bottles
XAct.Tags.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library for the persistence of Tags, using EF
AdamsLair.Duality.Editor {2.7.11} The Duality editor.
Hangfire.AspNetCore {1.6.7} ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Agilix.Shared {2016.12.8.371} Agilix Shared Code
JSNLog.Elmah {2.22.0} Log JavaScript errors and other client side events in your Elmah server side log. Installs JSNLog and configure...
CIAPI {10.10.0} .NET client library for CityIndex Trading API
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets.... {0.1.0} ASP.NET 5 web socket middleware for use on top of opaque servers.
FAKE.IIS.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
CkeditorForASP.NET {3.6.4} ASP.NET control for Ckeditor
Microsoft.PowerBI.AspNet.Mvc {1.1.3} ASP.NET MVC Helpers for Power BI
SharpGIS.GZipWebClient {1.4.0} WebClient for Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 that adds support for GZIP compressed web responses.
Microsoft.Orleans.Client {1.3.1} Collection of Microsoft Orleans libraries and files needed on the client.
edtFTPnet-PRO {9.0.0} edtFTPnet/PRO offers a set of robust and powerful, easy-to-use components and controls that make transferring f...
convict.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {3.0.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for convict. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 8f54...
FAKE.Gallio.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts. {3.0.1} Ressources en français pour le package Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter.
SendGrid.SmtpApiPlus {1.0.1} Easily use your favorite SMTP client library to send mail through SendGrid with the proper X-SMTPAPI headers.
Noodles.AspMvc {1.1.558} Noodles transforms your object model into a web app. This assembly contains stuff to make Noodles work with ASP...
runtime.win7-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.1.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
elmah.mysql {1.2.0} ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an MySQL 5.0+ database as the error log. NB requires ma...
AWS.Extensions {} OBSOLETE - Extensions for the AWS SDK for .NET. This contains a session state provider using Amazon DynamoDB. ...
Microsoft.Hadoop.WebClient {0.12.5126.42915} Provides a .NET API for WebClient
NModbus4 {2.1.0} NModbus is a C# implementation of the Modbus protocol. Provides connectivity to Modbus slave compatible devices...
NGraphics {0.4.0} NGraphics is a cross platform library for rendering vector graphics on .NET. It provides a unified API for both...
eXpandLib {} System module
MSBuild.Npm {0.5.1} Run a npm command as a MSBuild task
ToString.Fody {1.7.3} Generate ToString method from public properties.
Worm {1.0.483} Business objects application framework.
ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite.Windows {4.5.4} Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas fr...
NHotkey {1.2.1} A managed library to handle global hotkeys in Windows Forms and WPF applications.
Lime.Messaging {0.7.26} Common content types and resource for LIME messaging applications.
Spring.Social.Core {1.0.1} Allows you to connect your applications with SaaS providers such as Facebook and Twitter.
MscrmTools.AttributeUsageInspector {1.2016.9.3} Inspect the usage of attributes per entity
Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face {} Use Face API Client Library to enrich your apps with Microsoft's state-of-the-art cloud-based face algorithms.
FubuMVC.Core {} FubuMVC.Core Library
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Lite {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC is a powerful unit testing library providing easy fluent interface to test the ASP.N...
FAKE.SQL.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
elmahappender_log4net {1.0.0} This appender will allow log4net to be configured to send log messages to ELMAH directly. This way ELMAH can be...
MvcHaack.Ajax.MVC4 {2.0.0} See MvcHaack.Ajax package description
GorillaDocs {1.0.67} GorillaDocs is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier....
CocosSharp.PCL.Shared {1.6.2} CocosSharp is a C# implementation of the Cocos2D and Cocos3D APIs that runs on any platform where MonoGame runs.
Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.UI {24.2.1} Core UI Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
PeanutButter.INI {1.2.117} Provides easy-to-use access to INI files, both reading and writing. Data is exposed via a public Dictionary of ...
Topshelf.Nancy {} Nancy endpoint for the Topshelf service host
ImageResizer.Storage {4.0.5} Base classes for various storage providers.
LazyLoadPlugin {1.8.5} Lazy Load is a jQuery plugin
PDFsharp-MigraDoc-WPF {1.32.2608} Creating Documents on the Fly....
Portable.BouncyCastle-Signed {} PCL port of BouncyCastle with a signed assembly
Crystal.Reports.Essentials {} Essential Crystal Reports Files
Aggregates.NET.GetEventStore {} A framework to help developers integrate the excelent NServicebus and GetEventStore libraries together and prov...
NLog.Targets.Gelf {1.0.0} NLog Target for GrayLog2
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Compression {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
CSLA-ASP.NET {4.6.500} Supports the creation of ASP.NET Web Forms applications, and is required for any ASP.NET hosted application model.
Xamarin.Android.Support.v8.Rende... {24.2.1} v8 RenderScript Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
WinRTXamlToolkit.WindowsPhone {1.8.1} A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
mocha.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.8.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for mocha. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: ad261d...
AcklenAvenue.Data.NHibernate {} An easy-to-use but opinionated data layer bootstrapper. {2.0.20710} Ressources Français pour le package Microsoft.Net.Http
NHotkey.Wpf {1.2.1} A managed library to handle global hotkeys in WPF applications.
EntityFramework.ko {6.1.3} Entity Framework 패키지의 한국어 리소스
ScriptCs.Engine.Roslyn {0.16.1} ScriptCs.Engine.Roslyn provides a Roslyn-based script engine for scriptcs.
ionic {1.3.1} Advanced HTML5 mobile development framework and SDK. Build incredible mobile apps with web technologies you alr...
SimpleAuthentication.Core {0.7.0} A really simple way to Authenticate against Facebook, Twitter, Google or a Microsoft Account.
griffin.mvccontrib {1.1.3} Extras for ASP.NET MVC3. For example an easier way to handle model/validation localization and a more SOLID Mem...
Grpc.Tools {1.0.1} Tools for C# implementation of gRPC - an RPC library and framework
Microsoft.Web.Deployment {3.6.0} Microsoft.Web.Deployment API
jQueryUIHelpers.Mvc5 {3.0.0} The easy way to integrate jQuery UI into your ASP.NET MVC 5 application.
MediaBrowser.Model.Signed {3.0.647} Contains common model objects and interfaces used by all Emby solutions.
Jquery.slimScroll {1.3.1} My package description.
Newtonsoft.JsonResult {1.0.5778.10762} A JsonResult ActionResult for ASP.NET MVC that uses the Json.NET the json serializer.
Stormpath.SDK.Abstractions {0.95.0} Abstractions for the Stormpath .NET SDK
Xamarin.Android.Support.Media.Co... {24.2.1} Media Compat Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
chai-as-promised.TypeScript.Defi... {2.7.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for chai-as-promised. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git com...
Bottles.Deployers.IIS {} Tools for deploying IIS web applications built on top of the Bottles framework
Typescript.Compiler {2.0.0} all the files provided by microsoft for compiling typescript files
NBit {1.2.0} Computes standard and custom CRCs up to 32 bits, and provides bit manipulation extension methods.
Rhino.ServiceBus.StructureMap {3.1.1} StructureMap integration with Rhino.ServiceBus
Alchemy {2.2.1} An extremely efficient WebSocket server library.
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.z... {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core 套件的 {繁體中文} 資源
sharepoint.TypeScript.Definitely... {1.3.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for sharepoint. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 3...
BundleTransformer.Autoprefixer {1.9.138} BundleTransformer.Autoprefixer contains one postprocessor-adapter for postprocessing of CSS-code - `AutoprefixC...
Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification {1.0.5} This package is obsolete. Please switch to the maintained NuGet package: Hardcodet.NotifyIcon.WPF
Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.Utils {24.2.1} Core Utils Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Marvin.JsonPatch.Signed {0.9.0} JSON Patch (RFC 6902) support for .NET to easily allow and apply partial REST-ful service (through Web API) upd...
Xamarin.Android.Support.Fragment {24.2.1} Fragment Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
ParallelExtensionsExtras {1.2.0} Samples and extra functionality for use with Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework
Microsoft.ReportViewer.2012.Runtime {11.0.3452} Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime redistributable package DLL's for Web based applications
Auth0.ManagementApi {3.6.0} Client library for the Auth0 Management API
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Entity... {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework 套件的 {繁體中文} 資源
reCaptchaMvcExtensions {1.0.1} Adds Request.ValidateCaptcha() extension method for MVC Request object
Radical {1.6.0} Radical Framework
SinglePageApplication {4.0.20221.15125} This package contains SPA scaffolding.
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis {1.1.0} Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using Redis.
MVC3ControlsToolkit {3.0.1} MVC3Controls Toolkit is a complete set of advanced server controls for MVC 4-5
Noodles.AspMvc.DataTables {1.1.558} Noodles transforms your object modelinto a web app. This is a library to integrate Noodles with AJAX jquery dat...
EnterpriseLibrary.SemanticLoggin... {2.0.1406.1} The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations (sinks) to persist application events pub...
MethodTimer.Fody {1.16.0} Adds basic timing to methods.
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for creating editing experiences....
Aspose.Diagram {16.11.1} Aspose.Diagram is a class library for working with Microsoft Visio files.
Cqrs.Ninject.Azure.DocumentDb {1.601.1007} Components for implementing the I.O.C. via Ninject for Azure DocumentDb Cqrs package
Elysium.Theme {2.0.4} Elysium is library that implements Metro style for Windows Presentation Foundation applications.
Hopac {0.3.23} A library for Higher-Order, Parallel, Asynchronous and Concurrent programming in F#.
ui-grid.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.3.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for ui-grid. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 9b94...
EasyUI {1.4.5} jQuery EasyUI framework helps you build your web pages easily.
Saltarelle.Web {3.1.0} This package contains the required metadata to develop web applications with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript co...
JayData {1.5.10} JayData is a standards-based (mostly HTML5), cross-platform Javascript library and a set of practices to access...
VCL.JS {0.1.505} VCL.JS is a TypeScript open-source platform for building enterprise web apps in a fraction of the time, whether...
JetBrains.ReSharper.CommandLineT... {2016.2.20160913.100041} Standalone command line tools that enable running ReSharper inspections outside of Visual Studio
Castle.Facilities.AutoTx {} This facility enables ambient easy-to-use declarative transactions through the [Transaction] attribute. This is...
selectize {0.12.1} Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery based and it has autocomplete and native-fee...
CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms {1.0.0} CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms
NReco.PhantomJS {1.0.3} NReco.PhantomJS is a .NET wrapper for running PhantomJS (headless WebKit browser) from C#/.NET code.
Microsoft.Orleans.Templates.Inte... {1.3.1} NuGet package deprecated, please use Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansCodeGenerator.Build instead.
GDAL {1.11.1} GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Sour...
Select2-Bootstrap {1.2.0} packaged for NuGet
eXpandXtraDashboardWin {} XtraDashboard Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
MsCrmTools.ViewLayoutReplicator {1.2016.9.2} Apply same layout to multiple views of the same entity in a single operation
Grid.Mvc.Ajax {1.0.31} Extends the Grid.Mvc helper with AJAX paging, sorting, and column and form filtering.
BlingBag {} BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansAzureUtils {1.3.1} Azure Utilities Library of Microsoft Orleans - OrleansAzureUtils.dll
ElmahR.Elmah {1.0.2} ELMAH modules for ElmahR
XAct.Tags.PCL {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library for the management of Tags.
AdamsLair.Duality {2.8.4} The Duality engine core.
System.Linq.Dynamic.Core {} This is a .NET Core port of the the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets.... {0.1.0} Managed web socket protocol parser.
Knockback.js {1.1.0} Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.
Noodles.AspMvc.Templates {1.1.558} Noodles transforms your object model into a web app. Install this library to customise the cshtml template file...
SQLiteNetExtensions.Async {1.3.0} SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-o...
Xamarin.Google.iOS.Maps {2.1.0} C# bindings for Google APIs Maps iOS Library
Selenium.WebDriver.Extensions {3.0.1} Contains Selenium WebDriver extensions including jQuery, Sizzle selector support.
Microsoft.Net.Http.ja {2.0.20710} Microsoft.Net.Http パッケージの 日本語 リソース
CraigsUtilityLibrary-LDAP {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
Knockout.KoGrid {2.1.1} A high-performance KnockoutJS DataGrid....
