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Last active August 13, 2021 17:30
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[Add a title for the changes]

(adapted from



  • Team or individual: [name(s) here]
  • Document date: [ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format]
  • Relevant repositories: [fill in repos or PRs here]


Add a few sentences here that summarizes the changes.


Describe the expected output when this RFC gets accepted. For example:

  • Does the engineering team follow a new standard because of this RFC?
  • Will a specific group collaborate on work to build a new library or system?
  • Does this RFC serve as a description of a process change?

Be sure to include what initial output will be delivered within seven days of acceptance (can be small e.g. writing up planned work in a Jira epic).

4-part test for good output:

  1. dependent on RFC (if RFC does not get merged in, output does not exist)
  2. output includes a SMART goal (can be done within 7 days)
  3. output has clear expectations of who's taking action
  4. Meaningfully addresses the problem statement



  • Who should look at this document?
  • What teams does it impact (Product, Marketing, Legal/Compliance, Brokerage Operations, etc.)?


Add any architectural or flow diagrams that illustrate the changes. Lucidchart licenses are available upon request.


Add a longer description of the changes. Here are some things to consider while writing this section:

  • Why do we need these changes?
  • Define any new concepts
  • Is it necessary to migrate any data?
  • Estimate costs (both financial and developer time)
  • Describe any risks
  • What alternatives were considered?


A plan of how to implement a new architecture / feature app wide (if applicable)

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