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Attempt at GPU accumulation
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec 21 11:13:32 2016
@author: kohr
# %% --- Basic stuff from pygpu/ --- #
import math
import re
from mako.template import Template
import numpy
import pygpu
from pygpu import gpuarray
from import ScalarArg, ArrayArg, check_args, prod, lru_cache
from pygpu.dtypes import parse_c_arg_backend
def parse_c_args(arguments):
return tuple(parse_c_arg_backend(arg, ScalarArg, ArrayArg)
for arg in arguments.split(','))
INDEX_RE = re.compile('([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\[i\]')
def massage_op(operation):
return INDEX_RE.sub('\g<1>[0]', operation)
def _ceil_log2(x):
# nearest power of 2 (going up)
if x != 0:
return int(math.ceil(math.log(x, 2)))
return 0
# %% --- Reduction kernel template --- #
# Unchanged from pygpu
basic_kernel = Template("""
#define REDUCE(a, b) (${reduce_expr})
KERNEL void ${name}(const unsigned int n, ${out_arg.decltype()} out
% for d in range(nd):
, const unsigned int dim${d}
% endfor
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
, ${arg.decltype()} ${}_data
, const unsigned int ${}_offset
% for d in range(nd):
, const int ${}_str_${d}
% endfor
% else:
, ${arg.decltype()} ${}
% endif
% endfor
) {
LOCAL_MEM ${out_arg.ctype()} ldata[${local_size}];
const unsigned int lid = LID_0;
unsigned int i;
GLOBAL_MEM char *tmp;
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
tmp = (GLOBAL_MEM char *)${}_data; tmp += ${}_offset;
${}_data = (${arg.decltype()})tmp;
% endif
% endfor
i = GID_0;
% for i in range(nd-1, -1, -1):
% if not redux[i]:
% if i > 0:
const unsigned int pos${i} = i % dim${i};
i = i / dim${i};
% else:
const unsigned int pos${i} = i;
% endif
% endif
% endfor
${out_arg.ctype()} acc = ${neutral};
for (i = lid; i < n; i += LDIM_0) {
int ii = i;
int pos;
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
GLOBAL_MEM char *${}_p = (GLOBAL_MEM char *)${}_data;
% endif
% endfor
% for i in range(nd-1, -1, -1):
% if redux[i]:
% if i > 0:
pos = ii % dim${i};
ii = ii / dim${i};
% else:
pos = ii;
% endif
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
${}_p += pos * ${}_str_${i};
% endif
% endfor
% else:
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
${}_p += pos${i} * ${}_str_${i};
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
${arg.decltype()} ${} = (${arg.decltype()})${}_p;
% endif
% endfor
acc = REDUCE((acc), (${map_expr}));
ldata[lid] = acc;
<% cur_size = local_size %>
% while cur_size > 1:
<% cur_size = cur_size // 2 %>
if (lid < ${cur_size}) {
ldata[lid] = REDUCE(ldata[lid], ldata[lid+${cur_size}]);
% endwhile
if (lid == 0) out[GID_0] = ldata[0];
# %% --- Get kernel code for reduction --- #
# Unchanged from pygpu except for the very last lines in __call__
class ReductionKernelSrc(object):
def __init__(self, context, dtype_out, neutral, reduce_expr, redux,
map_expr=None, arguments=None, preamble="", init_nd=None):
:param init_nd: used to pre compile the reduction code for
this value of nd and the self.init_local_size value.
self.context = context
self.neutral = neutral
self.redux = tuple(redux)
if not any(self.redux):
raise ValueError("Reduction is along no axes")
self.dtype_out = dtype_out
self.out_arg = ArrayArg(numpy.dtype(self.dtype_out), 'out')
if isinstance(arguments, str):
self.arguments = parse_c_args(arguments)
elif arguments is None:
self.arguments = [ArrayArg(numpy.dtype(self.dtype_out), '_reduce_input')]
self.arguments = arguments
self.reduce_expr = reduce_expr
if map_expr is None:
if len(self.arguments) != 1:
raise ValueError("Don't know what to do with more than one "
"argument. Specify map_expr to explicitly "
"state what you want.")
