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Created September 7, 2015 15:03
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I want Swift's Either like ...

Suppose that Either is declared in the following way,

enum Either<T, U> {
    case Left(T)
    case Right(U)

I want language-level support for Either in a consistent way with for Optional.


Int? is a syntactic sugar of Optional<Int>.

// Optional
let o1: Optional<Int> = .Some(42)
let o2: Int? = .Some(42)

It seems good that String|Int is a syntactic sugar of Either<String, Int>.

// Either
let e1: Either<String, Int> = .Right(42)
let e2: String|Int = .Right(42)

Foo|Bar is a familiar notation because it is used for Union Types in some languages. (e.g. TypeScript, Ceylon and Flow)

Implicit Conversions

// Optional
let o1: Int? = .Some(42)
let o2: Int? = 42
// Either
let e1: String|Int = .Right(42)
let e2: String|Int = 42


Int is a subtype of Optional<Int> in Swift.

// Optional
class A {
    func foo() -> Int? {
        return nil

class B: A {
    // changes the return type to Int
    override func foo() -> Int {
        return 42

Int may be a subtype of Either<String, Int>.

// Either
class A {
    func foo() -> String|Int {
        return "error

class B: A {
    // changes the return type to Int
    override func foo() -> Int {
        return 42

Then Either works like Union Types even though it is an Enumeration. It is consistent with Optional.


// Optional
let foo: Int? = 42
let bar: Double? = foo?.bar
// Either
let foo: String|Int = 42
let bar: String|Double = foo?.bar

Forced Unwrapping

// Optional
let foo: Int? = 42
let bar: Double = foo!.bar
// Either
let foo: String|Int = 42
let bar: Double = foo!.bar


// Optional
let fooOrNil: Int? = 42
if let foo: Int = fooOrNil {
// Either
let fooOrError: String|Int = 42
if let foo: Int = fooOrError {


// Optional
let foo: Int? = try? foo("42")
// Either
let foo: Error|Int = try| foo("42")

init| (Failable Initializers)

// Optional
class Foo {
    let x: Int

    init?(x: String) {
        do {
            x = try foo(x)
        } catch {
            return nil

let foo: Foo? = Foo(x: 42)
// Either
class Foo {
    init|(x: String) {
        do {
            x = try foo(x)
        } catch let error as Error {
            return .Left(error)

let foo: Error|Foo = Foo(x: 42)


Although it does not need language-level support for ?? because it is just a function.

// Optional
let foo: Int? = nil
let foo2: Int = foo ?? 42
// Either
let foo: String|Int = "error"
let bar: Int = foo ?? 42

map and flatMap

Also it does not need language-level support for map and flatMap. But I must refer to them because they are necessary.

// Optional
let o1: Int? = 42
let o2: Int? = nil

let square: Int? = { $0 * $0 }
let mean: Int? = o1.flatMap { x in o2.flatMap { y in (x + y) / 2 } }
// Either
let e1: String|Int = 42
let e2: String|Int = "error"

let square: String|Int = { $0 * $0 }
let mean: String|Int = e1.flatMap { x in e2.flatMap { y in (x + y) / 2 } }


Foo|Bar|Baz can be interpreted as both Either<Either<Foo, Bar>, Baz> and Either<Foo, Either<Bar, Baz>>. I think the former one is better if we mainly use Either for error handlings. Because I want Int as a result of foo! in the following code.

let fooOrError: ErrorA|ErrorB|Int = ...
let foo: Int = fooOrError!

We also need some notations like Foo|(Bar|Baz) in order to specify Either<Foo, Either<Bar, Baz>>.

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