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Last active April 16, 2023 15:52
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Adding Post-Processing Pipeline to Haystack Agents
class CustomAgent(Agent):
# Post-Processing Pipeline
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def add_post_processing_pipeline(self, pipeline):
self.post_processing_pipeline = pipeline
self.callback_manager.on_agent_finish += self.on_result_post_process
def on_result_post_process(self, last_step):
if last_step.is_last():
pipeline_result =
last_step.prompt_node_response = last_step.prompt_node_response.replace(
last_step.prompt_node_response, pipeline_result["results"]
return last_step
# Adding the pre-processing pipeline to Agent
post_processing_pipeline = Pipeline()
component=add_navigation_link_node, name="Navigation", inputs=["Query"])
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