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Created July 7, 2017 00:34
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Rust dump 06-07-2017
Class: ConsoleGen
All flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 ConsoleSystem.Command[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: AutoTurret
__menuOption_MenuAuthorize flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuClearList flags 0x1 offset: 0x340 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuDeauthorize flags 0x1 offset: 0x398 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuTurretAttackAll flags 0x1 offset: 0x3f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuTurretDisable flags 0x1 offset: 0x448 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuTurretEnable flags 0x1 offset: 0x4a0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuTurretPeacekeeper flags 0x1 offset: 0x4f8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuTurretRotate flags 0x1 offset: 0x550 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
gun_fire_effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x5a8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bulletEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x5b0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
turnSoundModulator flags 0x1 offset: 0x5b8 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ambientSoundModulator flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c0 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ambientLoop flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c8 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
turnLoop flags 0x1 offset: 0x5d0 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ammoType flags 0x6 offset: 0x5d8 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
target flags 0x6 offset: 0x5e0 BaseCombatEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
eyePos flags 0x6 offset: 0x5e8 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzlePos flags 0x6 offset: 0x5f0 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gun_yaw flags 0x6 offset: 0x5f8 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gun_pitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x600 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
turnLoopDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x608 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
movementChangeDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x610 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ambientLoopDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x618 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
focusCameraDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x620 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
peacekeeperToggleSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x628 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onlineSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x630 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
offlineSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x638 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targetAcquiredEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x640 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targetLostEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x648 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
authorizedPlayers flags 0x1 offset: 0x650 System.Collections.Generic.List<ProtoBuf.PlayerNameID> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
bulletSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x658 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextFocusSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x65c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wasTurning flags 0x1 offset: 0x660 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastYaw flags 0x1 offset: 0x664 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
aimDir flags 0x6 offset: 0x674 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
sightRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x680 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
focusSoundFreqMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x684 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
focusSoundFreqMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x688 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimCone flags 0x6 offset: 0x68c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseCombatEntity
__menuOption_Menu_Pickup flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
skeletonProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x188 SkeletonProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
baseProtection flags 0x6 offset: 0x190 ProtectionProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pickup flags 0x6 offset: 0x198 BaseCombatEntity.Pickup MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
repair flags 0x6 offset: 0x1b8 BaseCombatEntity.Repair MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
startHealth flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ShowHealthInfo flags 0x6 offset: 0x1cc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lifestate flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 BaseCombatEntity.LifeState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
sendsHitNotification flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
sendsMeleeHitNotification flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
_health flags 0x1 offset: 0x1d8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_maxHealth flags 0x1 offset: 0x1dc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
DeathTime flags 0x4 offset: 0x1e0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastNotifyFrame flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: BaseLock
__menuOption_Menu_RemoveLock flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
itemType flags 0x6 offset: 0x188 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: BaseOven
__menuOption_SwitchOff flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_SwitchOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x340 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
switchOnMenu flags 0x6 offset: 0x398 BaseEntity.Menu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
switchOffMenu flags 0x6 offset: 0x3b8 BaseEntity.Menu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
startupContents flags 0x6 offset: 0x3d8 ItemAmount[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
fuelType flags 0x6 offset: 0x3e0 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
temperature flags 0x6 offset: 0x3e8 BaseOven.TemperatureType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
allowByproductCreation flags 0x6 offset: 0x3ec System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canModFire flags 0x6 offset: 0x3ed System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
disabledBySplash flags 0x6 offset: 0x3ee System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BasePlayer
displayNameMaxLength flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Comparison<TraceInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
__menuOption_Drink flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_AssistPlayer flags 0x1 offset: 0x240 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_LootPlayer flags 0x1 offset: 0x298 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_SaltWater flags 0x1 offset: 0x2f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
playerModel flags 0x86 offset: 0x348 PlayerModel MONO_TYPE_CLASS
voiceRecorder flags 0x86 offset: 0x350 PlayerVoiceRecorder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
voiceSpeaker flags 0x86 offset: 0x358 PlayerVoiceSpeaker MONO_TYPE_CLASS
constructVisionObject flags 0x83 offset: 0x360 ConstructVision MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lookingAt flags 0x86 offset: 0x368 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lookingAtEntity flags 0x86 offset: 0x370 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lookingAtCollider flags 0x86 offset: 0x378 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastClothesHash flags 0x1 offset: 0x380 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
lookingAtTest flags 0x1 offset: 0x388 HitTest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
modelState flags 0x86 offset: 0x390 ModelState MONO_TYPE_CLASS
modelStateTick flags 0x81 offset: 0x398 ModelState MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastSentTick flags 0x1 offset: 0x3a0 PlayerTick MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fallDamageEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x3a8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
eyes flags 0x86 offset: 0x3b0 PlayerEyes MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inventory flags 0x86 offset: 0x3b8 PlayerInventory MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blueprints flags 0x86 offset: 0x3c0 PlayerBlueprints MONO_TYPE_CLASS
metabolism flags 0x86 offset: 0x3c8 PlayerMetabolism MONO_TYPE_CLASS
input flags 0x86 offset: 0x3d0 PlayerInput MONO_TYPE_CLASS
movement flags 0x86 offset: 0x3d8 BaseMovement MONO_TYPE_CLASS
collision flags 0x86 offset: 0x3e0 BaseCollision MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Belt flags 0x6 offset: 0x3e8 PlayerBelt MONO_TYPE_CLASS
triggerCollider flags 0x81 offset: 0x3f0 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
physicsRigidbody flags 0x81 offset: 0x3f8 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
UserIDString flags 0x86 offset: 0x400 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
_displayName flags 0x1 offset: 0x408 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
cachedProtection flags 0x1 offset: 0x410 ProtectionProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentViewMode flags 0x86 offset: 0x418 BasePlayer.CameraMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
selectedViewMode flags 0x86 offset: 0x41c BasePlayer.CameraMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastRevivePoint flags 0x1 offset: 0x420 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastReviveDirection flags 0x1 offset: 0x42c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Frozen flags 0x86 offset: 0x438 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lookingAtPoint flags 0x86 offset: 0x43c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
needsClothesRebuild flags 0x1 offset: 0x448 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
headTracking flags 0x86 offset: 0x44c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
usePressTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x450 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
clActiveItem flags 0x1 offset: 0x454 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
p2pPacketsPerSecond flags 0x1 offset: 0x458 Network.Connection.TimeAverageValue MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
maxProjectileID flags 0x1 offset: 0x470 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
lastUpdateTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x474 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cachedThreatLevel flags 0x1 offset: 0x478 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastSentTickTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x47c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextVisThink flags 0x1 offset: 0x480 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastTimeSeen flags 0x1 offset: 0x484 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
debugPrevVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x488 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
playerFlags flags 0x6 offset: 0x48c BasePlayer.PlayerFlags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
userID flags 0x86 offset: 0x490 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
lastHeadshotSoundTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x498 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
clothingBlocksAiming flags 0x6 offset: 0x49c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
clothingMoveSpeedReduction flags 0x6 offset: 0x4a0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BearTrap
__menuOption_Arm_Beartrap flags 0x1 offset: 0x1f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
animator flags 0x4 offset: 0x248 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hurtTarget flags 0x1 offset: 0x250 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x258 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BuildingPrivlidge
__menuOption_MenuAuthorize flags 0x1 offset: 0x1f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuClearList flags 0x1 offset: 0x248 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuDeauthorize flags 0x1 offset: 0x2a0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
privilegeTrigger flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 BuildPrivilegeTrigger MONO_TYPE_CLASS
authorizedPlayers flags 0x6 offset: 0x300 System.Collections.Generic.List<ProtoBuf.PlayerNameID> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: CodeLock
__menuOption_Menu_ChangeGuestCode flags 0x1 offset: 0x190 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_ChangeLockCode flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_Lock flags 0x1 offset: 0x240 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_Unlock flags 0x1 offset: 0x298 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
keyEnterDialog flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
effectUnlocked flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
effectLocked flags 0x6 offset: 0x300 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
effectDenied flags 0x6 offset: 0x308 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
effectCodeChanged flags 0x6 offset: 0x310 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
effectShock flags 0x6 offset: 0x318 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
code flags 0x1 offset: 0x320 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
guestCode flags 0x1 offset: 0x328 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
hasCode flags 0x1 offset: 0x330 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
hasGuestCode flags 0x1 offset: 0x331 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Door
__menuOption_Menu_CloseDoor flags 0x1 offset: 0x208 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_KnockDoor flags 0x1 offset: 0x260 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_OpenDoor flags 0x1 offset: 0x2b8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_ToggleHatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x310 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
knockEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x368 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canTakeLock flags 0x6 offset: 0x370 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
hasHatch flags 0x6 offset: 0x371 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canTakeCloser flags 0x6 offset: 0x372 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
decayResetTimeLast flags 0x1 offset: 0x374 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DoorCloser
__menuOption_Menu_Remove flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
itemType flags 0x6 offset: 0x188 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
delay flags 0x6 offset: 0x190 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DroppedItemContainer
__menuOption_Menu_Open flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lootPanelName flags 0x6 offset: 0x240 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
_playerName flags 0x86 offset: 0x248 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
playerSteamID flags 0x86 offset: 0x250 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: DudTimedExplosive
__menuOption_Menu_Pickup flags 0x1 offset: 0x168 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
fizzleEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wickSpark flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wickSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemToGive flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d8 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dudChance flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
explodeTime flags 0x81 offset: 0x1e4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: EngineSwitch
__menuOption_Menu_StartEngine flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_StopEngine flags 0x1 offset: 0x188 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: KeyLock
__menuOption_Menu_CreateKey flags 0x1 offset: 0x190 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_Lock flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_Unlock flags 0x1 offset: 0x240 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
keyItemType flags 0x6 offset: 0x298 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
keyCode flags 0x1 offset: 0x2a0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Landmine
__menuOption_Arm_Landmine flags 0x1 offset: 0x1f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
explosionEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x248 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
triggeredEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x250 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0x258 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
minExplosionRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x260 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
explosionRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x264 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
blocked flags 0x6 offset: 0x268 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
triggerPlayerID flags 0x1 offset: 0x270 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: Lift
__menuOption_Menu_UseLift flags 0x1 offset: 0x208 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
resetDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x260 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LiquidContainer
__menuOption_MenuDrink flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
defaultLiquid flags 0x6 offset: 0x340 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
startingAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x348 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: LootableCorpse
__menuOption_Menu_Open flags 0x1 offset: 0x208 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lootPanelName flags 0x6 offset: 0x260 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
_playerName flags 0x86 offset: 0x268 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
playerSteamID flags 0x86 offset: 0x270 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: Mailbox
__menuOption_Full flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ownerPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x340 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
mailDropSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x348 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
autoSubmitWhenClosed flags 0x6 offset: 0x350 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
shouldMarkAsFull flags 0x6 offset: 0x351 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: PlantEntity
__menuOption_MenuClone flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_MenuPick flags 0x1 offset: 0x240 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
plantProperty flags 0x6 offset: 0x298 PlantProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skinChange flags 0x1 offset: 0x2a0 DeferredAction MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skin flags 0x1 offset: 0x2a8 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mcl flags 0x1 offset: 0x2b0 MaterialColorLerp MONO_TYPE_CLASS
water flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
consumedWater flags 0x6 offset: 0x2bc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
state flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c0 PlantProperties.State MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
age flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
client_healthScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ProceduralLift
__menuOption_Menu_UseLift flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
cabin flags 0x6 offset: 0x188 ProceduralLiftCabin MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stops flags 0x6 offset: 0x190 ProceduralLiftStop[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
movementSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x198 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
resetDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x19c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
floorIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x1a0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ReactiveTarget
__menuOption_Lower_Target flags 0x1 offset: 0x1f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Reset_target flags 0x1 offset: 0x248 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
myAnimator flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a0 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bullseyeEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
knockdownEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
knockdownHealth flags 0x1 offset: 0x2b8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastToggleTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x2bc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Recycler
__menuOption_Menu_TurnOff flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_TurnOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x340 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
grindingLoopDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x398 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
startSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x3a0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stopSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x3a8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
grindingSoundModulator flags 0x1 offset: 0x3b0 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
grindingLoop flags 0x1 offset: 0x3b8 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
recycleEfficiency flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastFrameOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ResourceContainer
__menuOption_MenuLoot flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lootable flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SearchLight
__menuOption_StopUseLight flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_SwitchOff flags 0x1 offset: 0x340 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_SwitchOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x398 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_UseLight flags 0x1 offset: 0x3f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
mountedPlayer flags 0x1 offset: 0x448 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pitchObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x450 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
yawObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x458 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
eyePoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x460 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lightEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x468 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
turnLoop flags 0x6 offset: 0x470 SoundPlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fuelType flags 0x6 offset: 0x478 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
aimDir flags 0x1 offset: 0x480 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wasMoving flags 0x1 offset: 0x48c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Signage
__menuOption_Menu_ChangeText flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_LockSign flags 0x1 offset: 0x240 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_UnLockSign flags 0x1 offset: 0x298 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
changeTextDialog flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
paintableSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 MeshPaintableSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x300 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textureID flags 0x86 offset: 0x308 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
loadedTexture flags 0x3 offset: 0x30c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
textureRequestDistance flags 0x1 offset: 0x310 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
textureRequestSent flags 0x1 offset: 0x314 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SleepingBag
__menuOption_Menu_AssignToFriend flags 0x1 offset: 0x1f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_CloseDoor flags 0x1 offset: 0x248 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_MakeBed flags 0x1 offset: 0x2a0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_MakePrivate flags 0x1 offset: 0x2f8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_MakePublic flags 0x1 offset: 0x350 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
renameDialog flags 0x6 offset: 0x3a8 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
assignDialog flags 0x6 offset: 0x3b0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
niceName flags 0x6 offset: 0x3b8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
deployerUserID flags 0x86 offset: 0x3c0 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
secondsBetweenReuses flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spawnOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x3cc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
canBePublic flags 0x6 offset: 0x3d8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SpinnerWheel
__menuOption_Menu_LockSpin flags 0x1 offset: 0x318 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_Spin flags 0x1 offset: 0x370 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_UnlockSpin flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wheel flags 0x6 offset: 0x420 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spinLoopSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x428 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spinStartSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x430 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spinAccentSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x438 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spinSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x440 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spinSoundGain flags 0x1 offset: 0x448 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
velocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x450 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
targetRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x454 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
minTimeBetweenSpinAccentSounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x464 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spinAccentAngleDelta flags 0x6 offset: 0x468 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
angleRotated flags 0x1 offset: 0x46c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastSpinSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x470 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
clientSpinSpeed flags 0x1 offset: 0x474 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: StashContainer
__menuOption_Menu_HideStash flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
visuals flags 0x6 offset: 0x340 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buryEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x348 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
burriedOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x350 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
raisedOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x354 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
uncoverRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x358 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: StorageContainer
__menuOption_Menu_OnFire flags 0x1 offset: 0x1f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_Open flags 0x1 offset: 0x248 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
panelName flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
allowedItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a8 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inventorySlots flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
dropChance flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isLootable flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isLockable flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
allowedContents flags 0x6 offset: 0x2bc ItemContainer.ContentsType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
maxStackSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
displayHealth flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
needsBuildingPrivilegeToUse flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
dropPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c8 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
dropVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x2d4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
onlyAcceptCategory flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e0 ItemCategory MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: VendingMachine
__menuOption_Menu_BroadcastOff flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_BroadcastOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x340 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_OpenAdmin flags 0x1 offset: 0x398 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_RotateVM flags 0x1 offset: 0x3f0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
__menuOption_Menu_Shop flags 0x1 offset: 0x448 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
adminMenuPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x4a0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
customerPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x4a8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
sellOrders flags 0x6 offset: 0x4b0 ProtoBuf.VendingMachine.SellOrderContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buySound flags 0x6 offset: 0x4b8 SoundPlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
shopName flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
mapMarkerPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scheduledPhysSounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x4d0 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundManager.ScheduledSound> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: BaseEntity
DisabledEntityParent flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
globalBroadcastProtocol flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Comparison<GameMenu.Option> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
ragdoll flags 0x4 offset: 0x48 Ragdoll MONO_TYPE_CLASS
boneFollower flags 0x86 offset: 0x50 BoneFollower MONO_TYPE_CLASS
positionLerp flags 0x3 offset: 0x58 PositionLerp MONO_TYPE_CLASS
menuOptions flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Collections.Generic.List<GameMenu.Option> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
links flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Collections.Generic.List<EntityLink> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
parentEntity flags 0x86 offset: 0x70 EntityRef MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
addedToParentEntity flags 0x3 offset: 0x80 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemSkin flags 0x86 offset: 0x88 ItemSkin MONO_TYPE_CLASS
entitySlots flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 EntityRef[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
triggers flags 0x4 offset: 0x98 System.Collections.Generic.List<TriggerBase> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
localOccludees flags 0x4 offset: 0xa0 OccludeeSphere[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
impactEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
model flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 Model MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_components flags 0x1 offset: 0xb8 EntityComponentBase[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_name flags 0x84 offset: 0xc0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
lastPositionTime flags 0x86 offset: 0xc8 System.Double MONO_TYPE_R8
wasDisabled flags 0x1 offset: 0xd0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
broadcastProtocol flags 0x1 offset: 0xd4 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
linkedToNeighbours flags 0x1 offset: 0xd8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
parentLocalPos flags 0x86 offset: 0xdc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
parentLocalRot flags 0x86 offset: 0xe8 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isVisible flags 0x4 offset: 0xf8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isAnimatorVisible flags 0x4 offset: 0xf9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isShadowVisible flags 0x4 offset: 0xfa System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
bounds flags 0x6 offset: 0xfc UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
enableSaving flags 0x6 offset: 0x114 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
syncPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x115 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
flags flags 0x6 offset: 0x118 BaseEntity.Flags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
parentBone flags 0x86 offset: 0x11c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
skinID flags 0x86 offset: 0x120 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
<OwnerID>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x128 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: BaseHelicopter
networkUpdateRate flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
weakspots flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 BaseHelicopter.weakspot[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
rotorPivot flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mainRotor flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mainRotor_blades flags 0x6 offset: 0x200 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mainRotor_blur flags 0x6 offset: 0x208 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tailRotor flags 0x6 offset: 0x210 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tailRotor_blades flags 0x6 offset: 0x218 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tailRotor_blur flags 0x6 offset: 0x220 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rocket_tube_left flags 0x6 offset: 0x228 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rocket_tube_right flags 0x6 offset: 0x230 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
left_gun_yaw flags 0x6 offset: 0x238 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
left_gun_pitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x240 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
left_gun_muzzle flags 0x6 offset: 0x248 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
right_gun_yaw flags 0x6 offset: 0x250 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
right_gun_pitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x258 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
right_gun_muzzle flags 0x6 offset: 0x260 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spotlight_rotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x268 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rocket_fire_effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x270 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gun_fire_effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x278 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bulletEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x280 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
explosionEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x288 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fireBall flags 0x6 offset: 0x290 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
crateToDrop flags 0x6 offset: 0x298 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
servergibs flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rotorWashSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a8 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
engineSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b0 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rotorSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b8 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_engineSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c0 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_rotorSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c8 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
nightLights flags 0x6 offset: 0x2d0 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_rotorWashParticles flags 0x6 offset: 0x2d8 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
myAI flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e0 PatrolHelicopterAI MONO_TYPE_CLASS
client_rotorPivotIdeal flags 0x1 offset: 0x2e8 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastNetworkUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x2f8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxCratesToSpawn flags 0x6 offset: 0x2fc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
bulletSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x300 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bulletDamage flags 0x6 offset: 0x304 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spotlightJitterAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x308 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spotlightJitterSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x30c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nightLightsOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x310 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
spotlightTarget flags 0x6 offset: 0x314 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
engineSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x320 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
targetEngineSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x324 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
blur_rotationScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x328 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseLauncher
Class: BaseLiquidVessel
thrownWaterObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ThrowEffect3P flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fillFromContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fillFromWorld flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hasLid flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
throwScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x1ec System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canDrinkFrom flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
updateVMWater flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
minThrowFrac flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
useThrowAnim flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
fillMlPerSec flags 0x6 offset: 0x1fc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeSinceLastAttack flags 0x1 offset: 0x200 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wasFilling flags 0x1 offset: 0x204 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
nextFreeTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x208 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseMelee
damageProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 DamageProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
strikeFX flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
materialStrikeFX flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e0 System.Collections.Generic.List<BaseMelee.MaterialFX> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
gathering flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 ResourceDispenser.GatherProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canThrowAsProjectile flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
attackRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isAutomatic flags 0x6 offset: 0x1fc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
heartStress flags 0x6 offset: 0x200 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
throwReady flags 0x81 offset: 0x204 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BaseNpc
TickRate flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ChaseTransform flags 0x86 offset: 0x1e8 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AiContext flags 0x86 offset: 0x1f0 Rust.Ai.BaseContext MONO_TYPE_CLASS
NavAgent flags 0x86 offset: 0x1f8 UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AttackTarget flags 0x86 offset: 0x200 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
FoodTarget flags 0x86 offset: 0x208 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CorpsePrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x210 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
BusyTimer flags 0x6 offset: 0x218 StateTimer MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
NetworkRotation flags 0x86 offset: 0x228 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
aiFlags flags 0x6 offset: 0x238 BaseNpc.AiFlags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastStuckPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x23c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
stuckDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x248 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastStuckTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x24c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
idleDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x250 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextVisThink flags 0x1 offset: 0x254 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastTimeSeen flags 0x1 offset: 0x258 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x25c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Stats flags 0x6 offset: 0x268 BaseNpc.AiStatistics MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
AttackOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x290 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
AttackDamage flags 0x6 offset: 0x29c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
AttackDamageType flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a0 Rust.DamageType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
AttackCost flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
AttackRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x2a8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
AttackRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x2ac System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Sleep flags 0x86 offset: 0x2b0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Stamina flags 0x6 offset: 0x2b4 VitalLevel MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Energy flags 0x6 offset: 0x2bc VitalLevel MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Hydration flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c4 VitalLevel MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
CurrentBehaviour flags 0x6 offset: 0x2cc BaseNpc.Behaviour MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: BaseProjectile
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache3 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache4 flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache5 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache6 flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache7 flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache8 flags 0x11 offset: 0x40 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache9 flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheA flags 0x11 offset: 0x50 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheB flags 0x11 offset: 0x58 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheC flags 0x11 offset: 0x60 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheD flags 0x11 offset: 0x68 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheE flags 0x11 offset: 0x70 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheF flags 0x11 offset: 0x78 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache10 flags 0x11 offset: 0x80 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache11 flags 0x11 offset: 0x88 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache12 flags 0x11 offset: 0x90 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache13 flags 0x11 offset: 0x98 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache14 flags 0x11 offset: 0xa0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache15 flags 0x11 offset: 0xa8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache16 flags 0x11 offset: 0xb0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache17 flags 0x11 offset: 0xb8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache18 flags 0x11 offset: 0xc0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache19 flags 0x11 offset: 0xc8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1A flags 0x11 offset: 0xd0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1B flags 0x11 offset: 0xd8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1C flags 0x11 offset: 0xe0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1D flags 0x11 offset: 0xe8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1E flags 0x11 offset: 0xf0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1F flags 0x11 offset: 0xf8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache20 flags 0x11 offset: 0x100 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache21 flags 0x11 offset: 0x108 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache22 flags 0x11 offset: 0x110 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache23 flags 0x11 offset: 0x118 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache24 flags 0x11 offset: 0x120 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache25 flags 0x11 offset: 0x128 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
attackFX flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
silencedAttack flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzleBrakeAttack flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MuzzlePoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e0 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
primaryMagazine flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 BaseProjectile.Magazine MONO_TYPE_CLASS
recoil flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 RecoilProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
aimconeCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ammoTypePreReload flags 0x1 offset: 0x200 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
createdProjectiles flags 0x1 offset: 0x208 System.Collections.Generic.List<Projectile> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
damageScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x210 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
distanceScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x214 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
projectileVelocityScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x218 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
automatic flags 0x6 offset: 0x21c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
reloadTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x220 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canUnloadAmmo flags 0x6 offset: 0x224 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
aimSway flags 0x6 offset: 0x228 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimSwaySpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x22c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimCone flags 0x6 offset: 0x230 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
hipAimCone flags 0x6 offset: 0x234 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimconePenaltyPerShot flags 0x6 offset: 0x238 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimConePenaltyMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x23c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimconePenaltyRecoverTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x240 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimconePenaltyRecoverDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x244 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
hasADS flags 0x6 offset: 0x248 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
noAimingWhileCycling flags 0x6 offset: 0x249 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
manualCycle flags 0x6 offset: 0x24a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
needsCycle flags 0x84 offset: 0x24b System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isCycling flags 0x84 offset: 0x24c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
aiming flags 0x86 offset: 0x24d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
nextReloadTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x250 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
aimconePenalty flags 0x1 offset: 0x254 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isReloading flags 0x84 offset: 0x258 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastShotTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x25c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
reloadPressTime flags 0x86 offset: 0x260 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
triggerReady flags 0x1 offset: 0x264 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BowWeapon
attackReady flags 0x1 offset: 0x268 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
arrowBack flags 0x1 offset: 0x26c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BuildingBlock
HighlightMaterial flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
handles flags 0x3 offset: 0x200 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
currentSkin flags 0x4 offset: 0x208 ConstructionSkin MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skinChange flags 0x1 offset: 0x210 DeferredAction MONO_TYPE_CLASS
placeholderRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x218 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
placeholderCollider flags 0x1 offset: 0x220 UnityEngine.MeshCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blockDefinition flags 0x86 offset: 0x228 Construction MONO_TYPE_CLASS
grade flags 0x6 offset: 0x230 BuildingGrade.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastSkinGrade flags 0x4 offset: 0x234 BuildingGrade.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
buildingID flags 0x86 offset: 0x238 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: CameraTool
screenshotEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x180 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cameraFOV flags 0x86 offset: 0x188 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
focalDistance flags 0x86 offset: 0x18c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
focalDistanceSmooth flags 0x3 offset: 0x190 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CeilingLight
pushScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x3f0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CollectibleEntity
itemName flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemList flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 ItemAmount[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
pickupEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
xpScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CommunityEntity
requestingTextureImages flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.UInt32,System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
AllUi flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
UiDict flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
ServerInstance flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 CommunityEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ClientInstance flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 CommunityEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<>f__switch$map0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: Deployer
placementError flags 0x81 offset: 0x180 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: FlameThrower
fuelType flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flameEffects flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
jet flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d8 FlameJet MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fireballPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damagePerSec flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
flameStart3P flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flameLoop3P flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flameStop3P flags 0x6 offset: 0x200 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pilotLoopSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x208 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
loopSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x210 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pilotLoopSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x218 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxAmmo flags 0x6 offset: 0x220 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ammo flags 0x6 offset: 0x224 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
timeSinceLastAttack flags 0x6 offset: 0x228 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextReadyTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x22c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
flameRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x230 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
flameRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x234 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
reloadDuration flags 0x1 offset: 0x238 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isReloading flags 0x1 offset: 0x23c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
tickRate flags 0x1 offset: 0x240 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastFlameTick flags 0x1 offset: 0x244 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fuelPerSec flags 0x6 offset: 0x248 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ammoRemainder flags 0x1 offset: 0x24c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentGaugeSetting flags 0x1 offset: 0x250 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wasFlameOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x254 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
nextUnfireTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x258 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
firing flags 0x1 offset: 0x25c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: FlameTurret
upper flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
eyeTransform flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damagePerSec flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
triggeredEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x300 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fireballPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x308 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
explosionEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x310 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
aimDir flags 0x6 offset: 0x318 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
arc flags 0x6 offset: 0x324 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
triggeredDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x328 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
flameRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x32c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
flameRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x330 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fuelPerSec flags 0x6 offset: 0x334 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: GunTrap
gun_fire_effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bulletEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
triggeredEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzlePos flags 0x6 offset: 0x300 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
eyeTransform flags 0x6 offset: 0x308 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ammoType flags 0x6 offset: 0x310 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
numPellets flags 0x6 offset: 0x318 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
aimCone flags 0x6 offset: 0x31c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
sensorRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x320 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HeldEntity
_punches flags 0x4 offset: 0x130 System.Collections.Generic.List<HeldEntity.PunchEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
worldModelAnimator flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
viewModel flags 0x4 offset: 0x140 ViewModel MONO_TYPE_CLASS
handBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
HoldAnimationOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x150 UnityEngine.AnimatorOverrideController MONO_TYPE_CLASS
holsterInfo flags 0x6 offset: 0x158 HeldEntity.HolsterInfo MONO_TYPE_CLASS
punchAdded flags 0x4 offset: 0x160 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastPunchTime flags 0x4 offset: 0x16c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isDeployed flags 0x4 offset: 0x170 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
hostileScore flags 0x6 offset: 0x174 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ownerItemUID flags 0x3 offset: 0x178 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: InstrumentTool
soundEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x180 GameObjectRef[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: JunkPile
sinkEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spawngroups flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 SpawnGroup[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
lifetimeMinutes flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
sunkAmount flags 0x1 offset: 0x144 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LiquidVessel
busyTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x180 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Locker
equipSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MapEntity
fogImages flags 0x86 offset: 0x180 System.UInt32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
paintImages flags 0x86 offset: 0x188 System.UInt32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: MedicalTool
useTarget flags 0x81 offset: 0x1c8 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
healDurationSelf flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
healDurationOther flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxDistanceOther flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canUseOnOther flags 0x6 offset: 0x1dc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canRevive flags 0x6 offset: 0x1dd System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
resetTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Planner
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<UnityEngine.RaycastHit,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
currentConstruction flags 0x86 offset: 0x180 Construction MONO_TYPE_CLASS
guide flags 0x3 offset: 0x188 Planner.Guide MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buildableList flags 0x6 offset: 0x190 BaseEntity[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
rotationOffset flags 0x1 offset: 0x198 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: PlayerInventory
containerMain flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
containerBelt flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ItemContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
containerWear flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 ItemContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
crafting flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 ItemCrafter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
loot flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 PlayerLoot MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PlayerLoot
entitySource flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
containers flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemContainer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
clientEntity flags 0x81 offset: 0x38 EntityRef MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: PlayerMetabolism
temperature flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
poison flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
radiation_level flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
radiation_poison flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wetness flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dirtyness flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
oxygen flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bleeding flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
comfort flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pending_health flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
isDirty flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastConsumeTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RepairBench
skinchangeEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxConditionLostOnRepair flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ResearchTable
researchStartEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
researchFailEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
researchSuccessEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
researchFinishedTime flags 0x86 offset: 0x300 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
researchCostFraction flags 0x6 offset: 0x304 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
researchDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x308 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
requiredPaper flags 0x6 offset: 0x30c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ShopFront
vendorPlayer flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
customerPlayer flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
transactionCompleteEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: StagedResourceEntity