self.operation = "%s[i]" % (self.arguments[0].name,)
self.expression = "%s[0]" % (self.arguments[0].name,)
self.operation = map_expr
self.expression = massage_op(map_expr)
if not any(isinstance(arg, ArrayArg) for arg in self.arguments):
raise ValueError("ReductionKernel can only be used with "
"functions that have at least one vector "
have_small = False
have_double = False
have_complex = False
for arg in self.arguments:
if arg.dtype.itemsize < 4 and type(arg) == ArrayArg:
have_small = True
if arg.dtype in [numpy.float64, numpy.complex128]:
have_double = True
if arg.dtype in [numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128]:
have_complex = True
self.flags = dict(have_small=have_small, have_double=have_double,
self.preamble = preamble
self.init_local_size = min(context.lmemsize //
# this is to prep the cache
if init_nd is not None:
self._get_basic_kernel(self.init_local_size, init_nd)
def _find_kernel_ls(self, tmpl, max_ls, *tmpl_args):
local_size = min(self.init_local_size, max_ls)
count_lim = _ceil_log2(local_size)
local_size = int(2**count_lim)
loop_count = 0
while loop_count <= count_lim:
k, src, spec = tmpl(local_size, *tmpl_args)
if local_size <= k.maxlsize:
return k, src, spec, local_size
local_size //= 2
loop_count += 1
raise RuntimeError("Can't stabilize the local_size for kernel."
" Please report this along with your "
"reduction code.")
def _gen_basic(self, ls, nd):
src = basic_kernel.render(preamble=self.preamble,
nd=nd, arguments=self.arguments,
spec = ['uint32']
spec.extend('uint32' for _ in range(nd))
for i, arg in enumerate(self.arguments):
if arg.isarray():
spec.extend('int32' for _ in range(nd))
k = gpuarray.GpuKernel(src, "reduk", spec, context=self.context,
cluda=True, **self.flags)
return k, src, spec
def _get_basic_kernel(self, maxls, nd):
return self._find_kernel_ls(self._gen_basic, maxls, nd)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
broadcast = kwargs.pop('broadcast', None)
out = kwargs.pop('out', None)
if len(kwargs) != 0:
raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword argument: %s' %
_, nd, dims, strs, offsets = check_args(args, collapse=False,
n = prod(dims)
out_shape = tuple(d for i, d in enumerate(dims) if not self.redux[i])
gs = prod(out_shape)
if gs == 0:
gs = 1
n /= gs
if gs > self.context.maxgsize:
raise ValueError("Array too big to be reduced along the "
"selected axes")
if out is None:
out = gpuarray.empty(out_shape, context=self.context,
if out.shape != out_shape or out.dtype != self.dtype_out:
raise TypeError(
"Out array is not of expected type (expected %s %s, "
"got %s %s)" % (out_shape, self.dtype_out, out.shape,
# Don't compile and cache for nothing for big size
if self.init_local_size < n:
_, src, _, _ = self._get_basic_kernel(self.init_local_size, nd)
_, src, _, _ = self._get_basic_kernel(2**_ceil_log2(n), nd)
return src
def reduce1_src(ary, op, neutral, out_type, axis=None, out=None, oper=None):
nd = ary.ndim
if axis is None:
redux = [True] * nd
redux = [False] * nd
if not isinstance(axis, (list, tuple)):
axis = (axis,)
for ax in axis:
if ax < 0:
ax += nd
if ax < 0 or ax >= nd:
raise ValueError('axis out of bounds')
redux[ax] = True
if oper is None:
reduce_expr = "a %s b" % (op,)
reduce_expr = oper
r = ReductionKernelSrc(ary.context, dtype_out=out_type, neutral=neutral,
reduce_expr=reduce_expr, redux=redux,
arguments=[ArrayArg(ary.dtype, 'a')])
return r(ary, out=out)
def reduce_with_op_src(a, op, neutral, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None):
return reduce1_src(a, op=op, neutral=neutral, out_type=dtype, axis=axis,
def sum_src(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False):
return reduce_with_op_src(a, '+', 0, axis, dtype, out)
def prod_src(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False):
return reduce_with_op_src(a, '*', 1, axis, dtype, out)
ctx = pygpu.init('cuda')
