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Last active April 3, 2019 10:12
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Neural nets with numsca and continuations
package botkop.dp.lantern
import botkop.{numsca => ns}
import botkop.numsca.Tensor
import XTensor._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.continuations.{cps, reset, shift}
object NumscaLantern extends App {
/* function we're trying to guess */
def unknownFunction(x: Tensor): Tensor = ns.sum(x * x, axis = 1)
val numBatches = 1000
val numSamples = 3
val numFeatures = 4
val lr = 1e-2
/* training set */
val trainingSet = (1 to numBatches) map { _ =>
val x = ns.randn(numSamples, numFeatures)
val y = unknownFunction(x)
(x, y)
/* test set */
val testX = ns.randn(10, numFeatures)
val testY = unknownFunction(testX)
/* parameters of the network */
val w0: Variable = Variable(ns.randn(100, numFeatures) * math.sqrt(2.0 / 100))
val b0: Variable = Variable(ns.zeros(1, 100))
val w1: Variable = Variable(ns.randn(4, 100) * math.sqrt(2.0 / 4))
val b1: Variable = Variable(ns.zeros(1, 4))
/* neural net definition */
def net(x: Variable): Variable @cps[Unit] =
( + b0) + b1
/* loss function */
type LossFunction = (Tensor, Tensor) => Tensor
def loss(expected: Tensor, actual: Tensor): Tensor = actual - expected
/* training function */
def train(f: Variable => Variable @cps[Unit],
loss: LossFunction)(x: Tensor, y: Tensor): Unit =
reset {
val v = Variable(x)
val yHat = f(v)
yHat.d := loss(y, yHat.x)
/* print accuracy */
def eval(f: Variable => Variable @cps[Unit])(x: Tensor, y: Tensor): Unit =
reset {
val yHat = f(x)
val score = ns.sum((testY - yHat.x) ** 2) / testX.shape(0)
/* training loop */
for (epoch <- 1 to 10) {
trainingSet foreach {
case (x0, y0) =>
train(net, loss)(x0, y0)
/* sgd */
w0.x -= w0.d * lr
b0.x -= b0.d * lr
w1.x -= w1.d * lr
b1.x -= b1.d * lr
/* zero grad */
w0.d := 0
b0.d := 0
w1.d := 0
b1.d := 0
eval(net)(testX, testY)
case class Variable(x: Tensor) {
lazy val d: Tensor = ns.zerosLike(x)
def shape: List[Int] = x.shape.toList
def +(that: Variable) = shift { (k: Variable => Unit) =>
val y = Variable(x + that.x)
this.d +:= y.d
that.d +:= y.d
def -(that: Variable) = shift { (k: Variable => Unit) =>
val y = Variable(x - that.x)
this.d +:= y.d
that.d +:= -y.d
def *(that: Variable) = shift { (k: Variable => Unit) =>
val y = Variable(x * that.x)
this.d +:= that.x * y.d
that.d +:= this.x * y.d
def dot(that: Variable) = shift { (k: Variable => Unit) =>
val y = Variable(x dot that.x)
this.d += y.d dot that.x.T
that.d += this.x.T dot y.d
def t = shift { (k: Variable => Unit) =>
val r = Variable(x.transpose())
this.d += r.d.transpose()
def relu = shift { (k: Variable => Unit) =>
val r = Variable(ns.maximum(x, 0.0))
this.d += r.d * (x > 0.0)
object Variable {
def apply(d: Double): Variable = Variable(Tensor(d))
implicit def doubleToVariable(d: Double): Variable = Variable(d)
implicit def tensorToVariable(t: Tensor): Variable = Variable(t)
/* tensor extension to allow for 'unbroadcasting', ie. reshaping a broadcasted tensor back like this one. */
case class XTensor(t: Tensor) {
def unbroadcast(target: Tensor): Tensor =
if (target.shape sameElements t.shape)
else {
case (z: Tensor, ((oi, ni), i)) =>
if (oi == ni)
else if (oi == 1)
ns.sum(z, axis = i)
throw new Exception(
s"unable to unbroadcast shape ${target.shape.toList} to ${t.shape.toList}")
def +:=(that: Tensor): Unit = t += unbroadcast(that)
object XTensor {
implicit def t2xt(t: Tensor): XTensor = XTensor(t)
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