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Last active November 26, 2023 14:47
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import pandas as pd
import os
import re
# We are loading in a data export from Fitbit.
allExports = "raw/"
curExport = [allExports+x for x in os.listdir(allExports) if os.path.isdir(allExports+x)][0]
curExport = curExport + "/" + [x for x in os.listdir(curExport) if os.path.isdir(curExport+"/"+x)][0]
print(f"Data export we're converting is \n\t{curExport}")
# In the export, there are a bunch of directories. we are interested in ones that have jsons or csvs in them. They will have common prefixes
curExportDirs = [curExport+"/"+x for x in os.listdir(curExport) if os.path.isdir(curExport+"/"+x)]
# check how many jsons or csvs in each dir
print(f"Number of jsons or csvs in each dir:")
numFiles = [len([x for x in os.listdir(y) if x.endswith(".json") or x.endswith(".csv")]) for y in curExportDirs]
for i in range(len(numFiles)):
print(f"\t{curExportDirs[i].split('/')[-1]}: {numFiles[i]}")
alljscsv = [[x for x in os.listdir(y) if x.endswith(".json") or x.endswith(".csv")] for y in curExportDirs]
# There are many naming formats in the data export
# If a file has a space, we will split it on the space and the first part will be the name of the converted data file, e.g. "Daily Heart Rate Variability Summary - 2021-11-18.csv"
# if no space, then we split before the first number, e.g. "time_in_heart_rate_zones-2021-10-07.json"
def fnameSplitter(fname):
if " " in fname:
out = fname.split(" - ")
return out[0].strip(), out[1].split(".")[0].strip()
elif "-" in fname:
sp = "(\D*)(.*)"
tmp =, fname).groups()
return tmp[0][:-1].strip(), tmp[1].split(".")[0].strip()
raise Exception("No space or dash in filename, defaulting to no split")
return [fname.rsplit(".",1)[0]]
# For each data export type in curExportDirs (Nutrition, Sleep, Other, etc.), we load all the JSONs and CSVs into a dict shaped like this
# d = {
# [
# "Nutrition_food_logs": ['food_logs-500.json', 'food_logs-400.json', ...],
# "Nutrition_water_logs": ['water_logs-500.json', 'water_logs-400.json', ...],
# ],
# [
# "Stress_Stress Score": ["Stress Score.csv"],
# ]
# ...
# }
ldict = []
for i,eType in enumerate(curExportDirs):
eTypeName = eType.split("/")[-1]
d = dict()
for jscsv in alljscsv[i]:
fname = fnameSplitter(jscsv)
if len(fname) == 1: # Single data file, no numbers
d[eTypeName + "_" + fname[0]] = [jscsv]
elif len(fname) == 2: # Multiple data files, numbered / dated
f1, f2 = fname
kee = eTypeName + "_" + f1
if kee not in d:
d[kee] = []
print("ERROR: ", fname)
# sanity check, print key and length, sorted by length
tmp = [len(d) for d in ldict]
tmp = sorted(zip([x.split("/")[-1] for x in curExportDirs], tmp), key=lambda x: x[1])
print("Unique data types in each subdir")
for k in tmp:
# Dict has all data files, categorized by name. Import each one and save it as a csv in cooked/
# nots/ is for files that don't have a timestamp column
os.makedirs("cooked/nots", exist_ok=True)
tsColNames = ["timestamp", "logDate", "dateTime", 'originalStartTime', "DATE", "startTime", "sleep_start", "recorded_time"]
for i,d in enumerate(ldict):
for k in d.keys():
# Load all the files into a list of dataframes
acc = []
for fname in d[k]:
if fname.endswith(".csv"):
tmpdf = pd.read_csv(curExportDirs[i] + "/" + fname)
elif fname.endswith(".json"):
tmpdf = pd.read_json(curExportDirs[i] + "/" + fname)
# Concatenate all the dataframes into one
df = pd.concat(acc)
# If there is a timestamp column, parse it and sort by it
if any([x in df.columns for x in tsColNames]):
tsCol = [x for x in tsColNames if x in df.columns][0]
df[tsCol] = pd.to_datetime(df[tsCol])
df[tsCol] = pd.to_datetime(df[tsCol], format="mixed")
df.sort_values(by=tsCol, inplace=True)
# Save the dataframe as a CSV
df.to_csv("cooked/" + k + ".csv")
print(f"\tSaved {k}.csv")
df.to_csv("cooked/nots/" + k + ".csv")
print(f"\tSaved not/{k}.csv")
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