Shaolinq.Sqlite {} A thoughtful ORM and Linq provider for .NET and Sqlite
MomentDatepicker {1.2.0} A JavaScript Datepicker that takes advantage of twitter-bootstrap and moment.js. Ready for TypeScript and Knockout
Pickles.CommandLine {2.11.0} A documentation generator for features written in the Gherkin language
NuGetPackageExplorer.Types {4.0.0} This library contains shared types which allows you to write extensions to NuGet Package Explorer 2.0 or above.
APMP.Core.Mvc {} Description
MsCrmTools.AuditCenter {1.2016.9.1} Allows you to define audit settings
Batman.Core.Bootstrapper.TinyIoC {1.0.71} This adds TinyIoC as the bootstrapper used by Batman.
jQueryUIHelpers.Mvc4 {3.0.0} The easy way to integrate jQuery UI into your ASP.NET MVC 4 application.
TestStack.Dossier {3.3.0} TestStack.Dossier provides you with the code infrastructure to easily and quickly generate test fixture data fo...
TinCan {1.0.0} Library for implementing Tin Can API (Experience API)
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Environment {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
Spring.Services {2.0.1} Interfaces and classes that provide portable service abstractions in Spring.Net
MediaBrowser.ApiClient.Javascript {3.0.249} Contains javascript api wrapper for working with the Media Browser Api.
bootstrap.chosen {1.0.0} An alternate stylesheet for Chosen 1.0. This one is supposed to integrate better with Bootstrap 3.0.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authenticat... {1.1.0} ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support Twitter's OAuth 1.0 authentication workflow.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Embed... {1.0.2} Embedded and easy to use WS-Federation STS for ASP.NET with minimal configuration. Can be used as a replacement... {3.2.3} Risorse del pacchetto Microsoft.AspNet.Razor per l'italiano
Slapper.AutoMapper {} Slapper.AutoMapper is a mapping library that can convert dynamic data into static types and populate complex ne...
Rejuicer {1.3.0} Minify your CSS/JS. Simple fluent configuration. Wildcard file matching. Browser caching. Works on Azure. Easy ...
RxJS-Testing {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript test library, used to write unit tests for complex event processing queries.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-SQL {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
Noodles.WebApi {1.1.558} Noodles transforms your object model into a web app. Install this library to use Noodles with Web Api
Grid.Mvc.DatePicker {1.0.0} Package provides additional functionality to implement datepicker for filtering date columns in Grid.Mvc.
WixSharp {1.2.0} Wix# (WixSharp) - Binaries {5.2.3} Risorse del pacchetto Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc per l'italiano
Batman.MVC {1.0.71} This is the MVC Core package. However no functionality is included in this package.
Abp.Infrastructure.EntityFramework {0.3.2} IMPORTANT: This package is not used anymore. Use package.
Calcium {1.0.24} Calcium is an application toolkit for creating UWP, Windows Phone, WPF, Silverlight and Xamarin applications. I...
pickadate {3.5.5} The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker. Issues? Please post them here...
BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll {1.8.1} Here at the Bouncy Castle, we believe in encryption. That's something that's near and dear to our hearts. We be...
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.z... {2.2.1} Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin 套件的 {繁體中文} 資源
NSwag.Core {8.0.6186.17339} NSwag: The Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Cast {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Cast 9.6.1
CommandLineParser20 {2.0.0} Command-line arguments parsing library
System.ServiceModel {1.0.0} Provides classes related to the service model.
Bootstrapper.Unity {} Unity extension for Bootstrapper
boost_filesystem-vc140 {1.62.0} boost_filesystem-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. Platforms: Win32, x64.
Everest {0.0.39} Resource-oriented HTTP client
Triarc.Web.Ts.WebApi {1.4.1} dev
MSBuild.WebApplication.CopyConte... {1.0.0} Adds MSBuild target which copies all content files added as link to Web Application project during build.
Bottles.Host.Packaging {} Support for creating services via Bottles
asyncblock.TypeScript.Definitely... {2.4.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for asyncblock. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b...
YoutubeExtractor {0.10.11} YoutubeExtractor is a library to extract the download link from YouTube videos, download them and/or extract th...
Argotic.Web {2008.0.2} Argotic Syndication Framework
Unity3.Wcf {3.5.1404} IoC container for Unity 3 with WCF.
nvd3.js {1.8.2} This project is an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js without taking away the pow...
AsyncBridge.Net35 {0.2.0} Adds the new C#5 async features for .NET 3.5 projects
Batman.MVC.Assets.WebGrease {1.0.71} This sets WebGrease as the CSS minifier for Batman.
gitlink {2.3.0} GitLink let's users step through your code hosted on any Git hosting service! This makes symbol servers obsolet...
Bottles.Deployers.TopShelf {} Tools for deploying TopShelf applications built on top of the Bottles framework
ckeditor-standard {4.6.1} Automated Nuget package of the standard build, version : 4.6.1 of ckeditor.
Glimpse.Autofac {0.2.4} A Glimpse plugin to show Autofac registrations and resolutions
Serilog.Sinks.Raygun {1.5.10} Serilog event sink that writes to the service.
Batman.Core.FileSystem.Default {1.0.71} This adds the ability for Batman to interact with local files as well as urls.
Twilio.WebMatrix {3.2.0} Twilio helpers for WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages
CloudCore.VirtualWorker {2016.11.9.1056} The module required to run CloudCore-based work-flow and scheduled tasks.
PagedListExt {0.8.2} PagedList extension for ASP.NET MVC (razor) with custom html-pager for bootstrap.
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Wallet {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Wallet 9.6.1
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook 套件的 繁體中文 資源
Prism.Mef {6.2.0} MEF extensions for Prism.
EmguCV {} Emgu CV is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library. Allowing OpenCV functions to b...
Lime.Transport.Tcp {0.7.26} C# LIME tcp transport library
Memcached.ClientLibrary {1.0.0} Memcached.ClientLibrary
PdfiumViewer {2.11.0} PDF viewer based on the PDFium project.
SiteSeeker.Core {} SiteSeeker integration module for Web applications
globalize.TypeScript.DefinitelyT... {0.3.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for globalize. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 06...
Glimpse.AspNetCache {} Adds ASP.NET cache entries details to Glimpse
DateTimeExtensions {} Merge of extensions for System.DateTime like localized working days with holidays calculations and natural time...
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Microsof... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount 套件的 繁體中文 資源
AcklenAvenue.Data {} An easy-to-use but opinionated data layer bootstrapper. {3.2.3} Risorse del pacchetto Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages per l'italiano
SendGrid.Net40 {5.1.0} C# client library for using SendGrid API's to send mail. Github repo located at :
NServiceBus.ActiveMQ {1.0.5} ActiveMQ support for NServicebus
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google.z... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google 套件的 繁體中文 資源
DryIoc.CommonServiceLocator {2.2.1} Implementation of CommonServiceLocator for DryIoc container, see rationale at https://commonservicelocator.code...
Codentia.Common.Logging.dll {} Codentia.Common.Logging.dll
GravatarHelper {3.3.2} A simple ASP.NET MVC3/4/5 helper for Gravatar.
Fozzy.System {} Fozzy innermost NuGet
Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Vision {1.0.370} Microsoft Cognitive Services Vision API Client Library.
CodeAssassin.ConfigTransform {1.2.0} Transforms all *.config files at build time.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-DataMapper {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Caching.M... {2.9.5} A package that adds a translation layer to allow your application to communicate with Windows Azure Cache over ...
hidlibrary {3.2.37} This library enables you to enumerate and communicate with Hid compatible USB devices in .NET.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter.... {3.0.1} Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter 套件的 繁體中文 資源
ExtCore {0.8.45} ExtCore is an extended core library for F#.
System.Collections.Immutable.Net40 {} Retargeted for .Net 4.0. Unofficial, unsupported build
Glimpse.Log4Net {1.1.0} Plugin for Glimpse to view log4net log entries.
Boleto.Net {} is a library developed for use in Brazil, given it has been programmed with Brazilian retail legisla...
HtmlAgilityPack.CssSelectors {1.0.2} HtmlAgilityPack.CssSelectors provides an Extension Method for HtmlAgilityPack HtmlDocument and HtmlNode classes...
ng-infinite-scroll {1.0.0} ngInfiniteScroll is a directive for AngularJS to evaluate an expression when the bottom of the directive's elem...
FuzzyLogicLibrary {1.2.0} The library is an easy to use component that implements fuzzy inference system (both, Mamdani and Sugeno method...
Coding4Fun.Toolkit.Audio {2.0.8} An easy to use API for getting data from the Microphone on Windows Phone and Window Store applications
Caelan.Frameworks.BIZ {} Business Framework
ChainingAssertion {1.7.1} Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for MSTest. This provides only ... {1.0.5} JSON-LD processor for .NET...
Appccelerate.EventBroker {3.15.0} Notification component for synchronous and asynchronous loosely coupled notification with automatic thread swit...
angular-block-ui {0.2.2} BlockUI wrapped in an AngularJS Directive by Null McNull, packaged into NuGet by Jaans.
HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX {2015.1.715} Provides custom controls for WPF and a scene graph based on SharpDX.
Postal.Mvc4 {1.2.0} Generate emails using ASP.NET MVC views
DropDownList.Optgroup.MVC {1.0.0} The <optgroup> is used to group related options in a drop-down list.
Twitter.Typeahead.MVC {1.1.2} This package is meant to complement those using the Twitter.Typeahead library in their MVC 5 application. Upon ...
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Shell {106.0.20160913.91038} JetBrains Platform Core Shell Package Version 106.0.20160913.91038
SiteSeeker.EPiServer {} SiteSeeker integration module for EPiServer
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Caching {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Accordion {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. Creates an accordion navigation widget.
AppMetrics.WebUtils {1.0.329} AppMetrics - shared utils
SQLite.WinRT.redist {1.0.2} A redistribution of the binaries from the "SQLite for Windows Runtime (Windows 8.1) Extension SDK" packaged NuG...
Blend.Interactivity.Wpf {1.0.1340} Microsoft Expression Blend 4 includes new built-in behaviors, which are reusable pieces of packaged code that c...
ExchangeWebServices {1.1.0} Microsoft Exchange Web Services
highcharts.js {4.2.0} Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts ...
angular-material.TypeScript.Defi... {1.5.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for angular-material. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git com...
SpecsFor.Mvc {4.7.2} SpecsFor.Mvc is a stand-alone acceptance testing framework for ASP.NET MVC. It enables you to write strongly-t...
FSharpx.Async {1.13.0} Async extensions for F#
jQuery.Uniform {2.1.1} Sexy form elements with jQuery. Now with HTML5 attributes! Make your form controls look how you want them to.
RxJS-Aggregates {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with aggregation event processing query operations.
OneFlowSDK {} OneFlow Systems SDK
nHapi {} NHapi is a port of the original project HAPI....
Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreTools {} Tools required to develop managed code applications and solutions for December 2016 update for Dynamics 365 (on...
i18n.ResourceProvider {1.1.0} Provides classes to store localization strings in a database, XML file, or any other source.
WebGridMvc {1.0.0} WebGridMvc contains the WebGrid customisation and helpers from the MSDN magazine article "Get the Most out of W...
DryIoc.CommonServiceLocator.dll {2.2.1} Implementation of CommonServiceLocator for DryIoc container, see rationale at https://commonservicelocator.code...
AMQPNetLite {1.2.2} This is a lightweight AMQP 1.0 library for .Net frameworks (including .Net Framework, .Net Micro Framework, .Ne...
AWSSDK.IdentityManagement {} AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to securely control access to AWS services and resources f...
NLog.Targets.ElasticSearch {2.1.3} NLog target for elasticsearch
Google.Apis.Customsearch.v1 {} Google Customsearch v1 API client library
Quartz.Unity {1.4.0} Quartz.Net integration with Unity.
this.Log {0.0.3} this.Log - Logging Extensions that work in all code locations
Serilog.Sinks.Splunk {2.1.1} The Splunk Sink for Serilog
JetBrains.dotCover.CommandLineTools {2016.2.20160913.100041} .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool.
Shaolinq.Postgres {} A thoughtful ORM and Linq provider for .NET and Postgres
JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Jint {2.1.2} JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Jint contains adapter `JintJsEngine` (wrapper for the Jint JavaScript Engine version 2...
NSwag.CodeGeneration {8.0.6186.17339} NSwag: The Swagger API toolchain for .NET and TypeScript
BetterCms.Module.ImagesGallery {2.0.7} Newsletter module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
BetterCms.Module.Users.Api {2.0.7} Users API module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
es5-shim {2.3.0} ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines.
