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Created April 11, 2012 22:29
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spoon zoom script
// Generated by dan5's zoom script generator
// Allows zooming in and out using the mouse wheel for Quake Live.
// Date: Wed Apr 11 22:29:00 UTC 2012
// Step 1: Save this file to your Quake Live directory to a file called zoomscript.cfg
// Step 2: Run zoomscript.cfg or put 'exec zoomscript.cfg' in your autoexec.cfg
set default_fov "cg_fov 121";
set default_sensitivity "sensitivity 4.0";
set default_accel "cl_mouseAccel 0.0"
set nop ""
set defaults "vstr default_fov; vstr default_sensitivity; vstr default_accel; bind mwheelup vstr z_2; unbind mwheeldown";
// Zoomlevel 1 (no zoom, default settings)
set z_1_params "cg_fov 121; sensitivity 4.0; cl_mouseAccel 0.0";
set z_1 "vstr z_1_params; set z_cycle_up vstr z_2; set z_cycle_down vstr defaults";
// zoomlevel 2
set z_2_params "cg_fov 96; sensitivity 3.2; cl_mouseAccel 0.0";
set z_2 "vstr z_2_params; set z_cycle_up vstr z_3; set z_cycle_down vstr z_1; bind mwheelup vstr z_cycle_up; bind mwheeldown vstr z_cycle_down";
// zoomlevel 3
set z_3_params "cg_fov 58; sensitivity 1.92; cl_mouseAccel 0.0";
set z_3 "vstr z_3_params; set z_cycle_up vstr z_4; set z_cycle_down vstr z_2; bind mwheelup vstr z_cycle_up; bind mwheeldown vstr z_cycle_down";
// zoomlevel 4
set z_4_params "cg_fov 29; sensitivity 0.96; cl_mouseAccel 0.0";
set z_4 "vstr z_4_params; set z_cycle_up vstr z_5; set z_cycle_down vstr z_3; bind mwheelup vstr z_cycle_up; bind mwheeldown vstr z_cycle_down";
// zoomlevel 5
set z_5_params "cg_fov 17; sensitivity 0.576; cl_mouseAccel 0.0";
set z_5 "vstr z_5_params; set z_cycle_down vstr z_4; bind mwheelup vstr z_cycle_up; bind mwheeldown vstr z_cycle_down";
// What zoomlevel to go to first
set z_cycle_up "vstr z_1";
// Execute defaults.
vstr defaults
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