stages flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 System.Collections.Generic.List<StagedResourceEntity.ResourceStage> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
changeStageEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshCollider flags 0x4 offset: 0x150 UnityEngine.MeshCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x4 offset: 0x158 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x4 offset: 0x160 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stage flags 0x6 offset: 0x168 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SteamInventory
Items flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Item[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ThrownWeapon
prefabToThrow flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxThrowVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
tumbleVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
overrideAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d8 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TorchWeapon
LitHoldAnimationOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x208 UnityEngine.AnimatorOverrideController MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fuelTickAmount flags 0x86 offset: 0x210 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: WorldItem
item flags 0x86 offset: 0x130 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
allowPickup flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: XMasRefill
giftPrefabs flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 GameObjectRef[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
goodKids flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 System.Collections.Generic.List<BasePlayer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
stockings flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 System.Collections.Generic.List<Stocking> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
bells flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ShopFrontLootPanel
playerLabelA flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
playerLabelB flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
confirmButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
confirmHelp flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
denyButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
denyHelp flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waitingText flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
exchangeInProgressImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
acceptedPhrase flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
noOnePhrase flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DropBox
Class: AddSellOrderManager
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<ItemDefinition,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
sellItemIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 VirtualItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currencyItemIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 VirtualItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemSearchParent flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemSearchEntryPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 ItemSearchEntry MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sellItemInput flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sellItemAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currencyItemInput flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currencyItemAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
adminPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 VendingPanelAdmin MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: AdminExistingSellOrder
MerchandiseIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 VirtualItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CurrencyIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 VirtualItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
adminPanel flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 VendingPanelAdmin MONO_TYPE_CLASS
index flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemSearchEntry
button flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
image flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemInfo flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
manager flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 AddSellOrderManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LootPanelVendingMachine
sellOrderPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sellOrderContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
busyOverlayPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
busyOverlayInstance flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SellOrderEntry
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<Item,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<Item,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<Item,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
MerchandiseIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 VirtualItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CurrencyIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 VirtualItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
merchandiseInfo flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currencyInfo flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buyButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cantaffordNotification flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
outOfStockNotification flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vendingPanel flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 LootPanelVendingMachine MONO_TYPE_CLASS
intEntry flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UIIntegerEntry MONO_TYPE_CLASS
merchandiseSellSize flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
currencyAmountPerItem flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
dirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
index flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: VendingPanelAdmin
sellOrderAdminContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sellOrderAdminPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
storeNameInputField flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vendingMachine flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 VendingMachine MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: VendingMachineScreen
largeIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mainText flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lowerText flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
centerText flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
smallIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vendingMachine flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 VendingMachine MONO_TYPE_CLASS
outOfStockSprite flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Sprite MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fadeoutMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
screenCanvas flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
light1 flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
light2 flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
imageCycleTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextImageTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentImageIndex flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: NotePanel
input flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
item flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: OreHotSpot
finishEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
resourceDispenser flags 0x1 offset: 0x1f8 ResourceDispenser MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemModUnwrap
revealList flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 LootSpawn MONO_TYPE_CLASS
successEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Stocking
stockings flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 ListHashSet<Stocking> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: rottest
turretBase flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
aimDir flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: EffectMount
effectPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spawnedEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mountBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: FlashlightBeam
beamRenderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.LineRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scrollDir flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
localEndPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: LineRendererActivate
Class: HolosightReticlePositioning
aimPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 IronsightAimPoint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LaserBeam
beamRenderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.LineRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dotObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dotRenderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dotSpotlight flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
emissionOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scrollSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
scrollDir flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
stillBlendFactor flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
movementBlendFactor flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
movementThreshhold flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isFirstPerson flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
aimToBarrelBlendFrac flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HideIfScoped
renderers flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ViewmodelScope
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
smoothSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wasVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: FlameJet
line flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.LineRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastWorldSegments flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
currentSegments flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
tesselation flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
length flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxLength flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
drag flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
numSegments flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
on flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
startColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
endColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
currentColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: HideIfAiming
systems flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: Rust.Ai BaseAction
DebugName flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: Rust.Ai BaseActionWithOptions`1
DebugName flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: Rust.Ai MoveToBestPosition
Class: Rust.Ai StopMoving
Class: Rust.Ai ScanForEntities
Results flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: Rust.Ai ScanForPositions
reusablePath flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SamplingRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
SampleRings flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Bear
Population flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Boar
Population flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Chicken
Population flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Horse
Population flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Stag
Population flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Wolf
Population flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Zombie
Population flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Rust.Ai BaseContext
<sampledPositions>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<Entity>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 BaseNpc MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Memory flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Rust.Ai.Memory MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Rust.Ai Memory
Visible flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<BaseEntity> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
All flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.Ai.Memory.SeenInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: DynamicNavMesh
nav_wait flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
nav_disable flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
NavMeshData flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sources flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSource> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
BuildingOperation flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AsyncOperation MONO_TYPE_CLASS
BuildTimer flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Bounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
NavMeshDataInstance flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
LayerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
NavMeshCollectGeometry flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: StateTimer
ReleaseTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
OnFinished flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: VitalLevel
<Level>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastUsedTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Rust.Ai AimingAtPoint
Class: Rust.Ai BaseScorer
DebugName flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
InvertScore flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Rust.Ai IsInWater
MaxDepth flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Rust.Ai ProximityToPeers
desiredRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Rust.Ai WeightedScorerBase`1
DebugName flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
InvertScore flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ScoreScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BlockCompress
lena flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sourceTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sourceTex2 flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
destTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
destTex2 flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
nativeDestTex2Request flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 GPU.CreateTextureRequest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blockCompressMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
temp flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
copyRequestDest flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 GPU.CopyRegionRequest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
copyRequestDest2 flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 GPU.CopyRegionRequest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
width flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
height flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: AimConeUtil
Class: Facepunch.Game Analytics
Class: AmbienceDefinition
sounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundDefinition> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
stingFrequency flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 AmbienceDefinition.ValueRange MONO_TYPE_CLASS
time flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rain flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 AmbienceDefinition.ValueRange MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wind flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 AmbienceDefinition.ValueRange MONO_TYPE_CLASS
snow flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 AmbienceDefinition.ValueRange MONO_TYPE_CLASS
biomes flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 TerrainBiome.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
topologies flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
environmentType flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 EnvironmentType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
useEnvironmentType flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: AmbienceDefinitionList
defs flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<AmbienceDefinition> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: AmbienceEmitter
baseAmbience flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 AmbienceDefinitionList MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stings flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 AmbienceDefinitionList MONO_TYPE_CLASS
baseSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
occlusionGain flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
biomeReadings flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
topologyReadings flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
nextStingTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<AmbienceDefinition,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
readingOccurences flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
isStatic flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
active flags 0x6 offset: 0x59 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
cameraDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
boundingSphere flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.BoundingSphere MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
crossfadeTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastCrossfade flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
readingsToKeep flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<currentTopology>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<currentBiome>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 TerrainBiome.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
deactivateTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: AmbienceLocalStings
stingClock flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 SynchronizedClock MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stingSounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SoundDefinition[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
stingRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
stingFrequency flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
stingFrequencyVariance flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: AmbienceManager
localEmitterLimits flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<AmbienceManager.EmitterTypeLimit> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
catchallEmitterLimit flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 AmbienceManager.EmitterTypeLimit MONO_TYPE_CLASS
emitterLimitByAmbience flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<AmbienceDefinitionList,AmbienceManager.EmitterTypeLimit> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
baseEmitters flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<AmbienceEmitter> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
emittersInRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<AmbienceEmitter> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
activeEmitters flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<AmbienceEmitter> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
emitters flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Collections.Generic.List<AmbienceEmitter> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
cullingGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.CullingGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
emittersBySphereIdx flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Collections.Generic.List<AmbienceEmitter> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
cullGroupSphers flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.BoundingSphere[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
maxActiveLocalEmitters flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
tickInterval flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastTick flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cullingGroupDirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
localEmitterRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: AmbienceSpawnEmitters
emitterPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
baseEmitterCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
baseEmitterDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: RainSurfaceAmbience
surfaces flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<RainSurfaceAmbience.SurfaceSound> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
tickRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastTick flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gridSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gridSamples flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startHeight flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rayLength flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
layerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
spreadScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lerpSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: FootstepSound
panAmount flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lightSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
medSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hardSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ISoundBudgetedUpdate
Class: MixerSnapshotManager
defaultSnapshot flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot MONO_TYPE_CLASS
underwaterSnapshot flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot MONO_TYPE_CLASS
loadingSnapshot flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot MONO_TYPE_CLASS
woundedSnapshot flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot MONO_TYPE_CLASS
underwaterInSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
underwaterOutSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
woundedLoop flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
woundedLoopSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentState flags 0x3 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MovementSoundTrigger
tickRate flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
softSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
medSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hardSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
collider flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastPositionByObject flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: MusicChangeIntensity
distanceIntensities flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<MusicChangeIntensity.DistanceIntensity> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
raiseTo flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
tickInterval flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastTick flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: MusicClip
audioClip flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lengthInClips flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: MusicManager
instance flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 MusicManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mixerGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
themes flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<MusicTheme> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
currentTheme flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MusicTheme MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentSection flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 MusicTheme.Section MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sources flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.AudioSource> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
playingLayers flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<MusicManager.PlayingLayer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
nextTheme flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 MusicTheme MONO_TYPE_CLASS
validThemes flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Collections.Generic.List<MusicTheme> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
currentSectionIdx flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
nextMusic flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextMusicForced flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
intensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextSectionStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Double MONO_TYPE_R8
nextClipStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Double MONO_TYPE_R8
timeSamples flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
fadeTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
holdIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
musicPlaying flags 0x6 offset: 0x81 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
intensityDropTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastClipUpdate flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
clipUpdateInterval flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
forceThemeChange flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MusicTheme
timingClip flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
time flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rain flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MusicTheme.ValueRange MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wind flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 MusicTheme.ValueRange MONO_TYPE_CLASS
snow flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 MusicTheme.ValueRange MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sections flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<MusicTheme.Section> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
biomes flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 TerrainBiome.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
topologies flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
canPlayInMenus flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: OnePoleLowpassFilter
channelData flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 OnePoleLowpassFilter.ChannelData[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
frequency flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
sampleRate flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
c flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
a1 flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
b1 flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevFrequency flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ReverbSettings
room flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
roomHF flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
roomLF flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
decayTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
decayHFRatio flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
reflections flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
reflectionsDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
reverb flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
reverbDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
HFReference flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
LFReference flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
diffusion flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
density flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ReverbZoneTrigger
trigger flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reverbZone flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.AudioReverbZone MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reverbSettings flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 ReverbSettings MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lodDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
inRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
initialReverbLevel flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
targetReverbLevel flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
currentReverbLevel flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
decayHFRatio flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
decayTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
density flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
diffusion flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
HFReference flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
LFReference flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxDistance flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
minDistance flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
reflections flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
reflectionsDelay flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
reverb flags 0x1 offset: 0x8c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
reverbDelay flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
room flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
roomHF flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
roomLF flags 0x1 offset: 0x9c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Sound
volumeExponent flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
definition flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
modifiers flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SoundModifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
soundSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SoundSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
audioSources flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.AudioSource[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
audioSource flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
distantAudioSource flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_fade flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 SoundFade MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_modulation flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 SoundModulation MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_occlusion flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 SoundOcclusion MONO_TYPE_CLASS
closeClips flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Collections.Generic.List<WeightedAudioClip> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
farClips flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Collections.Generic.List<WeightedAudioClip> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<initialMaxDistance>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<initialSpread>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
playing flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<startTime>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<endTime>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
distanceScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
clipIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
hasDistantSound flags 0x1 offset: 0x8c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
length flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FrameUpdateIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SoundDefinition
template flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
weightedAudioClips flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<WeightedAudioClip> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
distanceAudioClips flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundDefinition.DistanceAudioClipList> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
output flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
occludedOutput flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
defaultToFirstPerson flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
loop flags 0x6 offset: 0x41 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
randomizeStartPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x42 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
volume flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
volumeVariation flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pitchVariation flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
dontVoiceLimit flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
globalVoiceMaxCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
localVoiceMaxCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
localVoiceRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
voiceLimitFadeOutTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
localVoiceDebounceTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
enableOcclusion flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
playIfOccluded flags 0x6 offset: 0x6d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
occlusionFilterFreq flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
occlusionGain flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
forceOccludedPlayback flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SoundFade
_sound flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fadeGainModulator flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentDirection flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 SoundFade.Direction MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
startTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
length flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SoundManager
activeSoundsByDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<SoundDefinition,System.Collections.Generic.List<Sound>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
budgetUpdatables flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<ISoundBudgetedUpdate> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
pendingSoundPlayers flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundPlayer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
scheduledSounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundManager.ScheduledSound> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
watch flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
otherLocalSounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<Sound> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
updatableIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SoundModifier
sound flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SoundModulation
parameterCount flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
sound flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
modulators flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundModulation.Modulator>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
modulationValues flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: SoundOcclusion
sound flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lowpass flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 OnePoleLowpassFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gainMod flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hits flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.RaycastHit> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
occlusionLayerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<isOccluded>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
occlusionAmount flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
soundOffset flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastOcclusionCheck flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
occlusionCheckInterval flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ray flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Ray MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SoundPlayer
soundDefinition flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<sound>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
playImmediately flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
debugRepeat flags 0x6 offset: 0x29 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
playOnFrame flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
pending flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
soundOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SoundPlayerCull
soundPlayer flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SoundPlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cullDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SoundRandomizer
lastClipIndexBySoundDef flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<SoundDefinition,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<WeightedAudioClip,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: SoundRepeater
player flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SoundPlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
interval flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SoundSource
occlusionPoints flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundSource.OcclusionPoint> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hits flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.RaycastHit> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
handleOcclusionChecks flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
occlusionLayerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isOccluded flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
occlusionAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lodDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
inRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasInRange flags 0x1 offset: 0x45 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastOcclusionCheck flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
occlusionCheckInterval flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastOcclusionPointIdx flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ray flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.Ray MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SoundTool
Class: SoundVoiceLimiter
sounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<Sound> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
maxSimultaneousSounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TimeBasedSoundSpread
spreadCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wanderIntensityCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
modulator flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
startTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wanderTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: WeightedAudioClip
audioClip flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
weight flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: BugReporter
progressPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reportURL flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
description flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ScreenOne flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ScreenTwo flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ReportType flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 Facepunch.Models.Feedback.ReportType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hackerID flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: AttractionPoint
groupName flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: BuildSocketMenuProvider
target flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Construction.Target MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: BuildingProximity
padding flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x9c UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ConditionalModel
conditions flags 0x86 offset: 0x98 ModelConditionTest[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
prefabObject flags 0x86 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
conditionalName flags 0x86 offset: 0xa8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
conditionalID flags 0x86 offset: 0xb0 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: ConstructVision
Class: Construction
lastPlacementError flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<ConstructionGrade,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<ConstructionGrade,BuildingGrade.Enum> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
info flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 BaseEntity.Menu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
allSockets flags 0x86 offset: 0xb8 Socket_Base[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
defaultGrade flags 0x86 offset: 0xc0 ConstructionGrade MONO_TYPE_CLASS
socketHandle flags 0x86 offset: 0xc8 SocketHandle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
grades flags 0x86 offset: 0xd0 ConstructionGrade[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
deployable flags 0x86 offset: 0xd8 Deployable MONO_TYPE_CLASS
placeholder flags 0x86 offset: 0xe0 ConstructionPlaceholder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canBypassBuildingPermission flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canRotate flags 0x6 offset: 0xe9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
checkVolumeOnRotate flags 0x6 offset: 0xea System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
checkVolumeOnUpgrade flags 0x6 offset: 0xeb System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canPlaceAtMaxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0xec System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
rotationAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0xf0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
healthMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0xfc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
costMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x100 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxplaceDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x104 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bounds flags 0x86 offset: 0x108 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ConstructionGrade
construction flags 0x86 offset: 0x98 Construction MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gradeBase flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 BuildingGrade MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skinObject flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_costToBuild flags 0x3 offset: 0xb0 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ConstructionPlaceholder
mesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
renderer flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
collider flags 0x6 offset: 0xa9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConstructionSkin
rendererBatches flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 RendererBatch[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
conditionals flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ConstructionSocket
socketType flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 ConstructionSocket.Type MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotationDegrees flags 0x6 offset: 0xe4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
rotationOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
restrictPlacementAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0xec System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
faceAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0xf0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
angleAllowed flags 0x6 offset: 0xf4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
support flags 0x6 offset: 0xf8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DecayPoint
socket flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 Socket_Base MONO_TYPE_CLASS
protection flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DirectionProperties
radius flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
extraProtection flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 ProtectionProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounds flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ModelConditionTest
Class: ModelConditionTest_FoundationSide
triangle_northeast flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
socket flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ModelConditionTest_RoofBottom
socket flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ModelConditionTest_RoofLeft
socket flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ModelConditionTest_RoofLeftWall
socket flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ModelConditionTest_RoofRight
socket flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ModelConditionTest_RoofRightWall
socket flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ModelConditionTest_RoofTop
socket_male flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ModelConditionTest_Sphere
findRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wantEmpty flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: NeighbourSocket
Class: SocketCreator
handles flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: SocketHandle
Class: SocketMod
baseSocket flags 0x86 offset: 0x98 Socket_Base MONO_TYPE_CLASS
FailedPhrase flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SocketMod_AngleCheck
wantsAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
worldNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0xac UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
withinDegrees flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SocketMod_AreaCheck
wantsInside flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
layerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xac UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SocketMod_Attraction
groupName flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
outerRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
innerRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SocketMod_EntityCheck
entityTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 BaseEntity[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
sphereRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
layerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
queryTriggers flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 UnityEngine.QueryTriggerInteraction MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wantsCollide flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SocketMod_EntityType
searchType flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sphereRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
layerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
queryTriggers flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 UnityEngine.QueryTriggerInteraction MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wantsCollide flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SocketMod_HotSpot
spotSize flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SocketMod_InWater
wantsInWater flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SocketMod_PlantCheck
sphereRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
layerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xac UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
queryTriggers flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.QueryTriggerInteraction MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wantsCollide flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SocketMod_SphereCheck
sphereRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
layerMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xac UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wantsCollide flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SocketMod_TerrainCheck
wantsInTerrain flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Socket_Base
socketName flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
socketMods flags 0x86 offset: 0xa0 SocketMod[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
male flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
female flags 0x6 offset: 0xa9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
dummy flags 0x6 offset: 0xaa System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
monogamous flags 0x6 offset: 0xab System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
position flags 0x86 offset: 0xac UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x86 offset: 0xb8 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
selectSize flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
selectCenter flags 0x6 offset: 0xd4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Socket_Free
idealPlacementNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
useTargetNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0xec System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Socket_Specific
targetSocketName flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
useFemaleRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Socket_Specific_Female
allowedMaleSockets flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
rotationDegrees flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
rotationOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0xec System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Socket_Terrain
placementHeight flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
alignToNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0xe4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: StabilitySocket
support flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CanvasOrderHack
Class: AnimalSkin
animalMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
animalSkins flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 AnimalMultiSkin[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
model flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 Model MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dontRandomizeOnStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: AnimalMultiSkin
multiSkin flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Material[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: AnimalAnimation
Target flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseNpc MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Animator flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
FootstepEffects flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MaterialEffect MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Feet flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
BaseFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
lastThinkTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
previousPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
previousRotationYaw flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: AverageVelocity
pos flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
time flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastEntry flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
averageSpeed flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
averageVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: NpcWalkAnimation
ParamWalkSpeed flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ParamWalkSpeedAverage flags 0x11 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Npc flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseNpc MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Animator flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HipBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LookBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
alignmentRoot flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AverageVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 AverageVelocity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HipFudge flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
UpdateWalkSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
UpdateFacingDirection flags 0x6 offset: 0x55 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
UpdateGroundNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0x56 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
LaggyAss flags 0x6 offset: 0x57 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
LookAtTarget flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
MaxLaggyAssRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MaxWalkAnimSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
oldPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hipForward flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lookForward flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
baseHipRotation flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
baseLookRotation flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
targetUp flags 0x1 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
targetOffset flags 0x1 offset: 0xbc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: OptimizeAnimator
followBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rendererSet flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
fixedLocalBounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
followBoneOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
optimizeOnStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x94 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: AnimationEventForward
targetObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: AudioSettings
mixer flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: BoneFollower
bone flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotationOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: BoneRetarget
Class: ColdOverlay
screenOverlay flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ScreenOverlayEx MONO_TYPE_CLASS
frost flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 CC_Frost MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lensDirtyness flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 LensDirtiness MONO_TYPE_CLASS
isPlaying flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
smoothCurrent flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HotOverlay
lensDirtyness flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 LensDirtiness MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vingette flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.VignetteAndChromaticAberration MONO_TYPE_CLASS
smoothCurrent flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HurtOverlay
bloodOverlay flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ScreenOverlayEx MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vignetting flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.VignetteAndChromaticAberration MONO_TYPE_CLASS
grayScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 CC_Grayscale MONO_TYPE_CLASS
smoothCurrent flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RadiationOverlay
geigerSounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SoundDefinition[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
sound flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
colourCorrection flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.ColorCorrectionCurves MONO_TYPE_CLASS
noiseAndGrain flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.NoiseAndGrain MONO_TYPE_CLASS
smoothRadiationCurrent flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothRadiationVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothRadiationExposureCurrent flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothRadiationExposureVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: WaterOverlay
Class: CameraMan
OnlyControlWhenCursorHidden flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
NeedBothMouseButtonsToZoom flags 0x6 offset: 0x19 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
LookSensitivity flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MoveSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startCulling flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
view flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
velocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
zoom flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CameraSettings
cam flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Client
EntityPositionPacketSize flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
<IsBenchmarkDemo>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DemoLocalClient flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
CurrentEntity flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_eventsystem flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LoadTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 Facepunch.BenchmarkData.Result MONO_TYPE_CLASS
subscriptions flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.UInt32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
ngTimer flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LastConfigSaveTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ComponentInfo`1
component flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 T MONO_TYPE_VAR
Class: ComponentInfo
Class: MeshCache
dictionary flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UnityEngine.Mesh,MeshCache.Data> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: MeshColliderData
triangles flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
vertices flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
normals flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: MeshColliderGroup
Class: MeshColliderInstance
transform flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rigidbody flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
collider flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 OBB MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
scale flags 0x6 offset: 0x94 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
data flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 MeshCache.Data MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MeshColliderLookup
src flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 MeshColliderLookup.LookupGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dst flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 MeshColliderLookup.LookupGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MeshData
triangles flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
vertices flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
normals flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
tangents flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector4> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
colors32 flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Color32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
uv flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector2> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
uv2 flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector2> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
positions flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector4> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: MeshGroup
Class: MeshInstance
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
scale flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
data flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 MeshCache.Data MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MeshRendererData
triangles flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
vertices flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
normals flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
tangents flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector4> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
colors32 flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Color32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
uv flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector2> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
uv2 flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector2> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
positions flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector4> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: MeshRendererGroup
Class: MeshRendererInstance
renderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 OBB MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
scale flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
data flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 MeshCache.Data MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MeshRendererLookup
src flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 MeshRendererLookup.LookupGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dst flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 MeshRendererLookup.LookupGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MeshRendererInfo
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
shadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SkinnedMeshRendererCache
dictionary flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UnityEngine.Mesh,SkinnedMeshRendererCache.RigInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Matrix4x4> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: SkinnedMeshRendererInfo
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cachedMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cachedRig flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 SkinnedMeshRendererCache.RigInfo MONO_TYPE_CLASS
root flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bones flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
shadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
bounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecalComponent
Class: DecalComponentEx
Class: DecalRecycle
LifeTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DecalRecycleEx
Class: DecalRotate
range flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 MinMax MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DecalScale
range flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 MinMax MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DontBecomeSolidWithPlayerInside
colliders flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Collider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: DynamicZNear
cam flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
minimum flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maximum flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: EAC
isLoading flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastError flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
EACInitialized flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: FirstPersonSpectatorMode
Class: FollowCamera
Class: Gib
gibCount flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
meshFilter flags 0x86 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: IconSkin
