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Last active February 20, 2018 08:07
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Dinosaurus Island -- Character level language model
package scorch.examples
import botkop.numsca.Tensor
import botkop.{numsca => ns}
import scorch.autograd._
import scorch.nn.rnn.RecurrentModule
import scorch.nn.Optimizer
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.Random
* Dinosaurus Island -- Character level language model
* Assignment 2 in week 1 of the Coursera course "Recurrent Neural Networks" by and Andrew Ng.
* Implementation in Scala with Scorch.
* Scorch lives here:
* We will build a character level language model to generate new dinosaur names.
* The algorithm will learn the different name patterns, and randomly generate new names.
* The dataset to train on is in "src/test/resources/dinos.txt".
* Both vanilla RNN and LSTM are provided.
object DinosaurIslandCharRnnLstm extends App {
val examples = Random.shuffle(
val chars = examples.mkString.toCharArray.distinct.sorted :+ '\n'
val vocabSize = chars.length
val charToIx = chars.zipWithIndex.toMap
val EosIndex = charToIx('\n') // index for end of sentence
val BosIndex = -1 // index for beginning of sentence
model("rnn", examples, charToIx, na = 10, printEvery = 100)
* Trains the model and generates dinosaur names
* @param cellType "rnn" or "lstm"
* @param examples text corpus
* @param charToIx dictionary that maps a character to an index
* @param numIterations number of iterations to train the model for
* @param na number of units of the RNN cell
* @param numNames number of dinosaur names you want to sample at each 'printEvery' iteration
* @param vocabSize number of unique characters found in the text, size of the vocabulary
* @param printEvery print stats and samples after 'printEvery' iterations
def model(cellType: String,
examples: List[String],
charToIx: Map[Char, Int],
numIterations: Int = 35000,
na: Int = 50,
numNames: Int = 7,
vocabSize: Int = 27,
printEvery: Int = 1000): Unit = {
val (nx, ny) = (vocabSize, vocabSize)
// define the RNN model
val rnn = cellType match {
case "rnn" => RnnCell(na, nx, ny)
case "lstm" => LstmCell(na, nx, ny)
case u => throw new Error(s"unknown cell type $u")
val optimizer = ClippingSGD(rnn.parameters, maxValue = 5, lr = 0.05)
val sampler = Sampler(rnn, charToIx, EosIndex, na)
var totalLoss = 0.0
for (j <- 1 to numIterations) {
val index = j % examples.length
val xs: List[Int] = BosIndex +: examples(index).map(charToIx).toList
val ys: List[Int] = xs.tail :+ EosIndex
val loss = optimize(xs, ys, rnn, optimizer)
totalLoss += loss
if (j % printEvery == 0) {
println(s"Iteration: $j, Loss: ${totalLoss / printEvery}")
for (_ <- 1 to numNames) {
totalLoss = 0.0
* Convenience method for computing the loss.
* Instantiates a CrossEntropyLoss object, and applies it
* @param actuals source for the loss function
* @param targets targets to compute the loss against
* @return the loss variable, which can be backpropped into
def rnnLoss(actuals: Seq[Variable], targets: Seq[Int]): Variable =
CrossEntropyLoss(actuals, targets).forward()
* Performs the forward propagation through the RNN
* @param xs sequence of input characters to activate
* @param rnn the RNN model
* @param vocabSize vocabulary size
* @return tuple of the predictions of the RNN over xs, and the hidden state of the last activation
def rnnForward(xs: List[Int],
rnn: BaseRnnCell,
vocabSize: Int = 27): List[Variable] =
xs.foldLeft(List.empty[Variable], rnn.initialTrackingStates) {
case ((yhs, p0), x) =>
// one hot encoding of next x
val xt = Variable(ns.zeros(vocabSize, 1))
if (x != BosIndex), 0) := 1
val parameters = xt +: p0
val next = rnn(parameters: _*)
val (yht, p1) = (next.head, next.tail)
(yhs :+ yht, p1)
* Execute one step of the optimization to train the model
* @param xs list of integers, where each integer is a number that maps to a character in the vocabulary
* @param ys list of integers, exactly the same as xs but shifted one index to the left
* @param rnn the RNN model to work with
* @return tuple of the value of the loss function (cross-entropy) and the last hidden state
def optimize(xs: List[Int],
ys: List[Int],
rnn: BaseRnnCell,
optimizer: Optimizer): Double = {
val yHat = rnnForward(xs, rnn)
val loss = rnnLoss(yHat, ys)
* Extension of RecurrentModule to allow storing the number of previous states
* and a method for generating the initial states
* @param vs local parameters of the module
abstract class BaseRnnCell(vs: Seq[Variable]) extends RecurrentModule(vs) {
* Number of units in the cell
def na: Int
* Number of states to keep track of.
