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Last active June 20, 2022 09:57
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S.O.L.I.D Design Principe Explanation with Example by me

Single-responsibility Principle

A class should have only one responsibility.


class ViewController: UIViewController {
	func fetchDataFromServer() { //Perform network request code... }
	func insertDataIntoDatabase() { //Perform database insertion code... }

ViewController should only take care of UI works.


class Database {
	//Code related to DB...
class Webservice {
	//Code related to network request...

Open-closed Principle

Adding new functionality to a class/method without changing the existing code. Use polymorphism to avoid if else condition.


enum Exam {
	case computerScience
	case accounting
func takeExam(subject: Exam) {
	switch (subject) {
    	case .computerScience:
        	print("This is computer science exam.")
        case .accounting:
        	print("This is accounting exam.")

If we want to add new english subject, we have to modify takeExam function by adding new case.


protocol Exam {
    var description: String { get set }
class ComputerScienceExam: Exam {
    var description: String {
        return "This is computer science exam."
class AccountingExam: Exam {
    var description: String {
        return "This is accounting exam."
func takeExam(subject: Exam) {
// Want to add new feature without breaking takeExam() ?
class EnglishExam: Exam {
    var description: String {
        return "This is english exam."

Liskov substitution principle

A child class should be able to be used in the same manner as the parent class.

A child should be substitutable for its parent.


class ScrollView {
    func scrollTo(position: Double) { }
class UIView: ScrollView {
    func scrollTo(position: Double) {
        print("Sorry, cannot scroll!")
    func animate() { }

UIView is now no longer substitute for the parent.


class ScrollView {
    func scrollTo(position: Double) { }
class HorizontalScrollView {
    func scrollTo(position: Double) { }
class VerticalScrollView {
    func scrollTo(position: Double) { }

Interface segregation principle

A class should not implement interface which has methods the class doesn't use.


protocol OrderService {
    func orderPizza()
    func orderNoodle()
class PizzaOrder: OrderService {
    func orderPizza() { }
    func orderNoodle() {
        print("Sorry, we serve only Pizza!")

Pizza doesn't serve noodle.


protocol PizzaOrderService {
    func orderPizza()
protocol NoodleOrderService {
    func orderNoodle()
class PizzaOrder: PizzaOrderService {
    func orderPizza() { }
class NoodleOrder: NoodleOrderService {
    func orderNoodle() { }

Dependency inversion principle

Depend on abstraction rather than concretion.


class ViewModel {
    private let databaseProvider: SQLite
    init(databaseProvider: SQLite) {
        this.databaseProvider = databaseProvider

In the future, if we want to change the provider to Realm, we will have to change ViewModel code to support new provider.


protocol DatabaseProvider {
    func create()
    func delete()
class SQLite: DatabaseProvider {
    func create() { }
    func delete() { }
class ViewModel {
    private let databaseProvider: DatabaseProvider
    init(databaseProvider: DatabaseProvider) {
        this.databaseProvider = databaseProvider
// Want to change database provider without breaking ViewModel ?
class Realm: DatabaseProvider {
    func create() { }
    func delete() { }
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