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Last active June 22, 2020 08:21
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Forth - Exercism
module Forth
type Token =
| IntegerLiteral of int
| WordDefinitionStart
| WordName of string
| WordDefinitionEnd
type Stack = int list
type FMachine = {
Stack : Stack;
Words : Map<string, List<Opcode>>;
and Opcode =
| PushInt of int
| CallWord of string
| DefnWord of string * List<Opcode>
| Builtin of string * (Stack -> Stack)
let tokenize input =
let regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(r)
let lexer = regex @"((?<lexeme>(\w[\w-_]*|-?\d+|[+-/*;:]))\s*)*"
let matches = lexer.Match(input)
[ for l in matches.Groups.["lexeme"].Captures do
let lexeme = l.Value.ToUpper()
let token =
match lexeme with
| ":" -> WordDefinitionStart
| ";" -> WordDefinitionEnd
| lexeme -> match System.Int32.TryParse lexeme with
| true, intval -> IntegerLiteral intval
| false, _ -> WordName lexeme
yield token
let parse tokens =
let lookahead tokens =
let isTerminator t = match t with
| WordDefinitionEnd -> true
| _ -> false
let idx = List.findIndex isTerminator tokens
let lead = List.take idx tokens
let tail = List.skip (idx + 1) tokens
lead, tail
let rec parseTokens ops tokens : List<Opcode> =
match tokens with
| [] -> List.rev ops
| IntegerLiteral i :: rest -> parseTokens (PushInt i :: ops) rest
| WordName word :: rest -> parseTokens (CallWord word :: ops) rest
| WordDefinitionStart :: rest ->
match lookahead rest with
| (WordName word :: defn), rest ->
let parsedDefn = parseTokens [] defn
parseTokens (DefnWord (word, parsedDefn):: ops) rest
| _ -> failwith "Expected a word name after word definition operator"
| WordDefinitionEnd :: _ -> failwith "Unexpected word definition terminator" // lookahead removes terminators for well-formed word definitions
parseTokens [] tokens
let rec execute machine ops =
let inlineWords (words : Map<string,List<Opcode>>) defn =
let inliner op =
match op with
| DefnWord (_,_)-> failwith "Unexpected nested word definition!" // cannot happen due to how lookahead operates!
| CallWord word -> words.[word]
| _ -> [ op ]
defn |> List.collect inliner
let rec evalOp machine op =
match op with
| PushInt i -> ({machine with Stack = i :: machine.Stack}, [])
| DefnWord (word, defn) -> let inlined = inlineWords machine.Words defn
({machine with Words = machine.Words.Add(word, inlined) }, [])
| CallWord word -> let defn = machine.Words.[word]
(machine, defn)
| Builtin (word, code) -> ({machine with Stack = code machine.Stack}, [])
match ops with
| [] -> machine
| op :: rest -> let machine2, subroutine = evalOp machine op
execute machine2 <| List.append subroutine rest
let evaluate input =
let InitBuiltinWord (word: string) f =
let upper = word.ToUpperInvariant()
upper, [ Builtin (upper, f word) ]
let BinaryOp f name stack =
match stack with
| a :: b :: rest -> (f b a) :: rest
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Binary operator '%s' needs at least 2 items on the stack" name
let StackManipulationOp f name stack =
match stack with
| a :: rest -> f a rest
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Unary stack operator '%s' needs at least 1 item on the stack" name
let StackManipulationBinaryOp f name stack =
match stack with
| a :: b :: rest -> f a b rest
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Binary stack operator '%s' needs at least 2 items on the stack" name
let machine = { Stack = []; Words = Map.ofList [
InitBuiltinWord "+" <| BinaryOp (+);
InitBuiltinWord "-" <| BinaryOp (-);
InitBuiltinWord "*" <| BinaryOp (*);
InitBuiltinWord "/" <| BinaryOp (/);
InitBuiltinWord "DUP" <| StackManipulationOp (fun a rest -> a::a::rest)
InitBuiltinWord "DROP" <| StackManipulationOp (fun a rest -> rest)
InitBuiltinWord "SWAP" <| StackManipulationBinaryOp (fun a b rest -> b::a::rest)
InitBuiltinWord "OVER" <| StackManipulationBinaryOp (fun a b rest -> b::a::b::rest)
let machine =
|> List.collect (tokenize >> parse)
|> execute machine
Some ( machine.Stack |> List.rev)
| _ -> None
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Forth.fs" />
<Compile Include="ForthTests.fs" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.6.1" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.4.1" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.4.2" />
<PackageReference Include="FsUnit.xUnit" Version="3.8.1" />
// This file was auto-generated based on version 1.7.1 of the canonical data.
