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Last active December 23, 2015 13:05
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  • Save kofrasa/20f2554396fcf2515fa3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kofrasa/20f2554396fcf2515fa3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Command Structure
<target> = <object|motion>
Navigation (Motion)
h,j,k,l - left, down, up, right (respectively)
0 - beginning of line
^ - first character of line
$ - end of line
gg - beginning of buffer
G - end of buffer
b - beginning of current word
e - end of current word
w - beginning of next word
B - beginning of current big word (ignores delimiters within string)
W - beginning of next big word (ignores delimiters within string)
% - jump to matching tag/parenthesis/bracket/block
) - next sentence
( - previous sentence
} - next paragraph
{ - previous paragraph
f<CHAR> - move forward to next <CHAR>
F<CHAR> - move back to previous <CHAR>
t<CHAR> - move forward to just befor next <CHAR>
H - move to top of screen
M - move to middle of screen
L - move to bottom of screen
Searching (Motion)
/<PATTERN> - search for pattern
\< - beginning of word
\> - end of work
n - go to next string (after executing search)
N - go to previous string (after executing search)
Commands (Verbs)
c - change (eg. ciw - "change inside next word")
s - substitute character at cursor
x - delete character at cursor
r<CHAR> - replace character at cursor with <CHAR>
d - delete object (eg. ds - "delete next sentence")
dd - delete current line
D - delete from cursor to end of line
J - join/concat current line with next one (ie. remove newline separator)
y - yank/copy text
yy - yank the current line
p - paste after cursor position
P - paste before cursor position
> - indent block (visual mode)
< - dedent block (visual mode)
>> - indent block
<< - dedent block
== - fix line indent
gu - convert to lowercase
i - insert before cursor
a - append before cursor
I - insert before first text on current line
A - append after last text on current line
o - open new line below cursor
O - open new line above cursor
u - undo change
<C-r> - redo changes which were undone
Markers & Registers
m<ALPHA> - mark the current position of cursor as <ALPHA> (<ALPHA> is [a-z])
'<ALPHA> - go to beginning of line at marker <ALPHA>
`<ALPHA> - go to precise location of marker <ALPHA>
"<ALPHA> - setup register <ALPHA> as input/output for command/verb.
Eg. "add - deletes current line and store in register "a
a<TARGET> - around/all <TARGET>
i<TARGET> - inside/in <TARGET>
w - word
s - sentence
p - paragraph
t - matching tags
> - single tag
" - matching double quotes
' - matching single quotes
` - matching back quotes
} - matching braces
] - matching square brackets
) - matching parentheses
% - matching tags, parentheses, brackets, or block
Extra Objects
a - argument (
i - current indentation level (
r - ruby block (
Visual mode
v - enter visual mode
Shift-v - enter linewise visual mode
File Commands
:e - edit file
:e! - edit file discarding unsaved changes
:r <FILE> - read <FILE> and insert below the cursor
:r !<CMD> - execute <CMD> and insert stdout below the cursor
:w - write file
:q - quit file
:q! - force quit without saving changes
ZQ - same as :q!
:wq - write and quit
ZZ - same as :wq
:saveas <FILE> - save file to <FILE>
:u - undo one change
:<NUM> - go to line <NUM> in file
:source <FILE> - read contents of <FILE> as a series of commands
:so <FILE> - shorthand for :source
<C-w> - prefix for window commands
r - rotate windows
x - swap the current window with the next one
Shift-<H|J|K|L> - move current window left, down, up, right (respectively)
> - increase size of current window
< - decrease size of current window
<DIR> - change focus to the window in the direction <DIR>
<C-]> - Jump to the tag underneath the cursor
<C-t> - Jump back up in the tag stack
:ts <tag> - Search for a particular tag
:ts - List all of the definitions of the last tag
:tn - Go to the next definition for the last tag
:tp - Go to the previous definition for the last tag
:tf - Go to first tag
:tl - Go to last tag
:colorscheme <SPACE> <TAB> - list all installed color schemes
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