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Created November 24, 2018 15:25
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latex stuff
% KV-Diagram
\input kvmacros
\begin{tikzpicture}[ huge circuit symbols,
%every circuit symbol/.style={logic gate IEC symbol color=black},
circuit ee IEC,
circuit logic IEC,
%circuit logic US,
%circuit logic CDH,
circuit symbol lines/.style={draw,thick},
>=latex % Voreinstellung für Pfeilspitzen
\matrix (L) [
matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=-.5\pgflinewidth,
column sep=10mm,
row sep =4/5*\tikzcircuitssizeunit,
nodes={minimum width=0pt}
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
&&&&& \\
% \foreach \j in {1,...,11}
% \foreach \k in {1,...,5}{%
% \node[text=gray] at (L-\j-\k){\tiny +}; % Orientierungshilfe +
% \node[red, left] at (L-\j-1){\tiny \j}; %Orientierungshilfe %Zeilennummer
% \node[red, above] at (L-1-\k){\tiny \k}; %Orientierungshilfe %Spaltennummer
% };
%Oberes NAND
\node [nand gate={}](NAND) at (L-3-2) {};
\draw[shorten >=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-2-1)node[left]{$\overline{A}$} -- (L-2-2);
\draw[shorten >=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-4-1)node[left]{$\overline{B}$} -- (L-4-2);
\draw[shorten <=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-3-2) -- (L-3-3);
%Unteres NAND
\node [nand gate={}](NAND) at (L-9-2) {};
\draw[shorten >=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-8-1)node[left]{A} -- (L-8-2);
\draw[shorten >=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-10-1)node[left]{B} -- (L-10-2);
\draw[shorten <=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-9-2) -- (L-9-3);
\node [nand gate={}](NAND) at (L-6-4) {};
\draw[shorten >=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-3-3) -- (L-5-3) -- (L-5-4);
\draw[shorten >=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-9-3) -- (L-7-3) -- (L-7-4);
\draw[shorten <=1.25\tikzcircuitssizeunit] (L-6-4) -- (L-6-5) node[right]{$y$};
\caption{Schaltplan zur $XNOR$-Funktion}
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