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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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### Docker ###
1) hello world:
sudo docker run ubuntu:14.04 /bin/echo "hello, world!"
2) interactive:
sudo docker run -t -i ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
3) daemonized hello world:
sudo docker run -d ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
this will return a container id.
a). sudo docker ps -l : list running containers. with name asigned.
b). sudo docker logs container_name: show output of daemonized container.
c). sudo docker stop container_name: stop daemonized container.
4) running a webapp in docker:
sudo docker run -d -P training/webapp python
training/webapp is a pre-buildin image. will pulled from remote repository automatically if not found in local place.
a) port binding: sudo docker port container_name [port_in_docker]
b) show log continuously: sudo docker logs -f contianer_name
c) look at container's process id: sudo docker top container_name
d) inspect container: sudo docker inspect container_name
e) stop and restart container: sudo docker stop/start container_name
f) remove container: sudo docker rm container_name
5) docker images:
a) search image from repository(default Docker Hub): sudo docker search centos
### STORM ###
1) deploy a storm cluster on multi machines:
a). setup a zookeeper cluster.
b). start nimbus on master: bin/storm nimbus
c). start supervisor on each worker machine: bin/storm supervisor
d). start ui: bin/storm ui
1) clustered setup:
a) config zookeeper: the default config file is at conf/zoo.cfg,
modify zoo.cfg, and add myid file under data path:
server.n = host:port1:port2
content of file myid: n
conf file sample:
b) start zookeeper on each machine: bin/ start
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