* For example, in an LSTM you keep track of the hidden state and the cell state.
* In this case this would be = 2
* For an RNN, it would be 1, because you only keep track of the hidden state.
def numTrackingStates: Int
* Provide a sequence of states to start an iteration with
def initialTrackingStates: Seq[Variable] =
Seq.fill(numTrackingStates)(Variable(ns.zeros(na, 1)))
* Implements a single forward step of the LSTM-cell
* @param wf Weight matrix of the forget gate, numpy array of shape (na, na + nx)
* @param bf Bias of the forget gate, numpy array of shape (na, 1)
* @param wi Weight matrix of the update gate, numpy array of shape (na, na + nx)
* @param bi Bias of the update gate, numpy array of shape (na, 1)
* @param wc Weight matrix of the first "tanh", numpy array of shape (na, na + nx)
* @param bc Bias of the first "tanh", numpy array of shape (na, 1)
* @param wo Weight matrix of the output gate, numpy array of shape (na, na + nx)
* @param bo Bias of the output gate, numpy array of shape (na, 1)
* @param wy Weight matrix relating the hidden-state to the output, numpy array of shape (ny, na)
* @param by Bias relating the hidden-state to the output, numpy array of shape (ny, 1)
case class LstmCell(
wf: Variable,
bf: Variable,
wi: Variable,
bi: Variable,
wc: Variable,
bc: Variable,
wo: Variable,
bo: Variable,
wy: Variable,
by: Variable
) extends BaseRnnCell(Seq(wf, bf, wi, bi, wc, bc, wo, bo, wy, by)) {
val List(ny, na) = wy.shape
override val numTrackingStates = 2
* Lstm cell forward pass
* @param xs sequence of Variables:
* - xt: your input data at timestep "t", of shape (nx, m).
* - aPrev: Hidden state at timestep "t-1", of shape (na, m)
* - cPrev: Memory state at timestep "t-1", numpy array of shape (na, m)
* @return sequence of Variables:
* - aNext: next hidden state, of shape (na, m)
* - cNext: next memory state, of shape (na, m)
* - ytHat: prediction at timestep "t", of shape (ny, m)
override def forward(xs: Seq[Variable]): Seq[Variable] = xs match {
case Seq(xt, aPrev, cPrev) =>
// val concat =, xt) // not clear why this is causing endless recursion
val concat = Variable(ns.concatenate(Seq(,
// Forget gate
val ft = sigmoid( + bf)
// Update gate
val it = sigmoid( + bi)
val cct = tanh( + bc)
val cNext = ft * cPrev + it * cct
// Output gate
val ot = sigmoid( + bo)
val aNext = ot * tanh(cNext)
val ytHat = softmax( + by)
Seq(ytHat, aNext, cNext)
object LstmCell {
* Create an LstmCell from dimensions
* @param na number of units of the LstmCell
* @param nx size of the weight matrix multiplying the input
* @param ny size of the weight matrix relating the hidden-state to the output
* @return initialized Lstm cell
def apply(na: Int, nx: Int, ny: Int): LstmCell = {
val wf = Variable(ns.randn(na, na + nx) * 0.01, name = Some("wf"))
val bf = Variable(ns.zeros(na, 1), name = Some("bf"))
val wi = Variable(ns.randn(na, na + nx) * 0.01, name = Some("wi"))
val bi = Variable(ns.zeros(na, 1), name = Some("bi"))
val wc = Variable(ns.randn(na, na + nx) * 0.01, name = Some("wc"))
val bc = Variable(ns.zeros(na, 1), name = Some("bc"))
val wo = Variable(ns.randn(na, na + nx) * 0.01, name = Some("bo"))
val bo = Variable(ns.zeros(na, 1), name = Some("by"))
val wy = Variable(ns.randn(ny, na) * 0.01, name = Some("wy"))
val by = Variable(ns.zeros(ny, 1), name = Some("ba"))
LstmCell(wf, bf, wi, bi, wc, bc, wo, bo, wy, by)
* Module with vanilla RNN activation.
