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Last active December 15, 2015 17:49
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  • Save kongliangzhong/5298834 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kongliangzhong/5298834 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
##### github related #####
---- emacs gist ----
# What's new in 1.0 ?
gist.el now maintains a local cache so as to not go to the gist server every now and then.
multi-files gist support (indicated by a '+' in the gist list)
improved gist-list buffer, based on tabulated-list.el (same codebase as package.el) New keybindings:
g : reload the gist list from server
e : edit current gist description
k : delete current gist
+ : add a file to the current gist
- : remove a file from the current gist
in-place edition. While viewing a gist file buffer, you can:
C-x C-s : save a new version of the gist
C-x C-w : rename some file
dired integration. From a dired buffer, you can:
@ : make a gist out of marked files (with a prefix, make it private)
---- git with github ----
## first time init:
1) sudo apt-get install git-core git-doc git-gui
2) ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "xxxxx..."
3) git config --global "xxx"
4) git config --global "xxx@xxx"
5) git config --global github.user "xxx"
6) git config --global github.token "############"
7) git init
8) git add .
9) git commit
10) git remote add <name><repo-name>.git
11) git push -u <name> master
## pull a repository from git to local directory:
1) mkdir proj-name
2) cd proj-name
3) git init
4) git pull
## after init, update files:
0. git add ***
1. git commit -a
2. git push
########## GIT ###########
-- git branch and merging:
--> git branch: list branches.
--> git branch name : create new branch.
--> git checkout branchName: switch to branch.
--> git checkout -b newBranchName: create branch and switch to it.
--> git merge branchName: merge branch.
--> git branch -d branchName: delete branch.
-- git fetch , commit, push:
--> git pull --rebase origin master
--> git fetch origin master
--> git fetch && rebase origin/remote-branch-name
-- merge multiple commits as one:
--> git rebase -i origin/master
-- discade local changes:
answer 1. git stash save --keep-index
answer 2. git checkout -- .
answer 3. git clean -df & git checkout .
-- discade local commit:
1. if you don't want to keep the changes: git reset --hard HEAD~1
(same as: git reset --hard HEAD^)
this will change files to perior state.
2. cancel last local commit: git reset --soft HEAD~1
same as git reset HEAD~1
-- restoring lost commit:
if you did git reset --hard HEAD~1 and you want to restore it:
step1: git fsck --lost-found
step2: git reflog
step3: git merge b4b8f31 // last is the sha1 of commit shown by reflog
-- reslove: Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files:
--> step1: git fetch origin
--> step2: git reset --hard origin/master
-- commit specific commit:
step1: use git rebase -i to re-orgnize commit.
step2: git push <remote> <commit-sha>:<remote-branch>, will push all the commit before this commit.
e.g. git push origin 2a770c125abfb4eb26a86ebd342dcc00533f3420:refs/for/master
-- add external difftool meld to git:
git config --global diff.tool meld
### GitLab ###
1) default install path on ubuntu: /var/opt/gitlab
2) install gitlab on ubuntu12.04:
Download the Omnibus package and install everything:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo apt-get install postfix # Select 'Internet Site', using sendmail instead also works, exim has problems
sudo dpkg -i
Configure and start GitLab:
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Browse to the hostname and login:
Username: root
Password: 5iveL!fe
For troubleshooting and configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme
3) start and stop gitlab service:
sudo gitlab-ctl start/stop
4) migrate note(from old git repository to gitlab):
a) clone the old repo onto a dev machine: git clone --mirror
b) create a blank repo on the new gitlab. add user access to the repo.
c) add the new repo as a remote on the dev machine: cd myrepo.git; git remote add newRepo
d) push everything back to the new repo: git push --mirror newRepo
### openoffice libreoffice calc
## combine two columns formula: =A1&"="&B1 // A and B is the column name.
### install jboss-7.1 on ubuntu 13.04 ###
1) download jboss:
2) unzip:
sudo unzip -d /usr/share/
3) for security reasons, create a new user to run jboss:
sudo adduser jboss
4) sudo chown -fR jboss.jboss /usr/share/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/
5) su - jboss
6) add management user:
cd /usr/share/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/bin
### jenkins on ubuntu ###
1) install
2) stop/restart: sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins stop/restart
### deploy with glu ###
1) prepare: publish war/jar on nexus.
