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Last active May 16, 2020 09:29
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inner class Classify: ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy?, rotationDegrees: Int) {
// get bitmap from the camera finder view
val imgBitmap = rotateImage(viewFinder.bitmap,
val recognitions = imageClassifier!!.classifyImage(
imgBitmap, rotationDegrees)
runOnUiThread {
val empty = " "
textResult1!!.text = recognitions[0].title + empty +
String.format("%.2f%%", recognitions[0].confidence!! * 100.0f)
textResult2!!.text = recognitions[1].title + empty +
String.format("%.2f%%", recognitions[1].confidence!! * 100.0f)
textResult3!!.text = recognitions[2].title + empty+
String.format("%.2f%%", recognitions[2].confidence!! * 100.0f)
// rotate image to its original position
private fun rotateImage(source: Bitmap, angle: Float): Bitmap {
val matrix = Matrix()
return Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, source.width, source.height,
matrix, true)
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