OpenCL.Net {2.2.9} .NET bindings for OpenCL that are easy-to-use and true to the original API. There is no ...
Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.Pack... {} Assembly required to develop custom packages for the CRM Package Deployer.
RxJS-Coincidence {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with reactive coincidence join event processing query operations.
SharpMap {1.1.0} SharpMap is an easy-to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications....
ICSharpCode.TextEditor {} Text editor used in SharpDevelop 3.
Highway.Data {6.0.6} The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
React.AspNet {3.0.0} ReactJS and Babel tools for ASP.NET Core, including ASP.NET Core MVC. Please refer to project site (http://reac...
ServiceStack.Mvc.Signed {4.5.4} .NET 4.0 project Integration of ServiceStack with MVC3
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Panorama {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - Panorama 9.6.1
Serilog.Extras.Topshelf {2.0.0} Obsolete: please install Topshelf.Serilog instead. Serilog logging support for the Topshelf Windows service host.
Serenity {} Giving you piece of mind by making it easy to integrate both Storyteller and Jasmine testing into your FubuMVC ...
Kayak {0.7.2} Kayak is an event-base IO libary for .NET. Kayak allows you to easily create TCP clients and servers, and conta...
Microsoft.Azure.Management.KeyVault {1.0.1} Provides vault operation capabilities for Azure Key Vault.
Janitor.Fody {1.2.1} Fody add-in that helps with implementing IDisposable.
DocsByReflection {} Description
Coding4Fun.Toolkit.Storage {2.0.8} An easy to use wrapper open and save data via serialization
NProgress.js {} Featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening!
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.ko {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 패키지용 한국어 리소스
ZendeskApi.Client {2.0.17} API Client for use with Zendesk
Aspose.OCR {16.11.0} Aspose.OCR for .NET is a character and optical mark recognition component built to allow developers to add OCR ...
Effort.Extra.EF6 {1.3.0} Dynamic entity data loader for Effort
MSCRMUtilities.FetchXmlToStringC... {} XrmToolbox plugin to convert from FetchXML downloaded from Dynamics CRM application to string that can be used ...
Repository {} A generic implementation for the repository pattern in C#.
boost_date_time-vc140 {1.62.0} boost_date_time-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. Platforms: Win32, x64.
UmbracoAzureBlobStorageProvider {} Store media files in Azure Storage...
sortablejs.TypeScript.Definitely... {0.1.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for sortablejs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 0...
Microsoft.ScriptManager.jQuery {} This contents of this package has been moved to the AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery package.
PactNet {1.2.0} A .NET version of Pact, which enables consumer driven contract testing.
angular-smart-table {2.1.8} angular smart table package
boost_program_options-vc120 {1.62.0} boost_program_options-vc120. Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5. Platforms: Win32, x64.
ladda-bootstrap {0.9.8} Buttons with built-in loading indicators, effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback.
Cambist.Api.Client {2.3.9} The Cambist API Client enables communication with Cambist online Platform on Windows Azure using .NET applicati...
Chiron {6.2.1} JSON for F#
Storyteller {3.0.1} StoryTeller is an external DSL tool for creating acceptance tests in .Net
libsassnet {3.3.7} Allows you to use the LibSass compiler from .NET
Holder.js {2.9.4} Holder uses the canvas element and the data URI scheme to render image placeholders entirely in browser.
SlowCheetah.Tasks.Unofficial {1.0.0} This package enables you to transform your app.config or any other XML file based on the build configuration. I...
JetBrains.Psi.Features.src {106.0.20160913.91631} JetBrains Psi Features src Package Version 106.0.20160913.91631
Flurl.Http.Signed {1.1.1} This is the Flurl.Http package, repackaged with strongly named assemblies. See f...
Flurl.Signed {2.2.1} This is the Flurl package, repackaged with strongly named assemblies. See for th...
RxJS-JoinPatterns {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with join patterns event processing query operations.
chosen.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.8.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for chosen. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 0d501...
chartjs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.2.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for chartjs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b146...
raygun4js {2.4.3} Official Raygun JavaScript module - automatic client-side error tracking for your web project
WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.DataVi... {2.0.0} Charting Controls for Windows 10, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
RedDog.Storage {0.2.0} A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
FsLexYacc.Runtime {7.0.3} Runtime for FsLex/FsYacc lexer/parser generation tools
Autofac.Extras.NLog {1.3.0} Autofac Module that integrating Autofac and NLog, it supports both constructor and property injection.
Owin.Security.Providers.LinkedIn {2.12.0} Additional OAuth providers for Katana (OWIN)....
WinRTXamlToolkit.UWP {2.0.0} A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
Mapster {2.6.1} A fast, fun and stimulating object to object mapper. Kind of like AutoMapper, but simpler and way faster.
Cirrious.FluentLayout {2.5.0} Easy API for using AutoLayout in iOS
roundhouse {0.8.6} RoundhousE - Professional Database Change and Versioning Management
Coding4Fun.Toolkit.Complete {2.1.8} A toolkit with multiple controls and useful items for Windows Store and Window Phone applications
Windows-Azure-AD-Graph-API-Helpe... {1.0.0} This is a small helper library to work with the Windows Azure AD Graph API based on the MSDN code at http://cod...
Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Safet... {32.961.0} Xamarin.Android Bindings for Google Play Services - SafetyNet 9.6.1
Codentia.Common.Config.dll {} Codentia.Common.Config.dll
RxJS-All {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript libraries.
must.common {2.2.0} The common package of the nohros must framework.
CraigsUtilityLibrary-AI {3.4.199} Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It...
HashLib {2.0.1} Implementations of many hashing algorithms: for hashtables, cryptographic purpose and checksums.
IdentityServer3.AspNetIdentity.dll {2.0.0} ASP.NET Identity support for IdentityServer3 repackaged as a dll client library, preventing the addition of vol...
jspdf.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.0.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jspdf. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b09b4b...
Google.Apis.Compute.v1 {} Google Compute v1 API client library
ImageResizer.Plugins.RemoteReader {4.0.5} The RemoteReader plugin allows the ImageResizer to resize and display images that are located at arbitrary URLs...
ServiceStack.Caching.Memcached {4.5.4} An Memcached cache client implementing ServiceStack's ICacheClient:...
OwinRequestScopeContext {1.0.1} Owin Middleware it is possible to RequestScopeContext like HttpContext.Current but no dependent System.Web.
CalcProject {0.898.0} Description
XAct.Resources.PCL {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: provides framework independent ResourceService without dependencies on the legacy Full Fra...
jquery-timepicker-jt {1.9.0} jquery.timepicker is a lightweight timepicker plugin for jQuery inspired by Google Calendar. It supports both m...
DrivenDb {1.51.0} Features Include: ...
CassiniDev {4.0.0} An open platform for developing a robust ASP.Net web server implementation that addresses many of the limitatio...
Shaolinq.Postgres.DotConnect {} A thoughtful ORM and Linq provider for .NET and Postgres (via the DotConnect Postgres provider)
IdentityServer3.WsFederation {2.6.0} Plugin for adding WS-Federation Identity Provider capabilities to IdentityServer3
Saltarelle.jQuery {1.10.1} This package contains the required metadata to use jQuery with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is ...
bingmaps.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.3.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for bingmaps. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: c02...
Punchclock {2.0.0} Make sure your asynchronous operations show up to work on time
SQLitePCL.ugly {0.9.3} Extension methods for SQLitePCL.raw, providing an ugly-but-usable API
AdamsLair.TreeViewAdv {1.7.6} A custom version of Aga.Controls for being used with the Duality framework. Forked from
Ninject.Extensions.Wcf.Selfhost {3.2.2} Ninject extension to add ioc for WCF services when self hosting.
ZeroMQ {} ZeroMQ C# CLR namespace (.NET and mono, Windows and Linux, x86 and amd64)
R.NET {1.5.5} Collaboration of .NET Framework with R statistical computing.
knockout.punches {0.5.1} Using the new APIs in Knockout 3.0.0, this plugin provides a set of enhanced binding syntaxes.
WebMarkupMin.Mvc {1.1.0} WebMarkupMin.Mvc contains 4 action filters: MinifyHtmlAttribute (for minification of HTML code), MinifyXhtmlAtt...
Simple.Data.Mocking {0.19.0} XML-based Mocking adapter for the Simple.Data data access library.
XAct.Metrics.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library to track counters to measure how an application is being used.
YAXLib {2.14.0} Yet Another XML Serialization Library for the .NET Framework
Highway.Data.EntityFramework {6.0.6} The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture {2.3.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commi...
Microsoft.ScriptManager.jQuery.U... {} This contents of this package has been moved to the AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery.UI.Combined package.
Swagger.Net.UI {1.1.0} Swagger UI is written by the wordnik folks and allows one to interact with a REST API that is documented using ...
openrasta-core {2.5.1023} OpenRasta is an open-source .NET framework for building REST APIs
Cronus {3.0.2} Cronus is a lightweight framework for dispatching and receiving messages between microservices with DDD/CQRS in...
FreeSpire.XLS {7.9.0} A standalone C#/VB.NET component, Free Spire.XLS for .NET enables developers to create, manage and manipulate E...
SQLite.CodeFirst {} Creates a SQLite Database from Code, using Entity Framework CodeFirst.
Microsoft.HBase.Client {0.4.2} .NET Client Library for Azure HDInsight HBase clusters.
SiteSeeker.Sitecore {} SiteSeeker integration module for Sitecore
Hl7.Fhir.DSTU2 {0.90.5} This is the core support library for HL7's FHIR standard ( It contains the core functional...
MobileViewEngines {2.0.0} ASP.NET MVC 3 Mobile Capable View Engines
System.Windows.Controls.DataVisu... {4.0.0} WPF Toolkit Data Visualization Controls
VSSDK.GraphModel {12.0.4} Visual Studio (Graph Model) for Visual Studio 2013+ {2.2.1} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core
Lime.Transport.Http {0.7.26} C# LIME http transport library
Nimbus.Autofac {} Autofac extensions for Nimbus.
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Ide {106.0.20160913.91305} JetBrains Platform Core Ide Package Version 106.0.20160913.91305
StudioDonder.MvcContrib.Mvc4 {} MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework, MVC Contrib ...
Lecoati.LeBlender {} Umbarco LeBlender
Octgn.Site.Api {} Octgn.Site.Api
Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.ko {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.Razor 패키지용 한국어 리소스
sqlite.redist {} Redistributable components for for package 'sqlite'
AppDynamics.WindowsAzure.CloudSe... {4.2.9} Manage the performance of your Windows Azure Cloud Services with AppDynamics.
UserVoice {0.0.5} C# library for UserVoice API Connections
Serenity.Web.Assets {2.6.6} Contains static assets for Serenity web applications
Serilog.Sinks.Log4Net {1.5.16} Serilog event sink that writes to Log4Net. Merge your new Serilog event stream into your existing log4net infra...
XAct.Net.Persistence.EF {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: the classes needed to persist the entities defined in XAct.Net
SnmpSharpNet {0.9.4} SNMP Open Source library written in c# with support for SNMP version 1, 2c and 3.
azure-mobile-services-client.Typ... {1.6.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for azure-mobile-services-client. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped reposit...
SassAndCoffee.AspNet {2.1.1} SassAndCoffee is a package that adds SCSS/Sass and CoffeeScript compilation support to .NET, as well as minific...
LumiaImagingSDK {2.0.208} Lumia Imaging SDK has more than 50 filters that have been specifically developed for mobile imaging, with speed...
AppMetrics.AgentService.PluginBase {1.0.482} AppMetrics - agent service plugin
Codaxy.WkHtmlToPdf {0.5.6} Convert HTML to PDF using wkhtmltopdf and C#
FluentAssertions.Mvc5 {0.6.0} FluentAssertions MVC is a set of MVC focused assertions and helper extensions to the excellent FluentAssertions...
AppBarUtils {2.5.1} AppBarUtils provides out-of-box app bar behaviors/triggers/actions for Windows Phone SDK 8.0. They enable you t...
Microsoft.Orleans.Templates.Grains {1.3.1} NuGet package deprecated, please use Microsoft.Orleans.OrleansCodeGenerator.Build instead.
StructureMap-MVC3 {1.0.8} An MVC3 IDependencyResolver - Deprecated, use StructureMap.MVC3
Castle.Windsor.Mvc {1.3.0} WindsorControllerFactory implementation
Finsa.CodeServices.Common {4.1.5} CodeServices.Common - .NET component with generic utilities.
