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Last active October 26, 2020 03:01
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import re
import os
def parse(func,content,csrf_func_array,unwanted_func_array):
s = content.split(func)[1].split("/**")[0]
score = 0
for u_f in unwanted_func_array:
if u_f in func: #It mean they are the function that we dont want to check. Because they will call to another parent function or something like that later.
score+= 1
for csrf_f in csrf_func_array:
if csrf_f in s: #It mean there is no csrf func check
score+= 1
return score # 0 mean they r function we want to check
def check_csrf(dirss):
total = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirss):
for file in files:
#print file
if "administrator" in root:
if "components" in root:
if "controllers" in root:
score = 0
if file.endswith(".php"):
content = open(root + "\\" + file,'r').read()
s = re.compile("public function (.*)")
k = s.findall(content)
for i in k:
if parse(i,content,csrf_check_array,unwanted_func_string) == 0:
total +=1
print("\n\n" + "="*30)
print("In %s" % root)
print("File %s" % file)
print("function: %s" % i)
print("="*30 + "\n\n")
print("Total affected : %d" % total)
_dir = "D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\joomla3921" #Your joomla path
csrf_check_array = {"checkToken","_csrfProtection"}
unwanted_func_string = {"__construct", "__destruct", "getModel(","display(","save(","edit(","cancel(","checkin(","add(","reload(","saveorder","removeroot()","publish()","ajax_upload()"}
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