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  • Save kode54/d4220e418cd479b753c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kode54/d4220e418cd479b753c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple stereo resampler in C99, based on blargg's Fir_Resampler.(cpp|h)
OBJS = test.o resampler.o
all: test spectrum.png
test : $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $@ $^
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c -o $@
sox -V -r 16000 -c 1 -b 24 -L -e signed-integer -n $@ synth 8 sine 1:8000 vol -6dB
sox -V -r 32000 -c 1 -b 24 -L -e signed-integer -n $@ synth 8 sine 1:16000 vol -6dB
sox -V -r 48000 -c 1 -b 24 -L -e signed-integer -n $@ synth 8 sine 1:24000 vol -6dB
sox -V -r 96000 -c 1 -b 24 -L -e signed-integer -n $@ synth 8 sine 1:48000 vol -6dB
sweep_out_44.raw: test sweep16.raw sweep32.raw sweep48.raw sweep96.raw
spectrum.png: sweep_out_44.raw
sox -b 24 -L -r 44100 -c 1 -e signed-integer $^ -n spectrogram -w Kaiser -z 180 -o $@
rm -f $(OBJS) test sweep{16,32,48,96}.raw sweep_out_44.raw spectrum.png > /dev/null
#include "resampler.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Shay Green.
Copyright (C) 2015 Christopher Snowhill. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#undef PI
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
enum { imp_scale = 0x7FFF };
typedef int16_t imp_t;
typedef int32_t imp_off_t; /* for max_res of 512 and impulse width of 32, end offsets must be 32 bits */
typedef int32_t intermediate_t;
#elif RESAMPLER_BITS == 32
typedef int64_t intermediate_t;
static void gen_sinc( double rolloff, int width, double offset, double spacing, double scale,
int count, imp_t* out )
double angle;
double const maxh = 256;
double const step = PI / maxh * spacing;
double const to_w = maxh * 2 / width;
double const pow_a_n = pow( rolloff, maxh );
scale /= maxh * 2;
angle = (count / 2 - 1 + offset) * -step;
while ( count-- )
double w;
*out++ = 0;
w = angle * to_w;
if ( fabs( w ) < PI )
double rolloff_cos_a = rolloff * cos( angle );
double num = 1 - rolloff_cos_a -
pow_a_n * cos( maxh * angle ) +
pow_a_n * rolloff * cos( (maxh - 1) * angle );
double den = 1 - rolloff_cos_a - rolloff_cos_a + rolloff * rolloff;
double sinc = scale * num / den - scale;
out [-1] = (imp_t) (cos( w ) * sinc + sinc);
angle += step;
enum { width = 32 };
enum { max_res = 512 };
enum { min_width = (width < 4 ? 4 : width) };
enum { adj_width = min_width / 4 * 4 + 2 };
enum { write_offset = adj_width };
enum { buffer_size = 128 };
typedef struct _resampler
int width_;
int rate_;
int inptr;
int infilled;
int outptr;
int outfilled;
int latency;
imp_t const* imp;
imp_t impulses [max_res * (adj_width + 2 * (sizeof(imp_off_t) / sizeof(imp_t)))];
sample_t buffer_in[buffer_size * 2];
sample_t buffer_out[buffer_size];
} resampler;
void * resampler_create()
resampler *r = (resampler *) malloc(sizeof(resampler));
if (r) resampler_clear(r);
return r;
void * resampler_dup(const void *_r)
void *_t = (resampler *) malloc(sizeof(resampler));
if (_t) resampler_dup_inplace(_t, _r);
return _t;
void resampler_dup_inplace(void *_t, const void *_r)
const resampler *r = (const resampler *)_r;
resampler *t = (resampler *)_t;
if (r && t)
memcpy(t, r, sizeof(resampler));
t->imp = t->impulses + (r->imp - r->impulses);
else if (t)
void resampler_destroy(void *r)
void resampler_clear(void *_r)
resampler * r = (resampler *)_r;
r->width_ = adj_width;
r->inptr = 0;
r->infilled = 0;
r->outptr = 0;
r->outfilled = 0;
r->latency = 0;
r->imp = r->impulses;
resampler_set_rate(r, 1.0);
void resampler_set_rate( void *_r, double new_factor )
int step; //const
double filter; //const
double fraction, pos;
int n;
resampler *rs = (resampler *)_r;
imp_t* out;
double const rolloff = 0.999;
double const gain = 1.0;
/* determine number of sub-phases that yield lowest error */
double ratio_ = 0.0;
int res = -1;
double least_error = 2;
double pos = 0;
int r;
for ( r = 1; r <= max_res; r++ )
double nearest, error;
pos += new_factor;
nearest = floor( pos + 0.5 );
error = fabs( pos - nearest );
if ( error < least_error )
res = r;
ratio_ = nearest / res;
least_error = error;
rs->rate_ = ratio_;
/* how much of input is used for each output sample */
step = (int) floor( ratio_ );
fraction = fmod( ratio_, 1.0 );
filter = (ratio_ < 1.0) ? 1.0 : 1.0 / ratio_;
pos = 0.0;
