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Created October 30, 2019 18:55
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deploy rails with ssh
- apt-get update -qq
- apt-get install -qq git
## Install ssh-agent if not already installed, it is required by Docker.
## (change apt-get to yum if you use an RPM-based image)
- 'which ssh-agent || ( apt-get update -y && apt-get install openssh-client git -y )'
## Run ssh-agent (inside the build environment)
- eval $(ssh-agent -s)
## Add the SSH key stored in SSH_PRIVATE_KEY variable to the agent store
## We're using tr to fix line endings which makes ed25519 keys work
## without extra base64 encoding.
- echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null
## Create the SSH directory and give it the right permissions
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- chmod 700 ~/.ssh
## Use ssh-keyscan to scan the keys of your private server. Replace
## with your own domain name. You can copy and repeat that command if you have
## more than one server to connect to.
- ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- '[[ -f /.dockerenv ]] && echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config'
type: deploy
- ssh umutadali@ "cd ~/elazigbelediyesi/ && git checkout template1 && git pull origin template1 &&
rbenv sudo rails s -p 80 -b -d && exit"
- template1
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