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Last active August 9, 2017 10:28
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dCache code guideline

dCache code guideline

Spaces vs Tabs

dCache projects uses four (4) spaces indention. Some historic code still have mixed style. However, the newly written code must stick to spaces.

Variable names

Before IDEs got widely used and syntax highlighting become mature, class field members was prefixed with underscode, like _aClassMemberField, to help developers to separate member fields from method's variables. Today this is not necessary any more. However, when an existing code is modified, the file's existing style must be used.

Legacy code:

class A {
   private _field;

New code:

class A {
   private field;


dCache uses slf4j logging library as the main log facility. The logger have to be defined as:

public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz);

toString() method

Most of the classes will override Object#toString() method. Use guava's MoreObjects.ToStringHelper

    public String toString()
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
            .add("ctime", _ctime)
            .add("creationTime", _creationTime)
            .add("atime", _atime)
            .add("mtime", _mtime)
            .add("pnfsId", _pnfsId)
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