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onChanged flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemType flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
inventoryId flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: IconSkinPicker
pickerIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
container flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skinChangedEvent flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LightEx
blendCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
intenseCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lightComponent flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
alterColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
colorTimeScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
colorA flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
colorB flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
loopColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
alterIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x61 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
intensityTimeScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
intensityCurveScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
loopIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
randomOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x6d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
time flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LocalPositionAnimation
movementX flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
movementY flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
movementZ flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
centerPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
scaleX flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeScaleX flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
scaleY flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeScaleY flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
scaleZ flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeScaleZ flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LookAt
target flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MainCamera
defaultSqrDistance flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
depthOfField flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 MainCamera.DepthOfFieldSettings MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
dof flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ssao flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 AmplifyOcclusionEffect MONO_TYPE_CLASS
motionBlur flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Kino.Motion MONO_TYPE_CLASS
shafts flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 TOD_Rays MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tonemappingColorGrading flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.TonemappingColorGrading MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fxaa flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 FXAA MONO_TYPE_CLASS
smaa flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 Smaa.SMAA MONO_TYPE_CLASS
taa flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 TAA.TemporalAntiAliasing MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sharpenAndVignette flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 CC_SharpenAndVignette MONO_TYPE_CLASS
contactShadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 SEScreenSpaceShadows MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ambientLightDay flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ambientLightNight flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ambientLightMultiplier flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ambientLightMultiplierTarget flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skyReflectionDay flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skyReflectionNight flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skyReflectionMultiplier flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skyReflectionMultiplierTarget flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
environmentTimestamp flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
environmentType flags 0x1 offset: 0x8c EnvironmentType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
waterVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
screenWidth flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
screenHeight flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: MeshPaintController
pickerCamera flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
brushTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
brushImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dirtyPaintables flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshPaintable> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
brushScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
brushColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
brushSpacing flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
drawingBlocked flags 0x3 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MeshPaintable
replacementTextureName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
targetTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textureWidth flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
textureHeight flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
clearColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hasChanges flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MeshPaintableSource
replacementTextureName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
texture flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sourceObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
collisionMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
texWidth flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
texHeight flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
cameraFOV flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cameraDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
localPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
localRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Model
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
collision flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.SphereCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rootBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
headBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
eyeBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
animator flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_lodGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.LODGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bones flags 0x3 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
skin flags 0x3 offset: 0x50 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ParticleDisableOnParentDestroy
destroyAfterSeconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ParticleRandomLifetime
mySystem flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
minScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlayAudioEx
delay flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlayerModelSkin
Class: lerp
enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
smoothing flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
time flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PositionLerp
interpolator flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 TransformInterpolator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
srcEntity flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastUpdate flags 0x86 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothedSpacing flags 0x86 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastLerp flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 TransformInterpolator.Entry MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TransformInterpolator
list flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<TransformInterpolator.Entry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
lastEntry flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 TransformInterpolator.Entry MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
averageTimeSpace flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Projectile
lifeTime flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
damageProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 DamageProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageDistances flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 MinMax MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageMultipliers flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MinMax MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
rendererToScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 ScaleRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
firstPersonRenderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 ScaleRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flybySound flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
closeFlybySound flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
owner flags 0x86 offset: 0x58 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sourceWeaponPrefab flags 0x86 offset: 0x60 AttackEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sourceProjectilePrefab flags 0x86 offset: 0x68 Projectile MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mod flags 0x86 offset: 0x70 ItemModProjectile MONO_TYPE_CLASS
initialVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
drag flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gravityModifier flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
thickness flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
initialDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
remainInWorld flags 0x6 offset: 0x94 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
stickProbability flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
breakProbability flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
conditionLoss flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ricochetChance flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
penetrationPower flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
createDecals flags 0x6 offset: 0xac System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
flybySoundDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
closeFlybyDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
tumbleSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
tumbleAxis flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
projectileID flags 0x86 offset: 0xc8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
seed flags 0x86 offset: 0xcc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
clientsideEffect flags 0x86 offset: 0xd0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
clientsideAttack flags 0x86 offset: 0xd1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
integrity flags 0x86 offset: 0xd4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxDistance flags 0x86 offset: 0xd8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
modifier flags 0x86 offset: 0xdc Projectile.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
invisible flags 0x86 offset: 0xec System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
currentVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0xf0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
currentPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0xfc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
traveledDistance flags 0x1 offset: 0x108 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
traveledTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x10c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
previousPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x110 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
sentPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x11c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
flybyPlayed flags 0x1 offset: 0x128 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasFacingPlayer flags 0x1 offset: 0x129 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
flybyPlane flags 0x1 offset: 0x12c UnityEngine.Plane MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
flybyRay flags 0x1 offset: 0x13c UnityEngine.Ray MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Ragdoll
eyeTransform flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
centerBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
primaryBody flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
physicMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
corpseJoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.SpringJoint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
GibEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pinTo flags 0x86 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_lodGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.LODGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
optimizeAnimator flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 OptimizeAnimator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
IsSetup flags 0x4 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: IRagdollInhert
Class: RagdollInteritable
Class: RotateToCamera
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ScaleByIntensity
intensitySource flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
initialScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
maxIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SkeletonScale
bones flags 0x4 offset: 0x18 BoneInfoComponent[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
leftShoulder flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rightShoulder flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spine flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
seed flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SkinnedMultiMesh
emptyLOD flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.LOD[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<SkinnedMultiMesh.Part,System.Int64> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
parts flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<SkinnedMultiMesh.Part> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
boneDict flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,UnityEngine.Transform> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
createdParts flags 0x86 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<SkinnedMultiMesh.Part> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
sharedBlockProperty flags 0x86 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SkinCollection flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 SkinSetCollection MONO_TYPE_CLASS
optimizeAnimator flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 OptimizeAnimator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lodGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.LODGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
renderers flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Renderer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
animators flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Animator> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
shadowOnly flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastBuildHash flags 0x86 offset: 0x68 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
skinNumber flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
meshNumber flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skinType flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
IsVisible flags 0x3 offset: 0x7c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SunSettings
light flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TextureColorPicker
texture flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onColorSelected flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 TextureColorPicker.onColorSelectedEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TimedRemoval
objectToDestroy flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Object MONO_TYPE_CLASS
removeDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Translate
translations flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
language flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: TriggerMovement
movementModify flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BaseEntity.MovementModify MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: UnparentOnDestroy
destroyAfterSeconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ViewModel
viewModelPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targetEntity flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 HeldEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instance flags 0x86 offset: 0x28 BaseViewModel MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ViewmodelItem
viewmodelAnimator flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vOneRun flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
bWasOn flags 0x1 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BaseCollision
Owner flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
model flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Model MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ColliderBatch
Class: ColliderGrid
Paused flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
CellSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MaxMilliseconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: GamePhysics
hitBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.RaycastHit[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
colBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 UnityEngine.Collider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Comparison<UnityEngine.RaycastHit> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Comparison<UnityEngine.RaycastHit> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: TraceInfo
valid flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
entity flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
point flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
normal flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
bone flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
partID flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
collider flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: GameTrace
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Comparison<TraceInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: SkinnedMeshCollider
rebuildDeltaTime flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
triangles flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
bones flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Transform> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
colliderInfo flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 GameManifest.MeshColliderInfo MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rebuildTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SkinnedMeshCollision
Class: ConVar Admin
Class: ConVar AI
groundAlign flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
maxGroundAlignDist flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar AntiHack
Class: ConVar Audio
master flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
musicvolume flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
menumusicvolume flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
game flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
voices flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ambience flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
framebudget flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
advancedocclusion flags 0x16 offset: 0x1c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar Batching
colliders flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
collider_threading flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
collider_invalidate flags 0x16 offset: 0x2 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
collider_capacity flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
collider_vertices flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
collider_submeshes flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
renderers flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
renderer_threading flags 0x16 offset: 0x11 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
renderer_invalidate flags 0x16 offset: 0x12 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
renderer_capacity flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
renderer_vertices flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
renderer_submeshes flags 0x16 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
verbose flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Buttons
Console flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Forward flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Backward flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Left flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Right flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Jump flags 0x16 offset: 0x28 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Duck flags 0x16 offset: 0x30 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Sprint flags 0x16 offset: 0x38 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Use flags 0x16 offset: 0x40 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Inventory flags 0x16 offset: 0x48 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Chat flags 0x16 offset: 0x50 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Reload flags 0x16 offset: 0x58 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Voice flags 0x16 offset: 0x60 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
InvNext flags 0x16 offset: 0x68 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
InvPrev flags 0x16 offset: 0x70 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot1 flags 0x16 offset: 0x78 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot2 flags 0x16 offset: 0x80 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot3 flags 0x16 offset: 0x88 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot4 flags 0x16 offset: 0x90 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot5 flags 0x16 offset: 0x98 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot6 flags 0x16 offset: 0xa0 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot7 flags 0x16 offset: 0xa8 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Slot8 flags 0x16 offset: 0xb0 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Attack flags 0x16 offset: 0xb8 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Attack2 flags 0x16 offset: 0xc0 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Attack3 flags 0x16 offset: 0xc8 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AltLook flags 0x16 offset: 0xd0 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Map flags 0x16 offset: 0xd8 Buttons.ConButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ConVar Chat
enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
History flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.List<ConVar.Chat.ChatEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ConVar Client
tickrate flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxpeerspersecond flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
prediction flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
maxunack flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
pushtotalk flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
debugdragdrop flags 0x16 offset: 0x11 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
camlerp flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
camspeed flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
camdist flags 0x16 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cambone flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
camfov flags 0x16 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
camoffset flags 0x16 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lookatradius flags 0x16 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
RockSkin flags 0x16 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Console
Class: ConVar Construct
frameminutes flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Craft
Class: ConVar Culling
entityUpdateRate flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
entityMinCullDist flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
entityMinAnimatorCullDist flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
entityMinShadowCullDist flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
entityMaxDist flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Data
Class: ConVar DDraw
Class: ConVar Debugging
checktriggers flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
drawcolliders flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ambientvolumes flags 0x16 offset: 0x2 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar Decal
cache flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
instancing flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
capacity flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
limit flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Decay
Class: ConVar Decor
m_quality flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Demo
IsTimeDemo flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
timescale flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Dev
netgraph flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
gender flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Editor
Class: ConVar Effects
color flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ao flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
bloom flags 0x16 offset: 0x5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lensdirt flags 0x16 offset: 0x6 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
motionblur flags 0x16 offset: 0x7 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
sharpen flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
shafts flags 0x16 offset: 0x9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
vignet flags 0x16 offset: 0xa System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
footsteps flags 0x16 offset: 0xb System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
maxgibs flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Entity
Class: ConVar Env
Class: ConVar FileConVar
time flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar FPS
m_graph flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar GC
interval flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Global
_developer flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
safemode flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
debugmode flags 0x16 offset: 0x5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
skinwarmup flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
assetwarmup flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
prefabwarmup flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxthreads flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
_censornudity flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
perf flags 0x16 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
god flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
specnet flags 0x16 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
streamermode flags 0x16 offset: 0x22 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Func<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<System.Type,System.Int64>,System.Int64> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Func<UnityEngine.Collider,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Func<UnityEngine.Collider,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ConVar Graphics
_shadowdistance flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
shadowmode flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
shadowlights flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
contactshadows flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
drawdistance flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_fov flags 0x11 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
hud flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
chat flags 0x16 offset: 0x19 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
branding flags 0x16 offset: 0x1a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
dof flags 0x16 offset: 0x1b System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
dof_aper flags 0x16 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
dof_blur flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_uiscale flags 0x11 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_anisotropic flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
_parallax flags 0x11 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
_lso flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar Grass
displace flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_quality flags 0x11 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar PatrolHelicopter
Class: ConVar Hierarchy
Class: ConVar Input
flipy flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
autocrouch flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
sensitivity flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
holdtime flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Inventory
Class: ConVar Layer
Class: ConVar Mesh
m_quality flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Music
enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
songGapMin flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
songGapMax flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Net
visdebug flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
debug flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar Netgraph
enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
updatespeed flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Note
Class: ConVar Notice
Class: ConVar Particle
m_quality flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Physics
Class: ConVar Player
recoilcomp flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar PlayerCull
_enabled flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
updateRate flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
minCullDist flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxSleeperDist flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxPlayerDist flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
visQuality flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
debug flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar Pool
mode flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
chat flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
sounds flags 0x16 offset: 0x5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
effects flags 0x16 offset: 0x6 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
skins flags 0x16 offset: 0x7 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
trees flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
decor flags 0x16 offset: 0x9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
plants flags 0x16 offset: 0xa System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
entities flags 0x16 offset: 0xb System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
renderer_batches flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
conditional_models flags 0x16 offset: 0xd System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
player_clothing flags 0x16 offset: 0xe System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
player_model flags 0x16 offset: 0xf System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
player_collider flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
player_nametag flags 0x16 offset: 0x11 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<System.Type,System.Object>,System.Int64> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ConVar Profile
Class: ConVar Sentry
targetall flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
hostileduration flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Server
ip flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
port flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxplayers flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
hostname flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
identity flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
level flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
seed flags 0x16 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
salt flags 0x16 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
worldsize flags 0x16 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
saveinterval flags 0x16 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
secure flags 0x16 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
tickrate flags 0x16 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
entityrate flags 0x16 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
cycletime flags 0x16 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
official flags 0x16 offset: 0x48 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
stats flags 0x16 offset: 0x49 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
globalchat flags 0x16 offset: 0x4a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
stability flags 0x16 offset: 0x4b System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
radiation flags 0x16 offset: 0x4c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
itemdespawn flags 0x16 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
corpsedespawn flags 0x16 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pve flags 0x16 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
description flags 0x16 offset: 0x60 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
headerimage flags 0x16 offset: 0x68 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
url flags 0x16 offset: 0x70 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
branch flags 0x16 offset: 0x78 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
eac flags 0x16 offset: 0x80 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
queriesPerSecond flags 0x16 offset: 0x84 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ipQueriesPerMin flags 0x16 offset: 0x88 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
meleedamage flags 0x16 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
arrowdamage flags 0x16 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bulletdamage flags 0x16 offset: 0x94 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bleedingdamage flags 0x16 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
meleearmor flags 0x16 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
arrowarmor flags 0x16 offset: 0xa0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bulletarmor flags 0x16 offset: 0xa4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bleedingarmor flags 0x16 offset: 0xa8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
updatebatch flags 0x16 offset: 0xac System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
updatebatchspawn flags 0x16 offset: 0xb0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
planttick flags 0x16 offset: 0xb4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
planttickscale flags 0x16 offset: 0xb8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
woundingenabled flags 0x16 offset: 0xbc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
plantlightdetection flags 0x16 offset: 0xbd System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
respawnresetrange flags 0x16 offset: 0xc0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxunack flags 0x16 offset: 0xc4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
netcache flags 0x16 offset: 0xc8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
corpses flags 0x16 offset: 0xc9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
events flags 0x16 offset: 0xca System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
dropitems flags 0x16 offset: 0xcb System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
netcachesize flags 0x16 offset: 0xcc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
savecachesize flags 0x16 offset: 0xd0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
combatlogsize flags 0x16 offset: 0xd4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
idlekick flags 0x16 offset: 0xd8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
idlekickmode flags 0x16 offset: 0xdc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
idlekickadmins flags 0x16 offset: 0xe0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Spawn
min_rate flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
max_rate flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
min_density flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
max_density flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
player_base flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
player_scale flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
respawn_populations flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
respawn_groups flags 0x16 offset: 0x19 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar SSS
enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
quality flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
halfres flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
scale flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Stability
verbose flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
strikes flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
collapse flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
accuracy flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
stabilityqueue flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
surroundingsqueue flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Supply
Class: ConVar Terrain
quality flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
basetexcomp flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
atlasmipfix flags 0x16 offset: 0x5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar Time
Class: ConVar TrackIR
Class: ConVar Tree
m_quality flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Vis
lerp flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
damage flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
attack flags 0x16 offset: 0x2 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
protection flags 0x16 offset: 0x3 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
weakspots flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
triggers flags 0x16 offset: 0x5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
hitboxes flags 0x16 offset: 0x6 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lineofsight flags 0x16 offset: 0x7 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
sense flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar Voice
loopback flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ui_scale flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ui_cut flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ui_samples flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ui_lerp flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConVar Water
quality flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
reflections flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ConVar Weather
Class: ConVar Workshop
Class: ConVar World
cache flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConVar XMas
Class: ArticulatedOccludee
UpdateBoundsMinFrequency flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lodGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.LODGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
renderers flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Renderer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
colliders flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Collider> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
localOccludee flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 OccludeeSphere MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
fixedBoundsRef flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
registerCullingOnStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x59 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DiagnosticsConSys
<>f__mg$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.String,UnityEngine.Animator>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.String,UnityEngine.Animator>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<UnityEngine.Animator,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<UnityEngine.Animator,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.UInt32,BaseNetworkable>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Func<BaseNetworkable,System.UInt32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache3 flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.String,UnityEngine.LODGroup>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache3 flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Func<UnityEngine.LODGroup,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache4 flags 0x11 offset: 0x40 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.Type,UnityEngine.Object>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache5 flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.Type,UnityEngine.Object>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache4 flags 0x11 offset: 0x50 System.Func<UnityEngine.Object,System.Type> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache5 flags 0x11 offset: 0x58 System.Func<UnityEngine.Object,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache6 flags 0x11 offset: 0x60 System.Func<UnityEngine.Object,System.Type> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache7 flags 0x11 offset: 0x68 System.Func<UnityEngine.Collider,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache6 flags 0x11 offset: 0x70 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.String,UnityEngine.Collider>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache8 flags 0x11 offset: 0x78 System.Func<UnityEngine.Collider,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache9 flags 0x11 offset: 0x80 System.Func<UnityEngine.Collider,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheA flags 0x11 offset: 0x88 System.Func<UnityEngine.Collider,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache7 flags 0x11 offset: 0x90 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.String,UnityEngine.Rigidbody>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheB flags 0x11 offset: 0x98 System.Func<UnityEngine.Rigidbody,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheC flags 0x11 offset: 0xa0 System.Func<UnityEngine.Rigidbody,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheD flags 0x11 offset: 0xa8 System.Func<UnityEngine.Rigidbody,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheE flags 0x11 offset: 0xb0 System.Func<UnityEngine.Rigidbody,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache8 flags 0x11 offset: 0xb8 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.String,UnityEngine.Transform>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cacheF flags 0x11 offset: 0xc0 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache10 flags 0x11 offset: 0xc8 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache11 flags 0x11 offset: 0xd0 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<System.String,UnityEngine.Transform>,System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Int32>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache12 flags 0x11 offset: 0xd8 System.Func<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Int32>,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache13 flags 0x11 offset: 0xe0 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: DirectionalDamageTrigger
damageType flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
attackEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
repeatRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DrawArrow
color flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
length flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
arrowLength flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DrawSkeleton
Class: ErrorLogger
installed flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<>f__mg$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Action<System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.LogType> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ItemButtonTools
image flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemListTools
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<ItemDefinition,ItemCategory> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<System.Linq.IGrouping<ItemCategory,ItemDefinition>,ItemCategory> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<ItemDefinition,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
categoryButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastCategory flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: NetworkInfoGeneralText
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: NetworkGraph
Class: ObjectSpam
source flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ProfileData
name flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
description flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
history flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
sw flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
last flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastFrame flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Facepunch.Unity RenderInfo
Class: RotateObject
rotateSpeed_X flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rotateSpeed_Y flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rotateSpeed_Z flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ServerConsole
Class: SystemInfoGeneralText
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DevBotSpawner
bot flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waypoints flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
waypointParent flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_spawned flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<BaseEntity> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
spawnRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxPopulation flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: DevCamera
movementScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
view flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
velocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
zoom flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DevControls
skin flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GUISkin MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tabbedPanel flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 Facepunch.GUI.TabbedPanel MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DevControlsTab
Class: DevDressPlayer
clothesToWear flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
DressRandomly flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DevEnableDisable
Objects flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
CookieName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
TabName flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: DevEnvironment
sky flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 TOD_Sky MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DevImpactEffectTest
timeNextFire flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
attackType flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: DevMovePlayer
player flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Waypoints flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
waypointIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
moveRandomly flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
destination flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lookPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
randRun flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DevTimeAdjust
Class: DevWeatherAdjust
Class: GameContentList
foundObjects flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Object> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
resourceType flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameContentList.ResourceType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ItemTools
Class: Performance
current flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 Performance.Tick MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
frames flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
time flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
report flags 0x16 offset: 0x38 Performance.Tick MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
cycles flags 0x11 offset: 0x70 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
frameRateHistory flags 0x11 offset: 0x78 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
frameTimeHistory flags 0x11 offset: 0x80 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PrefabPrepare
Class: PrefabValidate
Class: SteamInventoryGen
Class: TreePerfTest
TerrainTrees flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
CustomTrees flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
treeTypes flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
treeRotations flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
treePositions flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
treeInstances flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.TreeInstance[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
treePrototypes flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.TreePrototype[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
treeObjects flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Seed flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
TreeCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: DoorAnimEvents
openStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
openEnd flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
closeStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
closeEnd flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: AnimationEvents
rootObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targetEntity flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 HeldEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
effectFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
localFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
IsBusy flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BaseFootstepEffect
maxDistanceToCamera flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
validImpactLayers flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastFootstepTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastFootstepPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: BucketVMFluidSim
waterbucketAnim flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterPour flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterTurbulence flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterFill flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterSpill flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterLevel flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
targetWaterLevel flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
PlayerEyePitch flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
turb_forward flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
turb_side flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
groundSpeedLast flags 0x4 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastAngle flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
vecAngleSpeedLast flags 0x4 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
initialPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ColdBreath
effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
player flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
jawBone flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Effect
reusableInstace flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 Effect MONO_TYPE_CLASS
transform flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gameObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pooledString flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Up flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
worldPos flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
worldNrm flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
attached flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
broadcast flags 0x6 offset: 0x8d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: EffectAudioPerspectiveSwitcher
Class: IEffectRecycle
Class: IEffect
Class: EffectLibrary
Class: EffectMuzzleFlash
Class: EffectNetwork
effect flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 Effect MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: EffectParentToWeaponBone
boneName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: EmissionToggle
targetRenderers flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
emissionColor flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: EyeBlink
LeftEye flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
RightEye flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LeftEyeOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
RightEyeOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
TimeWithoutBlinking flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
BlinkSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
LeftEyeInitial flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
RightEyeInitial flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
BlinkCountdown flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: EyeController
MaxLookDot flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
LeftEye flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
RightEye flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
EyeTransform flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Focus flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
debug flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Fudge flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
FlickerRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
FocusUpdateTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Flicker flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
FlickerTarget flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
TimeToUpdateFlicker flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FlickerSpeed flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: FireBomb
fireParticle flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bombRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
particleDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
emitDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
particleSpawnRadius flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
emitIntervalTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
emitStartTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextEmitTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: FirstPersonEffect
isGunShot flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: FootstepEffects
leftFoot flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rightFoot flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
footstepEffectName flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
jumpStartEffectName flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
jumpLandEffectName flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
player flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastWasLeft flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastWasStopped flags 0x1 offset: 0x61 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isOnGround flags 0x1 offset: 0x62 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MuzzleFlash_Flamelet
flameletParticle flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Muzzleflash_AlphaRandom
muzzleflashParticles flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
grad flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Gradient MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gck flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GradientColorKey[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
gak flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GradientAlphaKey[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: NPCFootstepEffects
impactEffectDirectory flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
frontLeftFoot flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
frontRightFoot flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
backLeftFoot flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
backRightFoot flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ParticleEmitFromParentObject
bonename flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
bone flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
entity flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastBoundsUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PhysicsEffects
entity flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
physImpactSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
minTimeBetweenEffects flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastEffectPlayed flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lowMedThreshold flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
medHardThreshold flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
enableDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
enabledAt flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ignoreImpactThreshold flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RottingFlies
effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
soundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rootBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
particleRef flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sound flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Sandstorm
m_psSandStorm flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_flSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_flSwirl flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_flEmissionRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ScaleParticleSystem
pSystem flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scaleGravity flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
startSize flags 0x81 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startLifeTime flags 0x81 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startSpeed flags 0x81 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startGravity flags 0x81 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ScaleRenderer
myRenderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
useRandomScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
scaleMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
scaleMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
hasInitialValues flags 0x4 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ScaleTrailRenderer
trailRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.TrailRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
startWidth flags 0x81 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
endWidth flags 0x81 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
duration flags 0x81 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ScaleTransform
initialScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: BaseScreenShake
list flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<BaseScreenShake> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
length flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeTaken flags 0x3 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ScreenBounce
bounceScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounceSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounceViewmodel flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounceTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bounceVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ScreenBounceFade
bounceScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounceSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounceViewmodel flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
distanceFalloff flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
timeFalloff flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounceTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bounceVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
scale flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ScreenFov
FovAdjustment flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ScreenRotate
Pitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Yaw flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Roll flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ViewmodelEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
useViewModelEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConsoleNetwork
<>f__mg$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<System.String,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: CrashReporter
HasCrashes flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
reportURL flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: UnityEngine DDraw
store flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
singleton flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 UnityEngine.DDraw MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AutoYPosition flags 0x13 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
LastAutoY flags 0x13 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lineMaterial flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_skin flags 0x13 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GUISkin MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Predicate<UnityEngine.DDraw.BaseObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: IFileSystem
Class: FileSystem
iface flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 IFileSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cache flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,UnityEngine.Object> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: FileSystem_AssetBundles
isError flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
loadingError flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
rootBundle flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.AssetBundle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
manifest flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bundles flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,UnityEngine.AssetBundle> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
files flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,UnityEngine.AssetBundle> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
assetPath flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: FileSystem_Warmup
run flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
running flags 0x11 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
includeFilter flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
excludeFilter flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
noPreProcessing flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Func<System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.String>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Func<System.String,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: Facepunch.GUI Controls
labelWidth flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Facepunch.GUI TabbedPanel
tabs flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<Facepunch.GUI.TabbedPanel.Tab> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
selectedTabID flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: GarbageCollectionHandler
lastRun flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Facepunch Output
OnMessage flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Action<System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.LogType> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
installed flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
HistoryOutput flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<Facepunch.Output.Entry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__mg$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Application.LogCallback MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Profile
watch flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
category flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
name flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
warnTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Facepunch RCon
Password flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Port flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Ip flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Web flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Print flags 0x16 offset: 0x19 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
listener flags 0x13 offset: 0x20 Facepunch.RCon.RConListener MONO_TYPE_CLASS
listenerNew flags 0x13 offset: 0x28 Facepunch.Rcon.Listener MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Commands flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<Facepunch.RCon.Command> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
lastRunTime flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bannedAddresses flags 0x13 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<Facepunch.RCon.BannedAddresses> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
responseIdentifier flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
responseConnection flags 0x11 offset: 0x50 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
isInput flags 0x11 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
SERVERDATA_AUTH flags 0x13 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND flags 0x13 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE flags 0x13 offset: 0x64 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE flags 0x13 offset: 0x68 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SERVERDATA_CONSOLE_LOG flags 0x13 offset: 0x6c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SERVERDATA_SWITCH_UTF8 flags 0x13 offset: 0x70 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<>f__mg$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x78 System.Action<System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.LogType> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x80 System.Action<System.Net.IPEndPoint,System.String,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x88 System.Predicate<Facepunch.RCon.BannedAddresses> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: Facepunch.Utility Compression
Class: Windows ConsoleInput
OnInputText flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Action<System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
inputString flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
statusText flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
nextUpdate flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Windows ConsoleWindow
STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
oldOutput flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.IO.TextWriter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ConVar hitnotify
notification_level flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: BaseCorpse
prefabRagdoll flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
parentEnt flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
resourceDispenser flags 0x83 offset: 0x1f8 ResourceDispenser MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ragdollObject flags 0x3 offset: 0x200 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: BaseEntityEx
Class: AttackEntity
reductionSpeedScalars flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
reloadSounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x180 SoundDefinition[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
deployDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x188 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
repeatDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x18c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextAttackTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x190 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastTickTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x194 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextTickTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x198 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeSinceDeploy flags 0x1 offset: 0x19c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
recoilCompDelayOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x1a0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wantsRecoilComp flags 0x6 offset: 0x1a4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastRecoilCompTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x1a8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startAimingDirection flags 0x1 offset: 0x1ac UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wasDoingRecoilComp flags 0x1 offset: 0x1b8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
reductionSpeed flags 0x1 offset: 0x1bc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Binocular
fovs flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c8 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
fovChangeEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x1d0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vmVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x1d8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isAiming flags 0x1 offset: 0x1d9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
timeAiming flags 0x1 offset: 0x1dc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentFovIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
smoothSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CrossbowWeapon
Class: FlintStrikeWeapon
strikeRecoil flags 0x6 offset: 0x268 RecoilProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_didSparkThisFrame flags 0x1 offset: 0x270 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
_isStriking flags 0x1 offset: 0x271 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
successFraction flags 0x6 offset: 0x274 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
strikes flags 0x1 offset: 0x278 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: GrenadeWeapon
drop flags 0x81 offset: 0x1e8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
armStartTime flags 0x81 offset: 0x1ec System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Hammer
Class: BaseEntityChild
Class: BaseNetworkable
isServersideEntity flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
children flags 0x86 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<BaseEntity> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
net flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 Network.Networkable MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_prefabName flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
_prefabNameWithoutExtension flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
<JustCreated>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
prefabID flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
globalBroadcast flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<IsDestroyed>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x41 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: AnimatedBuildingBlock
animatorNeedsInitializing flags 0x1 offset: 0x200 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
animatorIsOpen flags 0x1 offset: 0x201 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isAnimating flags 0x1 offset: 0x202 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ProceduralLiftCabin
Class: ProceduralLiftStop
Class: SimpleBuildingBlock
Class: DeployableToSlot
slot flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity.Slot MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: EntityCollisionMessage
Class: EntityComponent`1
_baseEntity flags 0x81 offset: 0x18 T MONO_TYPE_VAR
Class: EntityComponentBase
Class: EntityDebug
stopwatch flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: EntityFlag_Toggle
onFlagEnabled flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onFlagDisabled flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
runClientside flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
runServerside flags 0x6 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
flag flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 BaseEntity.Flags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hasRunOnce flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastHasFlag flags 0x3 offset: 0x39 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: EntityItem_RotateWhenOn
on flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 EntityItem_RotateWhenOn.State MONO_TYPE_CLASS
off flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 EntityItem_RotateWhenOn.State MONO_TYPE_CLASS
movementLoop flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentlyOn flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
stateInitialized flags 0x3 offset: 0x39 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
targetFlag flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c BaseEntity.Flags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: EntityTimedDestroy
secondsTillDestroy flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HideIfOwnerFirstPerson
disableGameObjects flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
previousValues flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UnityEngine.Renderer,UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
worldModelEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastHidden flags 0x4 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: HumanBodyResourceDispenser
Class: LerpBetweenPointsBool
offsetPosLocal flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
speed flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
targetPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
initialPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ResourceDispenser
containedItems flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
finishBonus flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
gatherType flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 ResourceDispenser.GatherType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
fractionRemaining flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
categoriesRemaining flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startingItemCounts flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: WorldItem_EnableDisable
objectToShowWhenEnabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
objectToShowWhenDisabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: WorldItem_HideIf
overrideMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
disableGameObjects flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
ifOwnedByLocalPlayer flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ifInFirstPersonMode flags 0x6 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastHidden flags 0x4 offset: 0x32 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Barricade
reflectEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reflectDamage flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseFuelLightSource
Class: BaseLadder
Class: BoxStorage
Class: WaterCatcher
collectInterval flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
itemToCreate flags 0x6 offset: 0x350 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxItemToCreate flags 0x6 offset: 0x358 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rainTestPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x35c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rainTestSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x368 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: WaterPurifier
waterStorage flags 0x1 offset: 0x350 LiquidContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
storagePrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x358 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
storagePrefabAnchor flags 0x6 offset: 0x360 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
freshWater flags 0x6 offset: 0x368 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterToProcessPerMinute flags 0x6 offset: 0x370 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
freshWaterRatio flags 0x6 offset: 0x374 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
dirtyWaterProcssed flags 0x1 offset: 0x378 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pendingFreshWater flags 0x1 offset: 0x37c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BuildingBlockDecay
Class: Decay
Class: DecayEntity
decayTimer flags 0x1 offset: 0x1e8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DeployableDecay
decayDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
decayDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ConstructionLink
Class: EntityLink
owner flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
socket flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Socket_Base MONO_TYPE_CLASS
connections flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<EntityLink> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
gender flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 EntityLink.Gender MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
capacity flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: EntityLinkEx
Class: NeighbourLink
obb flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 OBB MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: StabilityLink
obb flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 OBB MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: EntityRef
ent_cached flags 0x3 offset: 0x10 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
id_cached flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: FireBall
movementSystems flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
restingSystems flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
spreadSubEntityString flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
lastPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x148 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lifeTimeMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x154 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lifeTimeMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x158 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wasResting flags 0x81 offset: 0x15c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
generation flags 0x86 offset: 0x160 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
tickRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x164 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
damagePerSecond flags 0x6 offset: 0x168 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x16c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
deathTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x170 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
waterToExtinguish flags 0x6 offset: 0x174 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
wetness flags 0x1 offset: 0x178 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
canMerge flags 0x6 offset: 0x17c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
AttackLayers flags 0x6 offset: 0x180 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: FireSpot
flameEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: FlameExplosive
createOnExplode flags 0x6 offset: 0x168 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
numToCreate flags 0x6 offset: 0x170 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
minVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x174 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x178 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spreadAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0x17c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseMetabolism
targetHeartRate flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseMetabolism`1
owner flags 0x4 offset: 0x20 T MONO_TYPE_VAR
calories flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hydration flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
heartrate flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 MetabolismAttribute MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MetabolismAttribute
greatInterval flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
min flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
max flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
value flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastValue flags 0x3 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastGreatFraction flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseResourceExtractor
canExtractLiquid flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canExtractSolid flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MiningQuarry
beltAnimator flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
beltScrollRenderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onSounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x200 SoundPlayer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
soundGainMods flags 0x1 offset: 0x208 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundModulation.Modulator> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
soundPitchMods flags 0x1 offset: 0x210 System.Collections.Generic.List<SoundModulation.Modulator> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
bucketDropEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x218 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bucketDropTransform flags 0x6 offset: 0x220 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
engineSwitchPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x228 MiningQuarry.ChildPrefab MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hopperPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x230 MiningQuarry.ChildPrefab MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fuelStoragePrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x238 MiningQuarry.ChildPrefab MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_linkedDeposit flags 0x1 offset: 0x240 ResourceDepositManager.ResourceDeposit MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scrollMatIndex flags 0x6 offset: 0x248 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
beltSpeed flags 0x1 offset: 0x24c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
processRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x250 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
workToAdd flags 0x6 offset: 0x254 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isStatic flags 0x6 offset: 0x258 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ResourceDepositManager
resolution flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
_deposits flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Vector2i,ResourceDepositManager.ResourceDeposit> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ResourceExtractorFuelStorage
Class: SurveyCharge
craterPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x168 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
craterPrefab_Oil flags 0x6 offset: 0x170 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SurveyCrater
Class: DecorDeployable
Class: DropUtil
Class: EnvSync
syncIntervalInv flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeSpan flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 System.TimeSpan MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ISplashable
Class: LootContainer
lootDefinition flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 LootSpawn MONO_TYPE_CLASS
destroyOnEmpty flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
maxDefinitionsToSpawn flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
minSecondsBetweenRefresh flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxSecondsBetweenRefresh flags 0x6 offset: 0x2fc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
initialLootSpawn flags 0x6 offset: 0x300 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
xpLootedScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x304 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
xpDestroyedScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x308 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
BlockPlayerItemInput flags 0x6 offset: 0x30c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
scrapAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x310 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SpawnType flags 0x6 offset: 0x314 LootContainer.spawnType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: M2BradleyPhysics
m2Animator flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 m2bradleyAnimator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Wheels flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.WheelCollider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
TurningWheels flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.WheelCollider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
mainRigidbody flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waypoints flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
currentWPIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
currentWaypoint flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
nextWaypoint flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
maxEnginePower flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxBrakePower flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxSteerValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
distanceCheck flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
yawOffsetToCurrentWP flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pitchToCurrentWP flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxDistanceTopSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
topSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
minSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
desiredSpeed flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: m2bradleyAnimator
m2Animator flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
treadMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mainRigidbody flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
turret flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mainCannon flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
coaxGun flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rocketsPitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spotLightYaw flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spotLightPitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sideMG flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sideguns flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
ShocksBones flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
ShockTraceLineBegin flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
vecShocksOffsetPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
targetTurret flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targetSpotLight flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targetSideguns flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
muzzleflashCannon flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzleflashCoaxGun flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzleflashSideMG flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzleflashRockets flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
spotLightHaloSawnpoint flags 0x6 offset: 0xc0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzleflashSideguns flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
machineGunMuzzleFlashFX flags 0x6 offset: 0xd0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mainCannonFireFX flags 0x6 offset: 0xd8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rocketLaunchFX flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
vecSideGunRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
vecTurret flags 0x1 offset: 0xf0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
vecMainCannon flags 0x1 offset: 0xfc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
vecCoaxGun flags 0x1 offset: 0x108 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
vecRocketsPitch flags 0x1 offset: 0x114 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
vecSpotLightBase flags 0x1 offset: 0x120 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
vecSpotLight flags 0x1 offset: 0x12c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
sideMGPitchValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x138 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rocketsOpen flags 0x6 offset: 0x13c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
treadConstant flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wheelSpinConstant flags 0x6 offset: 0x144 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
sidegunsTurnSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
turretTurnSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x14c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cannonPitchSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x150 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rocketPitchSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x154 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spotLightTurnSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x158 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
machineGunSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x15c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wheelAngle flags 0x1 offset: 0x160 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: MapMarker
mapMarkers flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<MapMarker> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
markerObj flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: AIHelicopterAnimation
_ai flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 PatrolHelicopterAI MONO_TYPE_CLASS
swayAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastStrafeScalar flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastForwardBackScalar flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
degreeMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
oldMoveSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothRateOfChange flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
flareAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HelicopterDebris
resourceDispenser flags 0x1 offset: 0x228 ResourceDispenser MONO_TYPE_CLASS
metalFragments flags 0x6 offset: 0x230 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hqMetal flags 0x6 offset: 0x238 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
charcoal flags 0x6 offset: 0x240 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tooHotUntil flags 0x1 offset: 0x248 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HelicopterTurret
_heliAI flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 PatrolHelicopterAI MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gun_yaw flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gun_pitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
muzzleTransform flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_target flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 BaseCombatEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastBurstTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastFireTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastSeenTargetTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
targetVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
fireRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
burstLength flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeBetweenBursts flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxTargetRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
loseTargetAfter flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
left flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: LockedByEntCrate
lockingEnt flags 0x6 offset: 0x318 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PatrolHelicopterAI
strafe_firing_range flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_targetList flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<PatrolHelicopterAI.targetinfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
leftGun flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 HelicopterTurret MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rightGun flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 HelicopterTurret MONO_TYPE_CLASS
helicopterBase flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BaseHelicopter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_visitedMonuments flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<MonumentInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
rocketProjectile flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rocketProjectile_Napalm flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
interestZoneOrigin flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
destination flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hasInterestZone flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
moveSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
courseAdjustLerpTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
targetRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
_aimTarget flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
movementLockingAiming flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
hasAimTarget flags 0x1 offset: 0x95 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
aimDoorSide flags 0x1 offset: 0x96 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
windVec flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
targetWindVec flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
windForce flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
windFrequency flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
targetThrottleSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
throttleSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxRotationSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0xc0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rotationSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0xc4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
terrainPushForce flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
obstaclePushForce flags 0x6 offset: 0xcc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pushVec flags 0x1 offset: 0xd0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
_currentState flags 0x6 offset: 0xdc PatrolHelicopterAI.aiState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
_lastPos flags 0x1 offset: 0xe0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
_lastMoveDir flags 0x1 offset: 0xec UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isDead flags 0x1 offset: 0xf8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isRetiring flags 0x1 offset: 0xf9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
spawnTime flags 0x1 offset: 0xfc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastDamageTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x100 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
deathTimeout flags 0x1 offset: 0x104 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
destination_min_dist flags 0x1 offset: 0x108 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentOrbitDistance flags 0x1 offset: 0x10c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentOrbitTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x110 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
hasEnteredOrbit flags 0x1 offset: 0x114 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
orbitStartTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x118 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxOrbitDuration flags 0x1 offset: 0x11c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
breakingOrbit flags 0x1 offset: 0x120 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
arrivalTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x124 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
leftTubeFiredLast flags 0x1 offset: 0x128 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastRocketTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x12c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeBetweenRockets flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
numRocketsLeft flags 0x1 offset: 0x134 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
strafe_target_position flags 0x1 offset: 0x138 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
puttingDistance flags 0x1 offset: 0x144 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
useNapalm flags 0x1 offset: 0x145 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastNapalmTime flags 0x81 offset: 0x148 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastStrafeTime flags 0x81 offset: 0x14c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_lastThinkTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x150 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ServerGib
_gibSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_gibName flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
physicsMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f8 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x200 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x208 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rigidBody flags 0x1 offset: 0x210 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshCollider flags 0x1 offset: 0x218 UnityEngine.MeshCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x220 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TimedUnlootableCrate
unlootableOnSpawn flags 0x6 offset: 0x318 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
unlootableDuration flags 0x6 offset: 0x31c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlanterBox
soilRenderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x1e8 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
soilSaturation flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
soilSaturationMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SmokeBomb
Class: SphereEntity
currentRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lerpRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x134 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lerpSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SupplyDrop
parachutePrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x318 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SupplySignal
smokeEffectPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x168 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
EntityToCreate flags 0x6 offset: 0x170 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
smokeEffect flags 0x86 offset: 0x178 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: VendingMachineMapMarker
markerShopName flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
server_vendingMachine flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 VendingMachine MONO_TYPE_CLASS
client_sellOrders flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 ProtoBuf.VendingMachine.SellOrderContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: WaterBall
liquidType flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterExplosion flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
myRigidBody flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ProjectileWeaponMod
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<ProjectileWeaponMod,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
defaultSilencerEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
isSilencer flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
repeatDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x13c ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
projectileVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
projectileDamage flags 0x6 offset: 0x154 ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
projectileDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x160 ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
aimsway flags 0x6 offset: 0x16c ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
aimswaySpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x178 ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
recoil flags 0x6 offset: 0x184 ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
sightAimCone flags 0x6 offset: 0x190 ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hipAimCone flags 0x6 offset: 0x19c ProjectileWeaponMod.Modifier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isLight flags 0x6 offset: 0x1a8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isMuzzleBrake flags 0x6 offset: 0x1a9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isMuzzleBoost flags 0x6 offset: 0x1aa System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isScope flags 0x6 offset: 0x1ab System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
needsOnForEffects flags 0x6 offset: 0x1ac System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: LifeScale
initialized flags 0x81 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
initialScale flags 0x81 offset: 0x1c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
finalScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
targetLerpScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: MaterialColorLerp
_block flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_cachedRenderers flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Renderer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
initialized flags 0x81 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
startColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
endColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
currentColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
targetColor flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
delta flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
colorID flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
lerpStartTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlantProperties
stages flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 PlantProperties.Stage[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
timeOfDayHappiness flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
temperatureHappiness flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fruitCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pickOption flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 BaseEntity.Menu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
pickupItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pickEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cloneOption flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 BaseEntity.Menu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
cloneItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxSeasons flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxHeldWater flags 0x6 offset: 0x94 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
lifetimeWaterConsumption flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
waterConsumptionLifetime flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
waterYieldBonus flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
pickupAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxHarvests flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
disappearAfterHarvest flags 0x6 offset: 0xac System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
maxClones flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: PlayerAnimationEvents
player flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PlayerBelt
SelectedSlot flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
player flags 0x4 offset: 0x10 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PlayerBlueprints
steamInventory flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SteamInventory MONO_TYPE_CLASS
craftableItems flags 0x81 offset: 0x28 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PlayerEyes
EyeOffset flags 0x36 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
DuckOffset flags 0x36 offset: 0xc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
defaultLazyAim flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 LazyAimProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
thirdPersonSleepingOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
viewOffset flags 0x81 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x86 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
headRotation flags 0x86 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotationLook flags 0x86 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lazyRotation flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: PlayerInput
state flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 InputState MONO_TYPE_CLASS
trackir flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 TrackIR MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hadInputBuffer flags 0x86 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
bodyRotation flags 0x81 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
bodyAngles flags 0x81 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
headRotation flags 0x81 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
headAngles flags 0x81 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
viewDelta flags 0x86 offset: 0x6c UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
headDelta flags 0x86 offset: 0x74 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
mouseWheelUp flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
mouseWheelDn flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ignoredButtons flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
hasKeyFocus flags 0x1 offset: 0x8c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: PlayerModel
LayerGestures flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
pm_downlimit flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pm_upspine flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pm_downspine flags 0x16 offset: 0xc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
pm_lookoffset flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
collision flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.BoxCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pm_anglesmoothspeed flags 0x16 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
censorshipCube flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pm_ladder flags 0x16 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
censorshipCubeBreasts flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
speed flags 0x14 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
jawBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rotationYaw flags 0x14 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
neckBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
right flags 0x14 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
headBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ducked flags 0x14 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
skeletonScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 SkeletonScale MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterlevel flags 0x14 offset: 0x4c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
eyeController flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 EyeController MONO_TYPE_CLASS
attack_alt flags 0x14 offset: 0x54 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SpineBones flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Transform[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
reload flags 0x14 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
DefaultHoldType flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController MONO_TYPE_CLASS
holster flags 0x14 offset: 0x64 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SleepGesture flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onLadder flags 0x14 offset: 0x6c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x70 System.Func<Wearable,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x78 System.Func<Wearable,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
MaleSkin flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 SkinSetCollection MONO_TYPE_CLASS
FemaleSkin flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 SkinSetCollection MONO_TYPE_CLASS
subsurfaceProfile flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 SubsurfaceProfile MONO_TYPE_CLASS
modelState flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 ModelState MONO_TYPE_CLASS
nameTag flags 0x3 offset: 0xa0 PlayerNameTag MONO_TYPE_CLASS
defaultAnimatorController flags 0x1 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_multiMesh flags 0x1 offset: 0xb0 SkinnedMultiMesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_animator flags 0x1 offset: 0xb8 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_lodGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0xc0 UnityEngine.LODGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_currentGesture flags 0x1 offset: 0xc8 UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController MONO_TYPE_CLASS
WorkshopHeldEntity flags 0x1 offset: 0xd0 HeldEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_smoothAimWeight flags 0x1 offset: 0xd8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_smoothVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0xdc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_smoothlookAngle flags 0x1 offset: 0xe0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
voiceVolume flags 0x6 offset: 0xec System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skinColor flags 0x6 offset: 0xf0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skinNumber flags 0x6 offset: 0xf4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
meshNumber flags 0x6 offset: 0xf8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
skinType flags 0x6 offset: 0xfc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
velocity flags 0x3 offset: 0x100 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
speedOverride flags 0x3 offset: 0x10c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
position flags 0x3 offset: 0x118 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x124 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x3 offset: 0x130 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
drawShadowOnly flags 0x3 offset: 0x140 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isIncapacitated flags 0x3 offset: 0x141 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
flinchLocation flags 0x3 offset: 0x144 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
visible flags 0x3 offset: 0x148 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
animatorNeedsWarmup flags 0x1 offset: 0x149 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isLocalPlayer flags 0x3 offset: 0x14a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
InGesture flags 0x1 offset: 0x14b System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
holdTypeLock flags 0x1 offset: 0x14c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
showSash flags 0x6 offset: 0x150 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<LookAngles>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x154 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: PlayerNameTag
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
color flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Gradient MONO_TYPE_CLASS
parentBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastName flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
minDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
positionOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
distanceFromCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: nametags
enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: PlayerVoiceRecorder
readBuffer flags 0x13 offset: 0x0 System.Byte[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
readBufferUncompressed flags 0x13 offset: 0x8 System.Byte[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PlayerVoiceSpeaker
decompressStream flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.IO.MemoryStream MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mouthSpeaker flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
volumeData flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
currentVolume flags 0x86 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
optimalRate flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
bufferSize flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
dataReceived flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
playbackBuffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
dataPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isPlaying flags 0x1 offset: 0x51 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
stopping flags 0x1 offset: 0x52 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
volumeVelocity flags 0x3 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LocalPlayer
<Entity>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<LastAttackerSteamID>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
CraftCounts flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: BaseMovement
Owner flags 0x4 offset: 0x18 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
adminCheat flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
adminSpeed flags 0x86 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<TargetMovement>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<Running>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<Ducking>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<Grounded>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlayerWalkMovement
WaterLevelNeck flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
zeroFrictionMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
highFrictionMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
body flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
capsule flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ladder flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 TriggerLadder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
capsuleHeight flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
capsuleCenter flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
capsuleHeightDucked flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
capsuleCenterDucked flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gravityTestRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gravityMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gravityMultiplierSwimming flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxAngleWalking flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxAngleClimbing flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxAngleSliding flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
groundAngle flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
groundAngleNew flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
groundTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
jumpTime flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
landTime flags 0x1 offset: 0xa4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
velocity flags 0x1 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
groundNormal flags 0x1 offset: 0xb4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
groundNormalNew flags 0x1 offset: 0xc0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
nextSprintTime flags 0x1 offset: 0xcc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastSprintTime flags 0x1 offset: 0xd0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
sprintForced flags 0x1 offset: 0xd4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
modify flags 0x1 offset: 0xd8 BaseEntity.MovementModify MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
grounded flags 0x1 offset: 0xdc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasGrounded flags 0x1 offset: 0xdd System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
climbing flags 0x1 offset: 0xde System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasClimbing flags 0x1 offset: 0xdf System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
sliding flags 0x1 offset: 0xe0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasSliding flags 0x1 offset: 0xe1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
swimming flags 0x1 offset: 0xe2 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasSwimming flags 0x1 offset: 0xe3 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
jumping flags 0x1 offset: 0xe4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasJumping flags 0x1 offset: 0xe5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
falling flags 0x1 offset: 0xe6 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasFalling flags 0x1 offset: 0xe7 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
flying flags 0x1 offset: 0xe8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wasFlying flags 0x1 offset: 0xe9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: PlayerCorpse
clientClothing flags 0x81 offset: 0x278 ItemContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastClothes flags 0x1 offset: 0x280 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: PointEntity
Class: OreResourceEntity
bonusPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x170 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
finishEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x178 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ResourceEntity
baseProtection flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 ProtectionProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
startHealth flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
health flags 0x4 offset: 0x13c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: StagedResourceBreakEffect
Class: TreeEntity
prefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instance flags 0x1 offset: 0x148 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ServerProjectile
initialVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
drag flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gravityModifier flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
speed flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
scanRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_currentVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: StabilityEntity
grounded flags 0x6 offset: 0x1f0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
cachedStability flags 0x86 offset: 0x1f4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cachedDistanceFromGround flags 0x86 offset: 0x1f8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TimedExplosive
explosionEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stickEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bounceEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0x148 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
timerAmountMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x150 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timerAmountMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x154 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
minExplosionRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x158 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
explosionRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x15c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canStick flags 0x6 offset: 0x160 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
onlyDamageParent flags 0x6 offset: 0x161 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
explosionUsesForward flags 0x6 offset: 0x162 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastBounceTime flags 0x81 offset: 0x164 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BaseTrap
Class: BaseTrapTrigger
_trap flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BaseTrap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: BearTrapTrigger
Class: SurvivalFishTrap
Class: TrappableWildlife
worldObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inventoryObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
baitTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<TrappableWildlife.BaitType> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
minToCatch flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxToCatch flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
caloriesForInterest flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
successRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
xpScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: WildlifeTrap
trappedEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x2e8 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ignoreBait flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f0 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemDefinition> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
targetWildlife flags 0x6 offset: 0x2f8 System.Collections.Generic.List<WildlifeTrap.WildlifeWeight> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
tickRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x300 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
trappedEffectRepeatRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x304 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
trapSuccessRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x308 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextEffectTime flags 0x4 offset: 0x30c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DeployGuide
current flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 DeployGuide MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x81 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x81 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hidden flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isGoodPlacement flags 0x86 offset: 0x29 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DroppedItem
itemModel flags 0x6 offset: 0x140 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: CargoPlane
prefabDrop flags 0x6 offset: 0x130 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x138 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: EventSchedule
minimumHoursBetween flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxmumHoursBetween flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TriggeredEvent
Class: TriggeredEventPrefab
targetPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Bootstrap
bootstrapInitRun flags 0x13 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isErrored flags 0x16 offset: 0x1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ClientScenes flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
isGameInitRun flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<System.String,UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Func<System.String,UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<>f__am$cache3 flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Func<System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: SelfCheck
Class: BuildPrivilegeTrigger
privlidgeEntity flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BuildingPrivlidge MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: BuildingManager
Class: Climate
LUTSize flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Weather flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Climate.WeatherParameters MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Arid flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Climate.ClimateParameters MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Temperate flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Climate.ClimateParameters MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Tundra flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 Climate.ClimateParameters MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Arctic flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 Climate.ClimateParameters MONO_TYPE_CLASS
climates flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 Climate.ClimateParameters[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
cam flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tonemappingColorGrading flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.TonemappingColorGrading MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scattering flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 TOD_Scattering MONO_TYPE_CLASS
windZone flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.WindZone MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lut flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 ClimateBlendTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
prevLut flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 ClimateBlendTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
prevSrcLut1 flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
prevDstLut1 flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
prevSrcLut2 flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
prevDstLut2 flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
BlendingSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FogMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
DebugLUTBlending flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
state flags 0x1 offset: 0xa4 Climate.WeatherState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
clamps flags 0x1 offset: 0xb4 Climate.WeatherState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Overrides flags 0x6 offset: 0xc4 Climate.WeatherState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prevLerpLut1 flags 0x1 offset: 0xd4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevLerpLut2 flags 0x1 offset: 0xd8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevLerp flags 0x1 offset: 0xdc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cycleBlendTime flags 0x1 offset: 0xe0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ColliderInfo
FlagsDefault flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 ColliderInfo.Flags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
flags flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ColliderInfo.Flags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: CreateEffect
EffectToCreate flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: CullingManager
volumes flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<CullingVolume> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: CullingVolume
Connections flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<CullingVolume> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
components flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<LODComponent> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Portal flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
bounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastSeen flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Rust DamageType
LAST flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 Rust.DamageType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Rust DamageTypeList
types flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: Rust DamageTypeEntry
type flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 Rust.DamageType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DeployVolume
layers flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ignore flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c ColliderInfo.Flags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DeployVolumeCapsule
center flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
radius flags 0x6 offset: 0xac System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
height flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DeployVolumeEntityBounds
bounds flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DeployVolumeOBB
bounds flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DeployVolumeSphere
center flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
radius flags 0x6 offset: 0xac System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Deployable
guideMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
placeEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
guideMeshScale flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
guideLights flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
wantsInstanceData flags 0x6 offset: 0xb5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
copyInventoryFromItem flags 0x6 offset: 0xb6 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
setSocketParent flags 0x6 offset: 0xb7 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
toSlot flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
slot flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc BaseEntity.Slot MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DestroyOnGroundMissing
Class: EffectDictionary
effectDictionary flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.String[]> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: EffectRecycle
detachTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
recycleTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
playMode flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 EffectRecycle.PlayMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
onParentDestroyed flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 EffectRecycle.ParentDestroyBehaviour MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: EffectRecycleLite
lifeTime flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: EnvironmentManager
Class: EnvironmentType
Outdoor flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 EnvironmentType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: EnvironmentVolume
<trigger>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.BoxCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
StickyGizmos flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Type flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 EnvironmentType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Center flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Size flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: EnvironmentVolumeEx
Class: EnvironmentVolumeTrigger
<volume>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 EnvironmentVolume MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Center flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Size flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: FoliageCell
grid flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 FoliageGrid MONO_TYPE_CLASS
batches flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ListDictionary<FoliageKey,FoliageGroup> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
interrupt flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lod flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
seed flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: FoliageGrid
MaxRefreshDistance flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
grid flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 WorldSpaceGrid<FoliageCell> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
pool flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 PrefabPool MONO_TYPE_CLASS
watch flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CellSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MaxMilliseconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FoliageLayer flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 LayerSelect MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
FoliageShadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
curCell flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 Vector2i MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: FoliageGroup
Placements flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 ListHashSet<FoliagePlacement> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Renderers flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ListHashSet<FoliageRenderer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
TempRenderers flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<FoliageRenderer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Batches flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshDataBatch> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
TempBatches flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshDataBatch> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
TempInstances flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshInstance> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
grid flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 FoliageGrid MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 FoliageCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
key flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 FoliageKey MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
LOD flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
NeedsRefresh flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Processing flags 0x6 offset: 0x5d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Preserving flags 0x6 offset: 0x5e System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: FoliageKey
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: FoliagePlacement
offset flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Range flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 MinMax MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Density flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FilterCutoff flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FilterFade flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FilterScaling flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
RandomScaling flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
RangeFade flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: FoliageRenderer
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LOD0 flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LOD1 flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
batchGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 FoliageGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
batchInstance flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 MeshInstance MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: FoliageSpawn
Placement flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 FoliagePlacement MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: GameManager
client flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 GameManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<System.String,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<GameManifest.PrefabProperties,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
pool flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 PrefabPoolCollection MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Clientside flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Serverside flags 0x1 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: GameMenu Info
action flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
hasMoreOptions flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
entityName flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
iconSprite flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Sprite MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: GameMenu Option
title flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
desc flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
requirements flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
showOnItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
order flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
time flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
showDisabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
show flags 0x6 offset: 0x3d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
function flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Action<BasePlayer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
timeStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
timeProgress flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconSprite flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Sprite MONO_TYPE_CLASS
command flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: GameMenu IProvider
Class: GameMenu Util
Class: GameSetup
RunOnce flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
clientConnectCommand flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
loadLevelScene flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
loadSaveFile flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
startServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
loadMenu flags 0x6 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
loadLevel flags 0x6 offset: 0x32 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
loadSave flags 0x6 offset: 0x33 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Gibbable
propertyBlock flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gibSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
materialSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
physicsMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fxPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
copyMaterialBlock flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
spawnFxPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x39 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
important flags 0x6 offset: 0x3a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
explodeScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: GroundWatch
groundPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
layers flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HideUntilMobile
visuals flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
startPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: HitTest
RayHit flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.RaycastHit MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
damageProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 DamageProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gameObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
collider flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ignoreEntity flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HitEntity flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HitTransform flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HitMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
type flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 HitTest.Type MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
AttackRay flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c UnityEngine.Ray MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x94 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Forgiveness flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MaxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MultiHit flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
BestHit flags 0x6 offset: 0xa1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DidHit flags 0x6 offset: 0xa2 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
HitPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
HitNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
HitDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
HitPart flags 0x6 offset: 0xc0 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: HitInfo
Initiator flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
WeaponPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Weapon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 AttackEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Predicted flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Network.Connection MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HitEntity flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ProjectilePrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 Projectile MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 DamageProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 Rust.DamageTypeList MONO_TYPE_CLASS
DoHitEffects flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DoDecals flags 0x6 offset: 0x59 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
IsPredicting flags 0x6 offset: 0x5a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
UseProtection flags 0x6 offset: 0x5b System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DidHit flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
HitBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
HitPart flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
HitMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
HitPositionWorld flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
HitPositionLocal flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
HitNormalWorld flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
HitNormalLocal flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
PointStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
PointEnd flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ProjectileID flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ProjectileDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ProjectileVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
CanGather flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DidGather flags 0x6 offset: 0xc9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: HitArea
Foot flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 HitArea MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: HitAreaConst
Everything flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 HitArea MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: HitAreaUtil
Class: IInstanceDataReceiver
Class: IOnParentDestroying
Class: OnParentDestroyingEx
Class: IOnPostNetworkUpdate
Class: OnPostNetworkUpdateEx
Class: IOnSendNetworkUpdate
Class: OnSendNetworkUpdateEx
Class: IPrefabPreProcess
Class: IPrefabNeedsWarming
Class: IPrefabProcessor
Class: IServerComponentEx
Class: IClientComponentEx
Class: InstrumentEffect
pitchMod flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: BatchingToggleEx
Class: IBatchingHandler
Class: RendererBatch
<BatchTransform>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<BatchRenderer>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<BatchFilter>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
batchGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 RendererGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
batchInstance flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 MeshRendererInstance MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
disabled flags 0x1 offset: 0xc0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: RendererCell
grid flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 RendererGrid MONO_TYPE_CLASS
batches flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ListDictionary<RendererKey,RendererGroup> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
interrupt flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: RendererGrid
Paused flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
grid flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 WorldSpaceGrid<RendererCell> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
pool flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 PrefabPool MONO_TYPE_CLASS
watch flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CellSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MaxMilliseconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RendererGroup
Renderers flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 ListHashSet<RendererBatch> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
TempRenderers flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<RendererBatch> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Batches flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshRendererBatch> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
TempBatches flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshRendererBatch> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
TempInstances flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshRendererInstance> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
grid flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 RendererGrid MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 RendererCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
key flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 RendererKey MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Invalidated flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
NeedsRefresh flags 0x6 offset: 0x59 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Processing flags 0x6 offset: 0x5a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Preserving flags 0x6 offset: 0x5b System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: RendererKey
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
shadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
layer flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: DecalCull
decal flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 DeferredDecal MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
curlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ILOD
Class: LODCell
members flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 ListHashSet<ILOD> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Position flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: LODComponent
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
DistanceMode flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 LODDistanceMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
culled flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: LODComponentParticleSystem
particleSystem flags 0x4 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
particleSystemRenderer flags 0x4 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxEmission flags 0x4 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
curlod flags 0x4 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x4 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: LODGrid
MaxRefreshDistance flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
grid flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 WorldSpaceGrid<LODCell> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
watch flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CellSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MaxMilliseconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
curCell flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 Vector2i MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: LODManager
members flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 ListHashSet<ILOD> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
watch flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MaxMilliseconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
offset flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: LODUtil
Class: LODDistanceMode
XZ flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 LODDistanceMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: MeshCull
meshBatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 RendererBatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
curlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MeshGroupCull
meshRenderers flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Renderer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
curlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MeshLOD
States flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MeshLOD.State[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
meshBatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 RendererBatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
curlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ParticleSystemCull
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ParticleSystemLOD
States flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 ParticleSystemLOD.State[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: RendererLOD
States flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 RendererLOD.State[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
meshBatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 RendererBatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
curlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: RigidbodyLOD
rigidbody flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
curlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
kinematic flags 0x1 offset: 0x39 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TreeLOD
States flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 TreeLOD.State[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
curlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
force flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: LakeInfo
Class: LevelInfo
shortName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
displayName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
description flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
image flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
version flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: LevelManager
CurrentLevelName flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: MeshReplacement
Female flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MonumentInfo
displayPhrase flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Type flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 MonumentType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
shouldDisplayOnMap flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MonumentType
Lighthouse flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 MonumentType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Prefab`1
Component flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 T MONO_TYPE_VAR
Class: Prefab
Name flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Object flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Manager flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Attribute flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 PrefabAttribute.Library MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ID flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: PrefabInformation
associatedItemDefinition flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
title flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
description flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sprite flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.Sprite MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PrefabInstantiate
Prefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PrefabParameters
Count flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: PrefabPreProcess
clientsideOnlyTypes flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Type[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
serversideOnlyTypes flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Type[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<UnityEngine.Component,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
destroyList flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Component> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
cleanupList flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
isClientside flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isServerside flags 0x6 offset: 0x29 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ArmorProperties
area flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 HitArea MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ClothingMovementProperties
speedReduction flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
minSpeedReduction flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: DamageProperties
fallback flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 DamageProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bones flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 DamageProperties.HitAreaProperty[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: LazyAimProperties
snapStrength flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
deadzoneAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SkeletonProperties
boneReference flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bones flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SkeletonProperties.BoneProperty[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
quickLookup flags 0x81 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.UInt32,SkeletonProperties.BoneProperty> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: BonePropertyAttribute
Class: RealmedCollider
ServerCollider flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ClientCollider flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: RealmedRemove
removedFromClient flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
removedComponentFromClient flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Component[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
removedFromServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
removedComponentFromServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Component[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
doNotRemoveFromServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Component[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
doNotRemoveFromClient flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Component[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: RiverInfo
Class: Rust Protocol
report flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Rust Defines
resourceFolder flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: Rust Client
_entityScene flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
_effectScene flags 0x11 offset: 0x4 UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SavePause
Class: SaveRestore
IsSaving flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
SaveCreatedTime flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.DateTime MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
timedSave flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
timedSavePause flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SceneToPrefab
outputPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flattenHierarchy flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConvarControlledSpawnPopulation
PopulationConvar flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: SpawnDistribution
Class: SpawnPopulation
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
ResourceList flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 GameObjectRef[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_targetDensity flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
SpawnRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ClusterSizeMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ClusterSizeMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ClusterDithering flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
EnforcePopulationLimits flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ScaleWithSpawnFilter flags 0x6 offset: 0x4d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ScaleWithServerPopulation flags 0x6 offset: 0x4e System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
AlignToNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0x4f System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Spawnable
Population flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SpawnPopulation MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: BaseSpawnPoint
Class: GenericSpawnPoint
spawnEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
OnObjectSpawnedEvent flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
OnObjectRetiredEvent flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dropToGround flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
randomRot flags 0x6 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: RadialSpawnPoint
radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SingleSpawn
Class: SpawnGroup
prefabs flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<SpawnGroup.SpawnEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
maxPopulation flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
numToSpawnPerTickMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
numToSpawnPerTickMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
respawnDelayMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
respawnDelayMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
wantsInitialSpawn flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
temporary flags 0x6 offset: 0x35 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SpawnPointInstance
Class: SpawnHandler
CharacterSpawn flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SpawnPopulations flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SpawnPopulation[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
SpawnDistributions flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 SpawnDistribution[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
CharDistribution flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 SpawnDistribution MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SpawnGroups flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<SpawnGroup> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
ConvarSpawnPopulations flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 SpawnPopulation[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
populationCounts flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<SpawnPopulation,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
populationGrid flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 WorldSpaceGrid<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Resolution flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
TickInterval flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MinSpawnsPerTick flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
MaxSpawnsPerTick flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
PlacementMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
PlacementCheckMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
PlacementCheckHeight flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
RadiusCheckMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
RadiusCheckDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
BoundsCheckMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
spawnTick flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TriggerBase
contents flags 0x86 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
entityContents flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<BaseEntity> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
interestLayers flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TriggerComfort
bonusComfort flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_players flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<BasePlayer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
triggerSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
baseComfort flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
minComfortRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TriggerHurt
DamagePerSecond flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
DamageTickRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
damageType flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 Rust.DamageType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TriggerLadder
Class: TriggerRadiation
radiationTier flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 TriggerRadiation.RadiationTier MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
RadiationAmountOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
radiationSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
falloff flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TriggerTemperature
Temperature flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
triggerSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ValidBounds
worldBounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Vis
colBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.Collider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: WaterLevel
Class: WaterResource
Class: Wearable
emptyLOD flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.LOD[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
followBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
removeSkin flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Wearable.RemoveSkin MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
showCensorshipCube flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showCensorshipCubeBreasts flags 0x6 offset: 0x25 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
occupationUnder flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Wearable.OccupationSlots MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
occupationOver flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c Wearable.OccupationSlots MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: WearableHolsterOffset
Offsets flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 WearableHolsterOffset.offsetInfo[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: WeatherEffect
emitOnStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
emitOnStop flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
emitOnLoop flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
maxEmissionRates flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
currentIntensity flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RainEffect
Class: SnowEffect
Class: UnderwaterEffect
Class: WordFilter
Class: WorldModel
mass flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LinearFog
fogMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fogColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
fogStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fogRange flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fogDensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fogSky flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MaterialOverlay
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: NaturalBloomAndDirtyLens
shader flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Shader MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lensDirtTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mipWeights flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
material flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
range flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
cutoff flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bloomIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lensDirtIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spread flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
iterations flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
mips flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
highPrecision flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
downscaleSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x55 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
debug flags 0x6 offset: 0x56 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isSupported flags 0x1 offset: 0x57 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
blurSize flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects ScopeEffect
overlayMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Supersampling
sceneCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
screenCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rt flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Sampling flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SupersamplingCamera
sceneCamera flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: InputState
current flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 InputMessage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
previous flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 InputMessage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SwallowedButtons flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemCraftTask
blueprint flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 ItemBlueprint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
owner flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instanceData flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ProtoBuf.Item.InstanceData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
potentialOwners flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.UInt64> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
takenItems flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<Item> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
endTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
taskUID flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
cancelled flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
skinID flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
numCrafted flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
conditionScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemCrafter
containers flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemContainer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
queue flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<ItemCraftTask> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
taskUID flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemEventFlag
onEnabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onDisable flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flag flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Item.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
firstRun flags 0x3 offset: 0x2c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastState flags 0x3 offset: 0x2d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Item
amountTextOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
info flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instanceData flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ProtoBuf.Item.InstanceData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
name flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
OnDirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Action<Item> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
contents flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 ItemContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
parent flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 ItemContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
worldEnt flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 EntityRef MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
heldEntity flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 EntityRef MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
_condition flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
_maxCondition flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
uid flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
dirty flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
busyTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
removeTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fuel flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x94 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
skin flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
flags flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 Item.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: IItemUpdate
Class: IItemSetup
Class: ItemContainer
onlyAllowedItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
availableSlots flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemSlot[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
itemList flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<Item> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
parent flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
playerOwner flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BasePlayer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
entityOwner flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flags flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 ItemContainer.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
allowedContents flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 ItemContainer.ContentsType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
capacity flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
uid flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
dirty flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
temperature flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
maxStackSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemBlueprint
ingredients flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
userCraftable flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isResearchable flags 0x6 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
rarity flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 Rust.Rarity MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
scrapRequired flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
scrapFromRecycle flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
NeedsSteamItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
blueprintStackSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
time flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
amountToCreate flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemDefinition
shortname flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
displayName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
displayDescription flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconSprite flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Sprite MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inventorySelectSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inventoryGrabSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inventoryDropSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
physImpactSoundDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
condition flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 ItemDefinition.Condition MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
steamItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 SteamInventoryItem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Parent flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
worldModelPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemMods flags 0x86 offset: 0x88 ItemMod[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
skins flags 0x86 offset: 0x90 ItemSkinDirectory.Skin[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_skins2 flags 0x81 offset: 0x98 Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Definition[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
panel flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Children flags 0x86 offset: 0xa8 ItemDefinition[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
itemid flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
category flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 ItemCategory MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
selectionPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 ItemSelectionPanel MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
maxDraggable flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
itemType flags 0x6 offset: 0xc0 ItemContainer.ContentsType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
amountType flags 0x6 offset: 0xc4 ItemDefinition.AmountType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
occupySlots flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 ItemSlot MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
stackable flags 0x6 offset: 0xcc System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
rarity flags 0x6 offset: 0xd0 Rust.Rarity MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hidden flags 0x6 offset: 0xd4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
flags flags 0x6 offset: 0xd8 ItemDefinition.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Traits flags 0x6 offset: 0xdc BaseEntity.TraitFlag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<isWearable>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0xe0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<isHoldable>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0xe1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<isUsable>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0xe2 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemCategory
Search flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 ItemCategory MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemSlot
UnderBarrel flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 ItemSlot MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemSelectionPanel
Modifications flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 ItemSelectionPanel MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemSelector
category flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 ItemCategory MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ItemMod
siblingMods flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ItemMod[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ItemModActionChange
actions flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemMod[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ItemModActionContainerChange
actions flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemMod[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ItemModAlterCondition
conditionChange flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemModBlueprintCraft
successEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemModBurnable
byproductItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fuelAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
byproductAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
byproductChance flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemModConditionContainerFlag
flag flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemContainer.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
requiredState flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModConditionHasContents
itemDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
requiredState flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModConditionHasFlag
flag flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Item.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
requiredState flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModConsumable
effects flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemModConsumable.ConsumableEffect> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
amountToConsume flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemModConsume
consumeEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
eatGesture flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
product flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 ItemAmountRandom[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ItemModConsumeContents
consumeEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemModContainer
onlyAllowedItemType flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
availableSlots flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ItemSlot[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
defaultContents flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
capacity flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxStackSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
containerFlags flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 ItemContainer.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
onlyAllowedContents flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 ItemContainer.ContentsType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
openInDeployed flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
openInInventory flags 0x6 offset: 0x49 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModContainerRestriction
slotFlags flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemModContainerRestriction.SlotFlags MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ItemModCookable
becomeOnCooked flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cookTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
amountOfBecome flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
lowTemp flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
highTemp flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
setCookingFlag flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModCycle
actions flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemMod[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
timeBetweenCycles flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timerStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
onlyAdvanceTimerWhenPass flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModDeployable
entityPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
showCrosshair flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModEntity
entityPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
defaultBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ItemModMenuOption
commandName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
actionTarget flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ItemMod MONO_TYPE_CLASS
option flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BaseEntity.Menu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isPrimaryOption flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModProjectile
projectileObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mods flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemModProjectileMod[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
spreadScalar flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
category flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
ammoType flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 Rust.AmmoTypes MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
numProjectiles flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
projectileSpread flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
projectileVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
projectileVelocitySpread flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
useCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModProjectileMod
Class: ItemModProjectileRadialDamage
damage flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Rust.DamageTypeEntry MONO_TYPE_CLASS
radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemModProjectileSpawn
createOnImpact flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
createOnImpactChance flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spreadAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spreadVelocityMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
spreadVelocityMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemModRecycleInto
recycleIntoItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
successEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
numRecycledItemMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
numRecycledItemMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemModReveal
revealedItemOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
revealList flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 LootSpawn MONO_TYPE_CLASS
successEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
numForReveal flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
revealedItemAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemModSound
effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
actionType flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ItemModSound.Type MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ItemModSwap
actionEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
becomeItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ItemAmount[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
sendPlayerPickupNotification flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
sendPlayerDropNotification flags 0x6 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
xpScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemModSwitchFlag
flag flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Item.Flag MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
state flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModUpgrade
upgradedItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
successEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
failEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
numForUpgrade flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
upgradeSuccessChance flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
numToLoseOnFail flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
numUpgradedItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemModUseContent
amountToConsume flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemModWearable
entityPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
protectionProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ProtectionProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
armorProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 ArmorProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
movementProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 ClothingMovementProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
occlusionType flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UIBlackoutOverlay.blackoutType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
blocksAiming flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ItemModXPWhenUsed
xpPerUnit flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
unitSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ItemFootstepSounds
effectFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ItemAmount
itemDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startAmount flags 0x86 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemAmountRandom
itemDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemAmountRanged
maxAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemManager
itemList flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemDefinition> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
itemDictionary flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,ItemDefinition> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
bpList flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemBlueprint> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
defaultBlueprints flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Func<UnityEngine.GameObject,ItemDefinition> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Func<ItemDefinition,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Func<UnityEngine.GameObject,ItemBlueprint> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache3 flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache4 flags 0x11 offset: 0x40 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache5 flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: LeavesBlowing
m_psLeaves flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_flSwirl flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_flSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_flEmissionRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: MaterialEffect
DefaultEffect flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Entries flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 MaterialEffect.Entry[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: MaterialSound
DefaultSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Entries flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 MaterialSound.Entry[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: MaxSpawnDistance
maxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: MoveOverTime
speed flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
scale flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: MovementSounds
waterMovementDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterMovement flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 Sound MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterGainMod flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 SoundModulation.Modulator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
waterMovementFadeInSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
waterMovementFadeOutSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Network.Channel Client
Tick flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Byte MONO_TYPE_U1
Class: Network.Channel Server
Positions flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Byte MONO_TYPE_U1
Class: NetworkVisibilityGrid
startID flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
gridSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
cellCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
visibilityRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
switchTolerance flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ByteMap
values flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Byte[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
size flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
bytes flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ByteQuadtree
values flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 ByteMap[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
size flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
levels flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ImageProcessing
Class: ManagedNoise
gradientsMask2D flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
gradients1D flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Double[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
gradients2Dx flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Double[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
gradients2Dy flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Double[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: NativeNoise
Class: Noise
native flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: NoiseParameters
Octaves flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Frequency flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Amplitude flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PathList
MeshNormalSmoothing flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Name flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Path flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 PathInterpolator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
placements flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Start flags 0x6 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
End flags 0x6 offset: 0x22 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Width flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Padding flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Fade flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Scaling flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Topology flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Splat flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SpawnFilter
SplatType flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 TerrainSplat.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
BiomeType flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 TerrainBiome.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
TopologyAny flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
TopologyAll flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
