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Created December 22, 2018 04:44
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Fortran 95 source code to computer Taylor expansion(exp(x)).
! テイラー展開 [ exp(x) ]
! * 自作関数と組込関数の計算結果を比較
! date name version
! 2018.12.12 1.00 新規作成
! Copyright(C) 2018 All Rights Reserved.
module const
! SP: 単精度(4), DP: 倍精度(8)
integer, parameter :: SP = kind(1.0)
integer(SP), parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(2 * precision(1.0_SP))
real(DP), parameter :: EPS = 1.0e-8_DP ! 精度
end module const
module taylor_expansion
use const
implicit none
public :: my_exp
! テイラー展開
! :param(in) real(8) x: X
! :param(inout) real(8) y: 展開後
function my_exp(x) result(y)
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: x
real(DP) :: y, d, s, e
integer(SP) :: k
! 変数初期化
d = 1.0_DP
s = 1.0_DP
e = 1.0_DP
! 最大200回ループ処理
do k = 1, 200
d = s ! d 和
e = e * abs(x) / k ! e 値
s = s + e ! s 和
! 打ち切り誤差
if (abs(s - d) / abs(d) < EPS) then
if (x > 0.0_DP) then
y = s
y = 1.0_DP / s
end if
end if
end do
! 収束しない時
y = 0.0_DP
end function my_exp
end module taylor_expansion
program taylor_expansion_exp
use const, only : SP, DP
use taylor_expansion
implicit none
integer(SP) :: x
real(DP) :: r_x
! x = -50 〜 50 を 10 刻みで計算
print '(A)', " x my_exp(x) exp(x)"
do x = -50, 50, 10
r_x = real(x, DP)
print '(X, F5.1, 2X, E12.6, 2X, E12.6)', r_x, my_exp(r_x), exp(r_x)
end do
end program taylor_expansion_exp
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