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Created March 26, 2012 22:32
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Bayes net example (Pandas version)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import copy
NaN_Flag = -1 # pandas uses np.nan, but that coerces ints to floats :(
def print_theta(theta):
for node, cpt in theta.iteritems():
for key in cpt:
print "%s\t'%s'\t%s" % (node, key, cpt[key])
def parents(node, adj):
result = []
for col in adj.columns:
if adj.ix[node, col]==1:
return result
def parent_map(adj):
return dict( [(col,parents(col,adj)) for col in adj.columns] )
def children(node, adj):
result = []
for candidate in nodes:
if candidate==node:
if node in parents(candidate, adj):
return result
def draw(pdt):
r = random.random()
cumulative_prob = 0.0
for (val, prob) in pdt.iteritems():
cumulative_prob += prob
if r < cumulative_prob:
return val
def simulate(adj, theta, num_samples):
data = DataFrame.from_items( [(node, Series(np.zeros(num_samples, int))) for node in adj.columns] )
for node in adj.columns:
P = parents(node, adj)
for n in range(num_samples):
key = ','.join( [str(data.ix[n,parent]) for parent in P] )
pdt = theta[node][key]
data.ix[n,node] = draw(pdt)
return data
def impute_value(node, row, theta):
# returns an imputed value for the given node in the given row
cpt = theta[node]
key = ','.join( [str(row[p]) for p in parents(node, adj)] )
value = draw(cpt[key])
return value
def impute_data(data, theta):
# imputes a discrete value for every NaN in DataFrame data,
# and replaces the NaN with that imputed value
for row_index in range(data.shape[0]):
row = data.ix[row_index]
nan_cols = row[row==NaN_Flag].index
for node in nan_cols:
data.ix[row_index, node] = impute_value(node, row, theta)
def impute_hidden_node(node, data, theta):
num_rows = data.shape[0]
C = children(node, adj)
print "children are ",
print C
# generate a table listing row indices for each combination of marginal variables
marginal_indices = data.groupby(C).groups
#print marginal_indices
for r in xrange(num_rows):
row = data.ix[r]
likelihood_1 = 1.0
for child in C:
likelihood_1 *= theta[child]['1'][row[child]] #TODO: this is really fragile..
prior_1 = theta[node][''][1]
likelihood_0 = 1.0
for child in C:
likelihood_0 *= theta[child]['0'][row[child]] #TODO: this is really fragile..
prior_0 = theta[node][''][0]
child_vals = data.ix[r, C]
marginal_likelihood = len(marginal_indices[tuple(data.ix[r,C])]) / float(num_rows)
posterior_1 = likelihood_1 * prior_1 / marginal_likelihood
posterior_0 = likelihood_0 * prior_0 / marginal_likelihood
data.ix[r,node] = 1 if random.random() < posterior_1/(posterior_1+posterior_0) else 0 # HACK only works with binary variables
#print "Sum of imputed probabilities was: %.2f" % sum_prob
#print "Sum of imputed values was: %.2f" % data[node].sum()
def compute_theta(data):
# if you have a complete set of data (no missing values), then
# you can impute the CPTs by counting
#print "sum of T in compute_theta is:"
print data['T'].sum()
result = {}
for col in data.columns:
node = str(col)
cpt = {}
uniques = data[node].unique() #TODO: compute this only once, globally
P = parents(node, adj)
#print P
def simple_counts(series):
ptable = {}
total_count = float(len(series))
for u in uniques:
ptable[u] = sum(series==u) / total_count
return ptable
if P:
groups = data.groupby(P).groups
#print groups
for key, indices in groups.iteritems():
# for each unique combo of parent values...
keystr = str(key) if len(P)<=1 else ','.join([str(v) for v in keytuple])
cpt[keystr] = simple_counts(data.ix[indices, node])
#print "no parents case"
cpt[''] = simple_counts(data[node])
#TODO: handle the case where there are no examples of some keytuples?
result[node] = cpt
return result
def log_likelihood(data, theta):
# return the loglikelihood of an entire dataset according to theta
# right now this is not used algorthmically.. just helpful to plot
# as a debugging diagnostic
num_rows = data.shape[0]
cols = data.columns
pmap = parent_map(adj)
log_likelihood = 0.0
for r in xrange(num_rows):
lhood = 1.0
for col in cols:
P = pmap[col]
if P:
lhood *= theta[col][str(int(data.ix[r,P]))][data.ix[r,col]]
lhood *= theta[col][''][data.ix[r,col]]
log_likelihood += math.log(lhood)
print "Loglikelihood,%.4f" % log_likelihood
def learn(data, theta, max_iter):
for i in range(max_iter):
impute_hidden_node('T', data, theta) # E-step
theta = compute_theta(data) # M-step
print "Run %d produced theta of:" % i
#log_likelihood(data, theta)
#TODO: infer varaibles and state sizes from data
nodes = ['T', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4']
N = len(nodes)
# create a blank adjacency matrix, then
# set the directed edges. each row (node)
# should have a 1 in the column of each parent.
adj = DataFrame.from_items( [(node, Series(np.zeros(N, int))) for node in nodes] )
adj.index = nodes
adj.ix['E1', 'T'] = 1
adj.ix['E2', 'T'] = 1
adj.ix['E3', 'T'] = 1
adj.ix['E4', 'T'] = 1
print adj
# specify the TRUE joint distribution, theta. specified as a
# dict of node -> cpt, where each cpt is a dict
# of comma-separated values of the ordered parents -> prob
theta = {}
theta['T'] = {'': {0: 0.75, 1: 0.25}}
theta['E1'] = {'0': {0: 0.45, 1: 0.55}, '1': {0: 0.05, 1: 0.95}, }
theta['E2'] = {'0': {0: 0.40, 1: 0.60}, '1': {0: 0.05, 1: 0.95}, }
theta['E3'] = {'0': {0: 0.50, 1: 0.50}, '1': {0: 0.10, 1: 0.90}, }
theta['E4'] = {'0': {0: 0.60, 1: 0.40}, '1': {0: 0.25, 1: 0.75}, }
# generate/simulate a dataset accoriding to theta
row_count = 10000; print "rowcount = %d" % row_count
df = simulate(adj, theta, row_count)
print df.mean() # just for debugging.. looks good
print df.corr() # just for debugging.. looks good
# hide the 'T' variable, to see if we can re-learn it
df2 = df.copy()
#df2['T'] = NaN_Flag
df2['T'] = (np.random.rand(row_count) > .6).astype(int)
theta_init = compute_theta(df2)
# try to learn back a new theta
print 'Goal:'
print 'Starting Prior:'
learn(data=df2, theta=theta_init, max_iter=300)
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wesm commented Mar 28, 2012

If you iterate over the object returned by groupby you don't have to use the groups dict and do the reindexing by hand:

for key, group in data.groupby(P):


for key, indices in data.groupby(P).groups.iteritems():
    group = data.ix[indices]

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