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blainerothrock / gen.swift
Last active July 12, 2018 15:56
A Very Simple Genetic Algorithm Written in Swift 3
#!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift -O
gen.swift is a direct port of cfdrake's from Python 2.7 to Swift 3
-------------------- ---------------------
gen.swift implements a genetic algorithm that starts with a base
population of randomly generated strings, iterates over a certain number of
generations while implementing 'natural selection', and prints out the most fit
The parameters of the simulation can be changed by modifying one of the many
gtallen1187 /
Created November 1, 2015 23:53
talk given by John Ousterhout about sustaining relationships

"Scar Tissues Make Relationships Wear Out"

04/26/2103. From a lecture by Professor John Ousterhout at Stanford, class CS142.

This is my most touchy-feely thought for the weekend. Here’s the basic idea: It’s really hard to build relationships that last for a long time. If you haven’t discovered this, you will discover this sooner or later. And it's hard both for personal relationships and for business relationships. And to me, it's pretty amazing that two people can stay married for 25 years without killing each other.


> But honestly, most professional relationships don't last anywhere near that long. The best bands always seem to break up after 2 or 3 years. And business partnerships fall apart, and there's all these problems in these relationships that just don't last. So, why is that? Well, in my view, it’s relationships don't fail because there some single catastrophic event to destroy them, although often there is a single catastrophic event around the the end of the relation

anarchivist /
Last active May 3, 2022 19:21
Slack notification script for Munin
# Slack notification script for Munin
# Mark Matienzo (@anarchivist)
# To use:
# 1) Create a new incoming webhook for Slack
# 2) Edit the configuration variables that start with "SLACK_" below
# 3) Add the following to your munin configuration:
#! /bin/bash
perl -MLWP -MURI::Escape -e '$u=\&uri_unescape;for(@ARGV){($y,$_)=m[(.+m)/.+[=/]([\w-]{11})] or next;&$u(($l=new LWP::UserAgent)->get("$y/get_video_info?&video_id=$_")->content)=~/ap=url=([^&]+).+&title=([^&]+)/;$l->mirror(&$u($1),do{$t=&$u($2);$t=~y#+/# #;"$_.mp4"})}' $1
blueyed / Puppet config snippet to define a Launchpad PPA
Created February 25, 2011 23:48
This defines pparepo which allows to add a PPA (Personal Package Archive) repository from Launchpad to a client. It uses apt::key, which I have taken (and maybe modified) from (blog post at
# Setup a PPA repo, where the name is "user/ppaname", e.g. "blueyed/ppa" ("ppa" being the default)
define pparepo($apt_key = "", $dist = $ppa_default_name, $supported = ["lucid", "hardy"], $ensure = present, $keyserver = "") {
$name_for_file = regsubst($name, '/', '-', 'G')
$file = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pparepo-${name_for_file}.list"
file { "$file": }
case $ensure {
present: {
if ($dist) and ($dist in $supported) {
File["$file"] {