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*.acn | |
*.acr | |
*.alg | |
*.aux | |
*.bak | |
*.bbl | |
*.bcf | |
*.blg | |
*.brf | |
*.bst | |
*.dvi | |
*.fdb_latexmk | |
*.fls | |
*.glg | |
*.glo | |
*.gls | |
*.idx | |
*.ilg | |
*.ind | |
*.ist | |
*.lof | |
*.log | |
*.lol | |
*.lot | |
*.maf | |
*.mtc | |
*.mtc1 | |
*.nav | |
*.nlo | |
*.nls | |
*.out | |
*.pyg | |
*.run.xml | |
*.snm | |
*.synctex.gz | |
*.tex.backup | |
*.tex~ | |
*.thm | |
*.toc | |
*.vrb | |
*.xdy | |
*.xml | |
*blx.bib | |
.bak | |
.mtc | |
build/ |
Thx. Some things to add:
Thank you
Thanks! This is very useful
This is great, thanks.
Thanks... very good!
I might consider adding '*.brf'.
I usually add *.tex~ and *.tex.backup.
Thanks !
I needed to also add:
I add:
I added
Excellent! Thank you very much for sharing.
Thanks you so much. 💯 👍
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, I added some entries
How nice! Thank you very much!
Thanks! This was a good thing to share.
Why not just ignore everything first and whitelist directories, *.bib, and *.tex files?
Sounds good 👍
TexStudio has the following extensions list in tools -> clean
For merging artifacts you can also add
Maybe also .out.ps?
For those who use JetBrains and TeXiFy-IDEA plugin.
Create MyLatexProject/.gitignore and copy/paste this content instead:
¡great! Very useful.
¿someone have them classified by use or tool that generates those files?
Thanks in advance.
Can you add *.brf (for backreferences)?
I’ve added most suffixes suggested here to the list and sorted it alphabetical.
Thanks a bunch!