### linkedin glu 5.5.3 ###
## set up without https:
1) cd /tmp/glu
2) keys setup: def keys = null // use http, not https.
3) prepare meta model file.
4) generate distributions:
$GLU_HOME -D -o ./dists ./glu-meta-model.json.groovy
5) setup distributions. use scipts in dists/bin/
config scp credentials first: ssh-copy-id user@host
glu error 1001. connection error.
## setup with keys in tutorial:
1) rm -rf /tmp/glu/* ; cd /tmp/glu
2) generate distributions: // use keys in tutorial. or you can generate your own keys.
$GLU_HOME/bin/ -D --keys-root $GLU_HOME/models/tutorial/keys -o ./dists ./glu-meta-model.json.groovy
3) start zookeeper on each host: cssh host1 host2 ...
./org.linkedin.zookeeper.../bin/ start
4) config zookeeper:
cd /tmp/glu
$GLU_HOME/bin/ -Z -o ./dists ./glu-meta-model.json.groovy
5) start agent in each host: cssh ... ; cd ~/glu; ./bin/ start
6) test setup so far:
/<path to outputFolder>/agent-cli/org.linkedin.glu.agent-cli-<version>/bin/ -s https://<agent host>:12906/ -m /
7) start console:
### errors handle:
1) 1001: communication error: check all your /etc/hosts files. make sure all agent's computer name and ip are configured in each agent host's /etc/hosts file..
## install glu with generated keys:
1) generate keys: $GLU_HOME/bin/ -K
then copy output keys def to meta-model.
2) create meta-model file.
3) generate distributions:
$GLU_HOME/bin/ -o ./dist -D <path-to-meta-model-file>
4) install distributions to each agent:
config scp credentials with: ssh-copy-id user@host
use dists/bin/ to transfer distributions to each host.
5) start zookeeper on each agent:
<path-glu-install>/<zookeeper-dir>/bin/ start
6) configuring zookeeper cluster:
$GLU_HOME/bin/ -o ./dists -Z <path-to-meta-model-file>
7) start glu agents on each agent-host:
8) test setup so for:
<agent-cli>/bin/ -s https://<agent-host>/:12906 -m /
9) start the console, and login. default user/password: admin/admin
1) connect to zookeeper use
1) manage multi ssh keys in .ssh:
specify ssh identity file in .ssh/config file. for example:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/upsmart_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
###### PKI/SSL ######
## create openssl keys:
1) mkdir -p pki/keys; cd pki/keys
2) openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -out ca.csr -keyout ca.key
3) openssl x509 -trustout -signkey ca.key -days 1825 -req -in ca.csr -out ca.pem
4) echo "02" >
## Create a server certificate and keystore:
1) keytool -genkey -dname "cn=zhongkl" -alias emo -keyalg RSA -keystore $EMO_DIR/emokeystore -keypass 123456 -storepass 123456
2) keytool -import -keystore $EMO_DIR/emokeystore -file ca.pem -alias selfca
3) config tomcat to support ssl:
<Connector port="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
startup tomcat, and https should work fine.
## Set Up Client Authentication:
change tomcat conf/server.xml: clientAuth="true"
restart tomcat. https not work. that is fine.
1) openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -out client1.req -keyout client1.key -subj '/C=US/ST=California/CN=emoclient/'
2) openssl x509 -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -CAserial -req -in client1.req -out client1.pem
3) openssl pkcs12 -export -in client1.pem -inkey client1.key -out client1.p12 -name "Sample Client Cert"
4) copy file client1.p12 to client, and import to browser.
now tomcat start page in SSL should work fine.
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