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Created September 25, 2017 16:00
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Wrapper-type Play JSON format automatic derivation using shapeless
import play.api.libs.json._
import shapeless.ops.hlist.IsHCons
import shapeless.{ Generic, HList, HNil }
* Typeclass for automatically deriving a [play.api.libs.json.Format] instance for a type `A`.
* Instances will exist if A is a single-member case class containing a Formattable field
trait WrapperJsonFormat[A] {
def jsonFormat: Format[A]
object WrapperJsonFormat {
* Summoner method
def apply[A](implicit instance: WrapperJsonFormat[A]): WrapperJsonFormat[A] = instance
* Instance constructor method
def make[A](format: Format[A]): WrapperJsonFormat[A] = new WrapperJsonFormat[A] {
override def jsonFormat: Format[A] = format
def make[A](reads: Reads[A], writes: Writes[A]): WrapperJsonFormat[A] = make(Format(reads, writes))
implicit def implyAllWrappers[A, R <: HList, H](
gen: Generic.Aux[A, R],
isHCons: IsHCons.Aux[R, H, HNil],
formatH: Format[H]
): WrapperJsonFormat[A] = {
reads = Reads { jsValue =>
val asH =[H](formatH)
/* Can I avoid this? How do I prove the value (asString :: HNil) <: R? */
val asRepr = (asH :: HNil).asInstanceOf[R]
val a: A = gen.from(asRepr)
writes = Writes { a =>
val asR =
val x: H = isHCons.head(asR)
// Usage
case class UserId(value: String)
implicit val format: Format[UserId] = WrapperJsonFormat[UserId].jsonFormat
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