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Created February 17, 2020 14:58
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A Lisp Parser
Runtime Env:
- Node v10.16.0
Problem Statement - Lisp Parser
Write code that takes some Lisp code and returns an abstract syntax tree.
The AST should represent the structure of the code and the meaning of each token.
For example, if your code is given "(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))", it could return a
nested array like ["first", ["list", 1, ["+", 2, 3], 9]].
During your interview, you will pair on writing an interpreter to run the AST.
You can start by implementing a single built-in function (for example, +) and add more if you have time.
// Required Regular Expressions
const OPENPARENS = /\(/;
const CLOSEPARENS = /\)/;
const WHITESPACE = /\s/;
const CHARS = /[a-zA-Z]/;
const NUMBERS = /[0-9]/;
// valid token types
const validTokens = {PARENS: "parens", NAME: "name", NUMBER: "number"};
// TODO: A stack can be used to see whether the parenthesis are balanced or not,
// but for now I am ignoring that, and assuming that the expressions are all valid ones.
// May not be required since the second-phase of the current parser can be modified
// to also check for the complete-ness of the expression
* Converts the expression to an object based on it's type
* @param {string} expr - a valid lisp expression
* @returns {Object[]} - a list of objects that has detials like the value and type of each token
function lispParserStep1(expr) {
// An effort to not mutate the input directly
const exprCopy = expr;
const exprLength = exprCopy.length;
let cursor = 0;
let step1Result = [];
while(cursor < exprLength) {
// ignore whitespaces & end parenthesis
if (WHITESPACE.test(exprCopy[cursor])) {
// check if it is the opening parenthesis
// it will serve as a marker in the next
// step of the parser
if (OPENPARENS.test(exprCopy[cursor]) || CLOSEPARENS.test(exprCopy[cursor])) {
type: "parens",
value: exprCopy[cursor]
if (CHARS.test(exprCopy[cursor])) {
let value = "";
while (CHARS.test(exprCopy[cursor])) {
value += exprCopy[cursor];
type: "name",
// TODO: abstract this into a method to get similar kind of values,
// where you can include function to help format the value to the
// required format
if (NUMBERS.test(exprCopy[cursor])) {
let value = "";
while (NUMBERS.test(exprCopy[cursor])) {
value += exprCopy[cursor];
const numericalValue = parseInt(value, 10);
type: "number",
value: numericalValue
// TODO: Add support for a "string" token, which will be similar to the ones
// above, but just that the value will start with " in the beginning
return step1Result;
* Produces a list of a function with it's arguments, which in our case might be other such lists
* @param {Object[]} flatList - list of tokens
* @param {number} cursor - the index on the flatlist from which we traversing the list
* @returns {(string|number|Object)[][]} - something that closely resembles an AST for a lisp
function lispParserStep2(flatList) {
let resultList = [];
// starting from index 0
let pointer = 0;
const flatListCopy = flatList;
const flatListLength = flatListCopy.length;
// a helper for traversing the parsed list and returning an AST for 1 s-exp
function recursiveTraverse(list) {
const listCopy = list;
const listLen = list.length;
const nestedList = [];
while (pointer < listLen) {
if (listCopy[pointer].type === validTokens.PARENS && listCopy[pointer].value !== ")") {
//get pointer beyond the "("
// get pointer beyond the current s-exp
} else if((listCopy[pointer].type === validTokens.NAME) || (listCopy[pointer].type === validTokens.NUMBER)) {
// gives the output that is expected
// preserves the details that were extracted in the previous step
// nestedList.push(listCopy[pointer]);
} else if (listCopy[pointer].value === ")") {
return nestedList;
resultList = recursiveTraverse(flatListCopy);
return resultList;
* The main lisp parser method that can be exported to produce an AST for a valid
* lisp-y expression.
* @param {string} expr - a lisp-y expression
* @returns {(string|number)[][]} - something that closely represents an AST
function lispParser(expr="") {
// Check for errors in input early and stop the
// execution of the function as early as possible
if (typeof expr !== "string") {
throw new TypeError("Invalid Expression!");
if (expr === "") {
// or we could also simply ignore it.
return [""];
// now, knowing that the input holds some merit, process it further
const flatListOfTokens = lispParserStep1(expr);
const finalParsedOutput = lispParserStep2(flatListOfTokens);
// the parsed output returns a list and hence we can return this.
return finalParsedOutput[0];
module.exports = lispParser;
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