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Created December 18, 2013 03:20
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="description" content="ISEE Math Challenge Generator" />
<meta charset=utf-8 />
/* Mini App for generating */
{ /* Minor syntactic sugar */
function extend( o , extension )
for( key in extension )
o[key] = extension[key];
return o;
Math.range = function( from , to )
return Math.floor( ( Math.random() * to ) + from );
var model =
title : 'ISEE Preparation App',
student : 'Anonymous',
scores : {},
test : {},
tests :
'Exponents' :
generate : function( options)
var base = Math.range(0,11), exponent = Math.range(0,3);
return { question : 'What is ' + base + ' <sup>' + exponent + '</sup>?' ,
answer : Math.pow( base, exponent ) };
addResult : function( name, correctAnswer )
this.scores[name] = this.scores[name] || { count : 0 , correct : 0 };
if( correctAnswer )
getScore : function( testName )
return this.scores[name] || { count : 0 , correct : 0 };
getScores : function()
return Object.keys( this.tests ).map( function( testName )
return extend( model.getScore( testName ) , { name : testName } );
storeResults : function()
var data = { student : , scores : model.scores };
localStorage[] = JSON.stringify( data );
loadStudent : function()
{ //Paranoid much? Yes..
var blank = { student : 'Anonymous', scores : {} };
var data = JSON.parse( localStorage[model.student] || '""' ) || blank;
model.student = data.student || 'Anonymous';
model.scores = data.scores || {};
var view =
setStyles : function()
var style = document.createElement( 'style' ),
underline = 'text-decoration:underline;',
linkCursor = 'cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;',
tableBorder = 'border: 1px solid black;';
document.head.appendChild( style );
style.sheet.addRule( 'table' , 'border-collapse:collapse;' );
style.sheet.addRule( 'td' , tableBorder + "padding-left:10px;" );
style.sheet.addRule( 'th' , tableBorder + 'width:120px' );
style.sheet.addRule( '.action' , underline + linkCursor + 'color: CornflowerBlue;' );
setTitle : function( s )
document.title = s;
return this;
clear : function()
document.body.innerHTML = "";
return this;
showScores : function( scores )
{ //Minor hack, html building
var s = '<table>' +
'<tr><th>Test name</th><th>Tests Taken</th><th>Tests Passed</th><th></th></tr>' + function(score)
return '<tr>' +
'<td>' + + '</td>' +
'<td>' + score.count + '</td>' +
'<td>' + score.correct + '</td>' +
'<td><span class="action" id="' + + '">Test</span></td>' +
} ).join('\n') +
//console.log( s );
document.body.innerHTML += s;
return this;
showStudent : function( name )
document.body.innerHTML += ( '<div><b>Student: <b>' + name + '</div><br>' );
return this;
var controller =
init : function()
view.setTitle( model.title );
view.showStudent( model.student );
view.showScores( model.getScores() );
return this;
wireTestLinks : function()
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(".action") , i, e;
for( i = 0 ; i < elements.length ; i++ )
e = elements[i];
console.log( e , ' is wired' );
e.addEventListener( "click", this.onTestClick );
onTestClick : function(e)
//console.log( e , this , );
model.test = extend( model.tests[ ].generate() , { name : } );
console.log( model.test );
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