TopologyNot flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TerrainConfig
GenericMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Material flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SplatAtlas flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
NormalAtlas flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Splats flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 TerrainConfig.SplatType[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
CastShadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
GroundMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
WaterMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
HeightMapErrorMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
HeightMapErrorMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
BaseMapDistanceMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
BaseMapDistanceMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ShaderLodMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ShaderLodMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainSplat
type2index flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: TerrainBiome
type2index flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: TerrainTopology
SAND flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TextureData
short2float flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
width flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
height flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
colors flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Color32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: World
<Seed>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
<Size>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x4 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
<Checksum>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
<Procedural>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<Serialization>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 WorldSerialization MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: WorldSerialization
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<WorldSerialization.PathData,PathList> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<Checksum>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
world flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 WorldSerialization.WorldData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Cached>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DecorComponent
Class: DecorComponentEx
Class: DecorAlign
NormalAlignment flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
GradientAlignment flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
SlopeOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
SlopeScale flags 0x6 offset: 0xac UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecorFlip
FlipAxis flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 DecorFlip.AxisType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecorOffset
MinOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
MaxOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecorRotate
MinRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
MaxRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecorScale
MinScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
MaxScale flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecorSwim
Class: DecorTransform
Position flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Rotation flags 0x6 offset: 0xa4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Scale flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecorPatch
decorSpawn flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 DecorSpawn MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spawns flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
LOD flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
shift flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
extent flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
offset flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DecorSpawn
Instances flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<DecorSpawn> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Enabled flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Anchor flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Prefabs flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 Prefab[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
patches flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 DecorPatch[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Seed flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
ObjectCutoff flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ObjectTapering flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ObjectsPerPatch flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ClusterRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ClusterSizeMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ClusterSizeMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
PatchCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
PatchSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
LOD flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: GrassMesh
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MeshType flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GrassMeshType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Width flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Height flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
WidthRandomness flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
HeightRandomness flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
SizeRandomness flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Twist flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Skew flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Extent flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ColorRandomness flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ColorRandomA flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ColorRandomAScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ColorRandomAOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ColorRandomB flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ColorRandomBScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ColorRandomBOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: GrassMeshInfo
vertices flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
normals flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
uv flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector2> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
triangles flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
colors flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Color> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: GrassMeshType
Cross flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 GrassMeshType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: GrassPatch
grassSpawn flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 GrassSpawn MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ForceRefresh flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
refreshInProgress flags 0x1 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
linearColorMode flags 0x1 offset: 0x32 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
LOD flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
size flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
shift flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxdist flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
offset flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
cachedPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: GrassSpawn
GrassEnabled flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Instances flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.List<GrassSpawn> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Material flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Types flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GrassMesh[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Anchor flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MainMeshInfo flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 GrassMeshInfo MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ThreadMeshInfo flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 GrassMeshInfo MONO_TYPE_CLASS
patches flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 GrassPatch[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
ReceiveShadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
CastShadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x49 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
PatchCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
PatchSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
MeshDensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MeshScaling flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MeshCutoff flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MeshTapering flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<MeshCount>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<VertexCount>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<TriangleCount>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: RandomDestroy
Probability flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RandomDynamicObject
Candidates flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
instance flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Probability flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RandomDynamicPrefab
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
prefab flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 Prefab MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instance flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Probability flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RandomStaticObject
Candidates flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Probability flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RandomStaticPrefab
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Probability flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PowerlineNode
WireMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MaxDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainPathChildObjects
Spline flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Width flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Padding flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Fade flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Splat flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c TerrainSplat.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Topology flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Type flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 InfrastructureType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TerrainPathConnect
Type flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 InfrastructureType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ApplyTerrainAnchors
Class: TerrainAnchor
Extents flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainAnchorEx
Class: TerrainAnchorGenerator
PlacementRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
PlacementFade flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
PlacementDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
AnchorExtentsMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
AnchorExtentsMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
AnchorOffsetMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
AnchorOffsetMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainCheck
Extents flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainCheckEx
Class: TerrainCheckGenerator
PlacementRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
PlacementFade flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
PlacementDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
CheckExtentsMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
CheckExtentsMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainCheckGeneratorVolumes
PlacementRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainAtlasSet
sourceTypeNames flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
sourceTypeNamesExt flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
sourceTypePostfix flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
splatNames flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
albedoHighpass flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
albedoPaths flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
defaultValues flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Color[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
sourceMaps flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 TerrainAtlasSet.SourceMapSet[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
splatSearchPrefix flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
splatSearchFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
splatAtlasSavePath flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
normalAtlasSavePath flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
generateTextureAtlases flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
generateTextureArrays flags 0x6 offset: 0x61 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TerrainCollision
ignoredColliders flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 ListDictionary<UnityEngine.Collider,System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Collider>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
terrainCollider flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.TerrainCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TerrainCollisionTrigger
Class: TerrainColors
splatMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 TerrainSplatMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
biomeMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 TerrainBiomeMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TerrainExtension
terrain flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Terrain MONO_TYPE_CLASS
config flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 TerrainConfig MONO_TYPE_CLASS
isInitialized flags 0x86 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TerrainAlphaMap
AlphaTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TerrainBiomeMap
BiomeTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AltitudeCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LatitudeCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
num flags 0x3 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TerrainBlendMap
BlendTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TerrainHeightMap
HeightTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
NormalTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
normY flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainMap
res flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TerrainMap2D`1
src flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 T[,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
dst flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 T[,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
Class: TerrainMap3D`1
src flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 T[,,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
dst flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 T[,,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
Class: TerrainSplatMap
SplatTexture0 flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SplatTexture1 flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
num flags 0x3 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TerrainTopologyMap
TopologyTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TerrainWaterMap
WaterTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
normY flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainMeta
<Config>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 TerrainConfig MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Terrain>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 UnityEngine.Terrain MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Transform>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Position>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
config flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 TerrainConfig MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Size>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x24 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
paint flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 TerrainMeta.PaintMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
currentPaintMode flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c TerrainMeta.PaintMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<OneOverSize>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<HighestPoint>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<LowestPoint>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<Data>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.TerrainData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Collider>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.TerrainCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Collision>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x68 TerrainCollision MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Physics>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x70 TerrainPhysics MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Colors>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x78 TerrainColors MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Quality>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x80 TerrainQuality MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Path>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x88 TerrainPath MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<BiomeMap>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x90 TerrainBiomeMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<AlphaMap>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x98 TerrainAlphaMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<BlendMap>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0xa0 TerrainBlendMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<HeightMap>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0xa8 TerrainHeightMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<SplatMap>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0xb0 TerrainSplatMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<TopologyMap>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0xb8 TerrainTopologyMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<WaterMap>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0xc0 TerrainWaterMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<Texturing>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0xc8 TerrainTexturing MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TerrainPaint
Class: TerrainPath
Roads flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<PathList> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Bridges flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<PathList> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Rivers flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<PathList> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Powerlines flags 0x3 offset: 0x48 System.Collections.Generic.List<PathList> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Monuments flags 0x3 offset: 0x50 System.Collections.Generic.List<MonumentInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
RiverObjs flags 0x3 offset: 0x58 System.Collections.Generic.List<RiverInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
LakeObjs flags 0x3 offset: 0x60 System.Collections.Generic.List<LakeInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
targets flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<InfrastructureType,System.Collections.Generic.List<TerrainPathConnect>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
wires flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List<PowerlineNode>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: InfrastructureType
Power flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 InfrastructureType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TerrainPhysics
splat flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 TerrainSplatMap MONO_TYPE_CLASS
materials flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: TerrainQuality
terrain_quality flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
graphics_shaderlod flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HeightMapError flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
BaseMapDistance flags 0x3 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
TerrainShaderLod flags 0x3 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TextureCacheState
CachedCompressed flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 TextureCacheState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: FixAtlasMipLevelsState
Failed flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 FixAtlasMipLevelsState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TerrainTexturing
MaxBasePyramidSize flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
atlasDiffuseLevelsRequest flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 GPU.ForceLevelCountRequest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
atlasNormalLevelsRequest flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 GPU.ForceLevelCountRequest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
diffuseBasePyramid flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
normalBasePyramid flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
compressedDiffuseBasePyramid flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
compressedNormalBasePyramid flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
copyBlockCompressMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
temporaryRTs flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.RenderTexture> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
temporaryReqs flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Collections.Generic.List<GPU.CopyRegionRequest> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
coarseHeightSlopeMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
layerShaderPropNames flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.String[,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
debugFoliageDisplacement flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x89 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
fixAtlasMipLevelsState flags 0x1 offset: 0x8c FixAtlasMipLevelsState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
pyramidCacheState flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 TextureCacheState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
basePyramidSize flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
basePyramidMipCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
coarseHeightSlopeCacheState flags 0x1 offset: 0x9c TextureCacheState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prevCoarseHeightDownscale flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
prevDebugFoliageDisplacement flags 0x1 offset: 0xa4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
triggerUpdateGlobalParams flags 0x1 offset: 0xa5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canBlockCompressTextures flags 0x1 offset: 0xa6 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TerrainTreeBatch
Class: TreeMesh
Class: TerrainFilter
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TerrainFilterEx
Class: ProceduralComponent
Description flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Mode flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ProceduralComponent.Realm MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: GenerateBiome
Class: GenerateCliffSplat
Class: GenerateCliffTopology
KeepExisting flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: GenerateClutterTopology
Class: GenerateDecorTopology
KeepExisting flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: GenerateHeight
Shape flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Base flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Lake flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Dune flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Plain flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Hill flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Mountain flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: GeneratePowerlineLayout
Class: GenerateRiverLayout
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Comparison<PathList> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Width flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Padding flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Fade flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: GenerateRiverMeshes
RiverMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
RiverPhysicMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: GenerateRoadLayout
DefaultFade flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Width flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Padding flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Fade flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: GenerateRoadMeshes
RoadMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
RoadPhysicMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: GenerateSplat
Class: GenerateTerrainMesh
Class: GenerateTextures
Class: GenerateTopology
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<System.Int32,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: GenerateWireMeshes
Class: PlaceBridgeObjects
Bridge flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 PathList.BridgeObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PlaceDecorUniform
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
ObjectDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ObjectDithering flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlaceDecorValueNoise
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Cluster flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 NoiseParameters MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ObjectDensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlaceDecorWhiteNoise
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
ObjectDensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PlaceMonuments
Filter flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SpawnFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ResourceFolder flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
spawns flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Vector3> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Attempts flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
MinSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: PlacePowerlineObjects
Start flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 PathList.BasicObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
End flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 PathList.BasicObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Side flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 PathList.SideObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Path flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 PathList.PathObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PlaceRiverObjects
Start flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 PathList.BasicObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
End flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 PathList.BasicObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Side flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 PathList.SideObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Path flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 PathList.PathObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PlaceRoadObjects
Start flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 PathList.BasicObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
End flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 PathList.BasicObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Side flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 PathList.SideObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Path flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 PathList.PathObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PlaceSourceObjects
Start flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 PathList.BasicObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
End flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 PathList.BasicObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ProcessProceduralObjects
Class: ProceduralObject
Class: AddToHeightMap
Class: AddToWaterMap
Class: TerrainGenerator
BaseMapRes flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
config flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 TerrainConfig MONO_TYPE_CLASS
EditorSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: WorldSetup
terrain flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
decorPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
grassPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spawnPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
terrainMeta flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 TerrainMeta MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ProceduralObjects flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<ProceduralObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
AutomaticallySetup flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
EditorSeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
EditorSalt flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: ApplyTerrainModifiers
Class: TerrainCarve
Class: TerrainHeightAdd
Delta flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainHeightSet
Class: TerrainModifier
Opacity flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Fade flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainModifierEx
Class: TerrainSplatSet
SplatType flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 TerrainSplat.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TerrainTopologyAdd
TopologyType flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TerrainTopologySet
TopologyType flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Monument
Radius flags 0x6 offset: 0x110 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Fade flags 0x6 offset: 0x114 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Mountain
Fade flags 0x6 offset: 0x110 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: TerrainPlacement
heightmap flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
splatmap0 flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
splatmap1 flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
alphamap flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
biomemap flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
topologymap flags 0x6 offset: 0xc0 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
watermap flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blendmap flags 0x6 offset: 0xd0 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
HeightMap flags 0x6 offset: 0xd8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
AlphaMap flags 0x6 offset: 0xd9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
WaterMap flags 0x6 offset: 0xda System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
SplatMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xdc TerrainSplat.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
BiomeMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 TerrainBiome.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
TopologyMask flags 0x6 offset: 0xe4 TerrainTopology.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
size flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
extents flags 0x6 offset: 0xf4 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
offset flags 0x6 offset: 0x100 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: TerrainPlacementEx
Class: WaterType
Lake flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 WaterType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: WaterQuality
High flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 WaterQuality MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: WaterSurfaceDesc
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
renderers flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
triggers flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Collider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: MeshLink
renderer flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
transform flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sharedMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Water
<Collision>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 WaterCollision MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instance flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 Water MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ocean flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 WaterSurfaceDesc MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rivers flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 WaterSurfaceDesc MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lakes flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 WaterSurfaceDesc MONO_TYPE_CLASS
simulation flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 WaterSimulation MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rendering flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 WaterRendering MONO_TYPE_CLASS
propertyBlock flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reflectionProbe flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe MONO_TYPE_CLASS
oceanMaterialInst flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
riverMaterialInst flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lakeMaterialInst flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
riverObjs flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
lakeObjs flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
riverLinks flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshLink> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
lakeLinks flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Collections.Generic.List<MeshLink> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
commandBufferManager flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 CommandBufferManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wind flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
showDebug flags 0x6 offset: 0x9c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showGizmos flags 0x6 offset: 0x9d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Quality flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 WaterQuality MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prevQuality flags 0x1 offset: 0xa4 WaterQuality MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prevWaterLevel flags 0x1 offset: 0xa8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
simulateNextFrame flags 0x1 offset: 0xac System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
visibilityMask flags 0x1 offset: 0xb0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0xb4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: WaterCollision
ignoredColliders flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ListDictionary<UnityEngine.Collider,System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Collider>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
waterColliders flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<UnityEngine.Collider> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: WaterMesh
borderMesh flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
centerPatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
borderVerticesLocal flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
borderVerticesWorld flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
borderRingCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
borderRingSpacingFalloff flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
resolution flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: WaterRadialMesh
MaxHorizontalDisplacement flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
meshes flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Mesh[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SSRControlParams
fresnelCutoff flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
thicknessMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
thicknessMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
thicknessStartDist flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
thicknessEndDist flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CausticsAnimation
framesShallow flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Texture2D[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
framesDeep flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Texture2D[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
frameRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: WaterRendering
postFogCBOrderId flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SSRControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 SSRControlParams MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CausticsAnimation flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 CausticsAnimation MONO_TYPE_CLASS
water flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 Water MONO_TYPE_CLASS
renderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
radialMesh flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 WaterRadialMesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
state flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 WaterRendering.RenderState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
backgroundOceanMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
backgroundRiverMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
backgroundLakeMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reflectionMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
underwaterMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
multiCopyMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
surfaceTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
preFogBackgroundTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ssrReflectionTex flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
overlayMesh flags 0x1 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targets flags 0x1 offset: 0xb0 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
camera flags 0x1 offset: 0xb8 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBufferManager flags 0x1 offset: 0xc0 CommandBufferManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MaxDisplacementDistance flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
hasValidCausticsAnims flags 0x1 offset: 0xcc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
useMRTBlendingFallback flags 0x1 offset: 0xcd System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
initializedMaterials flags 0x1 offset: 0xce System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0xcf System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: WaterSimulation
MaxSolverResolution flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
perlinNoiseData flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.TextAsset MONO_TYPE_CLASS
water flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 Water MONO_TYPE_CLASS
perlinNoiseMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
displacementMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
normalFoldMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
computeNormalFoldMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
simulationMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hTilde0Map flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dispersionMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
butterflyMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hTilde_hMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hTilde_dxdzMap flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBuffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBufferManager flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 CommandBufferManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
camera flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
solverResolution flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
solverSizeInWorld flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gravity flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
amplitude flags 0x6 offset: 0x94 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
solverButterflyCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
windDirection flags 0x1 offset: 0x9c UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
windMagnitude flags 0x1 offset: 0xa4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
displacementMapTexelSize flags 0x1 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.Vector4 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
playing flags 0x1 offset: 0xb8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0xb9 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: WaterVisibilityTrigger
ticks flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
tracker flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<System.Int64,WaterVisibilityTrigger> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
enteredTick flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
Class: CommandBufferManager
instances flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UnityEngine.Camera,CommandBufferManager> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
_targetCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBuffers flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,CommandBufferManager.CommandBufferEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
OnPreRenderCall flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
OnPreCullCall flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
changed flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DeferredDecal
mesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
StickyGizmos flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
cached flags 0x1 offset: 0x29 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
localToWorldMatrix flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: DeferredDecalRenderer
DiffuseBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,InstancingBuffer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
SpecularBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,InstancingBuffer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
NormalsBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,InstancingBuffer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
EmissionBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,InstancingBuffer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
CombinedBuffer flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,InstancingBuffer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: DeferredDecalSystem
IsDirty flags 0x13 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DiffuseDecals flags 0x13 offset: 0x8 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,ListHashSet<DeferredDecal>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
SpecularDecals flags 0x13 offset: 0x10 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,ListHashSet<DeferredDecal>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
NormalsDecals flags 0x13 offset: 0x18 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,ListHashSet<DeferredDecal>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
EmissionDecals flags 0x13 offset: 0x20 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,ListHashSet<DeferredDecal>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
CombinedDecals flags 0x13 offset: 0x28 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,ListHashSet<DeferredDecal>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
DiffusePass flags 0x13 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
SpecularPass flags 0x13 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
NormalsPass flags 0x13 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
EmissionPass flags 0x13 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
CombinedPass flags 0x13 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
DiffuseRenderTarget flags 0x13 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
SpecularRenderTarget flags 0x13 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
NormalsRenderTarget flags 0x13 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
EmissionRenderTarget flags 0x13 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
CombinedRenderTarget flags 0x13 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: CoreEnvBrdfLut
runtimeEnvBrdfLut flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SubsurfaceScatteringParams
Default flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 SubsurfaceScatteringParams MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
enabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
quality flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 SubsurfaceScatteringParams.Quality MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
halfResolution flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
radiusScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExtendGBufferParams
Default flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 ExtendGBufferParams MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
enabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DeferredExtension
registeredMeshes flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<DeferredExtensionMesh> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
visibleMeshes flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<DeferredExtensionMesh> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
_targetCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBufferManager flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 CommandBufferManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
postSubsurfaceMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
temporalAA flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 TAA.TemporalAntiAliasing MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gbufferTexture4 flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gbufferTexture5 flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targets flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
extendGBuffer flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 ExtendGBufferParams MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
subsurfaceScattering flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 SubsurfaceScatteringParams MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
depthScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
debug flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
extendGBufferCBEvent flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
extendGBufferCBOrderId flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
postSubsurfaceCBEvent flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
postSubsurfaceCBOrderId flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
frameIndexMod8 flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
temporalAASampleIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
gbufferWidth flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
gbufferHeight flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: DeferredExtensionMesh
subsurfaceProfile flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SubsurfaceProfile MONO_TYPE_CLASS
materialLinks flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<DeferredExtensionMesh.MaterialLink> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
_block flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_renderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
isVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SeparableSSS
Class: SubsurfaceProfileData
ScatterRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
SubsurfaceColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
FalloffColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: SubsurfaceProfile
profileTexture flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 SubsurfaceProfileTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Data flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SubsurfaceProfileData MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
id flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SubsurfaceProfileTexture
SUBSURFACE_KERNEL_SIZE flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
entries flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<SubsurfaceProfileTexture.SubsurfaceProfileEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
texture flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DeferredMeshDecal
renderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
materialLinks flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<DeferredMeshDecal.MaterialLink> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
isVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DeferredMeshDecalRenderer
registeredMeshDecals flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<DeferredMeshDecal> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
visibleMeshDecals flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<DeferredMeshDecal> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
targetCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBuffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targets flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
multiCopyMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBufferEvent flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
useMRTBlendingFallback flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: FoliageDisplacement
mesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
moving flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
visible flags 0x1 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: FoliageDisplacementManager
handle flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 SpecialPurposeCamera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: GPU DeviceRequest
request flags 0x4 offset: 0x10 System.IntPtr MONO_TYPE_I
state flags 0x4 offset: 0x18 GPU.DeviceRequest.State MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
result flags 0x4 offset: 0x20 System.IntPtr MONO_TYPE_I
Class: GPU CreateTextureRequest
texture flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
width flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
height flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
mips flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
format flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.TextureFormat MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
linear flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: GPU CopyRegionRequest
Class: GPU ForceLevelCountRequest
dest flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
updated flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: GlobalWind
windZone flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.WindZone MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LightCloneShadow
shaderPropNameMap flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
map flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
shaderPropNameMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
mask flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
light flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mapCB flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maskCB flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cloneShadowMap flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
cloneShadowMapDownscale flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
cloneShadowMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
cloneShadowMaskDownscale flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
screenWidth flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
screenHeight flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: PostOpaqueDepth
commandBufferOrderId flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
copyDepthMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cameraDepth flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
postOpaqueDepth flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBufferManager flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 CommandBufferManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SpecialPurposeCamera
name flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
camera flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
transform flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
texture flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commands flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dynamicEntries flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 ListHashSet<SpecialPurposeCamera.RenderEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
dynamicBuffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 InstancingContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
staticEntries flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 ListHashSet<SpecialPurposeCamera.RenderEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
staticBuffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 InstancingContainer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dirty flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SendMessageToEntityOnAnimationFinish
lastMessageSent flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
messageToSendToEntity flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
repeatRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: AntiHackManager
Class: AntiHackVolume
Center flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Size flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ConnectionAuth
Class: ConnectionQueue
Class: ServerMgr
auth flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ConnectionAuth MONO_TYPE_CLASS
runFrameUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ServerPerformance
deaths flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
spawns flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
position_changes flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: TriggerHurtEx
damageOnEnter flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
effectOnEnter flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageOnTimer flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
effectOnTimer flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageOnMove flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
effectOnMove flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageOnLeave flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Collections.Generic.List<Rust.DamageTypeEntry> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
effectOnLeave flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
repeatRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
hurtTypeOnEnter flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 TriggerHurtEx.HurtType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hurtTypeOnTimer flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 TriggerHurtEx.HurtType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hurtTypeOnMove flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c TriggerHurtEx.HurtType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
hurtTypeOnLeave flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 TriggerHurtEx.HurtType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: BoneInfoComponent
sizeVariation flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
sizeVariationSeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: BuildingGrade
baseCost flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
physicMaterial flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageProtecton flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 ProtectionProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
upgradeMenu flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 BaseEntity.Menu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
type flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 BuildingGrade.Enum MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
baseHealth flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: FileStorage
client flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 FileStorage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_cache flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.UInt32,FileStorage.CacheData> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ClientStorage
Class: GameManifest
loadedManifest flags 0x13 offset: 0x0 GameManifest MONO_TYPE_CLASS
guidToPath flags 0x13 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
guidToObject flags 0x13 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,UnityEngine.Object> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
pooledStrings flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 GameManifest.PooledString[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
meshColliders flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameManifest.MeshColliderInfo[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
prefabProperties flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 GameManifest.PrefabProperties[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
skinnables flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 Skinnable[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
entities flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ItemSkin
Skinnable flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 Skinnable MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Materials flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Material[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ItemSkinDirectory
_Instance flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 ItemSkinDirectory MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skins flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemSkinDirectory.Skin[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: LootSpawn
items flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemAmountRanged[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
subSpawn flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 LootSpawn.Entry[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: NamedObjectList
objects flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 NamedObjectList.NamedObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ObjectList
objects flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Object[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: P2PMessages
Class: PlayerInventoryProperties
niceName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
belt flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
main flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
wear flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<ItemAmount> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
order flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ProtectionProperties
comments flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
amounts flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
density flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RecoilProperties
recoilYawMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
recoilYawMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
recoilPitchMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
recoilPitchMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeToTakeMin flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeToTakeMax flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ADSScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
movementPenalty flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
clampPitch flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SkinSet
Label flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
MeshReplacements flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SkinSet.MeshReplace[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
MaterialReplacements flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SkinSet.MaterialReplace[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
SkinColour flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Gradient MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SkinSetCollection
Skins flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 SkinSet[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: SteamInventoryCategory
canBeSoldToOtherUsers flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canBeTradedWithOtherUsers flags 0x6 offset: 0x19 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isCommodity flags 0x6 offset: 0x1a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
price flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c SteamInventoryCategory.Price MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
dropChance flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SteamInventoryCategory.DropChance MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
CanBeInCrates flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SteamInventoryItem
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Sprite MONO_TYPE_CLASS
displayName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
displayDescription flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
steamCategory flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 SteamInventoryCategory MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemname flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
id flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
category flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 SteamInventoryItem.Category MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
subcategory flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 SteamInventoryItem.SubCategory MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
workshopID flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: StringPool
toString flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.UInt32,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
