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protocol CatProtocol {
var name: String { get set }
func nya() -> String
mutating func sleep()
func clone() -> Self
func cast<T>(to: T.Type) -> T?
class Cat : CatProtocol {
required init() {}
var name: String = "tama"
func nya() -> String { return "nyaaaa" }
func sleep() { print("zzz...") }
func clone() -> Self {
return type(of: self).init()
func cast<T>(to: T.Type) -> T? {
return self as? T
struct AnyCat1 : CatProtocol {
init<X: CatProtocol>(_ x: X) {
var x = x
_getName = { }
_setName = { = $0 }
_nya = { x.nya() }
_sleep = { x.sleep() }
_clone = { AnyCat1(x.clone()) }
_cast = { (to: Any.Type) -> Any? in
print(type(of: to))
return nil
//return x.cast(to: to)
var name: String {
get { return _getName() }
set { _setName(newValue) }
func nya() -> String {
return _nya()
func sleep() { _sleep() }
func clone() -> AnyCat1 {
return _clone()
func cast<T>(to: T.Type) -> T? {
return _cast(to) as? T
var _getName: () -> String
var _setName: (String) -> Void
var _nya: () -> String
var _sleep: () -> Void
var _clone: () -> AnyCat1
var _cast: (Any.Type) -> Any?
let a = AnyCat1(Cat())
print(String(describing: a.cast(to: String.self)))
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