/*int input_per_cycle = 0;*/
out = rs->impulses;
for ( n = res; --n >= 0; )
int cur_step;
gen_sinc( rolloff, (int) (rs->width_ * filter + 1) & ~1, pos, filter,
(double)(imp_scale * gain * filter), (int) rs->width_, out );
out += rs->width_;
cur_step = step;
pos += fraction;
if ( pos >= 0.9999999 )
pos -= 1.0;
cur_step += 1;
((imp_off_t*)out)[0] = (cur_step - rs->width_ + 2) * sizeof (sample_t);
((imp_off_t*)out)[1] = 2 * sizeof (imp_t) + 2 * sizeof (imp_off_t);
out += 2 * (sizeof(imp_off_t) / sizeof(imp_t));
/*input_per_cycle += cur_step;*/
/* last offset moves back to beginning of impulses*/
((imp_off_t*)out) [-1] -= (char*) out - (char*) rs->impulses;
rs->imp = rs->impulses;
int resampler_get_free(void *_r)
resampler *r = (resampler *)_r;
return buffer_size - r->infilled;
int resampler_get_min_fill(void *_r)
resampler *r = (resampler *)_r;
const int min_needed = write_offset + 1;
const int latency = r->latency ? 0 : adj_width;
int min_free = min_needed - r->infilled - latency;
return min_free < 0 ? 0 : min_free;
void resampler_write_sample(void *_r, sample_t s)
resampler *r = (resampler *)_r;
if (!r->latency)
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < adj_width / 2; ++i)
r->buffer_in[r->inptr] = 0;
r->buffer_in[buffer_size + r->inptr] = 0;
r->inptr = (r->inptr + 1) % (buffer_size);
r->infilled += 1;
r->latency = 1;
if (r->infilled < buffer_size)
r->buffer_in[r->inptr] = s;
r->buffer_in[buffer_size + r->inptr + 0] = s;
r->inptr = (r->inptr + 1) % (buffer_size);
r->infilled += 1;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__GNUC__)
#define restrict __restrict
static const sample_t * resampler_inner_loop( resampler *r, sample_t** out_,
sample_t const* out_end, sample_t const in [], int in_size )
in_size -= write_offset;
if ( in_size > 0 )
sample_t* restrict out = *out_;
sample_t const* const in_end = in + in_size;
imp_t const* imp = r->imp;
int n;
/* accumulate in extended precision*/
int pt = imp [0];
intermediate_t s = (intermediate_t)pt * (intermediate_t)(in [0]);
if ( out >= out_end )
for ( n = (adj_width - 2) / 2; n; --n )
pt = imp [1];
s += (intermediate_t)pt * (intermediate_t)(in [1]);
/* pre-increment more efficient on some RISC processors*/
imp += 2;
pt = imp [0];
s += (intermediate_t)pt * (intermediate_t)(in [2]);
in += 2;
pt = imp [1];
s += (intermediate_t)pt * (intermediate_t)(in [1]);
/* these two "samples" after the end of the impulse give the
* proper offsets to the next input sample and next impulse */
in = (sample_t const*) ((char const*) in + ((imp_off_t*)(&imp [2]))[0]); /* some negative value */
imp = (imp_t const*) ((char const*) imp + ((imp_off_t*)(&imp [2]))[1]); /* small positive or large negative */
out [0] = (sample_t) (s >> 15);
out += 1;
while ( in < in_end );
r->imp = imp;
*out_ = out;
return in;
#undef restrict
static int resampler_wrapper( resampler *r, sample_t out [], int* out_size,
sample_t const in [], int in_size )
sample_t* out_ = out;
int result = resampler_inner_loop( r, &out_, out + *out_size, in, in_size ) - in;
*out_size = out_ - out;
return result;
static void resampler_fill( resampler *r )
while (!r->outfilled && r->infilled)
int inread;
int writepos = ( r->outptr + r->outfilled ) % (buffer_size);
int writesize = (buffer_size) - writepos;
if ( writesize > ( buffer_size - r->outfilled ) )
writesize = buffer_size - r->outfilled;
inread = resampler_wrapper(r, &r->buffer_out[writepos], &writesize, &r->buffer_in[buffer_size + r->inptr - r->infilled], r->infilled);
r->infilled -= inread;
r->outfilled += writesize;
if (!inread)
int resampler_get_avail(void *_r)
resampler *r = (resampler *)_r;
if (r->outfilled < 1 && r->infilled >= r->width_)
resampler_fill( r );
return r->outfilled;
static void resampler_read_sample_internal( resampler *r, sample_t *s, int advance )
if (r->outfilled < 1)
resampler_fill( r );
if (r->outfilled < 1)
*s = 0;
*s = r->buffer_out[r->outptr];
if (advance)
r->outptr = (r->outptr + 1) % (buffer_size);
r->outfilled -= 1;
void resampler_read_sample( void *_r, sample_t *s )
resampler *r = (resampler *)_r;
resampler_read_sample_internal(r, s, 1);
void resampler_peek_sample( void *_r, sample_t *s )
resampler *r = (resampler *)_r;
resampler_read_sample_internal(r, s, 0);
#ifndef _RESAMPLER_H_
#define _RESAMPLER_H_
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Shay Green.