a_h = numpy.ones((2000, 30, 400), dtype=float)
a_d = pygpu.array(a_h)
print(sum_src(a_d, axis=0))
# %% --- Accumulator kernel template --- #
basic_accum_kernel = Template("""
#define REDUCE(a, b) (${reduce_expr})
KERNEL void ${name}(const unsigned int n
% for d in range(nd):
, const unsigned int dim${d}
% endfor
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
, ${arg.decltype()} ${}_data
, const unsigned int ${}_offset
% for d in range(nd):
, const int ${}_str_${d}
% endfor
% else:
, ${arg.decltype()} ${}
% endif
% endfor
) {
LOCAL_MEM ${arg.ctype()} ldata[${local_size}];
const unsigned int lid = LID_0;
unsigned int i;
GLOBAL_MEM char *tmp;
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
tmp = (GLOBAL_MEM char *)${}_data; tmp += ${}_offset;
${}_data = (${arg.decltype()})tmp;
% endif
% endfor
i = GID_0;
% for i in range(nd-1, -1, -1):
% if not redux[i]:
% if i > 0:
const unsigned int pos${i} = i % dim${i};
i = i / dim${i};
% else:
const unsigned int pos${i} = i;
% endif
% endif
% endfor
${arg.ctype()} acc = ${neutral};
for (i = lid; i < n; i += LDIM_0) {
int ii = i;
int pos;
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
GLOBAL_MEM char *${}_p = (GLOBAL_MEM char *)${}_data;
% endif
% endfor
% for i in range(nd-1, -1, -1):
% if redux[i]:
% if i > 0:
pos = ii % dim${i};
ii = ii / dim${i};
% else:
pos = ii;
% endif
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
${}_p += pos * ${}_str_${i};
% endif
% endfor
% else:
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
${}_p += pos${i} * ${}_str_${i};
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
% for arg in arguments:
% if arg.isarray():
${arg.decltype()} ${} = (${arg.decltype()})${}_p;
% endif
% endfor
acc = REDUCE((acc), (${map_expr}));
${}[0] = acc;
ldata[lid] = acc;
<% cur_size = local_size %>
% while cur_size > 1:
<% cur_size = cur_size // 2 %>
if (lid < ${cur_size}) {
ldata[lid] = REDUCE(ldata[lid], ldata[lid+${cur_size}]);
% endwhile
# %% --- Get kernel code for accumulation --- #
class AccumKernelSrc(object):
def __init__(self, context, neutral, reduce_expr, redux, arguments=None,
preamble="", init_nd=None):
:param init_nd: used to pre compile the reduction code for
this value of nd and the self.init_local_size value.
self.context = context
self.neutral = neutral
self.redux = tuple(redux)
if not any(self.redux):
raise ValueError("Accumulation is along no axes")
if isinstance(arguments, str):
self.arguments = parse_c_args(arguments)
self.arguments = arguments
self.reduce_expr = reduce_expr
if len(self.arguments) != 1:
raise ValueError("Don't know what to do with more than one "
self.operation = "%s[i]" % (self.arguments[0].name,)
self.expression = "%s[0]" % (self.arguments[0].name,)
if not any(isinstance(arg, ArrayArg) for arg in self.arguments):
raise ValueError("AccumKernel can only be used with "
"functions that have at least one vector "
have_small = False
have_double = False
have_complex = False
for arg in self.arguments:
if arg.dtype.itemsize < 4 and type(arg) == ArrayArg:
have_small = True
if arg.dtype in [numpy.float64, numpy.complex128]:
have_double = True
if arg.dtype in [numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128]:
have_complex = True
self.flags = dict(have_small=have_small, have_double=have_double,
self.preamble = preamble
self.init_local_size = min(context.lmemsize //
# this is to prep the cache
if init_nd is not None:
self._get_basic_kernel(self.init_local_size, init_nd)
def _find_kernel_ls(self, tmpl, max_ls, *tmpl_args):
local_size = min(self.init_local_size, max_ls)
count_lim = _ceil_log2(local_size)
local_size = int(2**count_lim)
loop_count = 0
while loop_count <= count_lim:
k, src, spec = tmpl(local_size, *tmpl_args)
if local_size <= k.maxlsize:
return k, src, spec, local_size
local_size //= 2
loop_count += 1
raise RuntimeError("Can't stabilize the local_size for kernel."
