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Last active January 29, 2023 10:29
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Dijkstra's Algorithm
class City
attr_accessor :name, :routes
def initialize(name)
@name = name
@routes = {}
def add_route(city, price)
@routes[city] = price
def dijkstra_shortest_path(starting_city, final_destination)
cheapest_prices_table = {}
cheapest_previous_stopover_city_table = {}
# To keep our code simple, we'll use a basic array to keep track of
# the known cities we haven't yet visited:
unvisited_cities = []
# We keep track of the cities we've visited using a hash table.
# We could have used an array, but since we'll be doing lookups,
# a hash table is more efficient:
visited_cities = {}
# We add the starting city's name as the first key inside the
# cheapest_prices_table. It has a value of 0, since it costs nothing
# to get there:
cheapest_prices_table[] = 0
current_city = starting_city
# This loop is the core of the algorithm. It runs as long as we can
# visit a city that we haven't visited yet:
while current_city
# We add the current_city's name to the visited_cities hash to record
# that we've officially visited it. We also remove it from the list
# of unvisited cities:
visited_cities[] = true
# We iterate over each of the current_city's adjacent cities:
current_city.routes.each do |adjacent_city, price|
# If we've discovered a new city,
# we add it to the list of unvisited_cities:
unvisited_cities << adjacent_city unless visited_cities[]
# We calculate the price of getting from the STARTING city to the
# ADJACENT city using the CURRENT city as the second-to-last stop:
price_through_current_city = cheapest_prices_table[] + price
# If the price from the STARTING city to the ADJACENT city is
# the cheapest one we've found so far...
if !cheapest_prices_table[] || price_through_current_city < cheapest_prices_table[]
# ... we update our two tables:
cheapest_prices_table[] = price_through_current_city
cheapest_previous_stopover_city_table[] =
# We visit our next unvisited city. We choose the one that is cheapest
# to get to from the STARTING city:
current_city = unvisited_cities.min do |city|
shortest_path = []
current_city_name =
while current_city_name !=
shortest_path << current_city_name
current_city_name = cheapest_previous_stopover_city_table[current_city_name]
shortest_path <<
return shortest_path.reverse
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