module ForthTests
open FsUnit.Xunit
open Xunit
open Forth
let ``Parsing and numbers - numbers just get pushed onto the stack`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
evaluate ["1 2 3 4 5"] |> should equal expected
let ``Addition - can add two numbers`` () =
let expected = Some [3]
evaluate ["1 2 +"] |> should equal expected
let ``Addition - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["+"] |> should equal expected
let ``Addition - errors if there is only one value on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["1 +"] |> should equal expected
let ``Subtraction - can subtract two numbers`` () =
let expected = Some [-1]
evaluate ["3 4 -"] |> should equal expected
let ``Subtraction - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["-"] |> should equal expected
let ``Subtraction - errors if there is only one value on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["1 -"] |> should equal expected
let ``Multiplication - can multiply two numbers`` () =
let expected = Some [8]
evaluate ["2 4 *"] |> should equal expected
let ``Multiplication - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["*"] |> should equal expected
let ``Multiplication - errors if there is only one value on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["1 *"] |> should equal expected
let ``Division - can divide two numbers`` () =
let expected = Some [4]
evaluate ["12 3 /"] |> should equal expected
let ``Division - performs integer division`` () =
let expected = Some [2]
evaluate ["8 3 /"] |> should equal expected
let ``Division - errors if dividing by zero`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["4 0 /"] |> should equal expected
let ``Division - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["/"] |> should equal expected
let ``Division - errors if there is only one value on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["1 /"] |> should equal expected
let ``Combined arithmetic - addition and subtraction`` () =
let expected = Some [-1]
evaluate ["1 2 + 4 -"] |> should equal expected
let ``Combined arithmetic - multiplication and division`` () =
let expected = Some [2]
evaluate ["2 4 * 3 /"] |> should equal expected
let ``Dup - copies a value on the stack`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 1]
evaluate ["1 dup"] |> should equal expected
let ``Dup - copies the top value on the stack`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 2; 2]
evaluate ["1 2 dup"] |> should equal expected
let ``Dup - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["dup"] |> should equal expected
let ``Drop - removes the top value on the stack if it is the only one`` () =
let expected: int list option = Some []
evaluate ["1 drop"] |> should equal expected
let ``Drop - removes the top value on the stack if it is not the only one`` () =
let expected = Some [1]
evaluate ["1 2 drop"] |> should equal expected
let ``Drop - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["drop"] |> should equal expected
let ``Swap - swaps the top two values on the stack if they are the only ones`` () =
let expected = Some [2; 1]
evaluate ["1 2 swap"] |> should equal expected
let ``Swap - swaps the top two values on the stack if they are not the only ones`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 3; 2]
evaluate ["1 2 3 swap"] |> should equal expected
let ``Swap - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["swap"] |> should equal expected
let ``Swap - errors if there is only one value on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["1 swap"] |> should equal expected
let ``Over - copies the second element if there are only two`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 2; 1]
evaluate ["1 2 over"] |> should equal expected
let ``Over - copies the second element if there are more than two`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 2; 3; 2]
evaluate ["1 2 3 over"] |> should equal expected
let ``Over - errors if there is nothing on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["over"] |> should equal expected
let ``Over - errors if there is only one value on the stack`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["1 over"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - can consist of built-in words`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 1; 1]
evaluate [": dup-twice dup dup ;"; "1 dup-twice"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - execute in the right order`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 2; 3]
evaluate [": countup 1 2 3 ;"; "countup"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - can override other user-defined words`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 1; 1]
evaluate [": foo dup ;"; ": foo dup dup ;"; "1 foo"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - can override built-in words`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 1]
evaluate [": swap dup ;"; "1 swap"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - can override built-in operators`` () =
let expected = Some [12]
evaluate [": + * ;"; "3 4 +"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - can use different words with the same name`` () =
let expected = Some [5; 6]
evaluate [": foo 5 ;"; ": bar foo ;"; ": foo 6 ;"; "bar foo"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - can define word that uses word with the same name`` () =
let expected = Some [11]
evaluate [": foo 10 ;"; ": foo foo 1 + ;"; "foo"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - cannot redefine numbers`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate [": 1 2 ;"] |> should equal expected
let ``User-defined words - errors if executing a non-existent word`` () =
let expected = None
evaluate ["foo"] |> should equal expected
let ``Case-insensitivity - DUP is case-insensitive`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 1; 1; 1]
evaluate ["1 DUP Dup dup"] |> should equal expected
let ``Case-insensitivity - DROP is case-insensitive`` () =
let expected = Some [1]
evaluate ["1 2 3 4 DROP Drop drop"] |> should equal expected
let ``Case-insensitivity - SWAP is case-insensitive`` () =
let expected = Some [2; 3; 4; 1]
evaluate ["1 2 SWAP 3 Swap 4 swap"] |> should equal expected
let ``Case-insensitivity - OVER is case-insensitive`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 2; 1; 2; 1]
evaluate ["1 2 OVER Over over"] |> should equal expected
let ``Case-insensitivity - user-defined words are case-insensitive`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 1; 1; 1]
evaluate [": foo dup ;"; "1 FOO Foo foo"] |> should equal expected
let ``Case-insensitivity - definitions are case-insensitive`` () =
let expected = Some [1; 1; 1; 1]
evaluate [": SWAP DUP Dup dup ;"; "1 swap"] |> should equal expected
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