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Created November 16, 2020 05:25
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var px = 50; // Position x and y
var py = 50;
var vx = 0.0; // Velocity x and y
var vy = 0.0;
var updateRate = 1/60; // Sensor refresh rate
function getAccel(){
DeviceMotionEvent.requestPermission().then(response => {
if (response == 'granted') {
// Add a listener to get smartphone orientation
// in the alpha-beta-gamma axes (units in degrees)
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation',(event) => {
// Expose each orientation angle in a more readable way
rotation_degrees = event.alpha;
frontToBack_degrees = event.beta;
leftToRight_degrees = event.gamma;
// Update velocity according to how tilted the phone is
// Since phones are narrower than they are long, double the increase to the x velocity
vx = vx + leftToRight_degrees * updateRate*2;
vy = vy + frontToBack_degrees * updateRate;
// Update position and clip it to bounds
px = px + vx*.5;
if (px > 98 || px < 0){
px = Math.max(0, Math.min(98, px)) // Clip px between 0-98
vx = 0;
py = py + vy*.5;
if (py > 98 || py < 0){
py = Math.max(0, Math.min(98, py)) // Clip py between 0-98
vy = 0;
dot = document.getElementsByClassName("indicatorDot")[0]
dot.setAttribute('style', "left:" + (px) + "%;" +
"top:" + (py) + "%;");
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