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Koen Dejonghe koen-dejonghe

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case class SomeEvent(value: Long)
val events = Source
.tick(0 seconds, 250 millis, "")
.map { case (_, l) =>
val group = Flow[SomeEvent].groupedWithin(100, 500 millis) // +/- 2 events per group
import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.{DefaultPooledObject, GenericObjectPool}
import org.apache.commons.pool2.{ObjectPool, PooledObject, BasePooledObjectFactory}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream
class PooledSocketStreamPublisher[T](host: String, port: Int)
koen-dejonghe / dl-from-scratch.ipynb
Created March 23, 2020 17:01
Deep learning from scratch with Scala
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import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import{ElasticsearchSourceSettings, ReadResult}
import{Flow, Source}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient
koen-dejonghe / NumscaLantern.scala
Last active April 3, 2019 10:12
Neural nets with numsca and continuations
package botkop.dp.lantern
import botkop.{numsca => ns}
import botkop.numsca.Tensor
import XTensor._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.continuations.{cps, reset, shift}
object NumscaLantern extends App {
epoch: 1 trn_loss: 0.601810 val_loss: 1.850695 val_score: 0.478634 duration: 8581ms
epoch: 2 trn_loss: 0.215092 val_loss: 0.242073 val_score: 0.931310 duration: 7829ms
epoch: 3 trn_loss: 0.164513 val_loss: 0.186792 val_score: 0.947484 duration: 7817ms
epoch: 4 trn_loss: 0.136912 val_loss: 0.164707 val_score: 0.954273 duration: 7898ms
epoch: 5 trn_loss: 0.118550 val_loss: 0.152412 val_score: 0.956270 duration: 7696ms
epoch: 6 trn_loss: 0.105179 val_loss: 0.144234 val_score: 0.958367 duration: 7817ms
epoch: 7 trn_loss: 0.094957 val_loss: 0.139751 val_score: 0.960164 duration: 7889ms
epoch: 8 trn_loss: 0.086851 val_loss: 0.132734 val_score: 0.962660 duration: 7811ms
epoch: 9 trn_loss: 0.079254 val_loss: 0.132945 val_score: 0.962660 duration: 7777ms
epoch: 10 trn_loss: 0.073101 val_loss: 0.130502 val_score: 0.964257 duration: 7792ms
epoch: 1 trn_loss: 0.373341 val_loss: 0.231301 score: 0.934600 duration: 19s
epoch: 2 trn_loss: 0.179583 val_loss: 0.188588 score: 0.946000 duration: 18s
epoch: 3 trn_loss: 0.138713 val_loss: 0.159787 score: 0.953000 duration: 18s
epoch: 4 trn_loss: 0.115682 val_loss: 0.148316 score: 0.955800 duration: 18s
epoch: 5 trn_loss: 0.097952 val_loss: 0.138213 score: 0.959300 duration: 18s
epoch: 6 trn_loss: 0.085970 val_loss: 0.128380 score: 0.963900 duration: 18s
epoch: 7 trn_loss: 0.077760 val_loss: 0.129295 score: 0.963100 duration: 18s
epoch: 8 trn_loss: 0.070618 val_loss: 0.131919 score: 0.964000 duration: 18s
epoch: 9 trn_loss: 0.063497 val_loss: 0.130191 score: 0.964600 duration: 18s
epoch: 10 trn_loss: 0.059064 val_loss: 0.138148 score: 0.963600 duration: 18s
def messageHandler: Receive = {
case Start =>
1 to trainingConcurrency foreach (_ => tdl ! nextTrainingBatch)
1 to validationConcurrency foreach (_ => vdl ! nextValidationBatch)
case Forward(yHat, y) =>
val l = loss(yHat, y)
wire.prev ! Backward(yHat.grad)
trainingLoss +=
def endPoint(y: Variable): Receive = {
case Forward(yHat) =>
val l = loss(yHat, y)
wire.prev ! Backward(yHat.grad)
trainingLoss +=
if (trainingDataIterator.hasNext) {
context become startPoint(
} else {
def startPoint(batch: (Variable, Variable)): Receive = {
case msg @ (Start | _: Backward) =>
if (msg == Start) { // new epoch
val (x, y) = batch ! Forward(x)
context become endPoint(y)