* @param wax Weight matrix multiplying the input, variable of shape (na, nx)
* @param waa Weight matrix multiplying the hidden state, variable of shape (na, na)
* @param wya Weight matrix relating the hidden-state to the output, variable of shape (ny, na)
* @param ba Bias, of shape (na, 1)
* @param by Bias relating the hidden-state to the output, of shape (ny, 1)
case class RnnCell(wax: Variable,
waa: Variable,
wya: Variable,
ba: Variable,
by: Variable)
extends BaseRnnCell(Seq(wax, waa, wya, ba, by)) {
val List(na, nx) = wax.shape
val List(ny, _) = wya.shape
override val numTrackingStates: Int = 1
override def forward(xs: Seq[Variable]): Seq[Variable] = xs match {
case Seq(xt, aPrev) =>
val aNext = tanh( + + ba)
val yt = softmax( + by)
Seq(yt, aNext)
object RnnCell {
* Create an RnnCell from dimensions
* @param na number of units of the RNN cell
* @param nx size of the weight matrix multiplying the input
* @param ny size of the weight matrix relating the hidden-state to the output
* @return a vanilla Rnn model
def apply(na: Int, nx: Int, ny: Int): RnnCell = {
val wax = Variable(ns.randn(na, nx) * 0.01, name = Some("wax"))
val waa = Variable(ns.randn(na, na) * 0.01, name = Some("waa"))
val wya = Variable(ns.randn(ny, na) * 0.01, name = Some("wya"))
val ba = Variable(ns.zeros(na, 1), name = Some("ba"))
val by = Variable(ns.zeros(ny, 1), name = Some("by"))
RnnCell(wax, waa, wya, ba, by)
* Computes the cross-entropy loss
* @param actuals sequence of yHat variables
* @param targets sequence of Y indices (ground truth)
case class CrossEntropyLoss(actuals: Seq[Variable], targets: Seq[Int])
extends Function {
* Computes the cross entropy loss, and wraps it in a variable.
* The variable can be back propped into, to compute the gradients of the parameters
* @return the cross entropy loss variable
override def forward(): Variable = {
val seqLoss = {
case (loss, (yht, y)) =>
loss - ns.log(, 0)).squeeze()
Variable(Tensor(seqLoss), Some(this))
* Compute the loss of each generated character, and back prop from last to first
* @param gradOutput not used
override def backward(gradOutput: Variable): Unit = { {
case (yh, y) =>
val dy = ns.copy(
dy(y, 0) -= 1
* Sample a sequence of characters according to a sequence of probability distributions output of the RNN
* @param rnn the network module
* @param charToIx maps characters to indices
* @param eolIndex index of the end-of-line character
* @param na number of units of the RNN cell
case class Sampler(rnn: BaseRnnCell,
charToIx: Map[Char, Int],
eolIndex: Int,
na: Int) {
val vocabSize: Int = charToIx.size
val ixToChar: Map[Int, Char] =
* Reuse the previously generated character and hidden state to generate the next character
* @param xPrev the previous character
* @param pPrev the previous state
* @return tuple of (next character, index of the next character, the next state)
def generateNextChar(
xPrev: Variable,
pPrev: Seq[Variable]): (Variable, Int, Seq[Variable]) = {
// Forward propagate x
val next = rnn(xPrev +: pPrev: _*)
val (yHat, pNext) = (next.head, next.tail)
// Sample the index of a character within the vocabulary from the probability distribution y
val nextIdx = ns.choice(ns.arange(vocabSize),
// one hot encoding of the next index
val xNext = Variable(ns.zerosLike(, 0) := 1
(xNext, nextIdx, pNext)
* Recurse over time-steps t. At each time-step, sample a character from a probability distribution and append
* its index to "indices". We'll stop if we reach 50 characters (which should be very unlikely with a well
* trained model), which helps debugging and prevents entering an infinite loop.
* @param t current time step
* @param prevX previous character
* @param prev previous activation
* @param indices accumulator of indices
* @return indices
final def generate(t: Int,
prevX: Variable,
prev: Seq[Variable],
indices: List[Int] = List.empty): List[Int] =
if (indices.lastOption.contains(eolIndex)) {
} else if (t >= 50) {
indices :+ eolIndex
} else {
val (nextX, nextIdx, nextP) = generateNextChar(prevX, prev)
generate(t + 1, nextX, nextP, indices :+ nextIdx)
def sample: String = {
val x0 = Variable(ns.zeros(vocabSize, 1))
val p0 = rnn.initialTrackingStates
val sampledIndices = generate(1, x0, p0)
* Stochastic Gradient Descent with clipping to prevent exploding gradients
* @param parameters list of parameters to optimize
* @param maxValue gradients above this number are set to this number, and everything less than -maxValue is set to -maxValue
* @param lr learning rate
case class ClippingSGD(parameters: Seq[Variable],
lr: Double,
maxValue: Double)
extends Optimizer(parameters) {
override def step(): Unit =
parameters.foreach { p => -= ns.clip(, -maxValue, maxValue) * lr
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