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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Y combinator in ObjC
/* This is an exercise, basically. See
for why you might care, or for the
same in Swift.
#define Y(Domain,Range) ({ \
typedef Range(^DtoR)(Domain); \
^(DtoR (^almost)(DtoR)){ \
typedef id (^IdToId)(id); \
return (DtoR) (^(IdToId next){ /* the real type of next is DtoR(^)(typeof(next)). It's a recursive definition, so we just make it IdToId to keep the compiler happy.*/ \
return (id)^(Domain args){ \
return (Range) almost(next(next))(args); \
}; \
}(^(IdToId next){ \
return (id)^(Domain args){ \
return (Range) almost(next(next))(args); \
}; \
})); \
}; \
typedef int (^IntToInt)(int);
IntToInt factorial = Y(int,int)(^(IntToInt recur){
return ^(int n){
switch (n) {
case 0: return 1;
default: return n*recur(n-1);
printf("%d\n", factorial(5));
typedef int (^CharsToInt)(char *str);
CharsToInt maxIntInString = Y(char*,int)(^(CharsToInt recur){
return ^(char *str) {
if (*str == '\0') {
return 0;
} else {
return MAX(*str - '0', recur(str+1));
printf("%d\n", maxIntInString("0523562"));
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