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How to generalize these three functions.
(ns foo
(:require [clojure.test :refer (with-test is are run-tests)]))
(defn flatten-map [m kf vf]
(into {}
((fn g [kv n]
(if (map? n)
(apply concat
(keep (fn [[k v]] (g (conj kv k) v)) n))
(if-let [kfkv (kf kv)]
(if-let [vfn (vf n)]
[[kfkv vfn]]))))
[] m)))
(are [m kf vf _ r] (= (flatten-map m kf vf) r)
{:a {:b {:c "3" :d "4"} :e "5"}} identity identity
-> {[:a :b :c] "3" [:a :b :d] "4" [:a :e] "5"}
{:a {:b {:c "3" :d "4"} :e "5"}}
#(keyword (apply str (interpose ":" (map name %))))
-> {:a:b:c 3 :a:b:d 4 :a:e 5}))
(defn deep-merge [a b]
(reduce (fn [a [kv n]] (assoc-in a kv n))
((fn g [kv n]
(if (map? n)
(apply concat
(map (fn [[k v]] (g (conj kv k) v)) n))
[[kv n]]))
[] b)))
(are [a b _ r] (= (deep-merge a b) r)
{:a {:b {:c 3 :d 4} :e 5}}
{:a {:b {:c 6 :f 7}} :g 8}
{:a {:b {:c 6 :d 4 :f 7} :e 5} :g 8}))
(defn mapf [m f & args]
(reduce (fn [a [kv n]] (assoc-in a kv n))
((fn g [kv n]
(if (map? n)
(apply concat
(keep (fn [[k v]] (g (conj kv k) v)) n))
(if-let [fna (apply f n args)]
[[kv fna]])))
[] m)))
(is (= (mapf {:a {:b 3 :c 4} :d 5} #(* % %))
{:a {:b 9 :c 16} :d 25}))
(is (= (mapf {:a {:b 3 :c 4} :d 5} #(+ (* %1 %1) %2) 1)
{:a {:b 10 :c 17} :d 26}))
(is (= (mapf {:a {:b 3 :c 4} :d 0} #(try (/ %2 %1) (catch Exception e)) 1)
{:a {:b 1/3 :c 1/4}})))
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kohyama commented Oct 3, 2013

この共通構造を一つの関数またはマクロ(既存のものでも新たに作ったものでも)で一般化し, それを使ってそれぞれのコードを書き直すことはできるでしょうか.


(defn mapf [m f & args]
  ((fn g [n]
   (if (map? n)
       (into {} (keep (fn [[k v]] (if-let [gv (g v)] [k gv])) n))
       (apply f n args)))

の方が速く動作しますが, 他の二つの関数との共通構造を見やすくしたコードを掲載しました.

These three functions have a same structure.
Can we rewrite these functions with using a function or a macro (existing or made) which generalize the structure.

(defn mapf [m f & args]
  ((fn g [n]
   (if (map? n)
       (into {} (keep (fn [[k v]] (if-let [gv (g v)] [k gv])) n))
       (apply f n args)))

is an implementation of mapf, which works more fast.
But the code is as it is so that we can see the same structure as other two.

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kohyama commented Oct 3, 2013

mapf は, ねこはる師匠の mapf を参考に

(require '[clojure.walk :as w])
(defn mapf [m f & args]
  (w/walk (fn [[k v]]
            [k (if (map? v)
                   (apply mapf v f args)
                   (apply f v args))])

他の二つも walk で書き直せるでしょうか.

Referring Mr. Halcat's mapf, I could rewrite mapf as

(require '[clojure.walk :as w])
(defn mapf [m f & args]
  (w/walk (fn [[k v]]
            [k (if (map? v)
                   (apply mapf v f args)
                   (apply f v args))])

Can I rewrite other two with walk?
And then, can I retrieve and define an abstraction of the same structure of them?
Or can I make them so simple that I don't want to generalize them?

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kohyama commented Oct 3, 2013

I got a good reply on Group.
I'll check later.

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