YepNope.js {1.5.4} yepnope is an asynchronous conditional resource loader that's super-fast, and allows you to load only the scrip...
Google.GData.Calendar {2.2.0} Google Data API Calendar Library
Coding4Fun.Toolkit.Net {2.0.8} A library of useful networking code such as a GzipWebClient
WebDriver.IEDriverServer.win64 {3.0.0} IEDriverServer.exe (win64) from If you need an updat...
Serenity.Web.Tooling {2.6.6} Contains code generation and development tools for Serenity web applications
eXpandWorkFlowWeb {} WorkFlow Module (Web) / eXpand Framework
Sider {} SIDER : REDIS bindings for C#/.NET 4.0 -- Redis client that sticks to the metal. Minimal, lightweight, easy to ...
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Text {106.0.20160913.91305} JetBrains Platform Core Text Package Version 106.0.20160913.91305
Susanoo.Core {3.3.2} Fluent lightweight MicroORM for .NET with no IL
AdamsLair.OpenTK {1.1.6} A custom version of OpenTK for being used with the Duality framework. Forked from
CacheManager.StackExchange.Redis {0.9.2} CacheManager extension package which adds support for Redis as a distributed cache layer.
NLog.Targets.Loggly {} A custom target for NLog that sends log messages to using the loggly-csharp library
TemplateBuilder {1.1.3} A NuGet package which can be used to easily create item and project templates for Visual Studio.
SharpDX.XInput {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - XInput managed API.
MaterialSkin {0.2.1} Theming WinForms (C# or VB.Net) to Google's Material Design Principles. Please refer to the GitHub page for imp...
AdamsLair.WinForms.PopupControl {1.0.0} Forked from here:
VSSDK.Threading {12.0.4} Visual Studio (Threading) for Visual Studio 2013+
YouTrackSharp {2.0.30} A YouTrack Client for .NET
Shaolinq.MySql {} A thoughtful ORM and Linq provider for .NET and MySql
LinqToQuerystring.WebApi2 {} Provides an action filter to enable LinqToQuerystring for Web API 2 actions that return IQueryable
Abp.RedisCache {1.1.3} Redis Cache integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
Microsoft.Hadoop.MapReduce {0.12.5807.28193} Provides a .NET API for the Map/Reduce functionality of Hadoop Streaming.
Eto.Forms {2.3.0} Eto.Forms UI Framework
MSBuild.Gulp {0.5.1} Run a gulp task as a MSBuild task
PreStorm {1.8.9} A Data Client for ArcGIS Server REST API - converts features and rows into a (lazy) sequence of strongly-typed ...
TxFileManager {1.3.0} Transactional File Manager is a .NET API that supports including file system operations such as file copy, move...
NuGet.Commands {3.4.3} Complete commands common to command-line and GUI NuGet clients
RazorTemplates {1.2.1} Open source templating engine based on Microsoft's Razor parsing engine. Thread safe. Allows run Razor template...
Simple.ImageResizer {2.1.0} A simple C# ImageResizer library using wpf classes
Ninject.Extensions.Azure {3.2.1} Extension for Ninject which adds support for Azure roles
Gulp.js {1.0.2} The JavaScript streaming build system for client-side code (HTML, LESS, SASS, JSX...). Gulp.js is a newer promi...
SharpShell {2.2.0} SharpShell is a framework that lets you build Windows Shell Extensions using the .NET Framework.
Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Background {3.2.3} Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows Pho...
flexo {1.0.24} Simple JSON parser/encoder for .NET and Mono.
Radical.Windows {1.5.0} Radical Framework
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.ko {3.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages 패키지용 한국어 리소스
VSSDK.Language {12.0.4} Visual Studio (Language) for Visual Studio 2013+
Orchestra.Shell.TaskRunner {2.4.1} The TaskRunner shell for Orchestra based applications.
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Tasks {106.0.20160913.91631} JetBrains Psi Features Tasks Package Version 106.0.20160913.91631
GoogleAnalyticsTracker.MVC4 {4.1.51} GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it...
knockout.viewmodel {2.0.3} Clean, fast, flexible knockout view-models
HockeySDK.WPF {4.1.5} HockeyApp SDK for WPF applications. Use HockeyApp to collect crash reports, feedback, and manage beta distribut...
ODP.NET4 {4.112.3} Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) features optimized ADO.NET data access to the Oracle database. ODP.NET ...
Foundatio.AzureServiceBus {4.2.1183} Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
RxJS-Experimental {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with experimental operators.
JetBrains.Platform.Symbols {106.0.20160913.91305} JetBrains Platform Symbols Package Version 106.0.20160913.91305
ExpressiveAnnotations.dll {2.7.1} Server-only component of ExpressiveAnnotations - a small .NET and JavaScript library which provides annotation-...
Xero.API.SDK {} This is a .NET SDK library, written in C#, used to communicate with the Xero API. See
CombinationStream {2.2.2} Single stream representing multiple streams
YamlDotNet.Signed {4.0.0} This package contains the YAML parser and serializer. This is the signed version of the package.
XAct.Metrics.PCL {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: library to track counters to measure how an application is being used.
MvvmCross.Plugin.DownloadCache {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
Google.Apis.Tasks.v1 {1.19.0} Google Tasks v1 API client library
Grid.Mvc.Redux {1.0.4} Enhancements to the Grid.Mvc ASP.NET MVC grid component.
Ewl {42.0.0} The Enterprise Web Library (EWL) is an extremely opinionated library for web applications that trades off perfo...
MvvmCross.Droid.Support.V7.Recyc... {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.E... {4.3.24} Adds support for Enterprise Library logging block to PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics. An official PostSharp patt...
N2CMS.Search.Lucene {} This package enables indexing and searching using lucene.
TrelloNet {0.6.2} A .NET client library for Trello.
Glimpse.NLog {1.7.0} Plugin for Glimpse showing NLog information
ui-select {0.19.5} AngularJS-native version of Select2 and Selectize
Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageS... {1.3.2} .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") support for Visual Studio....
log4net.Ext.Json {} Enable JSON logging in log4net, stamp log messages, entertain keep-alive appender
Orchestra.Shell.MahApps {2.4.1} The MahApps shell for Orchestra based applications.
AdamsLair.OpenTK.GLControl {1.1.6} A custom version of OpenTK for being used with the Duality framework. Forked from
Heijden.Dns {2.0.0} A reusable DNS resolver for .NET.
EasyNetQ-Bundle {} A NuGet package of EasyNetQ with all dependencies bundled via ILRepack.
AspNetSprites-Core {0.4.0} The ASP.NET Sprite core works with the ASP.NET Sprites Web Forms control and Sprite Helper to decrease the amou...
Bootstrap.DateTimePicker {0.0.11} Date/time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap
xunit.assert.source {2.1.0} Includes the current assertion library from, as source into your project.
bluebird.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.3.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for bluebird. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b8c...
NLog.Windows.Forms {4.2.3} Extend NLog with targets for Windows Forms applications. For example: writing to a richtextbox or raising alert...
MSBuild.Grunt {0.5.1} Run a grunt task as a MSBuild task
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Tabs {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. Transforms a set of container elements into a tab structure.
Abp.Castle.Log4Net {1.1.3} ASP.NET Boilerplate is a general-purpose, web focused application framework.
loggr-dotnet {1.0.9} Microsoft .NET logging agent for Loggr, the cloud-based event logging service.
ckeditor.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.9.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for ckeditor. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 1ad...
WiX.Toolset.2015 {} Windows Installer XML (WiX Toolset) binaries for compiling setup projects.
NetSFTPLibrary {5.13.0} Library for performing SFTP (FTP over SSH). Features include Automatic Reconnect & Resume, Proxy Support, Publi...
Orchestra.Shell.Ribbon.Microsoft {2.4.1} The Ribbon.Microsoft shell for Orchestra based applications.
JetBrains.ExternalAnnotations {10.2.4} ReSharper External Annotations for .NET framework and popular libraries.
MvcMembership {3.8.0} The starter kit provides the Asp.Net MVC controllers, models, and views needed to administer users & roles. Thi...
ActionMailerNext {3.2.0} ActionMailerNext is a painless way of using razor view to render emails. This is the shared base library used i... {3.0.1} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Paket "Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb"
Google.GData.Apps {2.2.0} Google Data API Apps Library
Metro-UI-CSS {} Metro UI CSS a set of styles to create a site with an interface similar to Windows 8. This set of styles was de...
MethodInvocationLogger {1.26.0} Logging of method's executions in aspect approach
NControl {} NControl is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create cu...
HtmlToOpenXml.dll {1.5.0} A library to convert simple or advanced html to plain OpenXml document
AdamsLair.DockPanelSuite {2.8.1} A custom version of DockPanelSuite for being used with the Duality framework. Forked from
RProvider {1.1.20} An F# Type Provider providing strongly typed access to the R statistical package.
boost_regex-vc140 {1.62.0} boost_regex-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. Platforms: Win32, x64.
GraphX {2.3.6} GraphX for .NET is an advanced graph layout and visualization library
Redactor {9.0.2} Redactor is the most fantastic yet beautiful and easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor on jQuery. It is lightning fast, sm...
System.Data.HashFunction.CRC {} Data.HashFunction implementation of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error-detecting code (http://en.wikipedia...
MethodInvocationLogger.Castle {1.26.3} Logging of method's executions in aspect approach for types registered in Windsor container
protobuf-net-data {} A library for serializing ADO.NET DataTables and DataReaders into an efficient, portable binary format. Uses Ma...
RexClient {} Rex client library
MvvmCross.Plugin.Color {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
FreshMvvm {2.2.0} FreshMvvm is a super light Mvvm Framework designed specifically for Xamarin.Forms. Its designed to be Easy, Sim...
Serilog.Sinks.NLog {2.0.7} Serilog event sink that writes to NLog. Merge your new Serilog event stream into your existing NLog infrastruct...
hammerjs.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {2.2.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for hammerjs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 7d6...
SignalR.Castle.Windsor {1.0.1} A Castle.Windsor dependency resolver implementation for SignalR.
SimpleOAuth.Net {1.0.1} OAuth libraries come in all shapes and sizes, however in the .Net land, they only come in one - extra large. Th...
Clarius.TransformOnBuild {1.1.12} Automatically transforms on build all files with a build action of `None` that have the ... {3.0.1} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Paket "Microsoft.Owin"
ToggleSwitch {1.1.2} Use the Toggle Switch Control Library to create highly customizable toggle switch controls in Silverlight and W...
groupdocs-viewer-dotnet {16.11.0} GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET is a powerful document viewer component that allows you to display over 50 document f...
TrackerEnabledDbContext.Identity {3.6.1} This is DbContext for use with ASP.Net Identity. ...
Saltarelle.Linq {2.4.0} Import library for Linq.js ( for projects compiled with Saltarelle.Compiler. Unfortunately ...
CavemanTools {4.5.1} Lots of extension methods for general use. Now with .NET Core support
NServiceBus.NLog {2.0.0} NLog support for NServiceBus
Abp.Web.Api.OData {1.1.3} ASP.NET Web API - OData integration package for ASP.NET Boilerplate.
CodeProject.ObjectPool {2.1.1} A generic, concurrent, portable and flexible Object Pool for the .NET Framework.
d60.Cirqus {0.68.1} Event sourcing + cqrs kit
Acr.DeviceInfo {4.0.2} Get tons of device information...
eXpandLogic {} Logic Module / eXpandFramework {3.0.1} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Paket "Microsoft.Owin.Security"
MvvmCross.Plugin.SQLitePCL {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
SonarLint {2.0.0} Redirect to SonarAnalyzer.CSharp or SonarAnalyzer.VisualBasic
jQuery.Steps {1.1.0} An all-in-one wizard plugin that is extremely flexible, compact and feature-rich.
Triarc.Web.Build {1.15.6} In dev.
ObjectPrinter {2.0.35} Dump an object to string or textwriter. Similar to print in php or python or console.log in nodejs.
ImageResizer.Plugins.WhitespaceT... {4.0.5} Automatically trims whitespace from product images, leaving only a specified margin around the object. Uses sob...
AWSSDK.CloudFront {3.3.2} Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery web service. It integrates with other Amazon Web Services products to g... {3.2.1} add support for .NET Core 1.0.0 RTM
eXpandSecurity {} Security Module / eXpandFramework
Orchestra.Shell.Ribbon.Fluent {2.4.1} The Ribbon.Fluent shell for Orchestra based applications.
