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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Ruby script to compute pi with BBP formula.
# Computation of pi by BBP algorithm.
require 'benchmark'
class PiBbp
EPS = 1.0e-17 # Loop-exit accuration of the right summation
def comp_pi(d)
d -= 1
pi = (4 * s(1, d) - 2 * s(4, d) - s(5, d) - s(6, d)) % 1.0
printf("FRACTION : %.15f\n", pi)
printf("HEX DIGITS: %10x\n", (pi * 16 ** 10).truncate)
def s(j, d)
# Left sum
s = 0.0
k = 0
while k <= d
r = 8 * k + j
t = mod_exp(16, d - k, r)
t /= r.to_f
s += t % 1.0
s %= 1.0
k += 1
# Right sum
loop do
r = 8 * k + j
t = 16.0 ** (d - k) / r
break if t < EPS
s += t
s %= 1.0
k += 1
return s
def mod_exp(b, e, m)
return 1 if e == 0
ans = mod_exp(b, e / 2, m)
ans = (ans * ans) % m
ans = (ans * b) % m if e % 2 == 1
return ans
exit unless __FILE__ == $0
exit unless ARGV[0]
obj =
res = Benchmark.realtime do
puts "TIME: #{res} seconds"
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