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Last active April 19, 2018 06:29
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Ruby script to apply Bias-Precession-Nutation to a rectanglar coordinate.
#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
# coding: utf-8
#= バイアス・歳差・章動適用
# date name version
# 2016.08.27 1.00 新規作成
# Copyright(C) 2016 All Rights Reserved.
require 'eph_bpn'
class BpnRotation
# ある日のある天体の GCRS 座標(単位: AU)
COORD = [-1.0020195, 0.0660430, 0.0286337]
def initialize
@e ="20160919")
def exec
pos_b = @e.apply_bias(COORD) # Apply Bias
pos_p = @e.apply_prec(pos_b) # Apply Precession
pos_n = @e.apply_nut(pos_p) # Apply Nutation
pos_bp = @e.apply_bias_prec(COORD) # Apply Bias & Precession
puts "TDB: #{@e.tdb}"
puts " JD: #{@e.jd}"
puts " JC: #{@e.jc}"
puts "EPS: #{@e.eps}"
puts " 元の GCRS 座標: #{COORD}"
puts " バイアス適用後: #{pos_b}"
puts " 歳差適用後: #{pos_p}"
puts " 章動適用後: #{pos_n}"
puts "* 元の GCRS 座標にバイアス&歳差同時適用後:"
puts " #{pos_bp})"
rescue => e
msg = "[#{e.class}] #{e.message}\n"
msg << e.backtrace.each { |tr| "\t#{tr}"}.join("\n")
$stderr.puts msg
exit 1
end if __FILE__ == $0
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