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Fortran 95 source code to convert ECEF to WGS84(BLH) coordinate.
! ECEF -> BLH 変換
! : ECEF(Earth Centered Earth Fixed; 地球中心・地球固定直交座標系)座標を
! WGS84 の緯度(Latitude)/経度(Longitude)/楕円体高(Height)に変換する。
! date name version
! 2019.02.21 1.00 新規作成
! Copyright(C) 2019 All Rights Reserved.
! ---
! 引数 : X Y Z
! (ECEF 座標)
program ecef2blh
implicit none
! SP: 単精度(4), DP: 倍精度(8)
integer, parameter :: SP = kind(1.0)
integer(SP), parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(2 * precision(1.0_SP))
character(*), parameter :: USAGE = "[USAGE] ./ecef2blh X Y Z"
real(DP), parameter :: A = 6378137.0_DP ! a(地球楕円体長半径(赤道面平均半径))
real(DP), parameter :: ONE_F = 298.257223563_DP ! 1 / f(地球楕円体扁平率=(a - b) / a)
real(DP), parameter :: B = A * (1.0_DP - 1.0_DP / ONE_F) ! b(地球楕円体短半径)
real(DP), parameter :: E2 = (1.0_DP / ONE_F) * (2.0_DP - (1.0_DP / ONE_F))
! e^2 = 2 * f - f * f
! = (a^2 - b^2) / a^2
real(DP), parameter :: ED2 = E2 * A * A / (B * B) ! e'^2= (a^2 - b^2) / b^2
real(DP), parameter :: PI = atan(1.0_DP) * 4.0_DP ! 円周率
real(DP), parameter :: PI_180 = PI / 180.0_DP ! 0.0174532925199433
real(DP) :: x, y, z ! ECEF 座標
real(DP) :: lat, lon, ht ! BLH 座標
! コマンドライン引数(X, Y, Z)取得
call get_arg(x, y, z)
if (x == 0) stop
print '("ECEF: X = ", F12.3, "m")', x
print '(" Y = ", F12.3, "m")', y
print '(" Z = ", F12.3, "m")', z
call conv_ecef2blh(x, y, z, lat, lon, ht)
! 結果出力
print '(A)', "--->"
print '("BLH: LATITUDE(BETA) = ", F12.8, "°")', lat
print '(" LONGITUDE(LAMBDA) = ", F12.8, "°")', lon
print '(" HEIGHT = ", F12.3, "m" )', ht
! コマンドライン引数(X, Y, Z)取得
! :param(out) real(8) x: X
! :param(out) real(8) y: Y
! :param(out) real(8) z: Z
subroutine get_arg(x, y, z)
implicit none
real(DP), intent(out) :: x, y, z
character(20) :: a
x = 0.0_DP
y = 0.0_DP
z = 0.0_DP
if (iargc() < 3) then
print *, USAGE
end if
call getarg(1, a)
read (a, *) x
call getarg(2, a)
read (a, *) y
call getarg(3, a)
read (a, *) z
end subroutine get_arg
! :param(in) real(8) x: ECEF 座標 X
! :param(in) real(8) y: ECEF 座標 Y
! :param(in) real(8) z: ECEF 座標 Z
! :param(out) real(8) lat: BLH 座標 Beta(Latitude)
! :param(out) real(8) lon: BLH 座標 Lambda(Longitude)
! :param(out) real(8) ht: BLH 座標 Height
subroutine conv_ecef2blh(x, y, z, lat, lon, ht)
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: x, y, z
real(DP), intent(out) :: lat, lon, ht
real(DP) :: p, theta, s, c
p = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
theta = atan2(z * A, p * B) / PI_180
s = sin(theta * PI_180)
c = cos(theta * PI_180)
lat = atan2(z + ED2 * B * s * s * s, p - E2 * A * c * c * c) &
& / PI_180
lon = atan2(y, x) / PI_180
ht = (p / cos(lat * PI_180)) - f(lat)
end subroutine conv_ecef2blh
! Function for ecef2blh
! :param(in) real(8) x
! :return real(8) f
real(DP) function f(x)
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: x
real(DP) :: s
s = sin(x * PI_180)
f = A / sqrt(1.0_DP - E2 * s * s)
end function f
end program ecef2blh
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