Copyright (C) 2015 Christopher Snowhill. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#undef PASTE
#define PASTE(a,b) a ## b
#define EVALUATE(a,b) PASTE(a,b)
#define resampler_create EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_create)
#define resampler_dup EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_dup)
#define resampler_dup_inplace EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_dup_inplace)
#define resampler_destroy EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_destroy)
#define resampler_clear EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_clear)
#define resampler_set_rate EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_set_rate)
#define resampler_get_free EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_get_free)
#define resampler_get_min_fill EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_get_min_fill)
#define resampler_write_sample EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_write_sample)
#define resampler_get_avail EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_get_avail)
#define resampler_read_sample EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_read_sample)
#define resampler_peek_sample EVALUATE(RESAMPLER_DECORATE,_resampler_peek_sample)
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int16_t sample_t;
#elif RESAMPLER_BITS == 32
typedef int32_t sample_t;
#error Choose a bit depth!
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void * resampler_create();
void * resampler_dup(const void *);
void resampler_dup_inplace(void *, const void *);
void resampler_destroy(void *);
void resampler_clear(void *);
void resampler_set_rate( void *, double new_factor );
int resampler_get_free(void *);
int resampler_get_min_fill(void *);
void resampler_write_sample(void *, sample_t s);
int resampler_get_avail(void *);
void resampler_read_sample( void *, sample_t *s );
void resampler_peek_sample( void *, sample_t *s );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "resampler.h"
static inline int32_t read_24(const uint8_t * p)
struct { int32_t sample:24; } sample;
sample.sample = p[0] + (p[1] * 256) + (p[2] * 65536);
return sample.sample;
static inline void write_24(FILE * f, int32_t sample)
int8_t buffer[3];
buffer[0] = (sample & 255);
buffer[1] = (sample >> 8) & 255;
buffer[2] = (sample >> 16) & 255;
fwrite(buffer, 1, 3, f);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int samples_free;
size_t read;
size_t i;
size_t nf;
void * resampler = resampler_create();
FILE * f;
FILE * g = fopen("sweep_out_44.raw", "wb");
typedef struct sweep_info
const char * name;
int freq;
} sweep_info;
const sweep_info files[4] = { { "sweep16.raw", 16000 },
{ "sweep32.raw", 32000 },
{ "sweep48.raw", 48000 },
{ "sweep96.raw", 96000 } };
for ( nf = 0; nf < 4; nf++ )
f = fopen( files[nf].name, "rb" );
resampler_set_rate(resampler, (double)(files[nf].freq) / 44100.0);
for (;;)
samples_free = resampler_get_free(resampler) / 2;
uint8_t samples[samples_free * 3];
read = fread(samples, 3, samples_free, f);
for (i = 0; i < read; ++i)
resampler_write_sample(resampler, read_24(samples + i * 3));
while (resampler_get_avail(resampler))
sample_t sample;
resampler_read_sample(resampler, &sample);
if (sample > (1 << 23) - 1)
sample = (1 << 23) - 1;
else if (sample < -(1 << 23))
sample = -(1 << 23);
write_24(g, sample);
if (feof(f) && !resampler_get_avail(resampler))
return 0;
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