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Created February 28, 2016 03:30
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Ruby script to check a degree of string similarity by n-gram model
# coding: utf-8
# Ruby script to check a degree of string similarity by n-gram model.
class String
def sim_ngram(str, n = 3)
# 空白文字(半角スペース、改行、復帰、改ページ、水平タブ)は除去
strings = [self.gsub(/\s+/, ""), str.gsub(/\s+/, "")]
lengths = { |s| s.split(//).size }
# 文字列の文字数が N より少なければ例外スロー
raise "Length of a self string is shorter than N(=#{n})" if lengths[0] < n
raise "Length of a target string is shorter than N(=#{n})" if lengths[1] < n
# N 文字ずつ分割
arrays = { |s| s.chars.each_cons(n).collect(&:join) }
# 重複要素数
count_dup = (arrays[0] & arrays[1]).size
# 全要素数
count_all = (arrays[0] + arrays[1]).uniq.size
# 類似度返却
return count_dup / count_all.to_f
str_1 = "良識はこの世のものでもっとも公平に配分されている"
str_2 = "良識はこの世でもっとも公平に分け与えられているものである"
puts "文1:#{str_1}"
puts "文2:#{str_2}"
puts "類似度(1-gram): #{str_1.sim_ngram(str_2, 1)}"
puts "類似度(2-gram): #{str_1.sim_ngram(str_2, 2)}"
puts "類似度(3-gram): #{str_1.sim_ngram(str_2)}"
puts "類似度(4-gram): #{str_1.sim_ngram(str_2, 4)}"
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