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Last active April 24, 2017 15:30
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  • Save kolosek/4eb8ef8142262768e12ba42268184424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kolosek/4eb8ef8142262768e12ba42268184424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Install a custom version of PhantomJS,
# If you run into any rate limiting issues from bitbucket, put the download
# file(s) into your own server and point to the location via the PHANTOMJS_HOST
# environment variable.
# Add at least the following environment variables to your project configuration
# (otherwise the defaults below will be used).
# * PHANTOMJS_VERSION - Specify the version of PhantomJS
# * PHANTOMJS_HOST - Optional, specify the download location for the archive
# For versions 1.9.7, 1.9.8 and 2.1.1 you can also use a Codeship provided mirror
# by setting the PHANTOMJS_HOST variable to
# export PHANTOMJS_HOST=""
# Include in your builds via
# \curl -sSL | bash -s
set -e
# clean old version and setup directories
rm -rf ~/.phantomjs
mkdir ~/.phantomjs
wget --continue --output-document "${CACHED_DOWNLOAD}" "${PHANTOMJS_HOST}/phantomjs-${PHANTOMJS_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2"
tar -xaf "${CACHED_DOWNLOAD}" --strip-components=1 --directory "${HOME}/.phantomjs"
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