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Last active January 24, 2023 10:11
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class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.children = {}
class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.root = TrieNode()
def search(self, word):
currentNode = self.root
for char in word:
# If the current node has child key with current character:
if currentNode.children.get(char):
# Follow the child node:
currentNode = currentNode.children[char]
# If the current character isn't found among
# the current node's children, our search word
# must not be in the trie:
return None
return currentNode
def insert(self, word):
currentNode = self.root
for char in word:
# If the current node has child key with current character:
if currentNode.children.get(char):
# Follow the child node:
currentNode = currentNode.children[char]
# If the current character isn't found among
# the current node's children, we add
# the character as a new child node:
newNode = TrieNode()
currentNode.children[char] = newNode
# Follow this new node:
currentNode = newNode
# After inserting the entire word into the trie,
# we add a * key at the end:
currentNode.children["*"] = None
def collectAllWords(self, node=None, word="", words=[]):
# This method accepts three arguments. The first is the
# node whose descendants we're collecting words from.
# The second argument, word, begins as an empty string,
# and we add characters to it as we move through the trie.
# The third argument, words, begins as an empty array,
# and by the end of the function will contain all the words
# from the trie.
# The current node is the node passed in as the first parameter,
# or the root node if none is provided:
currentNode = node or self.root
# We iterate through all the current node's children:
for key, childNode in currentNode.children.items():
# If the current key is *, it means we hit the end of a
# complete word, so we can add it to our words array:
if key == "*":
else: # If we're still in the middle of a word:
# We recursively call this function on the child node.
self.collectAllWords(childNode, word + key, words)
return words
def autocomplete(self, prefix):
currentNode =
if not currentNode:
return None
return self.collectAllWords(currentNode)
def autocorrect(self, word):
currentNode = self.root
# Keep track of how much of the user's word we've found
# in the trie so far. We'll need to concatenate this with
# the best suffix we can find in the trie.
wordFoundSoFar = ""
for char in word:
# If the current node has child key with current character:
if currentNode.children.get(char):
wordFoundSoFar += char
# Follow the child node:
currentNode = currentNode.children.get(char)
# If the current character isn't found among
# the current node's children, collect all the suffixes that
# descend from the current node and get the first one.
# We concatenate the suffix with the prefix we've found so
# far to suggest the word the user meant to type in:
return wordFoundSoFar + self.collectAllWords(currentNode)[0]
# If the user's word is found in the trie:
return word
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