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Created July 4, 2018 12:20
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Commandline hotkey tool. Usage: `hotkey F12 say hello`
package main
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -framework Carbon
// #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
// extern void Callback();
// void RunApplicationEventLoop();
// static inline OSStatus handler(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void* userData)
// {
// Callback();
// return 1;
// }
// static inline int Register(int key) {
// EventTypeSpec eventType;
// eventType.eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
// eventType.eventKind = kEventHotKeyPressed;
// InstallApplicationEventHandler(&handler, 1, &eventType, NULL, NULL);
// EventHotKeyID g_HotKeyID;
// = 1;
// EventHotKeyRef g_HotKeyRef;
// RegisterEventHotKey(key, 0, g_HotKeyID, GetApplicationEventTarget(), 0, &g_HotKeyRef);
// return 0;
// }
// static inline void Run() {
// RunApplicationEventLoop();
// }
import "C"
import (
// Callback is called by the C binding
//export Callback
func Callback() {
if verbose {
fmt.Println(keyName, "pressed! running:", command)
cmd := exec.Command(command[0], command[1:]...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
var keys = map[string]{
"f1": C.kVK_F1, "f2": C.kVK_F2, "f3": C.kVK_F3, "f4": C.kVK_F4,
"f5": C.kVK_F5, "f6": C.kVK_F6, "f7": C.kVK_F7, "f8": C.kVK_F8,
"f9": C.kVK_F9, "f10": C.kVK_F10, "f11": C.kVK_F11, "f12": C.kVK_F12,
"f13": C.kVK_F13, "f14": C.kVK_F14, "f15": C.kVK_F15, "f16": C.kVK_F16,
"f17": C.kVK_F17, "f18": C.kVK_F18, "f19": C.kVK_F19, "f20": C.kVK_F20,
var verbose bool
var keyName string
var command []string
func main() {
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Println(" usage: hotkey [-v] KEY COMMAND [ARGS...]")
fmt.Println("example: hotkey F12 echo hello")
flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "output key presses")
if flag.NArg() < 2 {
args := flag.Args()
keyName = args[0]
command = args[1:]
key, found := keys[strings.ToLower(keyName)]
if !found {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: key not supported: %s\n", keyName)
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