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Created January 19, 2020 13:16
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Advent of Code - Day 18 - Both Parts
from os import system
start_grid = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open("input")]
def printGrid(grid):
for r in grid:
print (''.join(r))
def getLightsOn(grid):
counter = 0
for r in grid:
for val in r:
if val == '#':
counter +=1
return counter
def getNeighbourCount(grid, i, j):
count = 0
r = len(grid)
c = len(grid[0])
neighbours = [(0,1), (0,-1), (1, 0), (-1,0), (1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)]
for n in neighbours:
x, y = n
inc_i = i + x
inc_j = j + y
if inc_i >= 0 and inc_j >= 0 and inc_i < r and inc_j < c:
if grid[inc_i][inc_j] == '#':
count += 1
return count
GRID = []
for line in start_grid:
print (getLightsOn(GRID))
def getNewGrid(x, y):
li = []
for _ in range(x):
temp = []
for _ in range(y):
li[0][0] = '#'
li[0][y-1] = '#'
li[x-1][0] = '#'
li[x-1][y-1] = '#'
return li
def gol(grid, steps):
rr = len(grid)
cc = len(grid[0])
while steps > 0:
NEW_GRID = getNewGrid(rr, cc)
for r, _ in enumerate(grid):
for c, cell in enumerate(grid[r]):
cn = getNeighbourCount(grid, r, c)
if cn == 3 and cell == '.':
NEW_GRID[r][c] = '#'
if cn in (2, 3) and cell == '#':
NEW_GRID[r][c] = '#'
NEW_GRID[0][0] = '#'
NEW_GRID[0][cc-1] = '#'
NEW_GRID[rr-1][0] = '#'
NEW_GRID[rr-1][cc-1] = '#'
grid = NEW_GRID
steps -= 1
GRID[0][0] = '#'
GRID[0][len(GRID)-1] = '#'
GRID[len(GRID)-1][0] = '#'
GRID[len(GRID)-1][len(GRID)-1] = '#'
# run program for part 2
gol(GRID, 100)
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