Pomona.Common {1.1.0} Pomona shared library between server and client.
N2CMS.Dinamico {} Dinamico is a template pack for N2 CMS that uses MVC4/Razor. This is immediately usable templates built upon th...
Box.V2 {2.13.0} Windows SDK for v2 of the Box API. The SDK is built upon the Portable Class Library and targets the following f...
jQuery.Wijmo.Open {3.20152.78} Wijmo Open is open source and is free to use under either the MIT or GPL licenses. The MIT License is recommend...
ElasticsearchCRUD {} Elasticsearch HTTP client
Microsoft.AspNet.DynamicData.EFP... {6.0.0} This package contains the runtime assembly for ASP.NET DynamicData provider for EntityFramework.
Our.Umbraco.NestedContent {0.3.0} Nested Content is a list editing property editor for Umbraco 7.1+
Castle.Core-log4net1211 {} Castle logging services integration with log4net 1.2.11
CuteEditor {} Cute Editor for ASP.NET is by far the fastest, easiest, most powerful WYSIWYG HTML Editor for ASP.NET. It's als...
DotSpatial.Analysis {1.9.0} Analysis and manipulation classes, such as clip raster with polygon, which are generally wrapped by a tool.
Unofficial.Blend.Interactivity {1.0.0} Unofficial package of all Blend 5's Interactivity libraries
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll {15.0.4420.1017} The SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK can be used to enable remote and local development with ShareP...
ZXing {2.1.1} ** There is now an official port of this project on codeplex ** ...
PeanutButter.Utils {1.2.117} The miscellaneous utilities slice of the PeanutButter mini-suite (sans XML Utils)
VersionOne.SDK.ObjectModel {} Provides strongly-typed VersionOne model objects (Project, Story, Iteration, etc) for building custom applicati...
NTwain {} Library containing the TWAIN API for dotnet.
Pickles.MSBuild {2.11.0} A documentation generator for features written in the Gherkin language
Chains {} A library to help create small application modules that are dependency and test friendly....
JetBrains.Platform.Tests.Framework {106.0.20160913.91305} JetBrains Platform Tests Framework Package Version 106.0.20160913.91305
Newtonsoft.Json.Glimpse {1.0.2} Debug JSON on the server with the Json.NET plugin for Glimpse, a diagnostics tool for ASP.NET
SharpDX.Direct3D10 {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - Direct3D10 and Direct3D10.1 managed API.
RxJS-Lite {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript main library used to express complex event processing queries over observabl...
Akka.Cluster {1.1.2} Cluster support for Akka.NET
SharpSvn.1.8-x64 {1.8016.3900.133} SharpSvn is a binding of the Subversion Client API for .NET based on Subversion 1.8.x. This is the x64/64-bit v...
System.Web.Mvc.Extensions {} 扩展:CheckBox,DropDown,Radio,ResolveUrl,Stylesheet,GetScriptUrl,ScriptInclude,ScriptExtend,Img,LabelEx,Button,Sub...
Serilog.Extras.Timing {2.0.2} Obsolete. Now distributed as SerilogMetrics, please install that package instead.
eXpandModelArtifactWeb {} ModelArtifact Module (Web) / eXpand Framework
eXpandJobShedulerWin {} JobSheduler Module (Win) / eXpand Framework
subkismet {1.0.0} The cure for comment spam.
TechTalk.JiraRestClient {2.5.0} A simple client for Atlassian JIRA service REST API
Saltarelle.jQuery.UI {1.10.1} This package contains the required metadata to use jQuery UI with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It ...
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.Core.ja {2.0.0} このパッケージには、ASP.NET Universal Providers Core Libraries 用の日本語のサテライト アセンブリが含まれています。
AcklenAvenue.Testing {} Extensions for Testing
MvcContrib.Mvc3.WatiN-ci {3.0.100} MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC Framework, MVC Contrib ...
eXpandSystemWin {} System module
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Slider {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. A flexible slider with ranges and accessibility via keyboard.
Markov {1.2.1} A Markov chain library, made to support scenarios anywhere from text generation to stock market simulation.
LinqToLdap {4.0.0} LINQ provider built on top of System.DirectoryServices.Protocols for querying and updating LDAP servers.
Grpc {1.0.1} C# implementation of gRPC - an RPC library and framework
google.maps.d.ts {1.0.10} Google Maps API v3 TypeScript Definition file.
MassTransit.Unity {3.5.2} MassTransit Unity Container Support
Cqrs.Ninject.InProcess.CommandBus {1.601.1007} Components for implementing I.O.C. requirements via Ninject for in-process the command bus.
RestfulRouting {1.6.0} RestfulRouting is a routing library for ASP.NET MVC based on the Rails 3 routing DSL.
ServiceStack.Authentication.MongoDB {4.5.4} A MongoDB IUserAuthRepository to persist User registration and auth info in a NoSQL Mongo DB
Google.Apis.AdExchangeBuyer.v1_4 {} Google Adexchangebuyer v1.4 API client library
eXpandAdditionalViewControlsProv... {} AdditionalViewControlsProvider Module / eXpandFramework
Utility.Logging.NLog {} Implementation of Utility.Logging for NLog
JetBrains.Psi.Features.test.Fram... {106.0.20160913.91631} JetBrains Psi Features test Framework Package Version 106.0.20160913.91631
eXpandSystem {} System module
Enumeration {2.0.0} A utility class. Common uses include Java-like enumerations, dispatch table, flyweight, and drop-down list item...
LitJson {0.7.0} LitJSON is a small and fast library for handling data in the JSON format. It is written in C# and is compatible...
Bootstrap-3-Typeahead {4.0.2} The Typeahead plugin from Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready to use with Bootstrap 3.
NRobotsPatched {1.0.8} A robots.txt parser written in c#.
MvvmCross.Tests {4.4.0} MvvmCross is the .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xama...
MahApps.Metro.Resources.Standalone {0.1.0} "loose" file XAML Resource for Metro UI's... {5.7.0} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData
SI.Hardware.Products.PhenoBooth.... {1.0.6183.21330} Factory for the Singer Instruments PhenoBooth
Accord.Neuro {3.3.0} Neural networks and related non-linear optimization methods, supporting rectified linear units (ReLU),...
Microsoft.SCP.Net.SDK {} This package contains SCP.Net SDK to develop Apache Storm topologies in .Net for Microsoft Azure HDInsight
MSBuild.ILMerge.Task {1.0.5} MSBuild ILMerge task allows you to use the famous ILMerge utility in automated builds and/or Visual Studio 2013...
stateless-4.0 {} A C# Hierarchical State Machine
FubuTestingSupport {} Specification extensions and automocking utilities for interaction tests.
Respawn {0.2.0} Intelligent checkpoints for database tests
Seterlund.CodeGuard {2.3.4} Guard and Validator library. ...
Owin.Builder {0.8.5} OWIN common builder
fo-dicom {2.0.2} A portable DICOM library for .NET, Universal Windows Platform, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android.
ServiceBus.v1_0 {1.0.1} This package works with Service Bus 1.0 for Windows Server. ...
NLipsum {1.0.1} NLipsum : Lorem Ipsum (Lipsum) Generator and Library for the .NET Framework (C#)
Nustache.Mvc3 {} Logic-less templates for ASP.NET MVC 3
LowercaseRoutesMVC4 {0.4.1} Maps MVC routes (both regular and Area routes) to lowercase URLs. Includes experimental support for ASP.NET Web...
bootstrap.v3.datetimepicker.Type... {0.7.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for bootstrap.v3.datetimepicker. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped reposito...
ServiceStack.Razor.Signed {4.5.4} Provides ServiceStack's HTML Story including integrated support for MVC Razor's ViewEngine
HangFire.SqlServer.MSMQ {1.6.7} MSMQ queues support for SQL Server job storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET a...
Elmah.SqlServer.EFInitializer {1.0.0} Automatically creates Elmah database on SQL server using Entity Framework migrations. No manual configuration o...
Mvc.RazorTools.Base {1.0.5} Base object for all MVC Razor Tools Projects
OpenCV.Net {3.3.0} A .NET interface for the popular OpenCV computer vision and image processing library.
BundleTransformer.CoffeeScript {1.9.138} BundleTransformer.CoffeeScript contains translator-adapter `CoffeeScriptTranslator` (supports CoffeeScript vers...
eXpandJobShedulerWeb {} JobSheduler Module (Web) / eXpand Framework
AzureSearchClient {0.8.5522.36498} Microsoft (r) Azure Search REST API .NET client library
Harvest.Chosen {1.4.2} Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly. ...
ColorCode {1.0.1} ColorCode is a library for colorizing source code (also known as syntax highlighting).
DK.SQLite {2.0.4} Fork of SQLite.Net-PCL. It supports 64 bit unsigned integers (ulong) stored as blob's, and contains many perfor...
PrototypeJS {1.7.1} Prototype is a JavaScript Framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications....
TaskSchedulerEditor {2.5.21} Provides localizable UI elements for editing classes in the TaskScheduler library.
React.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.1.12} React.d.ts, file with ambient type declarations for working with Facebook React.
Accord.Vision {3.3.0} Real-time face recognition, object tracking and computer vision library.
EntityFramework.Patterns {0.8.0} EntityFramework.Patterns provides different patterns easy and ready to used with Entity Framework >= 6.0
Microsoft.VisualStudio.SDK.VsixS... {14.1.32} Prevents Visual Studio SDK reference assemblies from being included in a VSIX archive.
NLog.Extensions {1.0.1} Simple Http Basic, Digest Authentication Module with IP Restriction.
eXpandSqlDbMapperWin {} SqlDbMapper Module (Win) / eXpand Framework
Cqrs.Ninject.InProcess.EventBus {1.601.1007} Components for implementing I.O.C. requirements via Ninject for in-process the event bus.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.WebDat... {3.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.WebData
AWSSDK.CognitoIdentity {} Amazon Cognito is a service that makes it easy to save user data, such as app preferences or game state, in the...
Mvc3CodeTemplatesCSharp {3.0.11214} Adds the C# ASP.NET MVC Code Templates for use in customizing Add View and Add Controller scaffolding. The proj...
MR.Gestures {1.4.0} Provides gesture handling for Xamarin.Forms.
Apitron.PDF.Kit.Silverlight {1.0.51} Apitron PDF Kit is a .NET component that allows you to do whatever you want with PDF files. Add text and images...
Google.Apis.Discovery.v1 {1.19.0} Google Discovery v1 API client library
eXpandModelArtifactWin {} ModelArtifact Module (Win) / eXpand Framework
Sitecore.Rocks.Server {} Sitecore Rocks server components assemblies.
PlayFabAllSDK {1.0.441} PlayFab is a backend-as-a-service for games. This package is the full .Net SDK for making web service calls to ...
Angular.UI.Sortable {0.2.0} This directive allows you to sort an array with drag & drop.
NLog.Elmah {4.0.0} Integrates NLog with ELMAH
PeanutButter.RandomGenerators {1.2.117} RandomGenerators helps you with testing by providing random values not only for simple types...
AngularTranslate.LoaderUrl {2.7.2} A plugin for Angular Translate
Caseless.Fody {1.4.2} Changes string comparisons to case insensitive.
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Progressbar {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. A status indicator that can be used for a loading state and standard percentage indi...
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.P... {2.0.0} StackExchange.Redis.Extensions is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis allowing you a set of functionalit...
Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.SqlCE {2.0.0} ASP.NET Universal Providers extend SQL support in ASP.NET 4 to all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to...
ChargeBee {2.2.1} Client library for easily integrating with the ChargeBee service
Ext.NET.MVC5 {4.1.0} Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS...
TestStack.White.ScreenObjects {0.13.3} TestStack.White.ScreenObjects adds support for the Page Object Pattern, allowing you to write clean maintainabl...
NLog.Interface {3.2.1} Contains an interface extracted from NLog.Logger class. It can be used to replace with mocks in unit tests. Imp...
SimpleBrowser.WebDriver {0.5.37} Allows you to automate SimpleBrowser, the C# headless browser from code using Selenium webDriver. SimpleBrowser...
eXpandViewVariantsWeb {} ViewVariants Module (Web) / eXpand Framework
PeanutButter.WindowsServiceManag... {1.2.117} Provides Windows Service Management functionality:...
BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf {5.0.8045} Create, edit, draw and print PDF files in your application or web service with royalty-free Docotic.Pdf library...
