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Last active August 16, 2022 21:51
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class Commit {
$this | Add-Member -Name ShortHash -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {
return $this.Hash.Substring(0,8)
$this | Add-Member -Name BranchLocalName -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {
return $this.BranchName.Substring(7) #remove origin/
[void]Archive() {
git tag archive/$this.BranchLocalName $this.BranchLocalName
git push origin archive/$this.BranchLocalName
[void]DeleteOrigin() {
# git branch -D $this.BranchName
[void]DeleteLocal() {
# git branch -D $this.BranchLocalName
function Get-Branches {
param (
if ($merged) { $opt = "--merged" }
else { $opt = "--no-merged" }
$sep = ";;"
[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()
$branchFormat = "%(authordate:iso8601-strict) $sep %(objectname) $sep %(authorname) $sep %(authordate:relative) $sep %(authoremail:trim) $sep %(refname:short) $sep %(contents:subject)"
$branches = git branch --format="$branchFormat" -r $opt
$output = @()
foreach( $branch in $branches ) {
$out = $branch.Split(" $sep ")
$commit = [Commit]::new()
$commit.Date = [DateTime]::Parse($out[0])
$commit.Hash = $out[1]
$commit.Author = $out[2]
$commit.DateRelative = $out[3]
$commit.Email = $out[4]
$commit.BranchName = $out[5]
$commit.Subject = $out[6]
if ($commit.BranchName -eq "origin/HEAD") {
$headHash = $commit.Hash
if ($commit.Hash -eq $headHash) {
$commit.IsHead = $true
if ($commit.BranchName -ne "origin/HEAD") {
$output += $commit
Write-Output $output
Write-Host "Merged"
Get-Branches -Merged | Format-Table
Write-Host "No merged"
Get-Branches | Format-Table
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