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Last active November 10, 2023 00:17
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import * as React from "react";
A hook to simply use state between components
Warning: this only works with function components (like any hook)
// You can put this in an central file and import it too
const useStore = createStore({ count: 0 })
// And this is how you use it from any component
export function Example() {
const [store, setStore] = useStore()
const updateCount = () => setStore({ count: store.count + 1 })
return <div onClick={updateCount}>{store.count}</div>
export function createStore<T>(state: T) {
// Store the initial state, copy the object if it's an object
let storeState: T = typeof state === "object" ? { ...state } : state
// Keep a list of all the listener, in the form of React hook setters
const storeSetters = new Set<Function>()
// Create a set function that updates all the listeners / setters
const setStoreState = (state: Partial<T>) => {
// If the state is an object, make sure we copy it
storeState =
typeof state === "object" ? { ...storeState, ...state } : state
// Update all the listeners / setters with the new value
storeSetters.forEach((setter) => setter(storeState))
// Create the actual hook based on everything above
function useStore(): [T, typeof setStoreState] {
// Create the hook we are going to use as a listener
const [state, setState] = React.useState(storeState)
// If we unmount the component using this hook, we need to remove the listener
React.useEffect(() => () => storeSetters.delete(setState), [])
// But right now, we need to add the listener
// Return the state and a function to update the central store
return [state, setStoreState]
return useStore
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jacopocolo commented Oct 20, 2020

@DvDriel first of all you'd want to set up your store and impot like this:

Then in your components you'd add:
const [store, setStore] = useStore()

This allows you to read the store as a regular variable {store.var}. Or to write a variable with the setStore hook setStore({varName: value}).

The store can contain a single variable or a set of objects.

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@koenbok Would this also work in Framer Web? I tried to insert the code but get an error:

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koenbok commented Feb 6, 2021

It seems like TypeScript got a bit stricter with warnings, but it should totally work.

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koenvanham commented Feb 8, 2021

Great, got it working indeed. What would be the right way to get this working on a class?

EDIT: nvm, figured out it was preferably to convert old class to a function. got it working now.

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