Core.Common {0.1.221} Common utilities for .NET applications
Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.GridL... {24.2.1} v7 GridLayout Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
Geckofx45 {45.0.25} library that allows embeding gecko in C# applications.
NServiceBus.Azure.Transports.Win... {7.0.0} NServiceBus Transport for the Windows Azure Storage Queues
Rotativa.MVC {2.0.3} Extremely easy way to print Pdf in Aspnet Mvc...
CommonServiceLocator.StructureMa... {3.0.5} Provides a StructureMap-specific implementation of the Commmon Service Locator API
Pomona {1.1.0} Core library for exposing a web service through Pomona.
Manatee.Json {5.1.1} A fully object-oriented approach to JSON manipulation, validation, and serialization that focuses on modeling t...
Spring.Data.NHibernate32 {1.3.2} Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 3.2 support in Spring.Net
Antlr34 {3.4.19004.1} ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing rec...
HttpHelper {0.9.0} Mockable HTTP Helper for.NET2.0+/SL4+/WP7/WinRT (supports Task Parallel Library/async/await)
PeanutButter.DatabaseHelpers {1.2.117} Provides statement builders for Select, Insert, Update and Delete, compliant with MSSQL, SqlCE, Access, and, mo...
WPControls {1.5.2} This package contains calendar cotrol to be used with Windows Phone 7 applications
Microsoft.ReportViewer.Windows {11.0.3452} Microsoft.ReportViewer Runtime 2012
PostSharp.Sdk {4.1.32} PostSharp SDK is undocumented and unsupported.
Equals.Fody {1.6.2} Generate Equals, GetHashCode and operators methods from public properties.
Rentler.SmartyStreets {0.1.71} This is a SmartyStreets implementation written in .Net
CommonServiceLocator.UnityAdapter {} An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Unity
eXpandSqlDbMapperWeb {} SqlDbMapper Module (Web) / eXpand Framework
ASP.NET_MVVM_Excalibur {1.1.8} ASP.NET Web Form MVVM Pattern Solution. a new Binding Expression like WPF MVVM.
NPOI.Excel {2.1.1} This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at POI is an open source project w...
NServiceBus.PowerShell {4.3.0} PowerShell Cmdlets for NServiceBus
ServiceStack.Authentication.OpenId {4.5.4} OpenId Auth Providers for ServiceStack - inc. Google, Yahoo, MyOpenId
marked {0.3.3} A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
eXpandWorkFlowrWin {} WorkFlow Module (Win) / eXpand Framework
blogml {2.2.0} BlogML is an open format derived from XML to store and restore the content of a blog.
AboditNLP {3.1.793} Abodit Natural Language Engine
SkiaSharp {1.55.1} SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library (https...
log4mongo-net {2.2.0} MongoDB appender for log4net
Foundation5.MVC.Sass {2.0.550} Zurb Foundation HTML Boilerplate, CSS, JS, Plugins...
Westwind.RazorHosting {3.0.0} Hosting the Razor Runtime outside of ASP.NET MVC/WebPages
Caelan.Frameworks.Common {} Common framework for DAL and BIZ packages
TypeLess.ResourceAccess {1.4.21} Api to help control access to resources
Common.Logging.Elmah.v2 {1.0.2} Common Logging Adapter for Elmah. Unlike similar packages, logs the HttpContext if that is available.
ScriptCs.Hosting {0.16.1} ScriptCs.Hosting provides common services necessary for hosting scriptcs in your application.
WebApiProxy {1.3.6021.8370} Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata.
TimeZoneMapper {1.2.16} Provides *N*X TimeZone ID to .NET's TimeZoneInfo mappings. Information is based on Unicode Inc's CLDR data files.
GTP.NET.WinForms {} GTP.NET.WinForms is a package of components to build interactive Gantt and Schedule charts on .net4,.net4.5 Win...
oak {2.7.0} ASP.NET MVC augmentations needed to support single page applications.
sidi-util {12.1.1} Collection of general purpose .NET utility classes
CraigsUtilityLibrary-Documentation {4.0.304} This is the basic documentation for Craig's Utility Library
AWSSDK.SimpleDB {} Amazon SimpleDB is a highly available, scalable, and flexible non-relational data store that enables you to sto...
Exceptionless.DateTimeExtensions {3.2.55} DateTimeRange, Business Day and various DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan extension methods.
metisMenu {2.4.0} Easy menu jQuery plugin for Twitter Bootstrap 3...
jQuery.UI.Widgets.Button {1.8.9} Part of jQuery UI Widgets. Creates a button widget.
FAKE.Lib.x64 {4.46.1} FAKE - F# Make - Get rid of the noise in your build scripts.
BootstrapValidate {1.4.0} Enables Twitter Bootstrap Framework to work with Microsoft jQuery Unobtrusive Validation in ASP.NET MVC4 projec...
eXpandViewVariantsWin {} ViewVariants Module (Win) / eXpand Framework
eXpandSystemWeb {} System module
log4net.samples.rollingfileappender {1.1.0} This package has the .config setting for using log4net with RollingFileAppender
System.Spec {3.1.3} System.Spec
N2CMS.Config {2.6.2} N2CMS is a lightweight CMS library that can be used as is, or in combination with many features out of the box ...
XamlAnimatedGif {1.1.6} A simple library to display animated GIF images in XAML applications
PubnubPCL {3.8.4} PubNub is a Massively Scalable Web Push Service for Web and Mobile Games. This is a cloud-based service for br...
jquery.form.TypeScript.Definitel... {0.0.6} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jquery.form. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: ...
ImageTools {0.3.1} ImageTools for Silverlight is a library, which provides additional functionality for loading, saving and manipu...
DbTransmogrifier {1.0.10} A flexible, configurable, dirt simple database migration tool for .NET applications
Fantomas {2.4.0} Source code formatter for F#
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Facebook {5.1.2} This package contains everything you need to create a Facebook application using ASP.NET MVC.
glimpse-knockout {0.1.5} A KnockoutJS inspector for Glimpse
LiveSDKServer {5.6.0} The Live SDK for provides a set of APIs that enable applications to integrate...
gmaps-api-net {0.13.30} A library for interacting with Google Maps API web services using C# or VB.Net
PeanutButter.DatabaseHelpers.Tes... {1.2.117} If you're using NSubstitute to test your project and you're using PeanutButter DatabaseHelpers' sql statement...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Tracing.... {5.2.3} 适用于 Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Tracing 程序包的简体中文资源
MsBuild.NuGet.Pack {2.0.0} Includes MSBuild support for generating NuGet packages for a project.
PiranhaCMS.Core {2.2.5} This is the core package for Piranha CMS. It contains the binaries and manager interface.
dotConnect.Express.for.SQLite {5.7.794} dotConnect Express for SQLite is a free of charge enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET ar...
bari {} Bari is an advanced build manager for .NET
eXpandModelArtifactState {} ModelArtifactState Module / eXpandFramework
Kentor.AuthServices.Owin {0.19.0} A SAML2 Owin middleware, compatible with ASP.NET Identity for external logins.
SimpleConfig {1.0.43} Simple Configuration for .NET.
Spatial4n.Core {0.3.0} A Geospatial Library for .NET - a .NET port of spatial4j
MaterialDesignThemes.MahApps {0.0.8} ResourceDictionary instances containing Material Design templates and styles for WPF controls in the MahApps li...
Westwind.Globalization.Web {2.12.1} Database Resource Localization for ASP.NET Web applications.
jQuery.UI.Widgets.All {1.8.9} All packages of jQuery UI Widgets.
DK.Android {2.0.4} DK: android platform specific code
PeanutButter.ServiceShell {1.2.117} Provides a simple, easy-to-use shell base class for polling services which can install and uninstall itself. Pl...
bbv.Common {7.1.12149.1635} Provides shared types needed by other bbv.Common projects
EntityFramework.Extensions {0.0.2} A couple useful extensions for creating DB creation scripts from EF Code First models.
Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch {3.0.0} Provides management capabilities for Azure Batch service accounts.
CKeditor.Mvc {3.6.5} Fully functional, open source editor for MVC.
Castle.Transactions {} Castle Transactions enables a common interface to both .Net Transactions with LTM/Lightweight Transaction Manager.
FunScript {1.1.94} An F# to JavaScript compiler.
NMoneys {4.5.0} NMoneys (plural) is a simple .Net library to represent monetary quantities. Provides: a) types for representing...
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Cach... {1.0.4657.2} This package contains Microsoft Application Server Caching Client assemblies.
WebApiContrib.Formatting.JavaScr... {0.9.4} Description {0.3.8} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git com...
Sitecore.FakeDb.AutoFixture {1.3.2} Unit testing framework for Sitecore.
DotNetReCaptcha {1.0.6} This was originally authored by Adrian Godong, but has not been updated to match the source for awhile now. Thi...
AddMvc3ToWebForms {0.9.2} A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support to your WebForms Application. Works on my machine.
MSBuild.Bower {0.5.1} Run a bower command as a MSBuild task
APMP.PaymentGateway {} Description
Couchbase.Lite {1.3.1} A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
ADV.PL.Services {} Package to generate WSDL files from WCF services.
QuickGraphPCL {3.6.61114.2} Correctly portable (PCL) version of QuickGraph library.
Twitter.Bootstrap.Bootswatch.Yeti {3.2.0} Twitter Bootstrap Bootswatch Themes. Theme created by Thomas Park[]
nClam {3.0.0} A library to talk to a ClamAV server and perform virus scanning.
Hangfire.Mongo {0.3.2} MongoDB storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core.zh... {2.2.1} 适用于 Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core 程序包的简体中文资源
Platform.NET {} A cross-platform library of useful classes and extensions for C# and .NET
eXpandValidation {} Validation Module / eXpandFramework
WebApiContrib.IoC.StructureMap {0.9.5} The WebApiContrib.IoC.StructureMap library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.
Xamarin.Android.Support.v17.Lean... {24.2.1} v17 Leanback Android Support Library C# bindings for Xamarin
TEAM.Commons {} Several useful and unobtrusive extensions to the .NET framework: log objects in a readable JSON-like format, co...
GeorgeCloney {} DeepClone, Serialize & Deserialize extension methods, useful for testing.
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensio... {1.0.1} Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.SendGrid adds SendGrid binders to the WebJobs SDK.
eXpandChartWin {} Chart Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
Bootstrapper.StructureMap {} StructureMap extension for Bootstrapper
eXpandAuditTrail {} AuditTrail Module / eXpandFramework
Google.GData.Documents {2.2.0} Google Data API Documents Library {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
DynamicLINQ {1.0.0} An evolution of the dynamic linq library based on C# 4 dynamic.
NICE.Freya {1.3.20} Ontology make tool
XAML.MapControl {2.13.0} A set of controls for WPF, Silverlight and WinRT/UWP for rendering digital maps from different providers (like ...
Abp.Infrastructure.NHibernate {0.3.2} IMPORTANT: This package is not used anymore. Use package.
CrystalQuartz.Simple {4.0.0} Installs CrystalQuartz panel (pluggable Qurtz.NET viewer) using simple scheduler provider. This approach is app...
Cqrs.Ninject.InProcess.EventStore {1.601.1007} Components for implementing I.O.C. via Ninject for an in process event store.
CSLA-WPF {4.6.500} Supports the creation of WPF applications.
DynamicImage {3.1.1} DynamicImage is a high-performance image manipulation library for ASP.NET.
Microsoft.TestApi {0.6.0} TestApi is a library of test and utility APIs that enables developers and testers to create testing tools and a...
eXpandSecurityWin {} Security Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
GenFu {1.2.1} GenFu is a library you can use to generate realistic test data. It is composed of several property fillers that...
EmberJS {2.3.0} EmberJS & EmberData - a JavaScript MVC Framework version 2.3.0...
Nimbus.InfrastructureContracts {} Client library for Azure Service Bus
AForge.Vision {2.2.5} AForge.Vision library from the AForge.NET framework
DK.Controls {2.0.4} DK: extended and improved controls for Xamarin.Forms
Essential.Diagnostics.Config {1.2.501} Trace listeners and filters, with configuration, for System.Diagnostics logging, including colored console, for...
NVorbis {0.8.5} A managed Foundation Ogg Vorbis decoder
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Ag... {2.0.6} This NuGet enables runtime data collection for x64 applications
JSNLog.Log4Net {2.22.0} Log JavaScript errors and other client side events in your Log4Net server side log. Installs JSNLog and configu...
