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Created June 28, 2014 19:06
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//povray sprocket.pov -w960 -h540 +a0.9
//povray sprocket.pov -w2732 -h1536 +a0.9
camera {
right 16/9*x
location <1,1,-1>*150
look_at <-4,23,0>
angle 10
//location <1,1,-1>*650
//look_at <0,0,0>
light_source {
color rgb<1,1,1>*3
background { color rgb<1,1,1>*0 }
#declare teeth = 15;
#declare ang = 360/teeth;
#declare tang = 20;
#declare theight = 2;
#declare rdia = 12.7*teeth/pi/2;
#debug "\n"
#debug str(ang,0,3)
#debug "\n"
#declare kolor = rgb<1.05,1,0.95>*0.5;
#declare toothCut=
union {
box {<-7.75/2,0,-3> <7.75/2,15,5> pigment{kolor} rotate <0,0,tang>}
box {<-7.75/2,0,-3> <7.75/2,15,5> pigment{kolor} rotate <0,0,tang*-1>}
cylinder {<0,0,-3> <0,0,3> 7.75/2 pigment{kolor} }
difference {
union {
cylinder {<0,0,-1> <0,0,1> rdia+theight pigment{kolor}}
#declare Index = 0;
#while(Index < teeth)
object {
translate <0,rdia,0>
rotate <0,0,ang*Index>
#declare Index = Index + 1;
cylinder {<0,0,-3> <0,0,3> rdia-9 pigment{kolor}}
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