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Pieter Kokx kokx

  • Netherlands
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[23:56:55] <DASPRiD> ralphschindler, we got a naming issue here, you must help out, this is urgent :)
[23:57:12] <ralphschindler> ha, sure
[23:57:31] <DASPRiD> topic:
[23:58:03] <DASPRiD> you can add "replacements" (as i call them) to the renderer, which define how tokens are converted to some kind of output
[23:58:31] <DASPRiD> kokx currently had them named "tags", as for the specific html renderer, the replacements *can* generate html tags
[23:59:14] <DASPRiD> but since they a) dont have to generate html tags, b) nor any html at all, tags is a completly misleading naming imho
[23:59:19] <DASPRiD> ralphschindler, what do you think?
[23:59:44] <ralphschindler> that sounds fair
[23:59:51] <DASPRiD> (problem is, matthew moved the beta release to tomorrow, because their was already some refactoring required)
[00:00:01] <DASPRiD> would you call them "replacements" as well?
* Firal
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
Index: zend/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php
--- zend/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php (revision 21071)
+++ zend/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php (working copy)
@@ -187,6 +187,26 @@
+ * Excecute an SQL statement and return a PDOStatement-like object
+ *
pieter@pieter-desktop:~$ echo "<?php
\`ls /asdfasdfasdfasdf\`;" | php
ls: kan geen toegang krijgen tot /asdfasdfasdfasdf: Bestand of map bestaat niet
pieter@pieter-desktop:~$ php --interactive
Interactive shell
php > `ls /asdadfagsdasdf`
* Firal
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
* @date 2010/10/04
* @author Pieter Kokx <> (0747517)
* @author Mitchel Brunings <> (0746097)
import java.util.*;
public class Sudoku
kokx /
Created October 31, 2010 18:05 — forked from bruninmi/gist:656828
* @date 2010/10/04
* @author Pieter Kokx <> (0747517)
* @author Mitchel Brunings <> (0746097)
import java.util.*;
public class Sudoku {
protected static $_colors = array(
'aliceblue', 'antiquewhite', 'aqua', 'aquamarine', 'azure', 'beige',
'bisque', 'black', 'blanchedalmond', 'blue', 'blueviolet', 'brown',
'burlywood', 'cadetblue', 'chartreuse', 'chocolate', 'coral',
'cornflowerblue', 'cornsilk', 'crimson', 'cyan', 'darkblue', 'darkcyan',
'darkgoldenrod', 'darkgray', 'darkgrey', 'darkgreen', 'darkkhaki',
'darkmagenta', 'darkolivegreen', 'darkorange', 'darkorchid', 'darkred',
'darksalmon', 'darkseagreen', 'darkslateblue', 'darkslategray',
'darkslategrey', 'darkturquoise', 'darkviolet', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue',
'dimgray', 'dimgrey', 'dodgerblue', 'firebrick', 'floralwhite',
| Volume/Partition | FS | Size | Purpose/Mountpoint | Notes |
| /dev/sda | - | 320GB | | |
| /dev/sda1 | NTFS | 130GB | Windows C:\ :( | |
| /dev/sda2 | ext2 | 300MB | /boot | |
| /dev/sda3 | swap | 2GB | swap | |
| /dev/sda4 | - | | extended | Includes /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6 |
| /dev/sda5 | ext4 | 7GB | / | |
| /dev/sda6 | LVM2 | 180GB | LVM2 Volume | |