toNumber flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,System.UInt32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
initialized flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
closest flags 0x16 offset: 0x14 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: OpenSteamURL
openInSteam flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SteamClient
localSteamID flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
localName flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
currentVersion flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<System.UInt64,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: SteamUtil
_betaNameFull flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
_betaNameType flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: WorkshopSkin
Class: AdminUI
Class: BlurManager
blur flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.BlurOptimized MONO_TYPE_CLASS
color flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.ColorCorrectionCurves MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxBlurScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
blurAmount flags 0x3 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
desaturationAmount flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Branding
versionText flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
devBranchExtra flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ChatEntry
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
avatar flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
defaultTexture flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Texture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lifeStarted flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
steamid flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: UIChat
isOpen flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
inputArea flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
chatArea flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inputField flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scrollRect flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
chatItemPlayer flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ChildrenFromScene
SceneName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ConnectionScreen
statusText flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
disconnectButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
retryButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
browserInfo flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 ServerBrowserInfo MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onShowConnectionScreen flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentServer flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ConsoleUI
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
outputField flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inputField flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AutocompleteDropDown flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ItemTemplate flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 TextBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
history flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 TextBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
historyTemp flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
historyText flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
autocompleteButtons flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.UI.Button[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
errorColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
warningColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
inputColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
historyIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
autocompleteIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x9c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ContextMenuUI
type flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 ContextMenuUI.MenuType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ConvarToggleChildren
ConvarName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
ConvarEnabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Command flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
state flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Crosshair
Enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
anim flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rectTransform flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: CursorManager
iHoldOpen flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
iPreviousOpen flags 0x11 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: NeedsCursor
Class: NeedsMouseWheel
Class: ContainerSourceLocalPlayer
type flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 PlayerInventory.Type MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ContainerSourceLoot
container flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ContainerSourceSelectedItem
Class: ItemContainerSource
Class: DeveloperTools
bugreporter flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
developerTools flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
navButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
panelContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
networkGraph flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DeveloperUI
Class: ChangeSignText
onUpdateTexture flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Action<UnityEngine.Texture2D> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
objectContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: KeyCodeEntry
textDisplay flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onCodeEntered flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Action<System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
typeDisplay flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
masterCodePhrase flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
guestCodePhrase flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textEntered flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: PickAFriend
input flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onSelected flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Action<System.UInt64> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: RenameSleepingBag
input flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bag flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SleepingBag MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIDialog
isClosing flags 0x86 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: EntityHUDRender
cachedEntity flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ErrorText
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stopwatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxLength flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: FPSText
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fpsTimer flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Rust.UI.Utility ForceWeather
component flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Toggle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Rain flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Fog flags 0x6 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Wind flags 0x6 offset: 0x22 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Clouds flags 0x6 offset: 0x23 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: GameStat
title flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
globalStat flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
localStat flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
stats flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 GameStat.Stat[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
unshownStats flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 GameStat.Stat[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
stat flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 GameStat.Stat MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
refreshTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
globalValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
localValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
oldGlobalValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
oldLocalValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Int64 MONO_TYPE_I8
secondsSinceRefresh flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
secondsUntilUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
secondsUntilChange flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: FPSGraph
Class: Graph
Material flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
values flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Resolution flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
ScreenFill flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ScreenOrigin flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Pivot flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Area flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Rect MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
CurrentValue flags 0x3 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
index flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
max flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: HudElement
ValueText flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
FilledImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Image[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
LastValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ImagePainter
onDrawing flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ImagePainter.OnDrawingEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
redirectRightClick flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour MONO_TYPE_CLASS
brush flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 Painting.Brush MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pointerState flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 ImagePainter.PointerState[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
spacingScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: MapInterface
isOpen flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastActiveMap flags 0x13 offset: 0x8 MapEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mapImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cameraPositon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scrollRect flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEx MONO_TYPE_CLASS
paintGrid flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 PaintableImageGrid MONO_TYPE_CLASS
paintBox flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UIPaintBox MONO_TYPE_CLASS
needsCursor flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 NeedsCursor MONO_TYPE_CLASS
monumentMarkerContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
monumentMarkerPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
followingPlayer flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
waitingForMouseUp flags 0x3 offset: 0x59 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
nextSave flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: MonumentMarker
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIMapVendingMachineMarker
colorBackground flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
displayName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
toolTip flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Tooltip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inStock flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
outOfStock flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isInStock flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIPaintBox
onBrushChanged flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UIPaintBox.OnBrushChanged MONO_TYPE_CLASS
brush flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Painting.Brush MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: Painting Brush
texture flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spacing flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
brushSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
color flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
erase flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIFadeOut
targetGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
secondsToFadeOut flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
destroyOnFaded flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
timeStarted flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: UIHUD
chatPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UIChat MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Hunger flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 HudElement MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Thirst flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 HudElement MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Health flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 HudElement MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x4 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
visible flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIUnderlay
damageDirectional flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: IngameMenuBackground
Enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: BeltBarIcon
itemIcon flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wasSelected flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BlueprintButton
name flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
subtitle flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
image flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
button flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
group flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gotColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
notGotColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
LockedGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LockedPrice flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LockedImageBackground flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LockedLevel flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blueprint flags 0x3 offset: 0x70 ItemBlueprint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
craftableFraction flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
LockedCannotUnlockColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
LockedCanUnlockColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
needsRefresh flags 0x3 offset: 0x9c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BlueprintCategoryButton
amountLabel flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
BackgroundHighlight flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
clickSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hoverSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Category flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 ItemCategory MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
CurrentAmount flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Selected flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BlueprintCraftGridRow
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
total flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
have flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
colorOK flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
colorBad flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: BlueprintHeader
categoryName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
unlockCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: CraftingNotice
rotatingIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemName flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
craftSeconds flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: CraftingQueue
CraftingItems flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
isCrafting flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
queueContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
queueItemPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: CraftingQueueIcon
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
timeLeft flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
craftingCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
item flags 0x86 offset: 0x38 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
taskid flags 0x86 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
endTime flags 0x86 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
amount flags 0x86 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SelectedBlueprint
sb flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Text.StringBuilder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blueprint flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemBlueprint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
craftAmountText flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ingredientGrid flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skinPicker flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 IconSkinPicker MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
titleText flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
descriptionText flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CraftArea flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CraftButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CraftTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CraftAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ingredientRows flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 BlueprintCraftGridRow[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
craftAmount flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: UIBlueprints
<>f__mg$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,Rust.Rarity> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
buttonPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scrollRect flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect MONO_TYPE_CLASS
searchField flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
listAvailable flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
listLocked flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blueprintButtonPool flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 Facepunch.GameObjectPool<BlueprintButton> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
buttons flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Collections.Generic.List<BlueprintButton> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
needsResort flags 0x86 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
category flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 ItemCategory MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ItemDropCommand
command flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ItemIcon
defaultBackgroundColor flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
selectedBackgroundColor flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
containerSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemContainerSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
slots flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconContents flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
underlayImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
amountText flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hoverOutline flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cornerIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lockedImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
progressImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
backgroundImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
conditionObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
conditionFill flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxConditionFill flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
item flags 0x86 offset: 0x88 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hoverSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
slotImages flags 0x3 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.UI.Image[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
timedAction flags 0x6 offset: 0xa0 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
slotOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0xa8 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
slot flags 0x6 offset: 0xac System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
setSlotFromSiblingIndex flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
allowSelection flags 0x6 offset: 0xb1 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
allowDropping flags 0x6 offset: 0xb2 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
invalidSlot flags 0x86 offset: 0xb3 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
timedActionTime flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Nullable<UnityEngine.Vector2> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: ItemOptionButton
name flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
item flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
option flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ItemPanel
item flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemPickupNotice
objectDeleteOnFinish flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Text flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemSplitter
slider flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Slider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textValue flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
splitAmountText flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
oldAmount flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ItemSplitterDragOut
rootSplitter flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemSplitter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ItemSubmitPanel
Class: LootPanel
Title flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LootPanelContainer
containerName flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
NoLootPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentLootPanel flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_lastLootPanel flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
wasShowingPanel flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: LootPanelLocker
controls flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: LootPanelOven
controlsOn flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
controlsOff flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LootPanelRecycler
controlsOn flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
controlsOff flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LootPanelWaterCatcher
sourceItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 ItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
capacityImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
helpCanvas flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buttonsCanvas flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fromButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
toButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
drinkButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: NoticeArea
itemPickupPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemDroppedPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ProtectionValue
group flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
damageType flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 Rust.DamageType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
selectedItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: QuickCraft
<>f__mg$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<ItemBlueprint,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
craftButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
empty flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
isDirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastHash flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: QuickCraftButton
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
tooltip flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Tooltip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CraftCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bp flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 ItemBlueprint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skinId flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
oldCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: RepairBenchPanel
_displayItem flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
infoText flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
repairButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
phraseEmpty flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
phraseNotRepairable flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
phraseRepairNotNeeded flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 Translate.Phrase MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skinsPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
changeSkinDialog flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
picker flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 IconSkinPicker MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gotColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
notGotColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ResearchTablePanel
researchButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
timerText flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemDescNoItem flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemDescTooBroken flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemDescNotResearchable flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemDescTooMany flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemTakeBlueprint flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
successChanceText flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
_researchItem flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gotColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
notGotColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
chanceColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
wasResearching flags 0x86 offset: 0x98 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: SelectedItem
selectedItem flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 ItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hoveredItem flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 ItemIcon MONO_TYPE_CLASS
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconSplitter flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
title flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
description flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
splitPanel flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemProtection flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
menuOption flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
optionsParent flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
innerPanelContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
animator flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
protectionValues flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 ProtectionValue[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
previousOptions flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Collections.Generic.List<GameMenu.Option> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
lastItem flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wasOpen flags 0x3 offset: 0x80 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UICrafting
isOpen flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Inset flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
returnX flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: UIIntegerEntry
textEntry flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.InputField MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textChanged flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIInventory
isOpen flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
PlayerName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Inset flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
returnX flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: VirtualItemIcon
itemDef flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ItemDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
amountText flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconContents flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
conditionObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
conditionFill flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
maxConditionFill flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cornerIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
itemAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: LifeInfographic
life flags 0x86 offset: 0x18 ProtoBuf.PlayerLifeStory MONO_TYPE_CLASS
container flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LifeInfographicStat
dataSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 LifeInfographicStat.DataType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: LookatHealth
Enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
container flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textHealth flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textStability flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
healthBar flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
healthBarBG flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
previousLookingAt flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
anim flags 0x3 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
barBGColorNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
barBGColorUnstable flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
idealWidth flags 0x3 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LookatTooltip
Enabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
tooltipAnimator flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentlyLookingAt flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 BaseEntity MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textLabel flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
icon flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastInfoHash flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: AboutYou
username flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
avatar flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
subtitle flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LanguageSelection
languagePopup flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
buttonContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flagImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LoadingScreen
<WantsSkip>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<Text>k__BackingField flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
panel flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
title flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
subtitle flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
skipButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
music flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MainMenuSystem
isOpen flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MenuFriendPanel
friendName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
friendSubtitle flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
friendAvatar flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
friend flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MenuServerPanel
Class: NewsButton
story flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 NewsSource.Story MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
canvasGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
author flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
image flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
storyNumber flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
randomness flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
textureSize flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: NewsSource
story flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 NewsSource.Story[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
title flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
date flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
authorName flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
image flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
layoutGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.UI.VerticalLayoutGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
button flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ServerBrowser
orderBy flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
searchText flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
mapSearchText flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
showFull flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showEmpty flags 0x1 offset: 0x31 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ServerBrowserCategory
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
serverCountText flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
browserList flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 ServerBrowserList MONO_TYPE_CLASS
isDirty flags 0x86 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ServerBrowserInfo
serverName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
serverMeta flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
serverText flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
headerImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
viewWebpage flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
refresh flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server MONO_TYPE_CLASS
defaultServerImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Texture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
weburl flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
loadedTexture flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Texture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
descriptionText flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
isMain flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ServerBrowserItem
steamFavourites flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
serverName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mapName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
playerCount flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ping flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
favourited flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Toggle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
serverInfo flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server MONO_TYPE_CLASS
preventFavouriteToggle flags 0x3 offset: 0x48 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ServerBrowserList
VersionTag flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
serverItemPool flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache3 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache4 flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache5 flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache6 flags 0x11 offset: 0x40 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache7 flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
searchFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
mapFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
serverList flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Collections.Generic.List<Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
sortOrder flags 0x3 offset: 0x68 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
queryType flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 ServerBrowserList.QueryType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
servers flags 0x3 offset: 0x74 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
players flags 0x3 offset: 0x78 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
shouldShowSecureServers flags 0x86 offset: 0x7c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
startActive flags 0x6 offset: 0x7d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
refreshOrder flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
isDirty flags 0x3 offset: 0x84 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showFull flags 0x1 offset: 0x85 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showEmpty flags 0x1 offset: 0x86 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
nextRebuild flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ServerHistory
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Object> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
prefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 ServerHistoryItem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
panelList flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Request flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Request MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ServerHistoryItem
serverInfo flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 Facepunch.Steamworks.ServerList.Server MONO_TYPE_CLASS
serverName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
players flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lastJoinDate flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
order flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: SteamInventoryCrafting
Class: SteamInventoryIcon
<WorkshopItem>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 Facepunch.Steamworks.Workshop.Item MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: SteamInventoryInfo
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache3 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache4 flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Func<Rust.Workshop.Game.WorkshopInventoryItem,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache5 flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Item,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache6 flags 0x11 offset: 0x30 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Item,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache7 flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Item,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache8 flags 0x11 offset: 0x40 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Item,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
LastStackTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<>f__am$cache9 flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.Inventory.Item,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: YourFriends
PanelList flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
FriendPanels flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 MenuFriendPanel[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: ObjectRotation
cam flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PaintableImageGrid
templateImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UIPaintableImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
images flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UIPaintableImage[,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
cols flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
rows flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: UIPaintableImage
image flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
texture flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
texSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
clearColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
filterMode flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.FilterMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
mipmaps flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
imageNumber flags 0x86 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
imageHash flags 0x86 offset: 0x48 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
isLocked flags 0x86 offset: 0x4c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isLoading flags 0x86 offset: 0x4d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isBlank flags 0x86 offset: 0x4e System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
needsApply flags 0x86 offset: 0x4f System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIParticle
InitialColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Gradient MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LifeTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Gravity flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
InitialX flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
InitialY flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
InitialScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
InitialDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ScaleVelocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lifetime flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
gravity flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
velocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
scaleVelocity flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: PerformanceText
text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sb flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Text.StringBuilder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fpsTimer flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PieMenu
Instance flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 PieMenu MONO_TYPE_CLASS
easePunch flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<PieMenu.MenuOption,System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
middleBox flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pieBackgroundBlur flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 PieShape MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pieBackground flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 PieShape MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pieSelection flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 PieShape MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pieOptionPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
optionsCanvas flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
options flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 PieMenu.MenuOption[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
scaleTarget flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
middleImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
middleTitle flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
middleDesc flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
middleRequired flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
clipOpen flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
clipCancel flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
clipChanged flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
clipSelected flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
defaultOption flags 0x6 offset: 0x98 PieMenu.MenuOption MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
selectedOption flags 0x3 offset: 0xa8 PieMenu.MenuOption MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sliceGaps flags 0x6 offset: 0xb0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
outerSize flags 0x6 offset: 0xb4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
innerSize flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
iconSize flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xc0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
radiusSize flags 0x6 offset: 0xc4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
colorIconActive flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
colorIconHovered flags 0x6 offset: 0xd8 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
colorIconDisabled flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
colorBackgroundDisabled flags 0x6 offset: 0xf8 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isClosing flags 0x1 offset: 0x108 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
IsOpen flags 0x6 offset: 0x109 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UISound
source flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PieOption
background flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 PieShape MONO_TYPE_CLASS
imageIcon flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: PieShape
outerSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
innerSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
startRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
endRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
border flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
debugDrawing flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: CameraEx
overrideAmbientLight flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ambientMode flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ambientGroundColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ambientEquatorColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ambientLight flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
ambientIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
old_ambientLight flags 0x3 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
old_ambientGroundColor flags 0x3 offset: 0x64 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
old_ambientEquatorColor flags 0x3 offset: 0x74 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
old_ambientIntensity flags 0x3 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
old_ambientMode flags 0x3 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
aspect flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: uiPlayerPreview
previewCamera flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
playermodel flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 PlayerModel MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reflectionProbe flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe MONO_TYPE_CLASS
needsUpdateFrom flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 PlayerModel MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ProgressBar
Instance flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 ProgressBar MONO_TYPE_CLASS
action flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Action<BasePlayer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
scaleTarget flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
progressField flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
iconField flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
leftField flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rightField flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
clipOpen flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
clipCancel flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
timeFinished flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeCounter flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isClosing flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
IsOpen flags 0x6 offset: 0x69 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ProgressBarUI
option flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 GameMenu.Option MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: UnityEngine.UI ScrollRectEx
m_Content flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Viewport flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_HorizontalScrollbar flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_VerticalScrollbar flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_OnValueChanged flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEx.ScrollRectEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_ViewRect flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Rect flags 0x81 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_HorizontalScrollbarRect flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_VerticalScrollbarRect flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Corners flags 0x21 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
scrollButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.InputButton MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_Horizontal flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_Vertical flags 0x1 offset: 0x6d System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_MovementType flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEx.MovementType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_Elasticity flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_Inertia flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_DecelerationRate flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_ScrollSensitivity flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEx.ScrollbarVisibility MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEx.ScrollbarVisibility MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing flags 0x1 offset: 0x8c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_PointerStartLocalCursor flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_ContentStartPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x9c UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_ContentBounds flags 0x1 offset: 0xa4 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_ViewBounds flags 0x1 offset: 0xbc UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_Velocity flags 0x1 offset: 0xd4 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_Dragging flags 0x1 offset: 0xdc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_PrevPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0xe0 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_PrevContentBounds flags 0x1 offset: 0xe8 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_PrevViewBounds flags 0x1 offset: 0x100 UnityEngine.Bounds MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_HasRebuiltLayout flags 0x81 offset: 0x118 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_HSliderExpand flags 0x1 offset: 0x119 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_VSliderExpand flags 0x1 offset: 0x11a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_HSliderHeight flags 0x1 offset: 0x11c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_VSliderWidth flags 0x1 offset: 0x120 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_Tracker flags 0x1 offset: 0x124 UnityEngine.DrivenRectTransformTracker MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ScrollRectZoom
scrollRect flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEx MONO_TYPE_CLASS
zoom flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smooth flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
max flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
min flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
velocity flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SleepingBagButton
timerInfo flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
BagName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
LockTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
button flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
spawnOptions flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 ProtoBuf.RespawnInformation.SpawnOptions MONO_TYPE_CLASS
releaseTime flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: SteamFriendsList
SeenList flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.UInt64> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Func<Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
userButton flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 SteamUserButton MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onFriendSelected flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 SteamFriendsList.onFriendSelectedEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
playerList flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Collections.Generic.List<Facepunch.Steamworks.SteamFriend> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
IncludeFriendsList flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
IncludeLastAttacker flags 0x6 offset: 0x39 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
IncludeRecentlySeen flags 0x6 offset: 0x3a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
lastAttackerSteamID flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.UInt64 MONO_TYPE_U8
Class: SteamUserButton
steamName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
avatar flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textColorInGame flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
textColorOnline flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
textColorNormal flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: UIStyle_Menu_Button_ListItem
apply flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIStyle_Menu_Input
apply flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIStyle_Menu_Panel
toggle flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TextEntryCookie
Class: TimeSlider
slider flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Slider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ToggleGroupCookie
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<UnityEngine.UI.Toggle,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<UnityEngine.UI.Toggle,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: Tooltip
Current flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Text flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
TooltipObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TooltipContainer
Source flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.RectTransform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: KeyBindUI
blockingCanvas flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
btnA flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
btnB flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bindString flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
binding flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
noButtonsDown flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ToggleLayer
toggleControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Toggle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
layer flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 LayerSelect MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ToggleTerrainRenderer
toggleControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Toggle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ToggleTerrainTrees
toggleControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Toggle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TweakUI
isOpen flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TweakUIDropdown
Left flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Right flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Button MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Current flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
BackgroundImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.UI.Image MONO_TYPE_CLASS
nameValues flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 TweakUIDropdown.NameValue[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
convarName flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
conVar flags 0x3 offset: 0x48 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
assignImageColor flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
currentValue flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TweakUIMultiSelect
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<UnityEngine.UI.Toggle,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
toggleGroup flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
convarName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
conVar flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TweakUISlider
sliderControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Slider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
textControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
convarName flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
conVar flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TweakUIToggle
toggleControl flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Toggle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
convarName flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
conVar flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
inverse flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIBackgroundBlur
amount flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: UIBlackoutOverlay
instances flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UIBlackoutOverlay.blackoutType,UIBlackoutOverlay> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
group flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
initialPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
overlayType flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UIBlackoutOverlay.blackoutType MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: UIDeathScreen
sleepingBagIconPrefab flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sleepingBagContainer flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
previousLifeInfographic flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 LifeInfographic MONO_TYPE_CLASS
screenAnimator flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
canvasGroup flags 0x4 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
graphicRaycaster flags 0x4 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster MONO_TYPE_CLASS
needsCursor flags 0x4 offset: 0x48 NeedsCursor MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fadeIn flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UIEscapeCapture
onEscape flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIIngame
Class: UIPrefab
prefabSource flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
createdGameObject flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIRoot
graphicRaycasters flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
overlayCanvas flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Canvas MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIRootPixel
Class: UIRootScaled
Instance flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UIRootScaled MONO_TYPE_CLASS
scaler flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIScale
scaler flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIScopeOverlay
instance flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 UIScopeOverlay MONO_TYPE_CLASS
group flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
initialPosition flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: IUIScreen
Class: UISleepingScreen
canvasGroup flags 0x4 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UISoundPlayer
Class: UIVoiceIcon
nameText flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
avatar flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.RawImage MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UIWounded
group flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: UI_LocalVoice
voiceCanvas flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
levelImage flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.CanvasGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DragMe
dragging flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 DragMe MONO_TYPE_CLASS
dragIcon flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
data flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 System.Object MONO_TYPE_OBJECT
dragType flags 0x86 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: IDraggable
Class: DropMe
droppableTypes flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: GridLayoutGroupNeat
Class: LocalizeText
token flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
english flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
append flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Tokens flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Object[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
specialMode flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 LocalizeText.SpecialMode MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: NonDrawingGraphic
Class: VitalInfo
animator flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
VitalType flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 VitalInfo.Vital MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
show flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: VitalNote
showIf flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 FloatConditions MONO_TYPE_CLASS
valueText flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.UI.Text MONO_TYPE_CLASS
animator flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
VitalType flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 VitalNote.Vital MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
lastValue flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
show flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: VitalRadial
Class: BaseCommandBuffer
cameras flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UnityEngine.Camera,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32,UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer>> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: BaseMonoBehaviour
Class: BaseScriptableObject
FilenameStringId flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: ForceChildSingletonSetup
Class: MinMax
x flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
y flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: MinMaxAttribute
min flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
max flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: AmbientLightLOD
lightComponent flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cell flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 LODCell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
enabledRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: AttachToBone
boneName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
localPosition flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
localRotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
MoveToPositionOnce flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BasePrefab
prefabID flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
isClient flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: CachedTransform`1
component flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 T MONO_TYPE_VAR
position flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotation flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
localScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ChildrenScreenshot
folder flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
offsetAngle flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
width flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
height flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
fieldOfView flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: CommentComponent
comment flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ConvarComponent
list flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<ConvarComponent.ConvarEvent> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
runOnServer flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
runOnClient flags 0x6 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ConvarWater
water flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Water MONO_TYPE_CLASS
water_quality flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 ConsoleSystem.Command MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: FoliageTrigger
Class: IgnoreCollision
collider flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: LayerCullDistance
Layer flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Distance flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LightLOD
pointLights flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<LightLOD> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
spotLights flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.List<LightLOD> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
lightComponent flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
DistanceBias flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ToggleLight flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ToggleShadows flags 0x6 offset: 0x25 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
cameraDist flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fadeSign flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxLightIntensity flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxShadowStrength flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: LoadBalancer
MaxBacklog flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
queues flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<DeferredAction>[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
watch flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: ActionPriority
Lowest flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 ActionPriority MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: DeferredAction
sender flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Object MONO_TYPE_CLASS
action flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
priority flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 ActionPriority MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
<Idle>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MaterialConfig
Floats flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 MaterialConfig.ShaderParametersFloat[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Colors flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 MaterialConfig.ShaderParametersColor[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Textures flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MaterialConfig.ShaderParametersTexture[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
ScaleUV flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
properties flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: MaterialSetup
config flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 MaterialConfig MONO_TYPE_CLASS
destroy flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: MeshToggle
RendererMeshes flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Mesh[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
ColliderMeshes flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Mesh[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: MoveForward
Speed flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: NetworkSleep
totalBehavioursDisabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
totalCollidersDisabled flags 0x16 offset: 0x4 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
behaviours flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Behaviour[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
colliders flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Collider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
BehavioursDisabled flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
CollidersDisabled flags 0x3 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: OneActiveSibling
Class: ParticleSystemContainer
Class: ParticleSystemPlayer
Class: PrefabAttribute
client flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 PrefabAttribute.Library MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fullName flags 0x86 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
hierachyName flags 0x86 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
prefabAttribute flags 0x86 offset: 0x28 PrefabAttribute.Library MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gameManager flags 0x86 offset: 0x30 GameManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
worldPosition flags 0x86 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
worldRotation flags 0x86 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
worldForward flags 0x86 offset: 0x54 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
localPosition flags 0x86 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
localScale flags 0x86 offset: 0x6c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
localRotation flags 0x86 offset: 0x78 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prefabID flags 0x86 offset: 0x88 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
instanceID flags 0x86 offset: 0x8c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
isServer flags 0x86 offset: 0x90 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: RotateCameraAroundObject
m_goObjectToRotateAround flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_flRotateSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: RunConsoleCommand
Class: Screenshot
screenshotPath flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
sizeMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
takingScreenshot flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UpdateBehaviour
lastUpdate flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
nextUpdate flags 0x3 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: UpdateHandler
list flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 ListHashSet<UpdateBehaviour> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: UnityEngine ArgEx
Class: ArrayEx
Class: BoundsEx
Class: UnityEngine ColliderEx
Class: UnityEngine CollisionEx
Class: UnityEngine ColorEx
Class: UnityEngine ComponentEx
Class: UnityEngine CoroutineEx
waitForEndOfFrame flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.WaitForEndOfFrame MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: DirectoryEx
Class: FileEx
Class: UnityEngine GameObjectEx
Class: LinqEx
Class: UnityEngine NetworkNetworkable
Class: UnityEngine NetworkPacketEx
Class: UnityEngine ObjectEffectsEx
Class: UnityEngine QuaternionEx
Class: UnityEngine RayEx
Class: RaycastHitEx
Class: UnityEngine SkinnedMeshRendererEx
Class: StreamEx
StaticBuffer flags 0x31 offset: 0x0 System.Byte[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: StringBuilderEx
Class: UnityEngine StringEx
Class: UnityEngine TextureEx
Class: TimeSpanEx
Class: UnityEngine TransformEx
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Action<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Action<UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: UnityEngine UIEx
Class: BlendTexture
Class: BlurTexture
Class: ClimateBlendTexture
Class: InstancingContainer
buffers flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 ListDictionary<InstancingKey,InstancingBuffer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
capacity flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: InstancingBuffer
matrices flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 BufferList<UnityEngine.Matrix4x4> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
mesh flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
submeshIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
shaderPass flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: InstancingKey
mesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
submeshIndex flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
material flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
shaderPass flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: KeywordUtil
Class: ProcessedTexture
result flags 0x4 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x4 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: TextureUtil
Class: sRGB
to_linear flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Byte[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
to_srgb flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Byte[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: AssetStorage
Class: Checksum
values flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Byte> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: FixedRateStepped
rate flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxSteps flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
nextCall flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: FloatConditions
conditions flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 FloatConditions.Condition[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: GameObjectUtil
Class: GizmosUtil
Class: GlobalMessages
onInventoryChanged flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.List<IInventoryChanged> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
onLanguageChanged flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 GlobalMessages.Message MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onViewModeChanged flags 0x16 offset: 0x10 GlobalMessages.Message MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onClothingChanged flags 0x16 offset: 0x18 GlobalMessages.Message MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onViewModelUpdated flags 0x16 offset: 0x20 GlobalMessages.Message MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onBlueprintsChanged flags 0x16 offset: 0x28 GlobalMessages.Message MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onItemAmountChanged flags 0x16 offset: 0x30 GlobalMessages.Message MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: IInventoryChanged
Class: HierarchyUtil
rootDict flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String,UnityEngine.GameObject> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: LocalClock
events flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<LocalClock.TimedEvent> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: MeshBatch
<NeedsRefresh>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<Count>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<BatchedCount>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<VertexCount>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: MeshColliderBatch
meshBatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshCollider flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.MeshCollider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshData flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 MeshColliderData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 MeshColliderGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshLookup flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 MeshColliderLookup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
position flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: MeshDataBatch
meshBatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshData flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 MeshData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 MeshGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
position flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: MeshRendererBatch
meshBatch flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshFilter flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.MeshFilter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.MeshRenderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshData flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 MeshRendererData MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshGroup flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 MeshRendererGroup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshLookup flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 MeshRendererLookup MONO_TYPE_CLASS
position flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: MurmurHash
seed flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: MurmurHashEx
Class: ObjWriter
Class: PathFinder
mooreNeighbors flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 PathFinder.Point[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
neumannNeighbors flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 PathFinder.Point[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
costmap flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Int32[,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
visited flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean[,] MONO_TYPE_ARRAY
neighbors flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 PathFinder.Point[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: PathInterpolator
Points flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Tangents flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
<MinIndex>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<MaxIndex>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
<Length>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<StepSize>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
initialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: PooledList`1
data flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<T> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: RadixSorter
histogram flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.UInt32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
offset flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.UInt32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: RawWriter
Class: SerializableHash128
p0 flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
p1 flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
p2 flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
p3 flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: SynchronizedClock
events flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<SynchronizedClock.TimedEvent> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: TextBuffer
buffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
builder flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Text.StringBuilder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
dirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
curlines flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxlines flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
curchars flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
maxchars flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TextTable
rows flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<TextTable.Row> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
columns flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<TextTable.Column> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
builder flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Text.StringBuilder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
text flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
dirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: TickInterpolator
points flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<TickInterpolator.Segment> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
index flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Length flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
CurrentPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
StartPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
EndPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: Timing
sw flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch MONO_TYPE_CLASS
name flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: TransformUtil
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<UnityEngine.RaycastHit,System.Single> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<UnityEngine.Transform,System.Boolean> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: PrefabInfo
behaviours flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Behaviour[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
rigidbodies flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Rigidbody[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
colliders flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Collider[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
lodgroups flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.LODGroup[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
renderers flags 0x3 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Renderer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
particles flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
behaviourStates flags 0x3 offset: 0x48 System.Boolean[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
rigidbodyStates flags 0x3 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
colliderStates flags 0x3 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
lodgroupStates flags 0x3 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
rendererStates flags 0x3 offset: 0x68 System.Boolean[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
prefabID flags 0x3 offset: 0x70 System.UInt32 MONO_TYPE_U4
Class: PrefabInfoEx
Class: PrefabPool
stack flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.Stack<PrefabInfo> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: PrefabPoolCollection
storage flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.UInt32,PrefabPool> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: LayerSelect
layer flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ResourceRef`1
guid flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
_cachedObject flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Object MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: GameObjectRef
Class: AlternateAttack
targetTransitions flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
random flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
dontIncrement flags 0x6 offset: 0x21 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: BaseViewModel
HideViewmodel flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
ActiveModels flags 0x16 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.List<BaseViewModel> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
animator flags 0x4 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
animationEvent flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 AnimationEvents MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ironSights flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 IronSights MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sway flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 ViewmodelSway MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lower flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 ViewmodelLower MONO_TYPE_CLASS
bob flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 ViewmodelBob MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lazyaimRegular flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 LazyAimProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lazyaimIronsights flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 LazyAimProperties MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pivot flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hideSightMeshes flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
MuzzlePoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
subsurfaceProfile flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 SubsurfaceProfile MONO_TYPE_CLASS
wantsHeldItemFlags flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: IronSightOverride
aimPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 IronsightAimPoint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
fieldOfViewOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fovBias flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: IronSights
aimPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 IronsightAimPoint MONO_TYPE_CLASS
introCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
outroCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
upSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
downSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 SoundDefinition MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ironsightsOverride flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 IronSightOverride MONO_TYPE_CLASS
animator flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Animator MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentCurve flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Enabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
fieldOfViewOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
introSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
outroSpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
param_ironsightstrength flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
param_ironsightsEnabled flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
delta flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rawDelta flags 0x1 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
maxDelta flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
positionOffset flags 0x1 offset: 0x7c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotationOffset flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 UnityEngine.Quaternion MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: IronsightAimPoint
targetPoint flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: RagdollEditor
grabbedRigid flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Rigidbody MONO_TYPE_CLASS
view flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
grabPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
grabOffset flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: RandomParameterNumber
parameterName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
min flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
max flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: RandomParameterNumberFloat
parameterName flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
min flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
max flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SwapArrows
arrowModels flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
curAmmoType flags 0x81 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: SwapRPG
rpgModels flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
curAmmoType flags 0x81 offset: 0x20 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Class: ViewmodelAttachment
modelObject flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 GameObjectRef MONO_TYPE_CLASS
targetBone flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
spawnedGameObject flags 0x86 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hideViewModelIronSights flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ViewmodelBob
bobSpeedWalk flags 0x3 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bobSpeedRun flags 0x3 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bobAmountWalk flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bobAmountRun flags 0x3 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
leftOffsetRun flags 0x3 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bobAmountRotateYaw flags 0x3 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bobAmountRotateRoll flags 0x3 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastPosition flags 0x3 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
velocity flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
bobOffset flags 0x3 offset: 0x4c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
bobRotateYaw flags 0x3 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bobRotateRoll flags 0x3 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
bobCycle flags 0x3 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
smoothedBob flags 0x3 offset: 0x64 ViewmodelBob.BobSettings MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ViewmodelEditor
<>f__am$cache0 flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Func<BaseViewModel,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
<>f__am$cache1 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Func<BaseViewModel,System.String> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
view flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
meleeHit flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ViewmodelLower
shouldLower flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
rotateAngle flags 0x3 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ViewmodelSway
positionalSwaySpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
positionalSwayAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastPosition flags 0x3 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
smoothedVelocity flags 0x3 offset: 0x2c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
rotationSwaySpeed flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
rotationSwayAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lastRotation flags 0x3 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
smoothedRotation flags 0x3 offset: 0x4c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: flamethrowerState
FLAME_ON flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 flamethrowerState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: flamethrowerFire
pilotLightFX flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flameFX flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.ParticleSystem[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
jet flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 FlameJet MONO_TYPE_CLASS
oneShotSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
loopSound flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.AudioSource MONO_TYPE_CLASS
pilotlightIdle flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flameLoop flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flameStart flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.AudioClip MONO_TYPE_CLASS
flameState flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 flamethrowerState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
previousflameState flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c flamethrowerState MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: AmplifyOcclusionBase
DirectionCount flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_camera flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_occlusionMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_blurMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_copyMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_randomTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_randomData flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Color[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_layerOffsetNames flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_layerRandomNames flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_layerDepthNames flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_layerNormalNames flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_layerOcclusionNames flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_occlusionRT flags 0x1 offset: 0x70 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_depthLayerRT flags 0x1 offset: 0x78 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_normalLayerRT flags 0x1 offset: 0x80 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_occlusionLayerRT flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_depthTargets flags 0x1 offset: 0x90 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_normalTargets flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_applyDeferredTargets flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_blitMesh flags 0x1 offset: 0xa8 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_registeredCommandBuffers flags 0x1 offset: 0xb0 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent,UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
ApplyMethod flags 0x6 offset: 0xb8 AmplifyOcclusionBase.ApplicationMethod MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
SampleCount flags 0x6 offset: 0xbc AmplifyOcclusionBase.SampleCountLevel MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
PerPixelNormals flags 0x6 offset: 0xc0 AmplifyOcclusionBase.PerPixelNormalSource MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Intensity flags 0x6 offset: 0xc4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Tint flags 0x6 offset: 0xc8 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Radius flags 0x6 offset: 0xd8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
PowerExponent flags 0x6 offset: 0xdc System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Bias flags 0x6 offset: 0xe0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
CacheAware flags 0x6 offset: 0xe4 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Downsample flags 0x6 offset: 0xe5 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
FadeEnabled flags 0x6 offset: 0xe6 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
FadeStart flags 0x6 offset: 0xe8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FadeLength flags 0x6 offset: 0xec System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FadeToIntensity flags 0x6 offset: 0xf0 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FadeToRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0xf4 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
FadeToPowerExponent flags 0x6 offset: 0xf8 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
BlurEnabled flags 0x6 offset: 0xfc System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
BlurRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x100 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
BlurPasses flags 0x6 offset: 0x104 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
BlurSharpness flags 0x6 offset: 0x108 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevScreenWidth flags 0x1 offset: 0x10c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
prevScreenHeight flags 0x1 offset: 0x110 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
prevHDR flags 0x1 offset: 0x114 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
prevApplyMethod flags 0x1 offset: 0x118 AmplifyOcclusionBase.ApplicationMethod MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prevSampleCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x11c AmplifyOcclusionBase.SampleCountLevel MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prevPerPixelNormals flags 0x1 offset: 0x120 AmplifyOcclusionBase.PerPixelNormalSource MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
prevCacheAware flags 0x1 offset: 0x124 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
prevDownscale flags 0x1 offset: 0x125 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
prevFadeEnabled flags 0x1 offset: 0x126 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
prevFadeToIntensity flags 0x1 offset: 0x128 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevFadeToRadius flags 0x1 offset: 0x12c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevFadeToPowerExponent flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevFadeStart flags 0x1 offset: 0x134 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevFadeLength flags 0x1 offset: 0x138 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
prevBlurEnabled flags 0x1 offset: 0x13c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
prevBlurRadius flags 0x1 offset: 0x140 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
prevBlurPasses flags 0x1 offset: 0x144 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_depthRTFormat flags 0x1 offset: 0x148 UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_normalRTFormat flags 0x1 offset: 0x14c UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_occlusionRTFormat flags 0x1 offset: 0x150 UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_mrtCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x154 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_deinterleaveDepthPass flags 0x1 offset: 0x158 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_deinterleaveNormalPass flags 0x1 offset: 0x15c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_target flags 0x1 offset: 0x160 AmplifyOcclusionBase.TargetDesc MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: RandomTable
Values flags 0x16 offset: 0x0 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Class: AmplifyOcclusionEffect
Class: Apex.AI AINameMap
AnimalMoveSpeed flags 0x36 offset: 0x0 System.Guid MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
AnimalAction flags 0x36 offset: 0x10 System.Guid MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
AnimalAwareness flags 0x36 offset: 0x20 System.Guid MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
AnimalMove flags 0x36 offset: 0x30 System.Guid MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Bear flags 0x36 offset: 0x40 System.Guid MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
HumanMovement flags 0x36 offset: 0x50 System.Guid MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: UVTextureAnimator
currentRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instanceMaterial flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Rows flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Columns flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Fps flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
OffsetMat flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
IsLoop flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
StartDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isInizialised flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
index flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
count flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
allCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
deltaFps flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isCorutineStarted flags 0x1 offset: 0x55 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects ImageEffectHelper
Class: UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects MinAttribute
min flags 0x26 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects RenderTextureUtility
m_TemporaryRTs flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.RenderTexture> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
Class: TAA Vector2Extension
Class: TAA Vector3Extension
Class: TAA Matrix4x4Extension
Class: TAA CameraExtension
Class: TAA TemporalAntiAliasing
mrt flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 UnityEngine.RenderBuffer[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_Shader flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Shader MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Material flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Camera flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_History flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
frustumJitter flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 TAA.TemporalFrustumJitter MONO_TYPE_CLASS
jitterPattern flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 TAA.TemporalFrustumJitter.Pattern MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
patternScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
haltonSequenceLength flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
sharpeningAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
sharpenFilterWidth flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
staticBlurAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
motionBlurAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
motionAmplificationAmount flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
m_PreviousViewProjectionMatrix flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_SampleIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0xa0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: TAA TemporalFrustumJitter
points_Still flags 0x11 offset: 0x0 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Uniform2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
focalMotionPos flags 0x1 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
points_Uniform4_Helix flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
focalMotionDir flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
points_Uniform4_DoubleHelix flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
activeSample flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Vector2 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
activeIndex flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
activeCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
points_Rotated4_Helix flags 0x11 offset: 0x38 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Rotated4_Helix2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x40 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Poisson10 flags 0x11 offset: 0x48 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Pentagram flags 0x11 offset: 0x50 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Halton_2_3_x8 flags 0x11 offset: 0x58 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Halton_2_3_x16 flags 0x11 offset: 0x60 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Halton_2_3_x32 flags 0x11 offset: 0x68 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_Halton_2_3_x256 flags 0x11 offset: 0x70 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
points_MotionPerp2 flags 0x11 offset: 0x78 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_initialized flags 0x11 offset: 0x80 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects TonemappingColorGrading
m_Tonemapping flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.TonemappingColorGrading.TonemappingSettings MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_ColorGrading flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.TonemappingColorGrading.ColorGradingSettings MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_Lut flags 0x1 offset: 0xe0 UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.TonemappingColorGrading.LUTSettings MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_IdentityLut flags 0x1 offset: 0xf8 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_InternalLut flags 0x1 offset: 0x100 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_CurveTexture flags 0x1 offset: 0x108 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_TonemapperCurve flags 0x1 offset: 0x110 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Shader flags 0x1 offset: 0x118 UnityEngine.Shader MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Material flags 0x1 offset: 0x120 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_SmallAdaptiveRt flags 0x1 offset: 0x128 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
rts flags 0x1 offset: 0x130 UnityEngine.RenderTexture[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_EyeAdaptation flags 0x1 offset: 0x138 UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.TonemappingColorGrading.EyeAdaptationSettings MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_TonemapperCurveRange flags 0x1 offset: 0x150 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
<validRenderTextureFormat>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x154 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
<validUserLutSize>k__BackingField flags 0x1 offset: 0x155 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_Dirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x156 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_TonemapperDirty flags 0x1 offset: 0x157 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
m_AdaptiveRtFormat flags 0x1 offset: 0x158 UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: FXAA
shader flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Shader MONO_TYPE_CLASS
mat flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Class: FXAAPostEffectsBase
supportHDRTextures flags 0x4 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isSupported flags 0x4 offset: 0x19 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: Explosion_Bloom
kMaxIterations flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_Shader flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Shader MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Material flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_blurBuffer1 flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.RenderTexture[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
m_blurBuffer2 flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.RenderTexture[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
settings flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 Explosion_Bloom.Settings MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
m_Threshold flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_Curve flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_PrefilterOffs flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_SampleScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_Intensity flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
m_BaseTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ExplosionDemoGUI
Prefabs flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
Sun flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentInstance flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
guiStyleHeader flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.GUIStyle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
reactivateTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentNomber flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
sunIntensity flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
dpiScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExplosionDemoReactivator
TimeDelayToReactivate flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExplosionPlatformActivator
Effect flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
TimeDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
DefaultRepeatTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
NearRepeatTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
currentRepeatTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ExplosionsFPS
guiStyleHeader flags 0x21 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.GUIStyle MONO_TYPE_CLASS
timeleft flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
fps flags 0x1 offset: 0x24 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
frames flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ExplosionsBillboard
Camera flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
myContainer flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
t flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
camT flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
contT flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Active flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
AutoInitCamera flags 0x6 offset: 0x41 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: ExplosionsDeactivateRendererByTime
rend flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
TimeDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExplosionsLightCurves
LightCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lightSource flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
GraphTimeMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
GraphIntensityMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x2c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
startTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExplosionsParticleSystemScaler
particlesScale flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
oldScale flags 0x1 offset: 0x1c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExplosionsScaleCurves
ScaleCurveX flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ScaleCurveY flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
ScaleCurveZ flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
t flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Transform MONO_TYPE_CLASS
GraphTimeMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
GraphScaleMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
startTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
evalX flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
evalY flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
evalZ flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExplosionsShaderColorGradient
ShaderProperty flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
Color flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Gradient MONO_TYPE_CLASS
matInstance flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MaterialID flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
TimeMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
propertyID flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
startTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
oldColor flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 UnityEngine.Color MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: ExplosionsShaderFloatCurves
ShaderProperty flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.String MONO_TYPE_STRING
FloatPropertyCurve flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
matInstance flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
MaterialID flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
GraphTimeMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
GraphScaleMultiplier flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
canUpdate flags 0x1 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
propertyID flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
startTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x44 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: ExplosionsShaderQueue
rend flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AddQueue flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: ExplosionsSpriteSheetAnimation
FrameOverTime flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.AnimationCurve MONO_TYPE_CLASS
currentRenderer flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
instanceMaterial flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
TilesX flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
TilesY flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
AnimationFPS flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
IsInterpolateFrames flags 0x6 offset: 0x3c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
StartFrameOffset flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
IsLoop flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
StartDelay flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isInizialised flags 0x1 offset: 0x4c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
index flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
count flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
allCount flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
animationLifeTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isVisible flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
isCorutineStarted flags 0x1 offset: 0x61 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
currentInterpolatedTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
animationStartTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
animationStoped flags 0x1 offset: 0x6c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: LargeScaleOcclusion
lsoCBOrderId flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
terrain flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Terrain MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lsoCamObj flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.GameObject MONO_TYPE_CLASS
lsoCam flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
cam flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
heightRT flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
randomTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
randomData flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Color[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
computeMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blurMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
commandBufferManager flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 CommandBufferManager MONO_TYPE_CLASS
TexelsPerMeter flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
CullingMask flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c UnityEngine.LayerMask MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
DebugOcclusion flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DebugHeightMap flags 0x6 offset: 0x71 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
DebugHeightMapSize flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Intensity flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
KernelRadius flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
PowerExponent flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Bias flags 0x6 offset: 0x84 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
BlurEnabled flags 0x6 offset: 0x88 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
BlurPasses flags 0x6 offset: 0x8c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
BlurDepthThreshold flags 0x6 offset: 0x90 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
ready flags 0x1 offset: 0x94 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
resolution flags 0x1 offset: 0x98 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: OccludeeSphere
id flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
state flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 OccludeeState MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sphere flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 OcclusionCulling.Sphere MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: OccludeeState
cell flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 OcclusionCulling.Cell MONO_TYPE_CLASS
set flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 OcclusionCulling.BufferSet MONO_TYPE_CLASS
onVisibilityChanged flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 OcclusionCulling.OnVisibilityChanged MONO_TYPE_CLASS
slot flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
sphereBounds flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 UnityEngine.Vector4 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
isVisible flags 0x6 offset: 0x44 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
minTimeVisible flags 0x6 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
timeVisible flags 0x6 offset: 0x4c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Occludee
state flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 OccludeeState MONO_TYPE_CLASS
renderer flags 0x4 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Renderer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
collider flags 0x4 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Collider MONO_TYPE_CLASS
minTimeVisible flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
isStatic flags 0x6 offset: 0x34 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
autoRegister flags 0x6 offset: 0x35 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
stickyGizmos flags 0x6 offset: 0x36 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
occludeeId flags 0x4 offset: 0x38 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
center flags 0x4 offset: 0x3c UnityEngine.Vector3 MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
radius flags 0x4 offset: 0x48 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: OcclusionCPUTest
Class: OcclusionCamera
camera flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
owner flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 OcclusionCulling MONO_TYPE_CLASS
referenceCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
downscaleMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
blitCopyMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
hiZLevels flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.RenderTexture[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
hiZTexture flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.RenderTexture MONO_TYPE_CLASS
OnPreCullCall flags 0x6 offset: 0x50 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
OnPostRenderCall flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Action MONO_TYPE_CLASS
width flags 0x1 offset: 0x60 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
height flags 0x1 offset: 0x64 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
savedShadows flags 0x1 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.ShadowQuality MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Class: OcclusionCulling
OccludeePoolGranularity flags 0x8051 offset: 0x0 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
gridChanged flags 0x11 offset: 0x8 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<OcclusionCulling.Cell> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
staticOccludees flags 0x11 offset: 0x10 System.Collections.Generic.List<OccludeeState> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
dynamicOccludees flags 0x11 offset: 0x18 System.Collections.Generic.List<OccludeeState> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
staticChanged flags 0x11 offset: 0x20 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
staticRecycled flags 0x11 offset: 0x28 System.Collections.Generic.Queue<System.Int32> MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST
frustumPlanes flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Vector4[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
frustumPropNames flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 System.String[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
matrixToFloatTemp flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Single[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
fallbackMat flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
gridSet flags 0x11 offset: 0x50 OcclusionCulling.BufferSet MONO_TYPE_CLASS
usingFallback flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
instance flags 0x11 offset: 0x58 OcclusionCulling MONO_TYPE_CLASS
supportedDeviceTypes flags 0x11 offset: 0x60 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_enabled flags 0x11 offset: 0x68 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
_safeMode flags 0x11 offset: 0x69 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
_debug flags 0x11 offset: 0x6a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: DebugSettings
targetFrameRate flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
forceFallback flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
log flags 0x6 offset: 0x15 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showMipChain flags 0x6 offset: 0x16 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showMain flags 0x6 offset: 0x17 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showGrid flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showFallback flags 0x6 offset: 0x19 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
showMainLod flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: SEScreenSpaceShadows
blendShadowsCommandBuffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
renderShadowsCommandBuffer flags 0x1 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer MONO_TYPE_CLASS
attachedCamera flags 0x1 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sun flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Light MONO_TYPE_CLASS
material flags 0x1 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
initChecker flags 0x1 offset: 0x40 System.Object MONO_TYPE_OBJECT
noBlendTex flags 0x1 offset: 0x48 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
sunInitialized flags 0x1 offset: 0x50 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
temporalJitterCounter flags 0x1 offset: 0x54 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
blendStrength flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
accumulation flags 0x6 offset: 0x5c System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
lengthFade flags 0x6 offset: 0x60 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
range flags 0x6 offset: 0x64 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
zThickness flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
samples flags 0x6 offset: 0x6c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
nearSampleQuality flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
traceBias flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
stochasticSampling flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
leverageTemporalAA flags 0x6 offset: 0x79 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
bilateralBlur flags 0x6 offset: 0x7a System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
blurPasses flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
blurDepthTolerance flags 0x6 offset: 0x80 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
previousBilateralBlurSetting flags 0x1 offset: 0x84 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
previousBlurPassesSetting flags 0x1 offset: 0x88 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Smaa MinAttribute
min flags 0x26 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Smaa PredicationPreset
Threshold flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Scale flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Strength flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Smaa Preset
DiagDetection flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
CornerDetection flags 0x6 offset: 0x11 System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Threshold flags 0x6 offset: 0x14 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
DepthThreshold flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
MaxSearchSteps flags 0x6 offset: 0x1c System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
MaxSearchStepsDiag flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
CornerRounding flags 0x6 offset: 0x24 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
LocalContrastAdaptationFactor flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: Smaa EdgeDetectionMethod
Depth flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 Smaa.EdgeDetectionMethod MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Smaa QualityPreset
Custom flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 Smaa.QualityPreset MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Smaa DebugPass
Weights flags 0x8056 offset: 0x0 Smaa.DebugPass MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
value__ flags 0x606 offset: 0x10 System.Int32 MONO_TYPE_I4
Class: Smaa SMAA
CustomPreset flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 Smaa.Preset MONO_TYPE_CLASS
CustomPredicationPreset flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 Smaa.PredicationPreset MONO_TYPE_CLASS
Shader flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 UnityEngine.Shader MONO_TYPE_CLASS
AreaTex flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
SearchTex flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.Texture2D MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Camera flags 0x4 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Camera MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_LowPreset flags 0x4 offset: 0x48 Smaa.Preset MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_MediumPreset flags 0x4 offset: 0x50 Smaa.Preset MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_HighPreset flags 0x4 offset: 0x58 Smaa.Preset MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_UltraPreset flags 0x4 offset: 0x60 Smaa.Preset MONO_TYPE_CLASS
m_Material flags 0x4 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Material MONO_TYPE_CLASS
DebugPass flags 0x6 offset: 0x70 Smaa.DebugPass MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
Quality flags 0x6 offset: 0x74 Smaa.QualityPreset MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
DetectionMethod flags 0x6 offset: 0x78 Smaa.EdgeDetectionMethod MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE
UsePredication flags 0x6 offset: 0x7c System.Boolean MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Class: VTP
Class: MeshHolder
_vertices flags 0x6 offset: 0x10 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_normals flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Vector3[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_triangles flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 System.Int32[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_TrianglesOfSubs flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 trisPerSubmesh[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_bindPoses flags 0x6 offset: 0x30 UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_boneWeights flags 0x6 offset: 0x38 UnityEngine.BoneWeight[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
_tangents flags 0x6 offset: 0x40 UnityEngine.Vector4[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
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elapsedTime flags 0x1 offset: 0x30 System.Single MONO_TYPE_R4
Class: VertexColorStream
originalMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x18 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
paintedMesh flags 0x6 offset: 0x20 UnityEngine.Mesh MONO_TYPE_CLASS
meshHold flags 0x6 offset: 0x28 MeshHolder MONO_TYPE_CLASS
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_boneWeights flags 0x6 offset: 0x58 UnityEngine.BoneWeight[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
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_uv flags 0x6 offset: 0x68 UnityEngine.Vector2[] MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY
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Class: VertexStreamChildrenRebuilder
Class: WorkshopIconRender
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Class: <PrivateImplementationDetails>
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