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Last active April 15, 2024 20:57
package parser
import lexer.{LeftParenToken, RightParenToken, OperToken, Token, tokenize}
import sig.{Binary, Binop, Exp}
// A simple example to build a recursive descent parser in Scala,
// in a rather imperative coding style
// Mixing with the FP paradigm, this imperative coding style lead to very verbose code with lots of
// nested pattern matching and if-else guards. But at least the code should works well.
// If we can fill out every corner cases.
// This is not what we are looking for to build a larger complex language, but it should give a sufficient
// small working example of how things are done without mutating our list in place.
expr ::= factor exprSub
exprSub ::= ε | (+|-) factor exprSub
factor ::= term factorSub
factorSub ::= ε | (*|/) term factorSub
term ::= '(' expr ')' | literal
* */
def parse(tokens: List[Token]): Exp =
val res = parseExpr(tokens)
if res._2.isEmpty then
throw IllegalStateException("There are remained tokens: " + res._2.toString)
def parseExpr(tokens: List[Token]): (Exp, List[Token]) =
val (factorExp, afterFactor) = parseFactor(tokens)
if afterFactor.isEmpty then
(factorExp, afterFactor)
val (subOpt, afterSub) = parseExprSub(afterFactor)
subOpt match
case Some(o, right) => (Binop(o, factorExp, right), afterSub)
case None => (factorExp, afterFactor)
def parseExprSub(tokens: List[Token]): (Option[(Binary, Exp)], List[Token]) = tokens.head match
case OperToken(o: Binary) if List(Binary.ADD, Binary.SUB).contains(o) =>
val (factorExp, after) = parseFactor(tokens.drop(1))
if after.isEmpty then
(Some(o, factorExp), after)
val (nextSubOpt, nextAfter) = parseExprSub(after)
nextSubOpt match
case Some(innerOp, rightExp) => (Some(o, Binop(innerOp, factorExp, rightExp)), nextAfter)
case _ => (Some(o, factorExp), after)
case _ => (None, tokens)
def parseFactor(tokens: List[Token]): (Exp, List[Token]) =
val (termExp, afterTerm) = parseTerm(tokens)
if afterTerm.isEmpty then
(termExp, afterTerm)
val (subOpt, afterSub) = parseFactorSub(afterTerm)
subOpt match
case Some(o, right) => (Binop(o, termExp, right), afterSub)
case None => (termExp, afterTerm)
def parseFactorSub(tokens: List[Token]): (Option[(Binary, Exp)], List[Token]) = tokens.head match
case OperToken(o: Binary) if List(Binary.MULT, Binary.DIV).contains(o) =>
val (termExp, after) = parseTerm(tokens.drop(1))
if after.isEmpty then
(Some(o, termExp), after)
val (nextSubOpt, nextAfter) = parseFactorSub(after)
nextSubOpt match
case Some(innerOp, rightExp) => (Some(o, Binop(innerOp, termExp, rightExp)), nextAfter)
case _ => (Some(o, termExp), after)
case _ => (None, tokens)
def parseTerm(tokens: List[Token]): (Exp, List[Token]) = tokens.head match
case LeftParenToken =>
val (exprExp, afterExpr) = parseExpr(tokens.drop(1))
if afterExpr.isEmpty then
throw IllegalStateException("Expect a right parenthesis")
afterExpr.head match
case RightParenToken =>
(exprExp, afterExpr.tail)
case _ => throw IllegalStateException("Unmatched left parenthesis")
case _ => parseLiteral(tokens)
def parseLiteral(tokens: List[Token]) = parseInt(tokens)
def main(): Unit =
val text =
3 + 4 * 6 + 7 / 6
// This also works: 3 + 4 * (6 + 7 * 2) / 6
// This will raise an error: 3 + 4 * ( 6 + 7
// This will also raise an error: 3 + 4 * (6 + ( or 3 + 4 * ) (
// And this: 3 + 4 + + + *
val tokens = tokenize(text)
val res = parse(tokens)
val OPERATORS = Map(
1 -> List(Binary.ADD, Binary.SUB),
2 -> List(Binary.MULT, Binary.DIV),
// Level indicate the priority of an operator, which is and index to a list of symbols
def parse(tokens: List[Token]): Exp =
val res = parseExprOfLevel(1, tokens)
if res._2.isEmpty then
throw IllegalStateException("There are remained tokens: " + res._2.toString)
def parseExprOfLevel(level: Int, tokens: List[Token]): (Exp, List[Token]) =
val (factorExp, afterFactor) =
if level < 2 then parseExprOfLevel(level + 1, tokens) else parseTerm(tokens)
if afterFactor.isEmpty then
(factorExp, afterFactor)
val (subOpt, afterSub) = parseExprSubOfLevel(level, afterFactor)
subOpt match
case Some(o, right) => (Binop(o, factorExp, right), afterSub)
case None => (factorExp, afterFactor)
def parseExprSubOfLevel(level: Int, tokens: List[Token]): (Option[(Binary, Exp)], List[Token]) =
if tokens.isEmpty then
throw IllegalStateException("expect a complement of expr")
else tokens.head match
case OperToken(o: Binary) if OPERATORS(level).contains(o) =>
val (factorExp, after) = if level < 2 then parseExprOfLevel(level + 1, tokens.drop(1)) else parseTerm(tokens.drop(1))
if after.isEmpty then
(Some(o, factorExp), after)
val (nextSubOpt, nextAfter) = parseExprSubOfLevel(level, after)
nextSubOpt match
case Some(innerOp, rightExp) => (Some(o, Binop(innerOp, factorExp, rightExp)), nextAfter)
case _ => (Some(o, factorExp), after)
case _ => (None, tokens)
package sig
trait Op
enum Binary extends Op {
sealed class Exp
case class I(value: Int) extends Exp
case class Binop(op: Binary, left: Exp, right: Exp) extends Exp
// other case class omitted
package parser
sealed trait Token
case class IntToken(value: Int) extends Token
case class OperToken(op: Op) extends Token
case object LeftParenToken extends Token
case object RightParenToken extends Token
// other case class omitted
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