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Ag... {2.0.6} This NuGet enables runtime data collection for x86 applications
Nimbus.Logger.Serilog {} Nimbus logger that writes to Serilog.
jQuery.UI.Themes.UI-Lightness {1.11.1} jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — interactions, full-featured widgets, and animatio...
WixSharp.bin {1.2.0} Wix# (WixSharp) - Binaries
spin.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.2.9} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for spin. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 19b6e80...
FSharpx.Extras {2.2.0} FSharpx.Extras implements general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# bu...
Hyprlinkr {2.0.1} Hyprlinkr is a small and very focused helper library for the ASP.NET Web API. It does one thing only: it create...
Gibraltar.Agent.Web {} Records diagnostic information about your ASP.NET web site in the background while it runs. Designed for use i...
AjaxControlToolkit.HtmlEditor.Sa... {16.1.1} This package provides HTML sanitization (to prevent XSS attacks) for the AjaxControlToolkit HtmlEditor extender.
JSTest.NET {1.1.1} Browserless JavaScript Unit Test Runner
fullCalendar.TypeScript.Definite... {0.7.3} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for fullCalendar. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit:...
WindowsStateTriggers {1.1.0} StateTriggers for use with the Windows 10 Visual State Manager
Dev15BinariesForRoslyn {5.0.0} Dev15BinariesForRoslyn
NuGet.DependencyResolver {3.4.3} NuGet.DependencyResolver
ISO3166 {1.0.1} List of countries including their official English name as well as their ISO 3166 defined two-letter, three-let...
SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses {5.1.1} This package contains the ORMSupportClasses assembly for .NET 3.5 and up and a build for .NET 4.5 and up with a...
XAct.Workflows.K2.Client {0.0.708} An XActLib assembly: a library containing services for controling K2 from an MVC or other app.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.SDK {2.9.0} Contains the following Microsoft Azure SDK dlls:...
Arachne.Uri {3.0.0} Arachne - Types for HTTP and related RFCs.
AlphaFS {2.1.2} AlphaFS is a .NET library providing more complete Win32 file system functionality to the .NET platform than the...
XAct.Diagnostics.Performance.PCL {0.0.5015} An XActLib assembly: base classes required for making portable performance counters (such as the FF System Perf...
DynamicData {} Bring the power of Rx to collections using Dynamic Data....
AsyncUnitTests-MSTest {1.0.1} "[TestMethod] async void MyTest()" actually works correctly.
chai-jquery.TypeScript.Definitel... {1.5.7} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for chai-jquery. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: ...
Vlc.DotNet.Core {2.1.130} .Net api to the audio/video capabilities of the VLC libraries.
eXpandValidationWin {} Validation Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
CryptoHelper {2.1.0} Standalone password hasher for ASP.NET Core using a PBKDF2 implementation. {3.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.OAuth
Arachne.Core {3.0.0} Arachne - Types for HTTP and related RFCs.
BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.WebHost {7.1.0} Claims-based user account and identity management framework
reachmail {} This library allows you to easily interact with the Reachmail API.
N2CMS.IoC.Windsor3 {} This package enables usage of Castle.Windsor 3 as IoC container to be used by N2 CMS internally.
Apitron.Image2PDF {2.0.0} Apitron Image2PDF is a .NET component that performs high-quality conversion from a set of image files to PDF do... {2.2.1} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin-Paket
FluentSharp.CoreLib {} FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs. It makes extensive use of .N...
Okta.Core.Client {0.3.1} Official .NET SDK for Okta
enode {2.8.3} A DDD+CQRS+Event Sourcing framework.
Radical.Windows.Presentation.Cas... {1.5.0} Radical Framework for M-V-VM and UI Composition (Castle Windsor Integration)
Vlc.DotNet.Core.Interops {2.1.130} Wrapper to use the audio/video capabilities of the VLC libraries.
TikaOnDotnet {1.14.0} Bare-bones IKVM Java-to-.NET port of Apache Tika. You'll want to install TikaOnDotNet.TextExtractor.
Magick.NET-Q8-x86 {} A .NET API to the ImageMagick image-processing library for Desktop and Web.
FluentValidation.MVC5-Signed {6.2.1} ASP.NET MVC 5 integration for FluentValidation
Apollo13.DataAccessLayer {} Data access layer for SQL server
Rhino.ServiceBus.Host {3.1.1} Host for Rhino.ServiceBus
bootstrap.daterangepicker {} Date range picker component for Bootstrap
OS33.Api.Client {1.0.6187.19051} OS33 client API
crossroads.TypeScript.Definitely... {1.5.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for crossroads. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b...
Google.Dfa {18.17.0} This library provides you with functionality to access DoubleClick for Advertisers API.
Plivo {3.0.4} Plivo REST API and XML helper library
NHibernate.NLog {1.0.0} This is a class-only package that brings NLog support for nhibernate.
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Syste... {1.1.0} Helper library for claims based identity & access control in ASP.NET and MVC5.
ThumbsUp.Client {} The ThumbsUp.Client makes it easy to build ThumbsUp security enabled web applications. This package includes a ...
es6-shim.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.8.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for es6-shim. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 473...
Innofactor.XTB.DateTimeBehaviorU... {1.2016.10.2} Investigate DateTime Behavior and execute actions on DateTime attributes
RSG.Promise {1.2.0} Simple C# Promises Library
NUnit.ReSharperRunner3 {3.0.12} NUnit 3.0 Beta 5 runtime for ReSharper test runner
RIAServices.Endpoints {4.2.0} WCF RIA Services Toolkit - SOAP and JSON Endpoints for web development
ecommon {2.1.6} An infrastructure utility library written by c#.
jQuery-UI.Touch-Punch {0.2.3} jQuery UI Touch Punch is a small hack that enables the use of touch events on sites using the jQuery UI user in...
eXpandSecurityWeb {} Security Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
iCheck {1.0.2} Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery and Zepto.
codecracker.CSharp {1.0.1} A analyzer library for C# that uses Roslyn to produce refactorings, code analysis, and other niceties....
Nancy.SimpleAuthentication {0.7.0} A really simple way to Authenticate against Facebook, Twitter or Google - but integrated for the NancyFX framew...
sinon.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {0.2.5} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for sinon. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e45879...
MicroCHAP {} Tiny library for authentication using a shared secret and CHAP+HMAC-SHA512.
NServiceKit.Redis {1.0.20} Free and Open Source fork of NServiceKit.Redis V3...
DK.Portable {2.0.4} DK: portable class library (no dependency on Xamarin)
PropertyChanging.Fody {1.27.2} Fody add-in for injecting INotifyPropertyChanging code into properties.
FSharpx.TypeProviders.Graph {1.8.26} DEPRECATED - Please use 'GraphProvider' instead
Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Core {1.1.0} -
Batman.Core {1.0.71} The Batman framework is designed to simplify application development and tries to put the focus back on your ap...
GSF.Core {2.1.90} Library of functions, extensions, components and APIs for any .NET application.
NServiceBus.Persistence.MongoDb {9.0.1} MongoDB Persistence for NServiceBus.
AWSSDK.SimpleWorkflow {} Amazon SWF helps developers build, run, and scale background jobs that have parallel or sequential steps. You c...
VkNet {1.25.0} Реализация ВКонтакте API для .NET. Список методов см.
Fonet {1.0.0} XSL-FO to PDF Rendering Engine
RxJS-VirtualTime {4.0.7} Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with virtual time based schedulers.
equeue {2.3.5} A high performance distributed mq written by c#.
d60.Cirqus.MongoDb {0.68.1} MongoDB stuff for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
jQuery.UI.Core.All {1.8.9} All parts of jQuery UI Core.
Mvc.RazorTools.FontAwesome {4.3.0} Font Awesome for MVC Razor Tools provides a set of objects to use Font Awesome directly in MVC Razor views.
DeveloperForce.Chatter {1.3.2} The DeveloperForce.Chatter NuGet provides a .NET library for interacting with the Salesforce Chatter APIs.
Refractored.PagerSlidingTabStrip {1.1.6} Interactive paging indicator widget, compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library with Materi...
eXpandSchedulerWin {} Scheduler Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
IIS.Microsoft.Web.Adminstration {8.5.9600.16384} Reference Microsoft.Web.Adminstration in your projects without installing IIS
xunit.MSBuild {2.0.0} MSBuild integration for xUnit
eXpandIO {} IO Module / eXpandFramework
SharpSvn.1.7-x86 {1.7022.3882.153} SharpSvn is a binding of the Subversion Client API for .NET based on Subversion 1.7.x. This is the 32-bit/x86 v...
eXpandValidationWeb {} Validation Module (Web) / eXpandFramework {3.2.3} Recursos en español para el paquete Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.Data
Vault.Core {2.2.5} Vault.Core provides extension methods and helper classes for C#.
Serilog.Enrichers.Process {2.0.0} The process enricher for Serilog.
EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Database {5.0.505} The Enterprise Library Caching Database Backing Store lets developers store cached data in a database.
CSCore {1.1.0} An advanced audio library, written in C#. Provides tons of features. From playing/recording audio to decoding/e...
Klarna.Net.Api {4.1.0} Klarna integration API for .NET
NDbUnit.SqlLite {1.6.8} NDbUnit for SqlLite targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing database state during data-dependent unit tests
Topshelf.FSharp {3.0.0} Topshelf F# API
eXpandPivotGridWin {} Pivot Grid Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
eXpandWorkFlow {} WorkFlow Module / eXpandFramework
WCFDataAnnotations {1.1.0} Validate WCF service operation arguments using validation attributes and IValidatableObject
King.Service {2.1.6} Task scheduling for .NET
NHtmlUnit {2.19.0} NHtmlUnit is a .NET wrapper of HtmlUnit; a "GUI-less browser for Java programs". It allows you to write code to...
Marten {1.2.4} Postgresql as a Document Db and Event Store for .Net Development
bbv.Common.EventBroker {7.1.12149.1635} Notification component for synchronous and asynchronous loosly coupled notification with automatic thread switc...
Zirpl.CalcEngine {1.0.17} A port of Calc Engine at to a Portable .Net assembly.
Owin.Security.Providers.Salesforce {2.12.0} Additional OAuth providers for Katana (OWIN)....
eXpandTreelistView {} TreelistView Module / eXpandFramework
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin.zh-... {5.2.3} 适用于 Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin 程序包的简体中文资源
DoddleReport.iTextSharp {1.5.2} Adds iTextSharp PDF support to DoddleReport. iTextSharp is an open source PDF component that is free of charge....
EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.Crypto... {5.0.505} The Enterprise Library Caching Cryptography Provider lets developers encrypt the data to be cached.
MySqlBackup.NET {} A tool to backup and restore MySQL database in C#/VB.NET/ASP.NET.
Nancy.Hosting.Wcf {1.4.1} Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, inspired by Sinatra. Nancy aim at delivering a low ...
Manatee.Trello {1.13.0} A fully object-oriented .Net wrapper for the TrelloAPI.
jasny-bootstrap {3.1.3} Jasny Bootstrap is an extension to Twitter Bootstrap, adding a number of features and components.
eXpandViewVariants {} ViewVariants Module / eXpandFramework
Microsoft.Net.Http.zh-Hant {2.0.20710} Microsoft.Net.Http 套件的 繁體中文 資源
eXpandReportsWin {} Reports Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle {} The Castle NHibernate proxy factory, this is an unofficial version which means it is not supported by the NHibe...
FSharpx.TypeProviders.Excel {1.8.41} [DEPRECATED] Please use ExcelProvider instead (
Ninject.Web.Mvc.FluentValidation {3.2.0} Fluent validation extension for Ninject.Web.Mvc
eXpandPivotChart {} PivotChart Module (Win) / eXpandFramework
Newtonsoft.Msgpack {0.1.10} A library bridging between Newtonsoft.Json and msgpack-cli - allows you to deserialize message pack streams wit...
HttpWebAdapters {} HttpWebAdapters
Imazen.SlimResponse {0.2.4936.26457} Enables effortless responsive images when combined with ImageResizer and Slimmage.js. Image tags with a class o...
NWebsec.AzureStartupTasks {1.1.2} Provides a startup task to harden the TLS configuration on Azure role instances. See project website for docume...
eXpandStateMachine {} State Machine Module/ eXpandFramework
Xamarin.Forms.Pages {} Pre-built themeable pages for Xamarin.Forms
gribble {1.6.141} Gribble is a simple, Linq enabled ORM designed to work with dynamically created tables.
Autofac.Extras.FakeItEasy {4.0.0} Autofac extension supporting generation of FakeItEasy objects.
