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Fortran 95 source code to calculate a Kendall's Rank Correlation Coefficient.
! ケンドールの順位相関係数の計算
! 2019.12.13 1.00 新規作成
! Copyright(C) 2019 All Rights Reserved.
module cst
! SP: 単精度(4), DP: 倍精度(8)
integer, parameter :: SP = kind(1.0)
integer(SP), parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(2 * precision(1.0_SP))
end module cst
module comp
use cst
implicit none
public :: rcc_kendall
! ケンドールの順位相関係数の計算
! :param(in) real(8) xs
! :param(in) real(8) ys
! :return real(8) rcc
function rcc_kendall(xs, ys) result(rcc)
use cst
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: xs(:), ys(:)
real(DP) :: rcc
integer(SP) :: n, p, q
real(DP) :: s_x, s_y, n2
integer(SP), allocatable :: rank_x(:), rank_y(:)
integer(SP), allocatable :: tai_x(:, :), tai_y(:, :)
rcc = -1.0_DP
n = size(xs)
if (size(ys) /= n) return
allocate(tai_x(n, 2))
allocate(tai_y(n, 2))
! ランク付け
call rank(xs, rank_x)
call rank(ys, rank_y)
! P(x_s と x_t, y_s と y_t の大小関係が一致する組の数)
! Q(x_s と x_t, y_s と y_t の大小関係が不一致の組の数)
! (x_s = x_t or y_s = y_t は除く)
call calc_pq(rank_x, rank_y, p, q)
! 同順位の数(インデックスが順位)
call tai(rank_x, tai_x)
call tai(rank_y, tai_y)
! Tx, Ty の sum 部分
call sum_t(tai_x, s_x)
call sum_t(tai_y, s_y)
! 相関係数
n2 = (n * n - n) / 2.0_DP
rcc = (p - q) / (sqrt(n2 - s_x) * sqrt(n2 - s_y))
end function rcc_kendall
! ランク付け
! (同順位を中央(平均)順位(mid-rank)にする必要はない)
! :param(in) real(8) src(:)
! :param(out) integer(4) res(:)
subroutine rank(src, res)
implicit none
real(DP), intent(in) :: src(:)
integer(SP), intent(out) :: res(:)
integer(SP) :: c, i, j, s
res = 0.0_DP
s = size(src)
do i = 1, s
c = 0
do j = 1, s
if (src(i) < src(j)) c = c + 1
end do
res(i) = c + 1
end do
end subroutine rank
! P(x_s と x_t, y_s と y_t の大小関係が一致する組の数)
! Q(x_s と x_t, y_s と y_t の大小関係が不一致の組の数)
! (x_s = x_t or y_s = y_t は除く)
subroutine calc_pq(rank_x, rank_y, p, q)
implicit none
integer(SP), intent(in) :: rank_x(:), rank_y(:)
integer(SP), intent(out) :: p, q
integer(SP) :: i, j, n, w
n = size(rank_x)
p = 0
q = 0
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
w = (rank_x(i) - rank_x(j)) * (rank_y(i) - rank_y(j))
if (w > 0) then
p = p + 1
else if (w < 0) then
q = q + 1
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine calc_pq
! 同順位の数
! :param(in) real(8) src(:)
! :param(out) integer(r) res(:, 2)
subroutine tai(src, res)
implicit none
integer(SP), intent(in) :: src(:)
integer(SP), intent(out) :: res(:, :)
integer(SP) :: c, i, j, s
integer(SP), allocatable :: wk(:)
s = size(src)
wk = src
res = 0
do i = 1, s
c = 0
do j = i, s
if (wk(j) == 0) cycle
if (wk(i) == wk(j)) then
c = c + 1
if (i /= j) wk(j) = 0
end if
end do
res(i, :) = (/wk(i), c/)
end do
end subroutine tai
! Tx, Ty の sum 部分
! :param(in) integer(4) src(:, 2)
! :param(out) real(8) s_t
subroutine sum_t(src, s_t)
implicit none
integer(SP), intent(in) :: src(:, :)
real(DP), intent(out) :: s_t
integer(SP) :: i, s
integer(DP) :: t
s = size(src) / 2
s_t = 0.0_DP
do i = 1, s
t = src(i, 2)
s_t = s_t + (t * t - t) / 2.0_DP
end do
endsubroutine sum_t
end module comp
program calc_rcc_kendall
use cst
use comp
implicit none
real(DP) :: rcc
! === タイ(同順位)が存在しない例
!real(DP), parameter :: X(10) = (/ &
! & 1.0_DP, 2.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 5.0_DP, &
! & 6.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 9.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
!& /)
!real(DP), parameter :: Y(10) = (/ &
! & 1.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 5.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 9.0_DP, &
! & 2.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 6.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
!& /)
! === タイ(同順位)が存在する例
real(DP), parameter :: X(10) = (/ &
& 1.0_DP, 2.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 5.0_DP, &
& 5.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 9.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
& /)
real(DP), parameter :: Y(10) = (/ &
& 1.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 5.0_DP, 6.0_DP, 9.0_DP, &
& 2.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 6.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
& /)
! === サイズが異なる例 ( => 実行時にエラー )
!real(DP), parameter :: X(10) = (/ &
! & 1.0_DP, 2.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 5.0_DP, &
! & 6.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 9.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
!& /)
!real(DP), parameter :: Y(9) = (/ &
! & 1.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 5.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 9.0_DP, &
! & 2.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 6.0_DP, 8.0_DP &
!& /)
! === X のサイズがゼロの例( => 当然、コンパイルエラー )
!real(DP), parameter :: X(0) = (//)
!real(DP), parameter :: Y(9) = (/ &
! & 1.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 5.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 9.0_DP, &
! & 2.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 6.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
!& /)
! === 数値以外のものが存在する例( => 当然、コンパイルエラー )
!real(DP), parameter :: X(10) = (/ &
! & 1.0_DP, 2.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 5.0_DP, &
! & 6.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 9.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
!& /)
!real(DP), parameter :: Y(10) = (/ &
! & 1.0_DP, 3.0_DP, 5.0_DP, 7.0_DP, 9.0_DP, &
! & "ABC", 4.0_DP, 6.0_DP, 8.0_DP, 10.0_DP &
!& /)
rcc = rcc_kendall(X, Y)
print '("X = ", 10F5.1)', X
print '("Y = ", 10F5.1)', Y
if (rcc == -1.0_DP) then
print *, "[ERROR]"
print '("Spearman''s RCC = ", F11.8)', rcc
end if
end program calc_rcc_kendall
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