" Please report this along with your "
"reduction code.")
def _gen_basic(self, ls, nd):
src = basic_accum_kernel.render(preamble=self.preamble,
nd=nd, arguments=self.arguments,
spec = ['uint32']
spec.extend('uint32' for _ in range(nd))
for i, arg in enumerate(self.arguments):
if arg.isarray():
spec.extend('int32' for _ in range(nd))
k = gpuarray.GpuKernel(src, "reduk", spec, context=self.context,
cluda=True, **self.flags)
return k, src, spec
def _get_basic_kernel(self, maxls, nd):
return self._find_kernel_ls(self._gen_basic, maxls, nd)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
broadcast = kwargs.pop('broadcast', None)
if len(kwargs) != 0:
raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword argument: %s' %
_, nd, dims, strs, offsets = check_args(args, collapse=False,
n = prod(dims)
out_shape = dims
gs = prod(out_shape)
if gs == 0:
gs = 1
n /= gs
if gs > self.context.maxgsize:
raise ValueError("Array too big to be reduced along the "
"selected axes")
# Don't compile and cache for nothing for big size
if self.init_local_size < n:
_, src, _, _ = self._get_basic_kernel(self.init_local_size, nd)
_, src, _, _ = self._get_basic_kernel(2**_ceil_log2(n), nd)
return src
def accum_src(ary, op, neutral, axis=None, oper=None):
nd = ary.ndim
if axis is None:
ary = ary.reshape(-1)
redux = [True]
redux = [False] * nd
if not isinstance(axis, (list, tuple)):
if axis < 0 or axis >= nd:
raise ValueError('axis out of bounds')
redux[axis] = True
axis = (axis,)
raise ValueError('cannot give more than one axis')
if oper is None:
reduce_expr = "a %s b" % (op,)
reduce_expr = oper
r = AccumKernelSrc(ary.context, neutral, reduce_expr=reduce_expr,
redux=redux, arguments=[ArrayArg(ary.dtype, 'a')])
return r(ary)
def accum_with_op_src(a, op, neutral, axis=None):
return accum_src(a, op=op, neutral=neutral, axis=axis)
def cumsum_src(a, axis=None):
return accum_with_op_src(a, '+', 0, axis)
def cumprod_src(a, axis=None):
return reduce_with_op_src(a, '*', 1, axis)
ctx = pygpu.init('cuda')
a_h = numpy.ones((2, 3, 4), dtype=float)
a_d = pygpu.array(a_h)
print(cumsum_src(a_d, axis=0))
# %% --- The actual kernel for accumulation --- #
class AccumKernel(object):
def __init__(self, context, neutral, reduce_expr, redux, arguments=None,
preamble="", init_nd=None):
:param init_nd: used to pre compile the reduction code for
this value of nd and the self.init_local_size value.