WorldDomination.Web.Authentication {1.0.1} This package is now rebranded to: SimpleAuthentication.Core...
MassTransit.TestFramework {3.5.2} MassTransit NUnit Test Framework
Our.Umbraco.Vorto {1.5.3} Vorto - 1:1 multilingual property editor wrapper for Umbraco
FsWebAddRegistryEntries {0.1.1} Adds the registry entries needed to allow F# item templates to appear in a pure F# web project.
Munq.IocContainer {3.1.6} Munq IOC Container - A very fast Dependency Injection container for Web Applications.
moment-timezone.TypeScript.Defin... {0.1.2} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for moment-timezone. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git comm...
Owin.Security.Providers.OpenID {2.12.0} Additional OAuth providers for Katana (OWIN)....
Apitron.PDF.Rasterizer.Silverlight {3.0.89} Apitron PDF Rasterizer is a .NET component that performs quality conversion from PDF file to an image.
filesystem.TypeScript.Definitely... {1.9.4} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for filesystem. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b...
elmah.sqlservercompact {} ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database as the error log.
d60.Cirqus.AzureServiceBus {0.68.1} Azure Service Bus event dispatcher d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
AutoFixture.AutoFoq {3.50.2} Turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container based on Foq.
eXpandJobScheduler {} JobScheduler Module / eXpandFramework
CelloSaaS.DAL {4.6.1} SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addr...
eXpandWorldCreatorDbMapper {} WorldCreator DbMapper Module / eXpandFramework
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Entity... {2.2.1} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework-Paket
JetBrains.Build.Platform.Tasks.T... {2.0.20151217.1} JetBrains Platform reference DLLs.
AlertifyJS {1.8.0} AlertifyJS is a javascript framework for developing pretty browser dialogs and notifications.
DK.Generic {2.0.4} DK: generic platform (full .net framework!)
PeanutButter.TestUtils.Generic {1.2.117} Includes ...
Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Emotion {1.0.331.1} This client library allows the use of Microsoft's state-of-the-art cloud-based algorithms to recognize emotions...
CloneExtensions {1.2.0} Performs fast, deep or shallow clone using simple assignment operations generated by Expression Tree runtime co...
TuesPechkin.Wkhtmltox.Win32 {} A bundled copy of wkhtmltox.dll for use with TuesPechkin.
IdeaBlade.DevForce.Core {7.4.0} DevForce is a framework for building and operating data-rich business applications for multiple client technolo...
Wlniao.XCore {1.4.2} Wlniao XCore for CoreCLR Framework
eXpandWorldCreator {} Design runtime assemblies
dropzone.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.3.6} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for dropzone. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 47d...
eXpandModelDifference {} Model managment
Mono.Data.Sqlite.Portable {} Add Mono.Data.Sqlite to any Xamarin or Windows .NET app. ...
Vlc.DotNet.Forms {2.1.130} WinForm control that hosts the audio/video capabilities of the VLC libraries.
leaflet {0.7.3} Leaflet is a modern open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
RestApiTester.Common {0.14.0} Common contracts used by Rest Api Tester
reCAPTCH.MVC {1.0.1} Google ReCAPTCHA MVC lets you embed a CAPTCHA in your web pages in order to protect them against spam and other...
GitInfo {1.1.35} Access commit information from MSBuild and C#/VB code, and infer SemVer from branch, tag or version file in Git...
MiniProfiler.WCF {3.0.11} MiniProfiler integration for WCF
SharpDX.Mathematics {3.1.1} Assembly providing DirectX - Mathematics managed API.
eXpandJobSchedulerJobs {} JobScheduler Jobs Module / eXpandFramework
Castle.Activerecord {} The enterprise data mapping pattern implemented using NHibernate.
FSharp.RDF {1.1.101} Functional RDF
MadMilkman.Ini {1.0.6} MadMilkman.Ini is a .NET component for creating, reading, writing, updating, encrypting and compressing INI files.
eXpandConditionalDetailViewsWin {} ConditionalDetailViews Module (Win) / eXpand Framework
Monads.NET {1.0.3} A simple project to for Monadic helpers extensions.
Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.p... {2.2.1} Recursos em português do Brasil do pacote Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core
Pomona.TestHelpers {1.1.0} Help library for tests
HFEA.IFQ.OpenSdk {} Alpha version of the SDK for HFEA Open API. This is an early alpha version which may and will change dramatical...
Dapper.Mapper {1.50.1} Dapper.Mapper is an easy multi mapping extension for Dapper.
AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.... {1.1.2} AutoMapper extensions for ASP.NET Core
GSF.Communication {2.1.90} Library of interface based client/server communication components for TLS, TCP, UDP, Multicast, serial, files a...
Yuml.Net {1.3.0} Library for generating UML diagrams from code using the service.
Bootstrap.MVC.EditorTemplates {1.2.0} This package adds EditorTemplates for many datatypes that make it easy to create professional web forms, using ...
HTML5.Setup {0.8.0} HTML5 Setup adds support for video, audio and font file types used by HTML5 and CSS3 {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Caliburn.Micro.Telerik {2.1.9} Caliburn.Micro conventions for Telerik controls {5.2.3} Risorse del pacchetto Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client per l'italiano
DevExpressMvvm {16.1.4} DevExpress MVVM Framework is a set of components helping to work in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in WPF. {5.2.3} Risorse del pacchetto Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost per l'italiano
GTP.NET.ASP.NET {} GTP.NET.ASP.NET is a package of components to build interactive Gantt and Schedule charts on ASP.NET Ajax
eXpandConditionalDetailViewsWeb {} ConditionalDetailViews Module (Web) / eXpand Framework
ANGLE.WindowsStore {2.1.11} Runs OpenGL ES content on Windows by translating OpenGL ES API calls to DirectX 11 API calls....
Batman.MVC.Assets.Less {1.0.71} This adds the ability to bundle less files within Batman.
System-Web-Helpers.dll {1.0.0} Simple nuget package to allow System.Web.Helpers to be included in a project
EntityFrameworkTesting.NSubstitute {1.2.0} Testing helpers for using NSubstitute with EntityFramework.
StructureMap.Dnx {1.2.0} This package has been replaced by StructureMap.Microsoft.DependencyInjection. Please install that instead.
ErikEJ.SqlCeBulkCopy {} .NET Library for loading data fast (doing bulk inserts) into a SQL Server Compact database file.
XAct.Wintellect.PowerCollections {0.0.1} An unofficial packaging of WIntellect's PowerCollections.I needed one, couldn't find one on NuGet - so just whi...
xmlrpcnet-server {} XML-RPC.NET - an XML-RPC server library for .NET
asciify.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped {1.6.1} TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for asciify. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b146...
NRConfig.Library {1.5.0} Mark up your assemblies, classes or methods using the [Instrument] attribute then run the nrconfig.exe tool (se...
TuesPechkin.Wkhtmltox.Win64 {} A bundled copy of wkhtmltox.dll for use with TuesPechkin.
d60.Cirqus.NLog {0.68.1} NLog integration for Cirqus
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc.Universe {1.1.0} My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC is a powerful unit testing library providing easy fluent interface to test the ASP.N...
LinqBridge {1.3.0} LINQ to Objects for .NET Framework 2.0
Dynamics.Crm.Sdk.Clean {} A clean, bloat free package for Dynamics CRM 2015 development.
jQuery.Bootgrid {1.3.1} Nice, sleek and intuitive. A grid control especially designed for bootstrap.
Bitrium.Http.Extensions {1.1.0} Repack of System.Net.Http.Formatting library....
reactiveui-nlog {5.5.1} An adapter to initialize NLog as the logger for ReactiveUI.
Stanford.NLP.Parser {3.6.0} Stanford Parser
BarcodeLib {} Barcode Image Generation Library {2.0.20710} Deutsche Ressourcen für das Microsoft.Net.Http-Paket
IdentityServer3.MembershipReboot {2.0.0} MembershipReboot support for IdentityServer3
Rebus.Serilog {2.0.0} Serilog logging integration for Rebus
Selenium.WebDriver.IEDriver64 {3.0.0} Selenium Internet Explorer Driver (64 bit) (this package does not make your source repository to fat.) {4.3.0} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core.ko {5.2.3} Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core 패키지용 한국어 리소스
PayPalPermissionsSDK {2.8.109} The PayPal Permissions SDK enables you to request and obtain authorization to make API calls and take action on...
eXpandSchedulerWeb {} Scheduler Module (Web) / eXpandFramework
PortableExtensions {} This package was renamed to “Extend” and can now be found here
PeanutButter.XmlUtils {1.2.117} The miscellaneous utilities slice of the PeanutButter mini-suite (XML-specific, so you'll need to reference Sys...
ServiceStack.Logging.EventLog {4.5.4} Windows Event Log integration for ServiceStack, the Opensource .NET and Mono REST Web Services Framework
jHtmlArea {0.8.0} A simple, light weight, extensible WYSIWYG HTML Editor built on top of jQuery. This component allows you to eas...
runtime.win8-x86.Microsoft.NETCo... {1.0.1} Internal implementation package not meant for direct consumption. Please do not reference directly. ...
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.... {10.0.40219.1} Unofficial package for the VS2010 Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms assemblies from Microsoft.
Twilio.Lookups {1.1.0} Twilio Lookups REST API helper library
ClosedXML_Excel {1.0.0} This is a small tool which used for developers to operate ClosedXML excel documents....
Jmelosegui.Mvc.Googlemap {0.8.0} GoogleMap control for AspNet.Mvc wraps Google Maps API simplifying the use of Google Maps in ASP.NET MVC applic...
Akka.Logger.NLog {1.1.2} NLog logging adapter for Akka.NET
FSharpx.TypeProviders.Regex {1.8.41} [DEPRECATED] Please use FSharp.Text.RegexProvider instead ( {5.2.3} Risorse del pacchetto Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core per l'italiano
UiPath {9.0.6171.32393} SDK for UI automation and text capture featured in UiPath Studio
FSharpx.TypeProviders.Math {1.8.41} [DEPRECATED]
Dos.ORM {} Dos.ORM(原Hxj.Data)于2009年发布、2015年正式开源,该组件已在数百个成熟项目中应用,是目前国内.Net用户量最多、最活跃、最完善的国产ORM。初期开发过程中参考了NBear与MySoft,吸取了他们的...
Common.Logging.NLog30 {3.3.1} Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 3.0 logging framework.
JetBrains.Platform.Interop.dotMe... {106.0.20160913.91305} JetBrains Platform Interop dotMemoryUnit Interop Package Version 106.0.20160913.91305
d60.Cirqus.Serilog {0.68.1} Serilog integration for Cirqus {3.0.1} Русские ресурсы для пакета Microsoft.Owin.
NotificationsExtensions.WinRT {1.0.1} Compiled library form Microsoft Corporation Windows Runtime samples....
IKVM.OpenJDK.Core {7.2.4630.5} IKVM.OpenJDK.Core, Version=7.2.4630.5, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=13235d27fcbfff58
yam {1.0.6} yam
NetTopologySuite.IO.GeoJSON {1.14.0} GeoJSON IO library for NetTopologySuite
SharpBrake {2.2.1} Airbrake Notifier for .NET
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtect... {1.1.0} Additional APIs for ASP.NET Core data protection.
SlimDX {} SlimDX is a free open source framework that enables developers to easily build DirectX applications using .NET ...
LiveCharts {0.8.0} Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for .Net
Sparrow.Chart.Wpf {} Sparrow Toolkit a set of Data Visualization controls(Chart, Gauge,BulletGraph and Sparkline) with lot of flexib...
Microsoft.Graph.Core {1.3.0} Microsoft Graph Core Client Library implements core functionality used by Microsoft Graph Client Libraries.
Gibraltar.Agent.NLog2 {} Connects NLog with Loupe - a black box recorder for your application that can gather data from wherever your ap...
SSW.Data.Entities {1.2.15} New version is out!!!
GeocodeSharp {1.4.0} An async wrapper of the Google Geocode API for .NET
CoreTweet {} Yet Another .NET Twitter Library
angular-spinner {0.8.1} Angular directive to show an animated spinner (using spin.js).
PowerAssert {1.0.41} When you make a unit test assertion with PowerAssert, your assertion messages become much more useful.
AdamsLair.Duality.Editor.Plugins... {2.3.8} A basic Camera View editor module.
ApplicationInsights.OwinExtensions {0.3.0} Set of extensions for integrating OWIN based applications with Application Insights
Common.Logging.Log4Net1215 {3
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