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Forked from nick-thompson/Midikeys.js
Last active January 31, 2017 16:06
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// If you're using the Web MIDI API, you probably have a message handler function that looks somewhat
// similar to this...
function midiMessageReceived (msgs) {
for (i=0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
var cmd = msgs[i].data[0] >> 4;
var channel = msgs[i].data[0] & 0xf;
var noteNumber = msgs[i].data[1];
var velocity = msgs[i].data[2];
if (cmd==8) {
} else if (cmd == 9) {
// Including Midikeys.js in your project file packages fake MIDI messages the same as a normal message,
// so you can then just attach your message handler to MIDI keys and you're done
MIDIKeys.onmessage = midiMessageReceived;
* Midikeys.js
* > Turn your keyboard into a midi keyboard, compatible with the Web MIDI API.
* Copyright 2012 Nick Thompson
* MIT License
(function (window, document, undefined) {
// Keycode to MIDI note values
var map = {};
map[50] = 73; // 2 C#5
map[51] = 75; // 3 D#5
map[53] = 78; // 5 F#5
map[54] = 80; // 6 G#5
map[55] = 82; // 7 A#5
map[57] = 85; // 9 C#6
map[48] = 87; // 0 D#6
map[187] = 90; // = D#6
map[81] = 72; // q C5
map[87] = 74; // w D5
map[69] = 76; // e E5
map[82] = 77; // r F5
map[84] = 79; // t G5
map[89] = 81; // y A5
map[85] = 83; // u B5
map[73] = 84; // i C6
map[79] = 86; // o D6
map[80] = 88; // p E6
map[219] = 89; // [ F6
map[221] = 91; // ] G6
map[83] = 61; // s C#4
map[68] = 63; // d D#4
map[71] = 66; // g F#4
map[72] = 68; // h G#4
map[74] = 70; // j A#4
map[76] = 73; // l C#5
map[186] = 75; // ; D#5
map[90] = 60; // z C4
map[88] = 62; // x D4
map[67] = 64; // c E4
map[86] = 65; // v F4
map[66] = 67; // b G4
map[78] = 69; // n A4
map[77] = 71; // m B4
map[188] = 72; // , C5
map[190] = 74; // . D5
map[191] = 76; // / E5
// Keep track of keydown and keyup events so that the keydown event doesn't
// send messages repeatedly until keyup.
var flags = {};
function sendMessage (e, command) {
// Check the event key against the midi map.
var note = map[ (typeof e.which === "number")? e.which : e.keyCode ];
// If the key doesn't exist in the midi map, or we're trying to send a
// noteOn event without having most recently sent a noteOff, end here.
if (note === undefined || (flags[note] && command === 0x9)) {
return false;
// Build the data
var data = new Uint8Array(3);
data[0] = (command << 4) + 0x00; // Send the command on channel 0
data[1] = note; // Attach the midi note
data[2] = 127; // Keyboard keys default to 127 velocity.
// Package the message
var msg = {
data: data,
timestamp: 0
// Send it, [msg]);
// Update the flag table
if (command === 0x9) {
flags[note] = true;
} else {
flags[note] = false;
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
sendMessage(e, 0x09);
document.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
sendMessage(e, 0x08);
// MIDIKeys api object, to be exposed as window.Keys
var api = {
// Expose the onmessage parameter like on a MIDIInput object
onmessage: null
window.MIDIKeys = api;
})(this, this.document);
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