self.context = context
self.neutral = neutral
self.redux = tuple(redux)
if not any(self.redux):
raise ValueError("Accumulation is along no axes")
if isinstance(arguments, str):
self.arguments = parse_c_args(arguments)
self.arguments = arguments
self.reduce_expr = reduce_expr
if len(self.arguments) != 1:
raise ValueError("Don't know what to do with more than one "
self.operation = "%s[i]" % (self.arguments[0].name,)
self.expression = "%s[0]" % (self.arguments[0].name,)
if not any(isinstance(arg, ArrayArg) for arg in self.arguments):
raise ValueError("AccumKernel can only be used with "
"functions that have at least one vector "
have_small = False
have_double = False
have_complex = False
for arg in self.arguments:
if arg.dtype.itemsize < 4 and type(arg) == ArrayArg:
have_small = True
if arg.dtype in [numpy.float64, numpy.complex128]:
have_double = True
if arg.dtype in [numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128]:
have_complex = True
self.flags = dict(have_small=have_small, have_double=have_double,
self.preamble = preamble
self.init_local_size = min(context.lmemsize //
# this is to prep the cache
if init_nd is not None:
self._get_basic_kernel(self.init_local_size, init_nd)
def _find_kernel_ls(self, tmpl, max_ls, *tmpl_args):
local_size = min(self.init_local_size, max_ls)
count_lim = _ceil_log2(local_size)
local_size = int(2**count_lim)
loop_count = 0
while loop_count <= count_lim:
k, src, spec = tmpl(local_size, *tmpl_args)
if local_size <= k.maxlsize:
return k, src, spec, local_size
local_size //= 2
loop_count += 1
raise RuntimeError("Can't stabilize the local_size for kernel."
" Please report this along with your "
"reduction code.")
def _gen_basic(self, ls, nd):
src = basic_accum_kernel.render(preamble=self.preamble,
nd=nd, arguments=self.arguments,
spec = ['uint32']
spec.extend('uint32' for _ in range(nd))
for i, arg in enumerate(self.arguments):
if arg.isarray():
spec.extend('int32' for _ in range(nd))
k = gpuarray.GpuKernel(src, "reduk", spec, context=self.context,
cluda=True, **self.flags)
return k, src, spec
def _get_basic_kernel(self, maxls, nd):
return self._find_kernel_ls(self._gen_basic, maxls, nd)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
broadcast = kwargs.pop('broadcast', None)
if len(kwargs) != 0:
raise TypeError('Unexpected keyword argument: %s' %
_, nd, dims, strs, offsets = check_args(args, collapse=False,
n = prod(dims)
out_shape = dims
gs = prod(out_shape)
if gs == 0:
gs = 1
n /= gs
if gs > self.context.maxgsize:
raise ValueError("Array too big to be reduced along the "
"selected axes")
# Don't compile and cache for nothing for big size
if self.init_local_size < n:
k, _, _, ls = self._get_basic_kernel(self.init_local_size, nd)
k, _, _, ls = self._get_basic_kernel(2**_ceil_log2(n), nd)
kargs = [n]
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if isinstance(arg, gpuarray.GpuArray):
k(*kargs, ls=ls, gs=gs)
def accum(ary, op, neutral, axis=None, oper=None):
nd = ary.ndim
if axis is None:
redux = [True] * nd
redux = [False] * nd
if not isinstance(axis, (list, tuple)):
if axis < 0 or axis >= nd:
raise ValueError('axis out of bounds')
redux[axis] = True
axis = (axis,)
raise ValueError('cannot give more than one axis')
if oper is None:
reduce_expr = "a %s b" % (op,)
reduce_expr = oper
r = AccumKernel(ary.context, neutral, reduce_expr=reduce_expr,
redux=redux, arguments=[ArrayArg(ary.dtype, 'a')])
def accum_with_op(a, op, neutral, axis=None, out=None):
"""Accumulate ``a`` using the operation ``op`` in-place.
a : `pygpu.gpuarray.GpuArray`
Array that should be accumulated in-place.
op : str
Operation to be used for accumulation. The accumulation logic is::
result = a op b
neutral : scalar
Neutral element of the operation fulfilling ``(n op a) = a``
for all ``a``. It is used as initial state of the result.
axis : int, optional
Accumulate over this axis. See e.g. `numpy.cumsum`.
if axis is None:
# As in Numpy, accumulate over the flattened array for axis=None
a = a.reshape(-1)
if out is None:
out = a.copy()
out[:] = a
accum(out, op=op, neutral=neutral, axis=axis)
return out
def cumsum(a, axis=None, out=None):
return accum_with_op(a, '+', 0, axis, out)
def cumprod(a, axis=None, out=None):
return accum_with_op(a, '*', 1, axis, out)
ctx = pygpu.init('cuda')
a_h = numpy.ones((2, 3, 4), dtype=float)
a_d = pygpu.array(a_h)
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